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24372576 No.24372576 [Reply] [Original]

The thread where we show some love for any VNs and eroge released before 2010

>> No.24372978

I guess Kira Kira and Edelweiss are old now, huh?
Does that make Mangagamer the old guard of eroge translations?

>> No.24374826
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Seasons of Sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way before that there was JAST USA releasing English eroge for MS-DOS. some of their games are pretty good desu. I especially enjoyed one called Season of the Sakura released in 1997.
Shoko best waifu

>> No.24375086

The one that has Eva characters under different names?

>> No.24375586

i'm in the middle of ~15 VNs and i think they're all before 2010 (i probably won't finish 3/4 of them but that's how it goes). i was trying to experience the history toward modern VN; it was easy at first with the chunsoft/sound novel days since you just need a console emulator, but i'm having some trouble with the mid 90's windows pc CD VNs. i think my compatibility mode (using windows 7, 10 probably has it too) isn't helping with software that is only compatible with 16 bit operating systems. pardon for being computer illiterate here, but if anyone has some solutions for this for a windows 7 pc, i'd appreciate any tips. surely others on here have been in this situation before too.

>> No.24375632

SPEED] 姦染~淫欲の連鎖~ any link to download? thanks

>> No.24375691

besides the name itself look for the more recent「すぺじゃに共和国 スペシャルパック」, it's a compilation of previous VNs put out 5 years ago by Speed's publisher. there's three sets to this compilation series, you need the first one in the set, and either the last disc or the second to last disc will have the first Kansen.

>> No.24375837

Just run a fitting OS in VM. Unless you come across one of the rarer titles where you need to run an old OS on actual PC to get them to run.

>> No.24375927

thanks. exist any translation of the first kaisen game?

>> No.24375940

Yeah. The same. Ruri is based on REI and Aki on Asuka.There's characters based on other VNs and anime series from the time as well.

>> No.24376067

Do you know who the other characters are referencing?
Ruri, Aki, and the teacher being Misato seem obvious but the rest aren't as clear.

>> No.24376296

alright, i think i've dled Virtualbox i've just never used it. it's hard to imagine installing a game on a vm, i'll have to boot it up and watch some vids on youtube, thanks.
np, if you still can't find it in a day or two send me a (you) again (i know it's on animebytes, but you probably wouldn't be asking here if you were using that site).
i don't know anything about VN translation circles or projects, so i couldn't tell you whether or not someone made/is making translations of the kansen series.

>> No.24378347

Somebody got a link for デモンパラサイト~悪魔のような天使の彼女~, can't find it anywhere.......
Also, If you( >>24376296
) got a link to >>24375632 too I'd be really grateful!

>> No.24380662
File: 748 KB, 1200x1669, f30f48d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game.

>> No.24381606

Not the guy you quoted, but
Sawamura Reiko, Shindou Kiyomi, and Suzuki Mio are the main characters of Magic Knights Rayearth, Umi Ryuuzaki, Fuu Hououji, and Hikaru Shidou respectively.

Yamagami Nobuyuki is probably Tenchi's father, Nobuyuki Masaki, from Tenchi Muyo
Yamagami Hidemi resembles Sasami and Aeka's mother, Misaki Masaki Jurai, also from Tenchi Muyo, but her sidelocks are a little different.

Shimazaki Makoto is Kensuke Aida from Evangelion, one of the other kids who never got to pilot a mech.

I can't place the others, but they all look familiar.

>> No.24381791
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Meimi and Seia are Meimi and Seira from Kaitou Saint Tail. I think only Shoko is not a ripoff (or I don't know her source).

>> No.24382179
File: 40 KB, 384x539, Hinatabokko-Free-Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinatabokko is the only VN that old I've played in its entirety, and it was just because it was one of the few I could find that had a reverse trap route.

>> No.24382652
File: 113 KB, 640x480, beyond001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond was pretty good.

>> No.24382938

it seems that she is based on a character from Pia Carrot also named Shoko. I played both games and I wasn't aware of it until I read it on wikipedia.

>> No.24382966
File: 167 KB, 550x413, piacarrot04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my all time favourite VNs is Welcome to Pia Carrot! there is an English fan translation of the PC-FX version of the game.
I find this VN really chill and all the characters are likable in their own way.

