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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2440649 No.2440649 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever laughed at you because of your weeaboo/otaku interests?

>> No.2440657


>> No.2440656

I hide my power level, so no.

>> No.2440672

Yes but I went Super Saiyan level 7, jammed my massive cock into their mouth, and shot a blast out that vaporized the Earth.

>> No.2440668

Can't laugh at me if they don't know me.

>> No.2440674

When my power level isn't suppressed, normal people are afraid of it. So not to my face.

Behind my back? Probably, but I haven't seen any person outside of my family in months, so whatever.

>> No.2440673

How about on the internet?

>> No.2440679

Suppress your powerlevel next time

>> No.2440684

My power level is so high that if I let it loose outside then people would die

I have to keep it secret

>> No.2440691

sure is /a/ in here

>> No.2440694

What exactly makes your power level so high?

>> No.2440699


>> No.2440719

hasn't happened yet but it's my biggest fear

>> No.2440758

Outside of the internet, you mean, right?

Never within earshot. But nobody would know but my family. And I don't know anyone but my family.

>> No.2440769

I don't know. People haven't made fun of me since high school. Now everyone's all sympathetic and worrying why I have no friends and can't get a job.

>> No.2442626

I recently let some people at work in on a glimpse at my powerlevel. I kinda regret it.

>> No.2442630

Quit and become a NEET. It is your true calling.

>> No.2442633

I would, but I'm a fan of money.

>> No.2442641

Nobody gives a shit about what I like. So long as I stay out of their way I can do whatever the Hell I want without much judgement.

>> No.2442644

No. Though I'm a shut-in so only my family and friends (who are mostly weeaboos as well) know.

>> No.2442642

Money is only good when you don't have enough hardware and instant noodles.

>> No.2442655

No, but I've been laughed at for being antisocial. To be fair, they didn't know I was there.

>> No.2442658

Funnily enough I'm eating cup raman right now.

>> No.2442681

Any wapanese in this thread: do you think you were made this way because of anime, or do you think you were attracted to anime because you're this way?

Because I have to say, I'm the former. Fucking mindrape from across the Pacific.

>> No.2442697

I've always been an outcast. Anime is just a great way for a NEET to waste time.

>> No.2442698


>> No.2442704

What's so funny? Also we don't use lmfao, lol, rofl, or smileys here, get out.

>> No.2442705

Animu made me what I am today. And Jpop.

>> No.2442706

I am 6'9'' tall and smell bad most of the time. People don't make eye contact with me very often, much less stop to laugh.

>> No.2442713

Rofl trolled u

>> No.2442715

Sort of. I was listening to なのです☆ at full volume and didn't realize my sister had come in the room. She asked me what was playing, with a weird expression on her face. Didn't expect my headphones to leak that much sound.

>> No.2442759

No, but my parents often come in while playing Touhou.

>> No.2442763

Hiding your power level is for /a/ posters. /jp/edos have no one to hide their power level from.

>> No.2442774

>Hiding your power level is for /a/ posters. /jp/edos have no pride to protect.

>> No.2442777

It'd be nice if this could remain true...

>> No.2442781

Surely I'm not the only NEET living with my parents.

>> No.2442795

How and why would you hide your power level from your parents?

>> No.2442801

Nobody seemed to give a shit back in HS, but then again I'm White/Asian. Luckily the latter seemed to show more than the former. That's probably why no one ever questioned my hobbies.

After HS, I took one term of college then dropped out to become a fucking NEET. It's been two years since and I'm now 20.

>> No.2442800

If you skip dialogues it doesn't look particulary weeaboo.

>> No.2442813

You shouldn't have ever enrolled. That's a horrible way to waste money, you know.

>> No.2442819

That too.

>> No.2442821

It was state, so it wasn't that costly compared to the 30K+ per year private school I went to.

>> No.2442832

No because I keep it a secret like every other sane person.

>> No.2442838

My brother has laughed at my weeaboo interests, and my parents would too if I didn't conceal things so well.

>> No.2442842

Because I live with them, I don't need to give them more reason to think I'm a waste of life.

>> No.2442846

>No because I'm insecure about my hobbies and think they make me somehow inferior.
oh ok

>> No.2442855

I've been seen playing visual novels and watching animu and reading mango, but nobody has made fun of me as I don't like moe shit.

>> No.2442854

But they do.

>> No.2442853

To the few people that know, they just shrug it off as a hobby of mine.

>> No.2442852

What, do you have the type of parents who would turn on their own family or something?

>> No.2442864

>don't like moe
You are disgusting.

>> No.2442865

are you some sort of former basketball player?

>> No.2442870

>I don't like moe shit

But you are on /jp/.

>> No.2442889

In my case, people usually think otherwise after they see my boxes of 7.92x57mm next to my mango and Yami figure.

>> No.2442922

Well, of course! /k/ stuff makes you look cool because you can kill people with it!

>> No.2442928

My dream is to kill people by the millions while blasting the most moe J-pop I can find!

>> No.2442929

I eat pizza 3-5 times a week. I hate instant noodles. And miso soup.

>> No.2442941

And I had a bunch of Jap shit at a local Japanese restaurant. I'm not bullshitting. Japanese food is way too bland for my American ass.

>> No.2442968

Honestly. I only like Japan for the Western culture that is chewed up by Asians and regurgitated into my face. Anime/VNs/Manga is fine, too. But I hate the Japs and their damn sensitivity and...
I'll stop.

>> No.2443004

Why would others know about my interests?

>> No.2443013

Really? I seem to tend to prefer the stuff that involves the least Western regurgitation.

>> No.2443054

If you don't hang out with douchebags then they don't laugh at your interests. All my friends are various nerds anyway and all dabble into weeaboo things to some level.

With other people I don't "hide my powerlevel", I just don't talk about anime when the situation doesn't call for it. Any anime references on my person are too subtle for anyone who's not familiar with the source to notice. Such as a shirt with the dai-gurren logo on it.

>> No.2443056

Your powerlevel is too low for /jp/.

>> No.2443071

Neither my friends nor my parents really care about my hobbies. They know and they made a few jokes on the matter, but they seem to think that what I like it's my business.

>> No.2443072

>shit with a logo from an anime on it
You should feel bad for wearing this in public.

>> No.2443078

I'd wear shirts with shit from visual novels and touhou too if I had any.

>> No.2443079

>Such as a shirt with the dai-gurren logo on it.
Who are you kidding?

>> No.2443084

No one who hasn't seen GL know's what it is. Most people think its some sort of biker gang shirt.

>> No.2443090

Outside of animefans, I doubt anyone would know or care. It just looks like a generic flaming skull.

>> No.2443092

Everyone on /b/ and everyone who knows anyone on /b/ probably knows GL, anime fans or not.

That's a fuckton of people. Anyone with a decent powerlevel would be extremely unlikely to wear a GL-related shirt just because of that.

>> No.2443098

You'd be amazed how small the /b/ population is outside of high school.

>> No.2443108

You'd be amazed how many people outside of high school know /b/ faggots because of WoW and similar.

>> No.2444271


Sure, but with the addition of, "that's why I'm awesome."

>> No.2446828


Only slaves and grunts work for their money. Smart people make their money work for them.

>> No.2447268

You should be ashamed of your interests, and you definitely shouldn't be telling anyone about them.

>> No.2447303

High school and college.

I truly feel sorry for you.
