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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2457063 No.2457063 [Reply] [Original]

What do the NEETs of /jp/ do when no /jp/-material brings any interest?
I think I need something more enriching.

>> No.2457073

i fap, pretty chaffed right now but i still do it

>> No.2457078

Find a neet mmo to play.

>> No.2457080

I would just play my guitar or make music or practice drawing. If I didn't want to do anything productive then I'd just post here or fap or play video games.

Being a NEET sure was great though. Now I gotta study all day and do homework and all sorts of other crap. Posting now at 1:30AM is the first amount of "fun" I've had all day.

Polite sage for my cool story.

>> No.2457083

Fap, sleep, or study Japanese. The last one might not meet your requirements though.

>> No.2457092

It's sorta funny you should say that. I spent all day putting off all the studying I should have done, and I'll pay for it tommorow. I'm being out academic-ed by our (former) king NEET

>> No.2457120

Who's this? Is she from Chaos;Head?

I'm finding incentive to play Chaos;Head.

>> No.2457125

I enjoy things from /jp/, /a/, /v/, and to a lesser extent, /co/, so there's always something to do.

>> No.2457131


>> No.2457132

She's cool for half of the story.

And then every scene with her after that is about the stuff crawling in her skin, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2457144

It's a big problem, actually. I'm growing tired of mmos, anime, touhou and 2d in general, it just doesn't feel good anymore. But I have nothing else left, no other hobbies or interests, let alone friends. I don't have to study anymore and have a crappy job, but just feel... empty. I wonder what happens to retired highlevel weeaboos.

>> No.2457145

>I'm finding incentive to play Chaos;Head.

Don't, it's really, really average. Unless you don't have very high standards in which case you might enjoy it.

>> No.2457157

>I wonder what happens to retired highlevel weeaboos.
Prison and suicide, mainly.

>> No.2457158


Same here, bro. Minus the job part. Once you reach the top it's just not fun anymore. Gotta find new shit that interest you, but you can't expect it to have it be set on the plate for you, so try to look for interesting things. Since you seem to be able to step foot outside the door without a problem, you should try some outdoor stuff. Maybe a walk, exercise, try to eat right, draw, go to an arcade, etc. I know saying this is forbidden on this board, but hey, after years of apathy myself I can sympathize.

>> No.2457162

They don't retire.
Your love is too weak, don't you dare show your face here again untill you get back on track.

>> No.2457171

Most retired weeaboos find another hobby or just go back to real life. I'm scared of that as a NEET, if I ever decide to head back into real life I'll be fucked.

>> No.2457247

sadly enough, i agree with you...

but >>2457144 have you tried to rotate your hobbies so they wouldn't get boring? some of this, a lil bit of that. do this till i get bored then switch to that and be happy again. then miss it and go back. its happened to me these past 4 years, and worked! in fact, im feeling a bit tired of my usual MMO right now, so i switched it up and started playing others and watching anime. soon enough i will miss my original MMO and go back to it. it happens.

>> No.2457279

I'm not a NEET and I have a social life aside from my hobby - and yeah that does work. I don't care much for studying for college so that might help.

>> No.2457343

Work on my rom hack
Watch anime
Browse other forums
Play Touhou
Play a visual novel
Watch YouTube Let's Plays

>> No.2457354

I've been playing eroges since 1996 and I'm still not tired of the things.

>> No.2457360
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Once we're finally through with the 2D world, we spend the rest of our days sitting in the corner of a room, staring into space.
Fortunately I think I'm pretty far from that point still.

>> No.2457361
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>Watch YouTube Let's Plays

>> No.2457365

I read about the real world you guys should read about the real world too

>> No.2457437


Don't worry, I'm gonna make some /jp/ related Let's Plays and Game_Expert PRO REVIEWS as soon as I get some time. Probably on the weekend.

>> No.2457441
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>Real world

>> No.2457443

Seeing you go from constant posting NEET to studious student has inspired me. I'm going to fix my life, I'm going to make it.