>> No.24382988 [DELETED] 

Wikipedia says Shoko is Shoko Inaba from Welcome to Pia Carrot, though I don't really see much of a resemblance. https://vndb.org/c5016

>> No.24383948
File: 2.68 MB, 2048x1218, 1592715599829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tutorial to install vn? as you know the most common problem is compatibility between a jp game and a western computer. thanks in advance.

>> No.24383967

imho the visual novel format is revolutionary. also shows that creativity doesn't need neccesarily the latest technology and if you don't believe me see the amount of crap released in the ps 3, 4, 5 consoles.

>> No.24385082

There's Windows 10 versions of old VNs but they don't uploaded in nyaa and you have to buy em out of DLsite or DMM

>> No.24385263

most seem to work just fine for me. Occasionally I need to change the regional settings or language settings on Windows or run them in compatibiity mode

just torrent lmao

>> No.24387346

>2010 was 10 years ago
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.24387703

4chan will be 18 next year

>> No.24387861

Old VN kino


>> No.24387888

I've been here for over 14 years and haven't accomplished much in that time

>> No.24389850

It's good to see someone else who thinks this. Visual novels appeal to me more than anime or manga these days since you're placed directly into the world via the protagonist, and getting to share that experience with the MC as they talk about it is such a great time. Also, it runs at your own pace, so you can consume it as quickly or as slowly as you like. There really aren't enough people out there who acknowledge how ingenious of an idea it is, especially considering how old the format is now.

>> No.24390363

I've all but abandoned watching anime or reading manga at this point. I honestly cant see myself going back. I also think VNs can get away with a lot more.

>> No.24393298

>link to >>24375632 too I'd be really grateful!
not him but here's a link for 5 games including that one but an error message appear when i try to execute it. any idea?


>> No.24393350

I tried magnet and the download fine. Is the game itself having the error or the download? If it's the latter i'll try looking into it.

>> No.24393395
File: 365 KB, 640x448, gsdx_20200623201335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started playing the old Lucky Star VN for the PS2. It's also on the PSP, so I could play it on-the-go on my Vita, but I'd rather first play with savestates and emulator features.

らきすた ~陵桜学園 桜藤祭~

It's OK so far. After about 2 years of Japanese learning, I can pretty much read and follow it all. A dozen or so new words per hour, though I'm admittedly not reading it very quickly.

I seem to have stumbled on the Konata route straight away, which is nice, though I must admit that I was aiming for Kagami. No H of course, on the PS2, but it's just nice to have some more scenarios with the characters, and with the anime's voice actresses.

I'm led to believe that if you read this at a native-speaker's pace, you can play the full game in about two hours. Although it looks as though there's a route for every girl, it's hard to check, as there seems to be pretty much no English-language material about this game. No walkthroughs, no route guides, nothing.

>> No.24393690 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 456x116, wefwf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the game.

appears an error message "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect".

>> No.24393715
File: 1 KB, 456x116, wefwf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's the game. appears an error message "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect". also it seems my computer doesn't recognize characters

>> No.24393729
File: 27 KB, 671x420, kaisen first game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24393774

installing it now to check myself.
First I'll ask the obligatory " are you in Japanese local?"

>> No.24393854
File: 59 KB, 486x597, reaad me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works fine for me. My bet is yeah, you aren't running it in Japanese local, are you?

>> No.24393881
File: 199 KB, 880x655, ergegャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i changed it. can you play the game_

>> No.24394799

>I'm led to believe that if you read this at a native-speaker's pace, you can play the full game in about two hours. Although it looks as though there's a route for every girl, it's hard to check, as there seems to be pretty much no English-language material about this game. No walkthroughs, no route guides, nothing.
Well, that's the benefit of knowing Japanese.

>> No.24395076

I made an initial flimsy at finding that kind of thing in Japanese, but gave up quickly when I realised how little video game related vocabulary I know.

Instead, I'm just going to read through it fully a couple of times myself (to see some routes), before I try again to look up a completion guide.

>> No.24395115

>I made an initial flimsy
Attempt. Flimsy attempt.

