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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2446765 No.2446765 [Reply] [Original]

I just found some Mild Sevens at an Asian supermarket and shits awesome! Tastes better than shitty Marlboros and it's not as harsh on my throat. What other things in Japan are superior?

>> No.2446773
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Their tacos are superior.

>> No.2446781

>slow, painful cancer death
Really, now?

>> No.2446784

This thread... like deja vu all over again.

>> No.2446788

I buy my school supplies from Ichiban Kan. 3 B-5 notebooks for 2 bucks? Fuck yeah. I love these B-5 notebooks because I use up most of it. It feels like a waste if I use the American made SUPER HEUG ones since I only end up using less than half of it.

>> No.2446792
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>> No.2446797

Fuck off loser. You're obviously not cool enough to smoke.

>> No.2446808
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Thread needs more Smokou.

>> No.2446812

now, now, let's not attack people for having a expensive habit with questionable side effects.

>> No.2446817

Good to hear you're cool enough to die painfully. Enjoy it.

>> No.2446819

>attack people
Maybe you should learn to read.

>> No.2446838

To everyone on /jp/ who thinks smokers are wasting their life:
You will die too, at least we enjoy smoking. It's not like most of you have anything to live for anyway.

>> No.2446841

I was 24 years old when I tried my first cigarette. Took me forever to learn how to use that lighter. It wasn't worth it though IMO.

>>Their tacos are superior.

Japanese tacos are great, but I prefer their spaghetti.

>> No.2446855

>enjoy smoking
Scientifically impossible. The only "enjoyment" anyone gets out of smoking is temporary relief from its psychological side-effects.

At least pretty much all other drugs do SOMETHING other than kill you. To put it simply, smoking is stupider than all other forms of drug use.

>> No.2446881

Smokers just annoy the fuck out of the people around them with their fucking stupid smelly smoke. I don't mind if you like to smoke, just don't make yourself look like a retard by saying it's cool. It's just a bother to others.

>> No.2446903

Actually, I am not cool enough to smoke. But I'm sick and tired of faggots complaining about this all the fucking time. You people sound like you're from fucking Gaia.

>> No.2446913

>sound like you're from fucking Gaia
<-- /b/

>> No.2446930

/a/, our old home, is now Gaia2.0
It's just a matter of time.

>> No.2446935

Goddamn, I miss smoking. But quitting was for the best in the long run.

>> No.2446938

I'm guessing /a/ was your "home" up until yesterday.

>> No.2446941

Hey now, I smoke.
It calms the nerves and clears the mind. If you ask me, the occasional moment of sublime peace every now and then is well worth a couple of years and the respect of /jp/.
And really, I thought you people were better than this. Provided that they practice courtesy, there's no reason to persecute smokers. We all have our vices, after all.

>> No.2446948

It's cute how people who are most likely clinically obese and sit on their asses most of their lives think that they get to criticize the habits of others. Get the fuck out.

>> No.2446952

>clinically obese ... NEET

>> No.2446955

I don't really see the point in smoking cigarettes. They don't taste good and don't do anything, for me at least. I smoke the occasional cigar, and I can understand weed because it at least does something for you.

>> No.2446961

more than one year ago, man.

>> No.2446970

Yeah, being severely underweight isn't really something to flaunt either.

>> No.2446963

>It calms the nerves
Which are only tense because of the last time (or several (dozen)) that you smoked.

>and clears the mind.
Temporarily restores it to the average level of clarity, you mean.

>We all have our vices, after all.
"I'm only human" is never an excuse. The only thing you can argue with it is that the entire species should be wiped out.

>> No.2446974

>Get the fuck out.
What, are you trying to predict the response you'll get? Normalfilth like you doesn't belong on /jp/.

>> No.2446997

I smoke and I don't give a fuck. I really don't enjoy life at all. I'd probably be better off dead, and the same goes for most of you.

>> No.2447002
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>> No.2447006

I don't find any enjoyment or relief in slowly destroying my already fragile health.
Even breathing is a better habit than smoking.

>> No.2447007

Cool story bro

>> No.2447019

>Which are only tense because of the last time (or several (dozen)) that you smoked.
>Temporarily restores it to the average level of clarity, you mean.
I live a pretty stressful life, Anonymous. It's nice to take some time out of the day to just relax, and the nicotine serves as a catalyst for this. Yeah, I could probably do without it, and sure, it's a self-destructive waste of money. But I'm just trying to get by, and the cigarettes are a crutch for this. I don't bother you when I smoke, so I'm having a hard time understanding all this antipathy.

>I'm only human" is never an excuse. The only thing you can argue with it is that the entire species should be wiped out.
It's really more of a 'let he without sin...' kind of thing. Honestly, it breaks my heart that /jp/ is so judgmental these days.

>> No.2447024

Wanna hug? Maybe... Cuddle?

>> No.2447030

Everybody is judgemental. I'm sure you'd be judgemental about some peoples habits.

>> No.2447036

>I don't bother you when I smoke, so I'm having a hard time understanding all this antipathy.
It could have something to do with the fact that I'm not an egocentric fuckwit, unlike... pretty much everyone else.

>'let he without sin...'
That is exactly the same.

I'm only one user, not the entire board.

>> No.2447045

i smoke only so i can strike conversation with cute girls

>> No.2447068
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Since I don't see myself living past the age of 40, part of me wants to take up smoking. I've done it before and I didn't enjoy it, but given how faggy people are about it these days, I should do it anyway.

>> No.2447076

Well, aren't you a rebel! How's Linkin Park been treating you?

>> No.2447083

i smoke because smoking makes other people angry, as proven by this thread.

>> No.2447092
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You'll never understand me dad!

>> No.2447099


>> No.2447101

Son, you get your ass back in here! I brought you into this world and I can take you out!

>> No.2447106

>It could have something to do with the fact that I'm not an egocentric fuckwit, unlike... pretty much everyone else.
Well, whatever. I have no small amount of experience when it comes to dealing with contempt. I resent being called egocentric though. Humility has always been a virtue I've valued highly, and the two tend to clash a bit.

>I'm only one user, not the entire board.
I'm aware of that, but you represent a trend that's all too common. You have to admit, the board is pretty divisive nowadays. I mean it always was to an extent, but even more so now. Maybe it's just me, but can't you just feel the sense of mutual commiseration being gradually replaced by petty bickering?

>> No.2447108
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Smoking rules, /jp/ drools

>> No.2447109

Too bad you're too ugly to have a conversation with.

>> No.2447130
File: 12 KB, 135x135, tripfaglookingsmug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we all just get along?

>> No.2447162
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Of course! Hug time:)

>> No.2447163

>Maybe it's just me, but can't you just feel the sense of mutual commiseration being gradually replaced by petty bickering?
I prefer it that way.

>> No.2447167
File: 239 KB, 556x600, 47d2385b24ab7c86d74e8ba3dd444ce2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-smoking is bad for you Anonymous...

>> No.2447189


Now go make lunch.
