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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2460108 No.2460108 [Reply] [Original]

There's one thing i don't like about Nasu.

Those random words being jumbled together to form an incoherent phrase.


Hologram Summer Again
Unfinished Romance Romancia
Fate/Stay Night
Northern Lights Transparently
Save the prayer and player

>> No.2460115

They are only incoherent because you only accept them as such.

>> No.2460129

Blue Grass Moon Under The Crimson Air
is fine too.

>> No.2460148

Decoration Disorder Disconnection

>> No.2460156


>> No.2460157

man, this foreign language is so COOL
lets use random words in our stuff so we can be more edgy

>> No.2460161

Night On the Blood Liar

>> No.2460162

Same with ZUN.

>> No.2460167


(Or whatever that line was.)

>> No.2460170

Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under the Crimson Air

Glass, Grass, same same wwwwwww

It's "Through the Looking-Glass, Northern Light transparently". Sounds fine, to me, considering who it's referring to. I prefer the original "Through the Looking-Glass, Fairy Tale transparently". Makes more sense.

"Save the prayer and player" sounds bad until you look at various Guilty Gear games. "Hologram Summer Again" is a repeat of the first one. Fate/Stay Night is... I don't know. Unfinished Romance Romancia is gibberish.

Some of it just sounds good.

>> No.2460174

Melty Blood

>> No.2460186

I enjoy it just because it's different. Night on the Blood Liar was always a very weird one for me.

>> No.2460204

if you could understand it, it would be mollusk sight sweet

>> No.2460206

I remember one of my friends trying to argue that that title made sense. Because blood can totally melt!

Not that I have friends ;_;

>> No.2460207

Unlimited Nasu Works

>> No.2460209

Anything Tatari related could be explained by him being completely insane and a mass of rumors, so the names of the various things he does are just jumbles of incoherent terminology that somehow makes sense.

I mean, all of his attack names are just... bizarre.

>> No.2460212

It's Blue Glass Moon and that one probably makes the most sense.

They don't really bug me. I actually find some of them kind of neat even though they make absolutely no sense.

>> No.2460214

Well Night OF the Blood Liar makes sense for the massacre of Wallachia.

I think Blood Liar is an appropriate name for Tatari as he would manifest to "help" the populace.

>> No.2460216

in before KATTO etc.

>> No.2460222

Names made of random long words in other languages sound exotic.

>> No.2460223
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>> No.2460237

that isn't about Engrish at all though

>> No.2460244

Want to make an insane villain more insane? Give him a word fixation.

>> No.2460251


Velocity Saving Vicinity
Hardening Regard Natural
Lethal Nobody
Stable Default Level
Academic Doubled Base

>> No.2460256

Pepromenou Koufia Atarahia?

Dunno, man.

>> No.2460258

Putting random words together is still better than putting random letters together *cough*Nrvnsqr*cough*

>> No.2460263

No, he makes perfect sense, since his name adds up to "666", which is the number of beasts that make him up. At least in Professor Nero's case, a lot of forethought went into him.

>> No.2460270

The first one isn't that bad.

>> No.2460282

I've seen a Japanese explanation of "Fate/Stay Night." It sounded reasonable to me.

I'm not familiar with any of the other lines in OP.

All of the Windows Touhou names make sense to me, except for IaMP.

>> No.2460299

tell me how FSN made sense

>> No.2460307

Suika is the power, and she's immaterial and missing.

>> No.2460309

Fate - Refers to Shirou's fate
Stay - I dunno lol
Night - All the critical events take place at night

>> No.2460326

And as you see, the problem is with 'Stay' and how it's IN-BETWEEN the other two words.

So, it's not like ALL the words are random, but there is a random element.

>> No.2460336
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>> No.2460338


>> No.2460356


who knows bro, personally i love it

some guy off of BL was translating DDD btw
does anyone know his status?

>> No.2460358


What really gets me is the slash.

Is it trying to say Fate or Stay, and then Night?

Or is it Fate, or Stay Night?

Or, uh...

>> No.2460370

You are about to see a story concerning the fate of heroes and of a young person as his life enters a unique situation.
It's a fucking LONG story though, you'll prolly have to STAY THE NIGHT.

Man, I'm genius.

>> No.2460373


>> No.2460389

Stay - NO THNX
Night - lol

is this where we're going, guys?

>> No.2460395

Sure, why not.

>> No.2460403

I would think its all just one continuous motion, as the slash is not phonetically pronounced in English.

>> No.2460422

Yes, romanesque and unfinished romancia.

>> No.2460521

To be honest, first time I've seen the title F/SN I thought it's definitely the name of some harem eroge. I thought the stay night part refers to the protagonist staying in the room of a different heroine each night and categorized the game as "something like the eroge Come see me tonight".
That was quite a few years ago, though.

>> No.2460535

Bart, I'm piss

>> No.2460546

Same here, especially since back then I thought VNs were just about the porn.

>> No.2460558

Any Type-Moon scenes that made you cry?

HF - Mine is when Ilya confesses the truth that she is a homunculus with no purpose other than being vessel of the grail.All in a really sad voice.

Then Shirou hugs her ;_;

>> No.2460578
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Well, not cry.
But Akiha's last bad end with this scene in the flashback made me feel like a human failure.

