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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 674 KB, 1200x1600, 1212020121619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2436623 No.2436623 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>2430042

Ask not what Touhou can do for you, but what you can do for Touhou.

This is an expanded version of your average drawing thread with programming and music production included. Use it to share your works in progress, discuss possible ideas for projects or as a way to improve your skills.

There was a lot of participation in the last thread so keep it up. For people who want to do something but lack the skills to do so, just give it a try. A lot of us are in the same boat, but its the effort that counts and leads to improvements.

Links previously mentioned

SAI Painter: http://www.sendspace.com/file/2p1css

Color and rendering:

Vector shapes and perspective grids

Color theory:

Figure drawing demos:

Sounds and music techniques:

Rearrange of Romantic Falls:

There were actually too many guides and help that were posted in the last thread. We'll probably compile a list later for future use.

>> No.2436636

I have a week to blow away. Give me a suggestion.

>> No.2436655
File: 154 KB, 1490x838, 1226688473926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since many people have already drawn Nazrin as a starting point, we can switch things up. For beginners or just anyone, you can try doing a rendition of Satori. If your Nazrin image is still in progress, definitely try and finish it first.

>> No.2436659

Programmer here trying to make danmaku game. How do you make the elegant danmaku patters in Touhou? When I try my patterns end up looking like 1942 type of patters where the shots just head for the player or kinda just drift aimlessly around.

>> No.2436657 [DELETED] 



You can find the RAWs there.

>> No.2436660


Make a Touhou side-scrolling shooter.


Here is the final stage in your game. Copy it exactly but replace the sprites with Touhou-related things and characters.

>> No.2436664

Read your SICP. Achieve Satori.

>> No.2436679


You need imagination. Don't just think of bullets as things to be shot at the player. Have some of the bullets as obstacles which limit the player's movement etc.

>> No.2436687

Side-scrollan shooter it is, no promises on Gradius though.

Use trig in your bullet spawning algorithms. Play around with sine waves, they makes some neat shit.

>> No.2436693


You know I would kill for a Touhou version of Radiant Silvergun. Combining danmaku patterns with appropriate terrain and including a variety of different weapons. Of course thats probably too much to ask for.

Video for people not familiar with it.

>> No.2436693,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, this is really picking up steam. I'm glad.

>> No.2436729
File: 29 KB, 640x512, guesswho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post some art fags!

>> No.2436741
File: 15 KB, 463x498, howto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a cheap way of making the type of pattern that spits bullets out and rotates. Kinda like Meiling's Rainbow Sign "Wind Chime of Colorful Raibow".

>> No.2436748

My beautiful Lain!

Anyway musicbros, thanks for that tip about Reason. Going to work on a remix over the next few days.

>> No.2436751
File: 128 KB, 600x849, dfdf4206b62c3f9aae9615aeb1636d548c3a9fe8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me wanna cry.

>> No.2436758

I mean, ignoring the fact at how uncreative everyone is by contributing to something as long as it's touhou instead of something original, you emphasize this fact by trying to create a SHOOTER of all things?

>> No.2436761

You know what'd be a cool touhou game feature?

A Make-A-Character thing where you can make your own bosses, and PLAY as the bosses. So every attack you'd do would be on a timer as you alternate between danmaku patterns, while tossin out a whole bunch of your own custom made patterns.

all the while trying to kill Reimu or whoever.

>> No.2436765

SICP is for weak faggots who don't watn to make there own language, you're a weak faggot for reading it

>> No.2436767

Cool idea, but I don't quite get what I'm supposed to be doing. Other than drawing random Touhou art I don't have anything else to contribute.

>> No.2436768

Please prioritize control latency. This necessitates fixed frame rate. I strongly recommend 120Hz, with optional frame skipping to 60Hz. 120fps motion looks much smoother than 60fps, and there are now true 120Hz LCD monitors available.

>> No.2436770

>make your own bosses

>and PLAY as the bosses

>> No.2436776

Get out

>> No.2436777

Daddy, is this a troll?

>> No.2436779

I'm no programmer, but balancing the difficulty seems like it would be hard the other way around. Also creating the system which allows for custom spellcards would be a pain. Otherwise sounds like a fun idea.

>> No.2436787

No son, this is serious buisness, and the good man is quite correct.

If you read that SICP, i'll beat you redder than your mommas cunt after a hard weeks work at the docks.

>> No.2436799
File: 8 KB, 355x349, shock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2436802

Maybe be off topic, but why not trying to mix the shooting genre with rhythm? Make the patterns respond to certain beats of the music. Would be awesome if it worked well.

>> No.2436810

It's pretty cool.

>> No.2436816

Haha, his moms a whore.

>> No.2436819

Forgot the youtube link, but I saw a version of Reisen's spellcards following the beat. It was beautiful.
That could work, something like Rhythm Heaven, where the music gives you cues of what to do.

>> No.2436826
File: 55 KB, 827x1142, sketc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OH YEAH? i bet you're fapping to it right now, you sad fuck

>> No.2436875


This what you mean?


