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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2450090 No.2450090 [Reply] [Original]

I was trying to type the names of some Touhou characters using the Windows IME, but it apparently was a lot harder than I thought.

Interestingly enough, the only way to get Mokou's kanji (妹紅) to show up correctly is to type "imoutokou" instead of "mokou."

Image potentially highly related.

I think ZUN is fucking with us.

>> No.2450091


>> No.2450123

so thats why Eirin didnt want to drink the elixir

>> No.2450154

Their names are supposed to be weird, or ancient, or both, so no wonder.

>> No.2450165

That's the nature of names; there's several different ways they can be pronounced.
That's why there's a separate name dictionary.

>> No.2450206

when typing rarer names it's usually better to use the regular reading of the individual characters.

>> No.2450340


But I don't know Japanese ;_;

>> No.2450791

>That's why there's a separate name dictionary.
And why even Seinen manga and eroge usually have furigana at the first occurences of names.