>> No.24396988
File: 64 KB, 512x376, Pissing off Sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I can play Sakura Wars:In Hot Blood on PCSX2 without any hassle unlike the third game.
Since it was never translated in English; I might as well just play it with my native language.

>> No.24399846

i changed to japanese local but i still getting the same mistakes (>>24393729 >>24393715) and also unnable to start the game.

>> No.24400059
File: 6 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on yume miru kusuri? best slag

>> No.24404004

one thing I like is that VN themselves are getting more complex with more routes and less predictability overall. The first VNs from the 1990s was a bit predictable and only the very last part change depending on the path you took but now that's no longer the case

>> No.24404303

>VN themselves are getting more complex with more routes and less predictability overall.
i don't think that depends on technology actually. did you play yu-no for example?

>> No.24404381
File: 102 KB, 740x1065, 567238639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24404423

How is that 102KB but so terrible quality?

>> No.24404495

That's what the actual cover looks like

>> No.24404569 [DELETED] 

>reading Gook translations of Nip games

>> No.24404588

>The first VNs from the 1990s was a bit predictable and only the very last part change depending on the path you took
this is not true. 弟切草 and カマイタチの夜 had a large amount of branching paths with different stories/conclusions. in つきこもり and 学校であった怖い話, the order in which you choose the participants to tell their story, PLUS which of the multiple choice decisions you pick during their story, greatly change their story and its outcome. you're left with many, many different scenarios with each playthrough. so in terms of complexity of route options, VNs were like that from the beginning. in terms of creativity in production and presentation however, VNs built upon that over time (at least up until the '10's, my VN knowledge and experience is lacking concerning the recent years).

>> No.24404620

>unironically using racial slurs in 2020

>> No.24404691

Who are you quoting?

>> No.24407167

it's working now, thanks.

>> No.24407267
File: 49 KB, 750x745, FBFFD6C9-FAD0-4F2F-8FE2-9644949B6B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you don’t expect to encounter a xenophobic anons on 4Chan.

>> No.24407582

Those are not really the typical VN game from the time though are they?
All the games I tried from before around 1999 just looped until you got to the last bit of the game where you can choose who you wanna go on a date with, etc. shortly before the end

>> No.24408544

>Those are not really the typical VN game from the time though are they?
Chunsoft's 弟切草 ('92) and かまいたちの夜 ('94) are generally considered the origin of the modern visual novel. the term "visual novel" itself is thanks to Leaf's 雫 ('96), 痕 ('96), and To Heart ('97) works which they called their "visual novel series".

>> No.24409405
File: 104 KB, 700x429, ruby is mai waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harrow my name is Long Poo. I thank you for this!

>> No.24425988

how did you get Pia Carrot to work? Which emulator are you using? I tried it on Mednafen and it didn't work and I also tried it on the Magic Engine FX demo (couldn't find a crack for it anywhere) and it keeps giving me an error of "NO CD". I really can't get this bitch to work.

>> No.24426291
File: 161 KB, 1050x741, you have to go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24426517

Incredibly based scenes with the villain girl.

>> No.24427564

What kind of error did you get in mednafen when you tried it? Also, does the magic engine fx demo work normally?

>> No.24427634
File: 583 KB, 1920x1080, Palais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palais de Reine, an oldie from Kogado had recently an english release on Steam.

>> No.24427835

dxwnd can solve almost every compatibility issue.
Also forum is active, you could ask for specific solution there.

>> No.24442080

uhhh I used to get that error as well on Magic Engine FX. Turns out that if you make a virtual drive, the game will not always get on the emulator. There are 2 ways to fix this problem that worked for me:
a) get a patch from the official website forums on Magic Engine with an improved CD driver.
b) burn your PC-FX .cue files into a physical CD and play them from there

>> No.24451923

I'm searching for a VN that was translated in english, I probably played it in 98 or 99. The premice was that you're a female wrestler fighting agains't another female wrestler, basically you selected move and tried beating up the other. The winner took the "spoil". One thing that I remember was that a bad ending made you get abused by a very large man wearing a bowtie. It was a pretty short game if I recall right.