I'm just happy you came back

>> No.2460582

I love those nonsensical words.

>> No.2460591

Fate and UBW ending. Especially the Fate one.

>> No.2460592

Arcueid's backstory.

>> No.2460597

When Rin couldn't kill Sakura, and hugs her

>> No.2460601

Fate is... yeah, that should be obvious enough.

The slash separates terms. That's all there is to it. Fate is performing the action, which is Stay Night.

"Stay Night" refers to "staying the night." As in staying. Overnight.

Yeah. That's basically it.

>> No.2460619

All of the Tsukihime normal ends, both of Akiha's ends, Fate end, and HF normal end. Or whatever the worse ends are called, I can never remember.

>> No.2460625
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>> No.2460643

God, I really need to play Tsukihime once so I understand what the hell people on /jp/ talking are about. I've been procrastinating it for ages now. Mostly thanks to being spoiled by and getting used to voiced VNs.

>> No.2460653

Just wait for the remake

>> No.2460661

Hmm, like all of the Tsukihime endings.

>> No.2460672

Well, at least one should not invoke tears...or perhaps for a different reason.

>> No.2460677

You's trollan'. It'll be years until it's out and translated, more likely than not.

Your loss if you don't.

>> No.2460681

Still no "melting well. Solvable meaning..."

I am disappointed, /jp/.

>> No.2460682

Most of the content will be ALREADY translated, ya know
And if there is a new route indeed, just make a patch that covers the rest along with the extra content added in-between.

I think we will see it pretty fast.

>> No.2460684

Well, okay, all of the far-side endings, because arc/ciel routes were boring and forgettable.

>> No.2460685

>You's trollan'. It'll be years until it's out and translated, more likely than not.
Well I'm waiting anyway, I don't mind the wait. Though I don't need to worry about translations.

>> No.2460686


"Behold King Arthur, the continuation of your dream"

I had never cried at anything, not at sad films, sad books, sad TV shows...then this came along, and I cried...i cried like a bitch.

The I saw Last Episode...the little gasp Saber makes when Shirou finally arrives....and the buildup and the music....first and only ever time I cried tears of happiness.

>> No.2460697

Unlimited Blade Works > Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

>> No.2460698

Arcueid's good end was well... good
Ciel's good end is silly
Hisui's good end is ambiguous
Kohaku True is happy

>> No.2460702

What, you can't shed a tear for a happy ending?

>> No.2460705
File: 35 KB, 640x480, saber true end2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


awww fuck....they music man...it gets me every time. I dont know a word of moon, and I cant read moon runes, but this scene trancended language barries for me when i saw it.

>> No.2460720

Ciel - 'Why can't you hate me?'

>> No.2460725

Akiha's ends, oh god. After finishing her route I was too emotionally drained to do anything for the next few days.

>> No.2460753

Translation Server Error

>> No.2460993
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Archer saying good bye to Rin in UBW and that he could not be saved, but he was right.

>> No.2461006

No. I found many of TM scenes poignant, but none gave me even the urge to cry.

I don't think I've felt that urge since several years ago, when I read Planetarian.

>> No.2461033

It takes a lot more for a happy ending to make me cry. It has to be executed really well, and so far only Clannad has accomplished that.

>> No.2461061
File: 42 KB, 640x1440, UBW Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the soundtracks aren't that amazing but they do have a couple tracks which really draw out emotion. Like whenever I hear EMIYA, I can't help but get pumped.

>> No.2461132

Key shit makes me cry, too. Over how painfully bad the stories are.

>> No.2461161

you sat through a key game?
you are a vagina.

>> No.2461631
File: 82 KB, 497x759, 1239159367956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After two impossibilities occurred at the same time, the lovers that were separated for a lifetime were finally re united for all eternity in a pseudo paradise?

Holy crap, Avalon in the quintessence of all good ends

>> No.2461742

Melting wall. Solvable meaning. Self who can explain. Smoothness of changeable permeability. Transitioning time. Observation life and execution function. A pinky-less hand. Headless eyes. Rolling carpet. Once. Twice. Three times. 777 cages. Burst balloon. Unfulfillable promise. Unprotectable law. Death contract. Poison and honey. Red and afterbirth. Mercury lamp and bug light. Light refracting from countless dimensions. Swimming fish, singing at the ocean bottom. Tools, tools, tools. Towards endlessly reproducing stars without meaning, without will. Better than wishes. Another only me. Unraveling deep sea. Contradictory that appears from microscopic organisms. Detailed view of a quark. Rejection of everything. Formless form. An embryo within a hearse. I curse and celebrate their existence.

>> No.2461758


>> No.2462157


>> No.2462161
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>> No.2462173

King of Britain and a Japanese high school student

weird couple

>> No.2462174

That's not supposed to make sense, because, you know, Shiki is insane.

>> No.2462181

He's actually quite sane. He just THINKS he's crazy. And int hat particular scenario, he was possessed for a moment.

>> No.2462399

those aren't poetic enough

you aren't jackson pollock

>> No.2462417

Ay amu da bown opu mai sodo

>> No.2462436

A VN about black metal and Satan.

>> No.2462469

I'd read that.
