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2460379 No.2460379 [Reply] [Original]

South-Korea fears China more than anything, and so does Japan. The Koreans and Japanese are now allies, fearing the same rising enemy, China.

China has recently been trespassing Japanese and Korean waters. They're flexing muscles, and their growing military capabilities is the reason why the Americans are cooperating with the Koreans and Japanese on making new weapons.

Read more here:


>> No.2460411

Don't make us come over there and rape you again, China.

>> No.2460416


>> No.2460424

/jp/ - news/general

>> No.2460427

Whoever wins, we all lose.

>> No.2460431

Yes, I know, because I am the fucking moderator stupid.

>> No.2460448

If you are not bullshitting I support this. /jp/ needs more japan related discussion.

I think china is too aware of their situation. They know the US needs their cheap labor and has a currency that relies on China's trust. They are taking that as a free pass to say fuck you to the world. They are helping out NK and telling Japan and Korea to fuck themselves. Shit is going bad and I hope china can back it up. Yeah they have numbers but wars aren't fought in pure numbers anymore. Hopefully America has been making some cool fucking weapons because shit is going to hit the fan soon.

Where in the world could someone go if they didn't want to take part in WWIII?

>> No.2460459

canada or south america

>> No.2460470

China would lose horribly in a conventional Air and Naval battle.

>> No.2460481

So does China's military go for quantity over quality?

>> No.2460482

>Korea VS. Japan VS. China
Japan owns China again, and then loses to Korea exploiting their one weakness (nukes).

>> No.2460487

They're chinese. What else can they do?

>> No.2460493

Korea VS. Japan VS. China

Impossibility. China attacking Japan and Korea means attacking the U.S. forces in Korea and Japan, which is suicidal.

>> No.2460497

With the quality of the shit they send us, I'm going to have to say quality. Odds are they all die from lead poisoning in their guns or poisoned rations. If China had a normal population, nobody would give a shit about them.

This. I'm sure the US has been itching to use all of those expensive air planes we have been building over the years. Its time to prove we are still the best.

>> No.2460503

The US should place troops in every country that way if anyone attacks it we can play the victim and destroy them.

>> No.2460510

Except there's legitimate reasons for US troops in Japan and Korea.

>> No.2460515

Well at least we can have a "purposeful" war with NK or China if they ever attack the two.
Plus as a bonus they have a real army we can fight instead of this insurgency shit. In and out no doubt.

>> No.2460523

No chance in hell. China as a military power surpassed Japan a few years ago. Japan would lose terribly in a war against China, with no US or Korean aid.

>> No.2460531

US can't allow that to happen. Who would supply us with time wasters like anime and RPG and touhou and meltan? I sure as hell am not about to start playing western RPG.

>> No.2460537

China surpassed a country that isn't allowed to have a military in military superiority only a few years ago?

>> No.2460549

Been to the place in op's pic(Joint Security Area) inside the DMZ. Eeriest place on the planet. One-way mirrors/windows EVERYWHERE.

>> No.2460556

that's what Rome did to have an excuse to attack Hannibal.
It's official, the U.S. is the new Rome.

>> No.2460565

>No US aid
You know why Japan has a "self-defense force" and not a real military, right? RIGHT?

>> No.2460585

the US is japans military

>> No.2460588

Japan has a military, changing the name to defense forces won't change anything about that. Japan is probably the strongest military power in Asia after China and Israel.

>> No.2460595

Doesn't Japan still have the 2nd largest operational nuclear sub fleet?
That would make things kind of hard for China if Japan had 2nd strike capabilities.
Also wouldn't the U.S. retaliate since they have a big ass military bases in Japan?

>> No.2460599
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>> No.2460626


#1: China
#2: United States
#5: North Korea (brother from another mother)
#6: South Korea (Soul)
#21: Japan

>> No.2460628

Japan doesn't have nuclear anything. Besides reactors that is.

>> No.2460657

>quantity tops quality.

>> No.2460665

Didn't you watch 300 faggot? It doesn't matter how big your army is if they suck shit.

>> No.2460674

My bad, just 2nd largest fleet, not nuclear.
I get it mixed up because they do have nuclear power and reactors.
Either way the USS George Washington is in Yokosuka at the very least.

>> No.2460676

>Using 300 to make an argument

>> No.2460692


Protip: the 300 men still got raped.

>> No.2460696

Yes, because simply having people that fight better means you can exclude tactics and logistics.

>> No.2460701

Where the fuck is all that money in America's military going? Do they spend it all on gas and nukes?

>> No.2460704

The events really happened.
The 300 was like a small troop. China has an army double our size, not hundreds of times our size. Plus our skill and military power is much greater than theirs.