>> No.2436908


Sure let's just create a TOUHOU VERSION of everything. I suggest Touhou Pinball. Copy this for your Scarlet Devil Mansion stage or something:


In during awesome soundtrack.

>> No.2436928

And for a final bit of goodies, here's something that makes a single-wave downward-facing bullet spray. It shouldn't take too much more imagination to turn this into something better.


Hope that paints enough of a picture for you to understand.

>> No.2437106

Almost all the guides I found on Reason were focused on electronic music and UNTZ. The default things for "real" instruments sound a bit shoddy as well, and sort of lacking in variety. Is there a guide focusing on on just making those instruments sound better, and doing different effects with them?

>> No.2437142

Actually quite easy in flash, and something I've been planning in my game (I posted a link to it in the previous thread)

Though, one problem, is that since music plays in a separate thread, they aren't synced. Slow machine performance could change the pattern of bullets. Which means that when people compare their high scores, it wouldn't necessarily mean anything. Compensating would require extra timing code that I really don't feel like writing.

>> No.2437161


"Buy" a VST like East West Orchestra Silver; it's only 5-6 GB. Then you can upgrade to the bigger versions (the 15 GB and then the 40 GB one) later once you get the hang of it.


That's how it sounds with the Toohooos music.

>> No.2437204

VSTs don't work in Reason, and Cubase is an ass to me. What are my other options?

>> No.2437213

More VST recommendations please. Anything will do.

I'm going to sleep now, hopefully this thread will still be here when I wake.

>> No.2437243



>> No.2437279


You could use FL Studio. Though I wrote the MIDI for the Romantic Fall remix in Guitar Pro 5, a MIDI sequencer, everything else was done in FL Studio, like adding VST instruments, effects and mixing them.


For rock instruments, I use RealGuitar 2, ezdrummer (Drumkit from Hell edition), and Broomstick Bass. If I want an electric guitar sound, I use the Guitar Rig 3 VST as an amplifier for RealGuitar 2 as RealGuitar2 is an acoustic guitar VST.

Here's an old Yume Nikki remix I was working on using those VSTs if you're wondering what they sound like.


>> No.2437305 [DELETED] 

Can I use VSTs on mac?

>> No.2437345

Fuck you. Hearing about these VSTs and stuff made me lust after my tracker software again.

Now I have to find mac versions of all these VSTs.

>> No.2437346


Try Ableton 7, it's quite nice.

>> No.2437374

>"Buy" a VST
What's this "buy" you speak of?

I use to think you were cool....

>> No.2437474
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured I should ask for critiques before I colored it.

>> No.2437477

fix chin and it's ok

>> No.2437483

Fix how? Can you tell me what's wrong?

>> No.2437487

It makes the head look like a rectangle. You'll probably have to change the neck, too.

>> No.2437495

"Buy" was in quotes for a reason.

In before "lol i trol u"

>> No.2437512

That visible thumb looks broken. Her whole right arm looks oddly placed. There also seems to be a butt on it.

>> No.2437549
File: 661 KB, 600x600, satorisicps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have not achieved Satori yet. Read harder.

>> No.2437557
File: 513 KB, 1155x2091, σάρωση0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I made you a Koishi, you like it?

>> No.2437574

Yes, yes I do. That is a pretty dress.

>> No.2437592

I've got it, it'll be a rhythm based shooter with Marisa and Alice. We can call it "Lez".

>> No.2437597

I am working on a new track entitled "Have you read your SICP today?", I assume I will be ostracized from /jp/ if I make another release though.

The lyrics are taking more than 5 minutes to be written, which I assume is a ste up from my past works.

>> No.2437602

Fledgling drawfags: Are you using a tablet? I can't draw shit to begin with, let alone draw with a mouse

>> No.2437604

Keep in mind that it's pronounced "sick-pee".

>> No.2437622

Go for it. You have my fullest support.

>> No.2437624

I don't think that this sounds all that much better than Reason's Orkester soundbank though...

>> No.2437625


Oh, its already time for a rewrite.

>> No.2437643

Drawfag here. Don't have anything in particular I want to draw, suggestions?

>> No.2437649

Original characters design.
Be the next ZUN or be the first gaijin manga artist.

>> No.2437669

That's the point...

>> No.2437677

If you must get it to rhyme or something, you can pronounce it ess-eye-see-pee.

>> No.2437682

Reco x Wriggle

>> No.2437701

I don't really care. But fyi ZUN has said he doesn't want people making other STGs based on his characters.

>> No.2437704

I hope you're not continuing the 'joke' from last time, because that will only work once.

>> No.2437724

Neither drawfag nor fledgling here, but I do use a tablet. Wacom graphire2; have had it for 8 years or so. Better than a mouse, crappier than a pencil.

>> No.2438060
File: 67 KB, 669x696, AYURRRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very good at this, but here's an odd looking Aya.

