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2456923 No.2456923 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, I have slaved for days to bring you an alternative MaidRPG. In that you don’t play Maids and you don’t have to be the little girl at all if you don’t wish. My aim was to make this game more appealing to outsiders by not having to rely on the whole perverted aspect, while keeping true to the original fans. As I thought on the problem I saw less Maids and more... Highschoolers.

Welcome to HighschoolRPG, the game of bitter school rivalries, sexy dames and manly victories!

(I am posting this on two boards: /tg/ because their evaluation of rules is second to none, and on /jp/ because their knowledge of the genre will help me greatly. Please, if anything is not right or could be done better then tell me so that I can work out an alternative.)

In HighschoolRPG, players embody high school students who have joined an after-school club. The rules system for MaidRPG are used with a number of differences, which I will list hereafter. Where not stated, the rules are as per normal.

>> No.2456931

Can I be Freddie Mercury?

>> No.2456935
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The three types of characters playable are as follows, with creation notes later:

> Club President

The Club President is the leader of the club. He or she decides who comes, who stays, how things are run. More often than not, they are very wealthy and their family will pay for much of the club’s expenses, so people are usually okay taking orders from them. That said, they generally aren’t particularly competent or are busy running the show, and need others to do things for them (leadership is a full time commitment).

Club Presidents play the role of Master, and are generated using the Master tables in the MaidRPG corebook, applying any gathered talents to fit the theme. The character may be male or female, and assumes all the duties of a ‘master’, most notably the assigning of favour.

>> No.2456943
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> Club Member

As a club member, a student gets to wear an armband signifying their affiliation with a specific club, as well as access to the clubroom at any time. They are expected to meet with the club when not attending class, either at the clubroom or a specified meeting location.

Generally, when someone is badmouthing a club it’s members will exact revenge in a manner befitting their personalities (if not beating them up on the spot, perhaps flooding their locker or trashing their own clubhouse if they are affiliated).

Club Members play the role of Maids, and are generated using the Maid tables in the MaidRPG corebook, applying any gathered talents to fit the theme. The character may be male or female. See later entry for updated creation tables to accommodate male students.

>> No.2456942
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I have a better MaidRPG.

>> No.2456950
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> Club Vice-President

The President’s go-to, the Vice-President is the most competent person in the club. The Vice-President is charged with seeing the President’s will done, and will work tirelessly on club projects long after the others have gone home. That said, they are expected to have the club at heart the most out of everyone, seeing everything runs through them, and are expected not to do anything which will cause waves. Not every club has a Vice-President.

Club Vice-Presidents play the role of Butler, and are generated using the Butler tables in the MaidRPG corebook, applying any gathered talents to fit the theme. The character may be male or female, and is bound by the strictures of a ‘butler’

>> No.2456958

Club Type

When the game is commenced, the GM and players should work together to decide what type of club the Highschoolers have enrolled for. If they cannot come to a decision, roll 2D6 on the following table:

2) Music Club – The club is actually a band. Each member starts with an instrument of average quality. Choose a music genre.
3) Literary Club – Supposedly a place where students come to read and discuss books. As for it’s true nature, you’re yet to learn that. Players may reroll weapons if they are not satisfied. If the theme is Horror, players may start with two.
4) Computer Club – The club is a gathering of programmers, MMORPG addicts and students hoping to cash in on the school’s awesome bandwidth. Each member starts with a mediocre computer.
5) Astrology Club – Students obsessed with the cosmos, aliens and other such things end up here. The room is adjacent to the rooftop or a small private garden where the night sky is clearly visible, and each member starts with a small telescope or two-man tent (divide 50/50).
6) Sport Team – You’re one of the school’s sport teams, minus the coach. Decide upon a particular sport to specialize in (soccer, swimming, kung-fu etc.). Players start with appropriate equipment of average quality. Additionally, the clubroom is actually a small office adjacent to their training area (soccer field, swimming pool etc.), as well as the locker rooms and outlying areas of the training area, such as bleachers.

>> No.2456963

7) Games Club – Members of a games club come together to play games, be they generic board games like Monopoly or chess, tabletop miniature games or role-playing games. In any case, Players will start with a minimal amount of supplies.
8) Racing Club – This club is made up of guys and girls in love with the smell of burnt rubber, degreaser and exhaust. Players may decide if they are street racers, greasers, a junior rally team or somewhere in the middle. The clubhouse is one of the garage bays in the school’s Shop, and the club either starts with one car (two if over four members) or a motorcycle for each member, each of average quality.
9) Drama Club – A refuge for young actors, the drama club is home of not only the aspiring screenplayers themselves, but also the camera crew, documentarians and other techs. The group may be actors, dancers or performers from a variety of mediums and genres, ranging from traditional dancing to stand-up comedy to big-screen tough-guy (or girl). The club starts with mediocre costumes and filming equipment.
10) Anime and Manga Club – The Anime and Manga Appreciation clubs are home to those who have devoted themselves to one or both of these mediums. More often than not, there is a Doujin artist or two in these clubs. Players start with a small collection of low-quality pirates and cheap Manga issues, as well as a single poor quality computer for the clubhouse. Designate one member (two if there are over four members) as Doujin artist and add it to their Special Qualities. They also begin with average-quality art supplies.