>> No.2460706

1 Billion Asian Zerg Rush > 300,000 American M&Ms

>> No.2460708

They go for quality, not quantity.
And by quality I mean Lockheed-Martin Jets that each cost billions to make and maintain.

>> No.2460710

Except China's army isn't a zerg rush. After Desert Storm, they restricted their military into a more modern system.

They turn down thousands of people everyday because their army is large enough as it is. You can't just walk into and join like almost every other country. You practically have to make it your career.

And before someone mentions it, yes, there is a law in China that says young men have to serve in the military, but that law is pretty much ignored (although people are encouraged to attempt joining).

>> No.2460716

Building that secret missile defense force field we don't know about yet. Everyone will shit bricks when the first idiot tries to hit us only to have it disintegrate mid flight.

>> No.2460717


It may be fiction but it's historical fiction. The Spartans did sent a detachment that was dwarfed in size compared to the Persian attackers. 300 was the rear guard, however, not the size of the initial force they actually sent.

The rest of the deal regarding the Spartans' use of terrain and superior training, as well as the betrayal that led to their defeat (although history isn't clear on who exactly gave away the weakness of their position), are all quite accurate.

I'm not sure about China's tech but their intelligence gathering capabilities, particular with regard to the internet, are pretty threatening to the US. The main reasons are because of the difference in laws regarding investigation. Where the US has difficulties investigating intrusions due to laws that forbid certain organizations from spying on their own people, China has no such restrictions, allowing their networks to be virtually airtight while the networks of the US are vulnerable to intrusions from within. Foreign nationals can intrude on civilian networks and ride those networks into US government networks, creating legal difficulties in hunting them down and stopping the intrusions.

Information being as important in warfare as it is, this puts the US in a pretty bad situation with regards to possible conflict with China.

>> No.2460719

Well they can't support an active military that large, their infrastructure can barely handle the amount of people as it is.
They would do a draft if they actually did all out war, and then we'd be be zerged rushed.

>> No.2460722

Also adding to this Anon's post:


>>12285000 troops
Wow, just realized iran has a shit ton of soldiers.

>> No.2460723

Chinese Hackers + US Military based on Technology = pwned.

>> No.2460726

lol I live 20 minutes from that place. I get to witness our money sink hole first hand.

>> No.2460737

Excuse me, this anon. Disrespectful eleven filth.

>> No.2460738

Not when we have the Coreans on our side. Those people are mentally infused into technology.

>> No.2460741

You aren't a mod. You are already breaking a rule by saying you are a mod and there are some threads that the mod/janitor alway delete on the frontpage that aren't deleted.

>> No.2460745

JANITORS cannot say who they are. Mods do whatever the fuck they want. Stop trying to quote things you saw on the panel video.

>> No.2460749
File: 12 KB, 200x160, supahacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that China would have any sort of field hacker that could LOL STOP TECHNOLOGY BASED TANKS AND GUNS. Any computer warfare would probably be based on ruining GPS systems, scrambling targeting data, and overall messing with communications.

>> No.2460755

Besides I have a feeling we prepare soldiers for doing things the old fashioned way. Not sure about piloting a fighter jet blind but who knows what they train them for.

>> No.2460763

America: We must protect our moe!
Korea: We must protect our Starcraft!
Japan: We must protect our animators!

An unbreakable circle, a perfect alliance.

>> No.2460766

Unless someone claiming to be a moderator posts as Anonymous ##Mod, they're not a moderator. >>2460431 wants to prove that he's a mod? Then he can post as one. Oh, wait, he can't?
>Impersonating the 4chan administrator, moderators, or janitors is strictly forbidden.

>> No.2460786

What does he have to prove to you?

>> No.2460787

this is pretty laid back, for a shitstorm

>> No.2460789

If he already responded multiple times, using his capcode once should be no big deal.

>> No.2460795

China depends on the west too much to do anything and vice versa.

The only people that should be fearing China at the moment are the Taiwanese....and Uighurs or whatever the fuck they're called.

>> No.2460806

okay I actually read that article

>Five Chinese vessels crowded around the U.S. ship. Crew members hurled chunks of wood into the Impeccable's path and used poles to try to snare its acoustic equipment. When U.S. sailors turned a fire hose on their assailants, the sodden Chinese crew aboard one of the vessels stripped to their underwear and closed to within 25 feet, the Pentagon said.

>>When U.S. surveillance ships visit the area in the future, says Su Hao, director of the Center for Strategic and Conflict Management at China Foreign Affairs University, "they'll be more cautious."


>> No.2460809
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This is pretty cute.

>> No.2460810

Taiwan's not a country. They're all on something.