>> No.24455385

You will never read that hidden gem that was released on floppy disks in limited amount of 100 copies at some doujin convention that took place in the 90s before the internet was a thing

>> No.24455402

Probably Ring Out

>> No.24455688

I'm in the same boat. I'll watch a bit of anime or read a manga still, but VNs are my primary goto these days. I prefer reading things and the combination of longish, descriptive text + quality voice acting is some that's very unique and exists in no other medium. Plus as you said, it's incredibly immersive.

>> No.24455839

That's exactly it! Thank a lot!

>> No.24457650
File: 35 KB, 398x240, 20180905_213650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24458724

I wish this game sucked less. The girls are cuter than in Amagami but the conversation mode has you listening to the same snippets of dialog over and over and it's like half of the game.

>> No.24458904

Eh, it's so short that it doesn't really drag on anyway.

>> No.24467136
File: 298 KB, 640x448, 20200226231041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been checking out the Memories Off games lately. Finished the first one already and really liked it, the common route is a bit dull but the heroines' routes were pretty entertaining.

>> No.24484335
File: 3.05 MB, 2000x1499, SotSChara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24484765

Sakura no Kisetsu - 1996-04-26
Pia Carrot - 1996-07-26

>> No.24485950
File: 129 KB, 600x479, shiho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers, lad! it worked perfectly when I burned it to a physical CD. I just did the Shiho route and although the way to get her in the end is quite tedious at times, having to dodge all the fun major events and she keeps rejecting my invitations to walk her home, towards the end it was quite touching and totally made up for it. She has her own unique charm...

>> No.24486343

Blame the thread and Wikipedia.

>> No.24487339

played this purely because the index illustrator drew it.

it was mostly good but there were definitely some very weird looking drawings in there from early in his career

>> No.24497096

What's the consensus on Castle Fantasia around here?

>> No.24499354
File: 28 KB, 640x400, windows-vista_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqs5P1fvl5BHEmPgUjVS0JiOHXwTbKTw2zvh5eZW_rgvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to run 00s vns in a vista VM?
Or is there a better program to emulate 32-bit Windows

>> No.24499380

>vista VM
Nigga what are you doing. Just use XP and/or 7.

>> No.24505173
File: 416 KB, 601x451, Dra+koi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting this.

>> No.24520439 [DELETED] 

visuals novels

>> No.24521337

What makes it great? I've heard some good things, but the rating is kinda low.

>> No.24537065 [DELETED] 


>> No.24538135

Do tell more about it

>> No.24545089


>> No.24565257


I want to kill that guy for hoarding all these games

>> No.24565570

Why would you get angry at a chink? That's like getting mad at a puppy for shitting on the carpet. He can't help it, he wasn't born with a soul.

>> No.24580394 [DELETED] 

Played, it, it's great

>> No.24589170

I can't read much, but he got physical copies of these games?

>> No.24589687



>> No.24590543

If we're talking about old VN, then I highly recommend Sakura Wars 1~5. Great stuff.
Even the spinoff games are plenty of fun.

>> No.24608476

I recommend 風雨来記 (Fuuraiki) series
It has journey simulation mode with normal adv mode as well though the story could be quite depressing to some

>> No.24612196
File: 44 KB, 460x690, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure feels good being able to read galaxy angel on my western computer. you wanna know how I did it? too bad! won't share my secret

>> No.24633778 [DELETED] 

So nerd

>> No.24653771 [DELETED] 


>> No.24680558

Yes, it's Japanese XP. Like the one installed by XP Mode of Windows 7. The lowest footprint, the highest compatibility.
Use WSUS Offline to install all available MS updates on it if Windows Update refuses to work under pirated XP.

>> No.24681180

I played ななついろドロップス as my first VN in Japanese. It was pretty cute and entertaining but I couldn't bring myself to go back and play the other routes after finishing the main route. I just felt like I read enough.

>> No.24685197
File: 57 KB, 512x365, 探偵 神宮寺三郎 イノセントブラック.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just recently discovered this series.
Looks like a typical point n click detective game.

>> No.24702706 [DELETED] 


>> No.24727140

tell me about 2000s vn and otaku culture

>> No.24738708 [DELETED] 


>> No.24744607

I know nothing about this game but I used to listen to the soundtrack on nico for hours.