>> No.2456966

11) Cooking Club – From cakes to sautéed scallops in a light garlic sauce, your club is dedicated to perfection of the culinary arts. The clubhouse is a cooking room with many stations stocked with average quality appliances (photo of Chairman Kaga optional). Players must provide their own ingredients.
12) Other Club – Your club is an oddity. A yamakase group, a detective agency, arts-and-crafts… not something usual. Players will start in a suitable clubhouse with necessary equipment of an average quality.

The School Uniform

Just like a Maid’s power comes from her identity as a maid (and so her uniform), a student’s identity comes from his or her uniform. The more a student removes or loses, the harder it is to undertake any strenuous activities. Please note that if a student changes into an alternative uniform to complete club activities (mechanic overalls for Racers, swimsuits or PE uniforms for Sport clubs etc.), these penalties are ignored. Penalties are applied to all dice rolls after all calculations have been made. The uniform table follows, with the applicable data for both male and female students:

Tie/Sailor Collar: -2 (the most important part of the uniform)
Shirt/Blouse: -1
Pants/Skirt: -1
Socks/Stockings: -1
Underwear: -1 (not applicable if going commando in the first place. Optional rule).

>> No.2456973

Creating Characters

Enrolling a student follows most of the processes outlined in the MaidRPG Corebook. Club Presidents role on the Master tables, Club Vice-Presidents roll on the Butler tables and Club Members roll on the Maid tables. Most of the changes revolve around the Maid creation tables to apply to males as well as females. However, the following notes should be observed:

> All students should be aged between fifteen and seventeen years old (the age of highschoolers). At the GM’s discretion they can be older or younger, but not by too many years.
> All students share uniform colours, roll these at the beginning of the game on the Colour Table in the MaidRPG Corebook.

Where not noted henceforth, any special qualities should be made to apply to Highschoolers instead of masters and maids (and made to accommodate the opposite gender than intended), and any mention of the Mansion should be made to apply to the Clubroom instead. If there are discrepancies, talk it over with the other players and come to an agreement.

How to Roll a Club Member:

Step 1 - Roll attributes as normal
Step 2 - Roll twice on the following Student Type table instead of the Maid Type table

1) Lolita/Shota – Luck +1, Athletics -1
2) Sexy/Handsome – Cunning +1, Will -1
3) Pure – Affection +1, Cunning -1
4) Cool – Skill +1, Affection -1
5) Boyish/Manly – Athletics +1, Skill -1
6) Heroine/Heroic – Will +1, Luck -1

>> No.2456975

Step 3 – Roll Hair and Eye colours as normal (uniform colours have already been set)
Step 4 – Roll a set (or random) number of Special Qualities on the Maid Special Qualities table, making the following observations:

> Roll 24 (Actually a Guy) now reads Cross-Dresser. If a female, you wear a male uniform and vice versa.
> A roll of 41 (Uniform) reads differently.
If a girl, a roll of 2 (China Dress) now reads Catholic Schoolgirl (a thin white shirt with exposed midriff and short plaid skirt but similar otherwise. The sailor collar and blouse are now one item for the purposes of disrobing). A roll of 6 (Kappougi) now reads Anglican Schoolgirl (a long dress and long-sleeve blouse combo which usually won’t even show ankle. Usually gray or navy in colour).

If a guy, a roll of 2 reads Hawaiian Shirt (choose design and roll colour. The tie and shirt are now one item for the purposes of disrobing). A roll of 5 (Miniskirt) now reads Varsity (a sport jacket in the styling of an American University. Roll once on the Symbol table for the design on the back). A roll of 6 now reads Oxford Uniform (full suit and tie, as popular in upper-crust UK Institutions).

> A roll of 45 (Hairstyle) remains the same for girls. For boys it reads thusly:
1) Afro (sideburns optional)
2) Pompadour
3) Bald
4) Mohawk (player’s choice of length)
5) As normal.
6) As normal.