>> No.2460818



>> No.2460820

an island.

>> No.2460823

The fuck?

>> No.2460832

The only people that should be fearing China at the moment are the poor bastards who live there.

>> No.2460843

>The Koreans and Japanese are now allies

I'd like to see that happen before anything.

>> No.2460848

Nothing is going to happen because the two big powers, the US and China, both have the "You lose" button- worldwide nuclear reach. Do note that it's not an "I win" button, and that the difference is important. Because of that, a hot war is very unlikely, leaving a good old Cold War. Say hello to another round of satellite states, proxy wars, resource grabs, and nationalistic dick-waving.

On the upside, the dick-waving will likely be done mostly in space, as the competition to build the biggest space base is the perfect venue to show off the size of your nation's development. Technological advancement and new frontiers, ahoy!

>> No.2460850

Japan has nothing to fear, they have Satsujinki!

>> No.2460856

>Ayn !ji3CXASUKA

Its like every fucking day their is another fucking tripfag.

Who are you suppose to be?

>> No.2460861


>> No.2460862

lol,big dick policy at work. "what they got bigger dicks?BOMB THEM!!"

>> No.2460865

nice try faggot

>> No.2460876


>> No.2460877

I would assume Ayn !ji3CXASUKA, judging by the name.

lol internet white knights

>> No.2460887

That is less likely to happen than war with China.

>> No.2460889

Why do people keep talking about nukes and nukes. Both having nukes just means neither will use them. If nukes made the enemy lose, the US would just have threatened to nuke the countries they've been in wars with recently. Not to mention the nukes can just blow up cities at worst, bases at best, and either way, the attacking forces are meanwhile out in the oceans en route to mop up whatever is left.

Besides that, given the way china's land and livability is, a war of nukes would make them lose first.

>> No.2460900

look at me

>> No.2460908
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>> No.2460912
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finally, a reason to use this screenshot

>> No.2460915
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>> No.2460925

I don't get it.

>> No.2460926
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>> No.2460927

I was about to joke saying that was Kana Minami.
Then I shat bricks.

>> No.2460929
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>> No.2460943

>Another round of satellite states, proxy wars, resource grabs, and nationalistic dick-waving.

Fuck that. I want to be on one of those artificial island-states out in international waters-- Nothing of value there, no need to take it over anyway.

>> No.2460952
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>> No.2460954

can't win unless you play, scrub

>> No.2460974

Win what? What more could I possibly want beyond a quiet existence away from the folly of man?
Not that it would save me from the fallout later...

>> No.2461045

I'm quite glad the people in charge have more knowledge about nukes than you do.

Nuclear bombs are scorched-earth, last resort weapons. The big explosion is effective, but nothing that a large enough conventional warhead can't do. What they can do is simultaneously wipe out a target and render the land unfit for any use, through radioactive byproducts, for centuries after being used. Cleaning up after using just one is a massive undertaking, cleaning up after the thousands that will get launched in a major war simply won't be possible.

The widespread contamination of land, water, and air on both sides means that whoever is still around to call themselves a "winner" has a mere fraction of the resources that they once had. That defeats the purpose of starting a war, and since neither side in this case is willing to start it, the war is not going to happen. That's the beauty and horror of nukes- they're so efficient and effective that once both sides have them in quantity, neither will willingly attack the other as their losses are guaranteed to outweigh their gains.

>> No.2461089

>copypasta, bs, no one can live in hiroshima ever again, etc

>> No.2461118

fat man and little boy were small time

check chernobyl for a more realistic ground level nuclear explosion aftermath

>> No.2461126

So, a few thousand strategic nukes are as easy to clean up as two tiny test bombs? Enlighten me as to how this is done, please.

>> No.2461135


>> No.2461136

a ground level fission explosion is the same as an air based fusion explosion, yes.

Also a nuclear war means all countries must launch everything they have with no regards for tactics or location

>> No.2461162

you can't hug with nuclear arms

>> No.2461169
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>Also a nuclear war means all countries must launch everything they have with no regards for tactics or location

Mutually Assured Destruction, yes. Not /jp/ related. Go away.

>> No.2462291


>> No.2463094

I love how people think the US could just take china right here right now. You fuckers can't even control Iraq and Afghanistan, you think you can tackle China and NK as well? Have fun being stretched thinly over the fucking globe.

>> No.2463134


Politics, and America destroyed Iraq's military in less then a month. At the time Iraq had the 3rd or 4th largest military.