>> No.2457445

go bikeriding, Listen to sabbath and work out, play battletoads on my xbawks, troll /tg/.

>> No.2457457

I'm a news junkie myself.

>> No.2457456

Your motivation disappears in:

>> No.2457459

I watch vidya gaem streams on mogulus.

>> No.2457460

I go to /g/.

If that fails to get my troll on, I either play the vidya or watch some anime.

>> No.2457462


Wow, really? I hate those channels. Full of people I do not approve of and just boring.

>> No.2457464

go back to bed microfest

>> No.2457469

I play whatever BF2 mod tickles my fancy or work on some random texture/mod for AG3 or 3DCG I thought would be cool. Forgotten Hope is awesome.

>> No.2457526

Dude something is wrong with you. Just take a little break from your daily routine and read play watch something different for a while, like story focused jrpg instead of grindan mmo, grimdark or action instead of moe anime, some mango you find interesting but didn't get to read yet.

>> No.2457530

I try to focus my energy into learning some moonrunes, but I usually fail and end up fapping or something.

>> No.2457544

I marathon last season's anime

If that's technically too /jp/, then I tool around on my motorcycle if the weather's good, play shmups, tinker with some fixes for my bike, cook, read books, etc.

>> No.2457548


>> No.2457552

Someone who can appreciate the marathon!

My main beef with /a/, even before the split, was always that they're always talking about the latest episodes when I've just started downloading the stuff from last season.

>> No.2457578

Piano, exercise, reading, generally trying to improve myself but sometimes failing

>> No.2457594

Well, /jp/'s your place, then. We only talk about VNs from 2000 or 2004.

>> No.2457600

I watched House not long ago and enjoyed it greatly.

>> No.2457635

VN, Anime/Manga, Light novels and Books, Gaming. So many to choose, so little time.

>> No.2457647

Was it in Russian?

>> No.2457655

I usually watch a couple episodes during the beginning of the season to see what's good, then just download them as they come out, saving them for after I've got them all.
/a/ never talked about good anime, as the meme goes, so it usually proved to be a slightly more convenient method of determining what sucks.
Some shows I watch as they come out, because they're so good I have to keep up. There's usually about one per season that way.

>> No.2457704

Nah, original, with subtitles. There were things I didn't understand, but I'm sure I wouldn't understand then even translated.

>> No.2457740

I actually do more /a/-related stuff than /jp/-related stuff. And I'm not even a NEET, so I spend most of my time studying or browsing /jp/ while constantly reminding myself that I should be studying.

I really wish I was a NEET so I could increase my VN powerlevel.

>> No.2457742

Most of the English viewing audience can barely follow it anyways. The writers with MDs love fucking with the viewers, even if the end result is incomprehensible.

>> No.2457754

It's easy! First, you drop all of your classes. Then, you do nothing! And that's it!

I did it, and I don't have any regrets!

Call now and we'll throw in not one, but three VN recommendations!

>> No.2457768

Really? I don't remember ever being particularly confused...

>> No.2457795

Well, it's very linear and the cinematography aids expertly in progressing the story, but when you examine solely their choices for medical terminology and the progression thereof, brainclusterfucks commence. Sure, they eventually end up with the correct diagnosis, but throughout the entire series they've built their own diagnosis process that's utterly opposite from reality and makes very little sense when under analysis.

>> No.2457827

Well, sure--"We're going to sit around and think about it while giving random treatments for random things the whole time" is obviously ridiculous. Still, it wasn't confusing, really.

>> No.2457855

Well, mayhaps it's confusing for Russians, or anyone else who's unfamiliar with the ridiculousness of American television. That or he found a shitty sub. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.2457865

Problem is, I have these lousy ambitions that keep me from always doing what I want. Also, doing nothing costs money.

>> No.2457874

I also have ambitions! But they don't involve employment, education, or training!

I guess money can be a problem, though...

>> No.2457893
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