>> No.2456983

Step 5 – Roll once on the Stress Explosion table, and once on the following table instead of the Maid Roots table:

11-12 – Last Resort: You took too long choosing a club, and this was all that was left.
13-14 – Pressganged: The other club members forced you to join. You had no say.
15-16 – Love Interest: Someone in the club (or who is constantly close to the club) is the object of your desire, and you joined to get closer to them.
21-22 – Revenge: The Club President is your enemy, and you have infiltrated the club in order to exact revenge.
23-24 – Recommended: A member of the faculty recommended you join.
25-26 – Unrecognised relative: While the Club President won’t recognize the connection, you are a relative of theirs.
31-32 – Hereditary Obligation: Your parents were a part of this club, and you have taken up the torch.
33-34 – Forced Commitment: For one reason or another, you are forcing yourself to attend against your will.
35-36 – Unrequited Love: As 15-16, but it is purely a one-sided affair.
41-42 – Grubber: You want the extra-curricular recognition. Nothing more.
43-44 – Infiltrator: You are a spy for another club (or even the faculty), and you have orders to report on all activities and possibly disrupt their plans.
45-46 – Not a Student: You don’t attend this school, and the faculty ask fewer questions if you’re in a club.
51-52 – Childhood Friend: You and the Club President have been friends since way back when.
53-54 – Admirer of the Field: You have long loved the club’s vocation, and joined to do what you love.
55-56 – Returning a Favour: The club helped you out when you were new, so you joined to show your appreciation.
61-62 – Distant Relative: The Club President acknowledges you as a close relative.
63-64 – Sent by God: A power from on high told you to join.
65-66 – Who knows? You’re not exactly sure how you ended up a member.

>> No.2456989

who gives a shit

>> No.2456992

Step 7 – Roll once on the Weapons chart (GM may assign suitable weapons instead).
Step 8 – Roll Maid Powers as per usual.
Step 9 – Calculate Favour and Spirit as per usual.
Step 10 – Choose a name and an age between fifteen and seventeen.

Character Creation complete.

>> No.2456995

Could you at least sage your replies to your own thread?

>> No.2456999

Daily Routine

The daily routine of a Club is different than that of a house (naturally). Following are two routines. The first is an average day where the Club Members wake up at home and go home at the end of the day. The second is a special night where they are allowed to stay overnight in the clubroom and work on club activities (Anime and Manga clubs have a Guuren Lagann marathon, Music clubs practice their new sets etc.). On these nights the other clubs may or may not be in the school as well, it should be randomized or decided by the GM. Anything in brackets is not necessary. Other activities can be undertaken if time allows, but the unbracketed activities must be completed for the day to progress.

Average Day’s Routine:
Morning – Arrive at school, meet with club, (pre-school meeting), morning classes.
Noon – Rejoin with club, prepare lunch, eat lunch, clean room, club business.
Afternoon – Afternoon classes, rejoin with club, daily club meeting, club business (afternoon snacks).
Late afternoon – Break-up for day, depart school (activities away from school).

Overnight Stay Routine:
Morning – Arrive at school, meet with club, (pre-school meeting), morning classes.
Noon – Rejoin with club, prepare lunch, eat lunch, clean room, prepare for night-stay.
Afternoon – Afternoon classes, rejoin with club, daily club meeting, club business (afternoon snacks).
Late afternoon – Prepare dinner, eat dinner, clean up, club business, (shower)
Night – (?????), (possibly club business), (midnight snacks)
Morning – Breakfast, clean up, (if school day, prepare for classes), (if not school day, club activities)

Of course, weekends and holidays are unscheduled. The GM and players should prioritise those themselves. It is common to skip the weekend if the club will not be meeting. Note that at night there may be security guards patrolling, depending on the school. They will have to be avoided (or dealt with).

>> No.2457010

Pretty much, that should be everything which could concern you guys. Cheers for any help you can give. And yeah, sorry about the WALLOFTEXT.

>> No.2457014

Needs a student council.

>> No.2457016


Okay, but what role would they play? Peacekeepers between the Clubs?

>> No.2457044

>45-46 – Not a Student: You don’t attend this school, and the faculty ask fewer questions if you’re in a club.
( ゚Д゚)

>> No.2457051

GM grudge encounters.

>> No.2457059

School versus School delinquent fights.

>> No.2457064
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>> No.2457075


Fuck YES!

Join clubs, beat up delinquents, fuck grateful class reps. Wisdom.

>> No.2457085
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Said class rep.

>> No.2457097
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A student council could serve as a more ambitious alternative to clubs, a source of plot hooks, a power source, or a powerful opponent.

>> No.2457099


Would you start as a delinquent, or would you become one by cutting too much class?

In any case, I think declaring Delinquent groups the enemy of all other groups and having to fight any and all comers suits both sides. As attackers, they would claim a room and perform raids, while Clubs would band together to fight them off.

That work?

>> No.2457100

You forgot the bonus for zettai ryoki.