>> No.2463157
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Only chinks are going to deny that China's military forces rely purely on size over quality. Their air force is one of the most outdated pieces of shit ever. Their naval forces are mediocre, and heavily outclassed in comparison to US counterparts. And their ground forces? LOL. SK and Japan are purely buffer zones for the USA. The tune of the coreans will change real fast towards the US if China actually starts looking threatening. And as soon as US forces are able to reinforce (as in not go on the OFFENSIVE fucktards>>2463094) both countries it just turns into China continually wasting troops in failed attack after failed attack. And before someone says what about nukes durr hurr? Then we all die. Also F-22 Raptor FTW.

>> No.2463165

Japan's Navy (which officially doesn't exist) is actually the best in Greater East Asia besides the US Navy. The Chinese wouldn't be able to get even remotely close to invading Japan or any such ridiculous scenario.

>> No.2463187

US ground forces are a joke, Navy and Air force are fucking awesome, but the army is shit house.

If the army ever have to do it alone (deep inland, enemy have sophisocated modern air defense), the guys on the ground would be pissing themselves with out their precious air support the fucking softies.

>> No.2463188
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>At the time Iraq had the 3rd or 4th largest military.

Iraq was on the brink of economic collapse due to excessive sanctions, do you think it had enough resource to put together anything other than a rag tag militia armed with obsolete equipment we gave them two decades ago?

>> No.2463190

>Iraq was on the brink of economic collapse due to excessive sanctions
Right, just like NK is.

>> No.2463195

those fights are ones where we're at a serious advantage militarily, and at a disadvantage politically. If we were free to do whatever we wanted to our conquered land, like in the REAL old days, we could control t hem. All we'd have to do is shoot suspected insurgents on sight etc... and they'd all get in line, begging for our favor. Not saying I agree with that, only that it's possible, and has been done historically.

Now, in a fully escalated, total war with china, we would most likely win. We would take out their troops and infrastructure with little risk to american servicemen, hell, we'd probably nuke their cities and decimate their population (again, I don't agree with this course of action, I'm only saying that it's what we could do). We would totally win, because china does not have all the crazy shit we do yet.

Now, in real life, any war we have with china will probably be limited, with both sides holding back to avoid the things I talked about above. China knows they'd be decimated, and the US knows that they would never be able to relax again after doing that, drawing the ire and fear of every nation on earth. We'd probably only be able to get other nations to trade with us through threats. Maybe that's all it'd take... but it's still nothing that anyone in charge, as idiotic as they are, would want.

>> No.2463201

>hell, we'd probably nuke their cities and decimate their population

Won't that go both ways, seen as China is you know, one of the nuclear powers

>> No.2463207

Yeah, except the 300 were reinforced by like 1200 greeks from another city-state (I forget which one...). The 300 were only popular because it made a good story.

>> No.2463210

I seriously doubt they have any delivery system that we can't intercept.

>> No.2463214

USA can't do it in Iraq, what makes you think they can do it in China? And as soon as they start tossing around nukes the other side does too and the rest of the world gets fucking pissed off. Doesn't matter who wins, the rest of the world will hate them for using nukes.

>> No.2463224

I actually said as much, and for that very reason.

>> No.2463232

I don't think you understand how strategic deterrent work...


Basically, current missile defense can intercept anything up to IRBM somewhat successfully. Against full size ICBMs carrying half a dozen warheads that will reenter atmosphere at something like 12 times the speed of sound, possibly equipped with decoy warheads and maneuverable reentry vehicle, there is no defense.

>> No.2463341


then why bother building star wars

>> No.2463353

China hasn't the ability to reach America's coast.

>> No.2463370

Star Wars isn't anything like current missile defense. Currently it's about shooting an inteceptor missile against incoming warheads. Shit is pointless because one of your anti-missile missile can only knock out a single warhead (if it hits). Where as a big incoming ICBM like say R-36 can shower you with 10 MIRV warheads and 40 penetration aids. You will need 50 defensive missile against one enemy offensive one, higher with out 100% kill rate. So it was pointless.

SDI calls for space based directed energy weapons to vaporise the warhead. The technology for that didn't exist back in the 80s and still does not exist.

>> No.2463375

Because you have to start somewhere.

>> No.2463378

Yes it does, you need >11,000km range launch a missile from china to hit anywhere in the US, they have:

DF-4: 12,900km range
DF-31A: 11,270km range
JL-2 SLBM: 12,000km range

>> No.2463403

Since China can reach us with nukes, total war is most likely out then.

MAD will probably be the prevalent outcome, at least until those expensive-ass chemical lasers become more feasible.

Meaning this news story is meaningless.

>> No.2463427

>R-36 can shower you with 10 MIRV warheads and 40 penetration aids.
>40 penetration aids.

>> No.2463441


wait so wats star wars then if its different to current missile defenses

>> No.2463452

It involves penetration and AIDS
