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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2462252 No.2462252 [Reply] [Original]

greetings from /a/

>> No.2462259

Not fat enough.

>> No.2462261
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You are not allowed to stay unless you can confirm or deny your capability to kill Servants in red

>> No.2462265
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What are you doing here? Go back to your EPIC LULZ and naruto faggotry.

>> No.2462272

I like Cirno...

>> No.2462280

atai atai atai atai atai atai OH FUCK IT'S NOT STOPING

>> No.2462295

I hate K-ON! Please, don't bring it in here /a/.

>> No.2462330

You're thinking of Daytime /a/.

>> No.2462337


Because it's popular?


There is no difference anymore.

>> No.2462339

>Implying that there's anything else than "daytime /a/".

You're thinking of mid-2007 /a/.

>> No.2462342

I dunno, I just clicked on /a/ and almost the entire page seems to be about the shittiest series.

>> No.2462349

Nightshift /a/ has been moved to early morning /a/.

>> No.2462350


Because it's shit and meant to appeal to the kind of hurfderfs in /a/.

>> No.2462366

>Nightshift /a/ has been moved to /jp/ and has since dissapeared completely.


>> No.2462369

/a/ is decent at 4 or 5 in the morning.

>> No.2462370

You can't even spell. Get out of /jp/.

>> No.2462372

I hate it because it sucks? I don't care whether something is popular or not.

>> No.2462381

What time zone? I'm PST and even back when I browsed /a/ 4-5 am was when it started to turn to shit, probably because of East Coast fags waking up.

>> No.2462384

Is K-On going to be the next Geass/Lucky Star/Toradora?

>> No.2462400


Why are you such a child?

>> No.2462401

Board time. Also, not on weekends, on weekends it's shit 24 hours a day. If you're lucky you can catch /a/ around early morning before all the 15 year olds wake up and make their K-ON threads or whatever other flavor of the month.

>> No.2462402

Yea, except, if you can believe it, it's worse than all those shows.

>> No.2462412


It's only been 3 episodes... I'm sure you've made up your mind before you even watched it (if you indeed did watch it). Drop the silly prejudices,

>> No.2462415

/a/ is just a bunch of children trying to force a show into becoming the new flavor of the month. Toradora, K-ON, whatever, they're all just forced shit.

>> No.2462419

Only as trolling material. Like the aforementioned shit.

>> No.2462422

K-ON isn't really that bad. It's just not good.

>> No.2462424

And what exactly would you say are redeeming qualities about this show? Or the manga for that matter?

>> No.2462430


I enjoyed Toradora a lot. It started out BAD but captured me in the end.

I don't know if I'll give K-On the benefit of the doubt though. I like moe girls and music a lot, which is why Miku is my waifu, but that's all there is in this show. It's boring. I'm much better just leeching fanart off danbooru or whatever.

>> No.2462438

I'm the opposite with Toradora, I enjoyed it at the beginning but I got more tired of it as it went on. The drama just didn't do it for me.

>> No.2462437

K-ON is actually a decent show. The problem is that it's been chosen as the next target of opportunity by retards and trolls. So now you get threads like "OMG I CANT BELIEV WHAT HAPPEND THIS EP", "K-ON sucks, gtfo moefags!", "K-ON is the anime of the year!" etc.

>> No.2462440

Animation, characters, pacing.

>> No.2462443

I hate k-on because there's not even a drop of imagination or creativity in the thing. They just opened up a copy of Making Anime Popular For Dummies and took the most common stereotypes (the kindhearted but airheaded main character, teh Rei, the bitchy oujosama with the big forehead, and the tall blonde character with the 100% Japanese name) and gave them instruments. Now all the mouthbreathers fap to Mio's tiny hat. Hooray.

>> No.2462445

K-ON is basically the new Lucky Star, what with all the "insetcharacterhere is my waifu!" "K-ON appreciation thread!" etc and general trolling.

>> No.2462447

/a/, /a/, go away.

>> No.2462450

The funny thing is that Lucky Star > Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

>> No.2462452

It's incredibly obvious and pathetic how much K-ON is pandering to moefag otakus, yet people will eat it up regardless. KyoAni must be swimming in cash.

>> No.2462453
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>> No.2462455

I find the characters to be completely boring and recycled moe characters, and then the show isn't even funny at all when its supposed to be partly a comedy.

>> No.2462456


>"insetcharacterhere is my waifu!" "X appreciation thread!" etc and general trolling

It's like I'm really in /jp/!

>> No.2462458

What has that got to do with anything?

>> No.2462461


What does this have to do with /jp/?

Eh? EH?

>> No.2462467

The difference is that when Lucky Star shitstorm started, it did so because at least some people were just genuinely dissapointed with the show. Now it's just trolls trolling for the sake of trolling who latched onto their next target months before it was even broadcasted.

>> No.2462468

You forgot the daily "Japanese bird eating spaghetti" and "x can kill y, discuss".

>> No.2462464

You aren't here all day long huh.

>> No.2462463

The animation in the show is godawful. Sausage fingers and flat colors. Shit from the 1990s looked better. And the OP/ED don't count, they always look nice.

>> No.2462477

And the sad thing is that this will never end. Code Geass fucked it up. Once K-ON ends they'll find a new show, then a new show, etc.

>> No.2462481

Well half of them force themselves to love it and the other half force themselves to hate it. Only then can the board be filled with spamming and trolling.

K-On is pretty mediocre slice-of-life but I'm following it just because there isn't much comedy this season. It doesn't really deserve the praise or the hate, /a/ is just filled with idiots who can't think for themselves.

>> No.2462482

Learn to sage, baaaka.

>> No.2462490

I don't think so. As I recall the rage over Lucky Star started way in advance of the first episode airing, mostly fueled by anti-KyoAni hate from people tired of Haruhi-spam.
I don't like Lucky Star either, but I never posted in those threads.

>> No.2462491

only reason K-ON is popular is because of KyoAni

>> No.2462493

"Are you frustrated?" as well.

But all of this pales in comparison to the bastard spawn of /a/ and /b/: GIRUGAMESH.

>> No.2462502


Joke's on you. K-ON! isn't slice-of-life because shit actually happens (plot progression and whatnot) sort of like Manabi Straight.

Also, who gives a shit what you're following and why?


That's right. Nobody.

>> No.2462505

I don't even go to /a/ anymore. If I make a thread about a certain anime or manga it will get about 4 posts and then fall to page 10, while tripfag, troll, and Naruto threads hit 200 posts.

>> No.2462521


Yeah, but Minabi Straight had lolis.

>> No.2462525

The only thing I liked a bit this season was asura cryin'

>> No.2462527

But, Minabi Straight was terrible too.

>> No.2462553

I don't know, you apparently cared enough to respond.

Yeah me neither. When this season started I went there few times and that was enough to convince me that it's gotten far worse.

>> No.2462576

>isn't slice-of-life because shit actually happens (plot progression and whatnot)

There's plot progression in all good slice-of-life. Hell, in all slice-of-life, really. It's called continuity. Something is slice-of-life not because it has no plot, but because of the presentation (concentrating on small, mundane events rather than the most dramatic ones).

You won't tell me Azumanga didn't have plot progression, for example.