>> No.2457113


Okay, cool. How does the Student Council work? Like a Club who lords over the whole school? Just trying to get the right feel here.

>> No.2457137
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Awesome tripfag! Do it again!

>> No.2457159

How's this sound?

Optional Affiliation: Student Council

The Student Council are selected from among the most promising students to lead their fellow alumni by example. But when leading by example fails, fear and respect will do...

The Student Council act as arbiters between the clubs, and crack down upon those who have become too powerful or step too far out of line. This power has led them to be seen as oppressors by Clubs the board over. The student council is too big for any one club to hope to fight for long, and any that are at war alone are in serious trouble. Any contenders for the royalty of the High School must step over the beaten and bloody remnants of the Student Council to do it.

>> No.2457292
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>Where not noted henceforth, any special qualities should be made to apply to Highschoolers instead of masters and maids (and made to accommodate the opposite gender than intended), and any mention of the Mansion should be made to apply to the Clubroom instead. If there are discrepancies, talk it over with the other players and come to an agreement.

So, if I'm getting this right, your average school club is going to consist of a ragtag band of vampires, angels, demons, androids, shapeshifters, therianthropes, mages, and normal people. Is this the intended state of affairs, a school with a substantial portion of the student and teacher body composed of supernatural humanoids?

>> No.2457340
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Yeah, but it would be gay if he cut those out. The diversity is half of the soul of MaidRPG.

Bravo OP. I came pretty hard when I read this.

>> No.2457347

good work bro, but nobody cares

>> No.2457368

This is utterly ridiculous. I admire your dedication to your art, OP.

My recommendation is a Senpai/Kohai system to mimic the apprentice maid optional rules.

>> No.2457386


See, this is why I came to you guys.

Awesome idea bro.

So, any character which wants to be the equivalent of an Apprentice Maid (Kohai, not that they want to be called that), they would be a younger character from lower grades, and that would explain their drop in skills too.

They would be assigned a 'Senpai', and would probably have special allowances (possibly even things like having them start with a crush on their Senpai).

Eating, then thinking more. Cheers mate!

>> No.2457425

>They would be assigned a 'Senpai', and would probably have special allowances (possibly even things like having them start with a crush on their Senpai).

>> No.2457427


All you should really have left to do is come up with equivalent setting tables, then.

Also, the related sourcebook, in case anyone on /jp/ missed it the first time.


>> No.2457474


Okay, I took a quick stab at this.


Additional Character Choice: Kohai

A Kohai is a club member from the lower grades, younger than the other members and not as experienced. Kohai use the rules for ‘Apprentice Maids’ in the MaidRPG Corebook, with the following difference:

> Senpai: One of the other members is tasked with looking out for the Kohai, and acts as a big brother or sister to them. Roll 1D6 on the following table to see how the Kohai feels toward their Senpai:

1) In Awe: Senpai is so amazing! The Kohai has a deep seated pride of their Senpai, bordering on hero-worship.
2) Puppy Love: The Kohai has a crush on their Senpai, and idolize them as such.
3) Nonplussed: The Kohai isn’t sure how they ended up with such an idiot for a Senpai, but they believe that surpassing them is not long away.
4) Hatred: The Kohai despises their Senpai, and may even go as far as to sabotage their daily life.
5) Aloof: Doesn’t particularly care. Kohai of this persuasion will entertain themselves away from Senpai if possible.
6) Senpai’s Choice: The Senpai chooses.

>> No.2457485
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I can play now?

>> No.2457489


The wording looks mostly fine, but you might wish to keep in mind that there's only three years of Japanese High-School.

>> No.2457491



New Rule: Kohai must be 14 or 15 years old (14 if the school year has just commenced). Senpai must be at least a whole year older.

>> No.2457497


Let me rephrase that for you.

First year = 16
Second year = 17
Third year = 18

>> No.2457499


Thanks for the catch. Haven't watch enough Anime I guess...

>> No.2457521


How the fuck did Tomo become the Vice-President?!

>> No.2457524

This needs to be posted somewhere more permanent.

Oh and this kicks ass.

>> No.2457532

Welcome to /jp/! We have many things, including our very own archive!

Polite sage.

>> No.2457537 [DELETED] 


easymodo will pick it up for us, so all you need to do is go archive it on suptg.

>> No.2457538

I didn't see go home early club and/or delinquent as an option

>> No.2457540


easymodo will pick it up for us, so all you need to do is go archive the equivalent thread on suptg.

>> No.2457562
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I cried manly tears of joy at this right here.

>> No.2457840

Currently rolling up a game on IRC. Sports Club who do Martial Arts, looking to be a schoolyard fighting tournament.


Free to anyone to join.

>> No.2457867

Get out

>> No.2457886

He's wrong.
