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2448900 No.2448900 [Reply] [Original]

Love is just an abstract concept, it can't knock down stuff.

>> No.2448907

Yes, but at an increased mana cost.

>> No.2448904

can shirou/archer trace anything apart from swords?

>> No.2448909


I thought he always fucked up things that weren't swords.

>> No.2448912
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Non-sword weaponry (Halberds, Axes) at double mana cost and defensive armaments (Shields) at triple mana cost. Swords are his thing.

>> No.2448913

would it cost more mana to trace a car or trace enough swords to build a car out of the swords?

>> No.2448917

They usually end up being hollow, since he only gets the image of the object. However, weapons other than swords and defensive objects like shields, he can trace with much more difficulty than a sword. Rho Aias, in particular, is a defensive implement.

>> No.2448918

Does a girl's school uniform count as a non-sword weapon or as a defensive armament?

>> No.2448921
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If he analyzed it, probably not very much.

Cars are purely technological. The swords he projects are mysteries.

However, it would only last for a few minutes, and if you get a dent, it vanishes. Not a worthwhile car.

>> No.2448923
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That's not true. I derive all my power from love. And I use it chiefly to kill people.

>> No.2448928

what about a bobsled

>> No.2448929


Miscellaneous object. He would only project a shell of it, but since schoolgirl outfits are not Noble Phantasms, it doesn't matter.

>> No.2448930

It counts as an armor divine mystery.

>> No.2448933


Same deal. Few minutes until it gets a scratch and vanishes.

>> No.2448935
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So as I pray, Unlimited Car Park Works.

>> No.2448939

this tracing sorcery isn't very good for transportation

>> No.2448945

Wait. Okay. We trace a shell of a swordcar with a hole in it, then we fill it with molten steel, and BAM, instant car!

>> No.2448948

What if your swordcar falls apart before the steel hardens?

>> No.2448954

I don't think one sword is enough for a swordcar, it would be better if many swords are used for the different components involved

>> No.2448956
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Projection is a failure of a magic for a reason. Normal people would have their brain shatter if they tried to project Caliburn, as they don't have that level of holy energy.

The only reason Shirou Emiya does it so well (and non-lethally) is because he's using the ultimate true form of Projection magic, Reality Marble.

>> No.2448960


We could dunk it in water right after we pour it.

>> No.2448961

He wouldn't be able to trace a car correctly, number one because it has chemical, non-metallic components, and, number two, because it wouldn't exist within Unlimited Blade Works.

He can only pull out something that exists within his own internal world, since the objects are created there, and he just materializes them outside.

>> No.2448977


Nobody says he has to UBW it.
He can still use normal Projection magic.
It would hurt his brain, though.

>> No.2448978

You wouldnt trace a carliburn

>> No.2448979

Doesnt Archer trace a fishing rod in F/HA?

>> No.2448981

Normal people couldn't project Caliburn because they wouldn't be able to match its creation or use the materials for its creation properly. It'd be a mess, and end up costing more mana and material to create than it would ever be worth.

Gradation air isn't useful at all.

>> No.2448992

Well, his tracing is based entirely off of his Reality Marble. He doesn't use gradation air to do any of his tracing, which is why everything he tries to make that isn't a sword and such just crumbles to pieces and is hollow. The projection circuit tries to make it, to bring it out, but it's not recorded, so it's just a fake image.

A fishing rod is a weapon. Against fish.

>> No.2448998


>> No.2449029

No, Shirou uses regular Gradation Air just like other magi. It's just different in that UBW gives him a perfect inner image of anything recorded in it. For everything else it would be like normal.

>> No.2449049
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>> No.2449059

I wish I could trace stuff.

>> No.2449064

Transportation? Then Shirou could trace Push Dagger and fly on him that way, couldn't he?

>> No.2449065

trace a picture