>> No.2438137

Has he? Well, fuck. There goes my PC-98 remake project.

>> No.2438163

I doubt anyone will care about some random gaijin's remake.

>> No.2438171

Unless it's good.

And then some Jap will steal it, kill the gaijin, destroy all evidence, and claim he was the creator.

>> No.2438391

Japan is not Corea.

>> No.2438596


Really? When did he say this. Wouldn't games made with Danmakufu fall into this category though, like Concealed the Conclusion. I'm pretty sure some group released a Touhou side scroller from the last Reitaisai.

>> No.2438639
File: 157 KB, 642x487, soew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to know what he has to say about Story of Eastern Wind then

>> No.2438668

Lez was fantastic.

>> No.2439026

What. Where the hell did you get that? Especially since there's tons of shmups using touhou characters and settings. See

>> No.2439040

"Something of Lasers"

>> No.2439127


I think modernizing the PC-98 games is actually a great idea for a project. I'm surprised no one in Japan has done it yet actually. I mean even just adding the focus option and updating the graphics for The Story of Eastern Wonderland would do wonders. If Zun isn't going to bring Mima back, then its time to bring her to us.

>> No.2439523
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed the thumb, butthand, chin and neck. Does it look better or worse?

>> No.2439562

Please please have Yellow x Blue patterns.

>> No.2439583

I'm still convinced he said this... but I thought it was the Genyou Denshou Lecture and I just went through the transcript and saw nothing. Maybe I dreamt it.

Don't let it stop you either way, though.

>> No.2439589

Give me some contact details. I wish to talk to you about a project I'm working on myself, and think you could help me with it.

I'll post more details on it here when I've got something beyond Reimu flying around in a featureless void, and able to shoot at Charles Rutheimer the 3rd.

>> No.2440294


Your style works well for this drawing. Satori looks really good. Now finish painting it.

>> No.2440339

I was recently inspired again to try doing some Touhou musics of my own, I think I'll start with Marisa's theme from IN.

Also, here is midi from Touhou 6-8, if you care.


>> No.2440362

Im a little confused as to how one would go about making a song. What is required program wise? I hear talk of VSTs and what not what would I use these with?

>> No.2440366

Depends on what you're trying to make.

>> No.2440368

All I've been doing is importing the MIDI into Reason and just changing the instruments, and messing around with the other shit that Reason has. I highly doubt I'll be taking this music deal towards any real distance.

>> No.2440375


I hope you at least have knowledge of music. As for programs, I've used Fruity Loops for a while, but I'm sure there is better.

>> No.2440391
File: 137 KB, 760x1091, umbrellaloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, is this an artfag thread?

I sketched a Kogasa last weekend, you can have it /jp/.

>> No.2440581

Why is the umbrella in the exact same post in every single Kogasa fanart? Is there a reason or just a coincidence?

>> No.2440660

I'v always wondered this myself...

>> No.2440781

Or she's always sticking out he tongue. Artists aren't very creative with her at all it seems...

>> No.2440880


Its probably because Zun actually did a good job of drawing her original portrait. People found her cute especially with the tongue. Don't fix what isn't broken I guess.

>> No.2440915

Old and busted.


>> No.2441548

I figured. Nothing wrong with that, but boy, he tongue must get tired.

>> No.2441555

Command us to draw something specific OP, just like in the last thread.

If not then I'm gonna draw a Japanese bird or something.

>> No.2441565

Draw Gensyokian(?) bird cooking spaghetti.

>> No.2441577

Have some creativity, fuck

>> No.2441596

He's a tripfag who named himself directly after Touhou's creator. Did you really expect him to be creative?

>> No.2441666

shit, I wanted to draw that.

>> No.2441671


I can't tell you exactly what to draw, the portrayal of the character is up to you.

>> No.2441688


Oh, I missed that last night. I guess everyone was too caught up with the STG idea.

>> No.2441689

>Draw Mystia cooking spaghetti.

>> No.2441711


This, anon, do it!

>> No.2441728
File: 75 KB, 507x500, 1203576455115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also for some discussion, is the remake of the PC-98 games a probable idea for a project? Are there any people interested in participating? How much work would be required to re-texture a game and what programs would we use if we decided to do it?

>> No.2441736

I'd be interesting in programming, but my knowledge isn't exactly up to snuff.

>> No.2441791
File: 82 KB, 229x415, touhou-cirnochibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for you, /jp/.
Cirno was the first Touhou I was introduced to. (Never knew what Touhou was back then) ;_;

Requests for characters?

>> No.2441813

I'd be interested in this idea as well. One of my recent class projects was a strobic dancefloor that responded to certain parameters in music. It's not perfect, but the beat detection algorithm at least is very robust - will probably be pretty easy to port it too, since it's done in C mostly.

>> No.2441830

That's awesome. I need to code more.

>> No.2442184
File: 151 KB, 720x720, Marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2442195


There's a crappy flash game out there on the interbuttz that's based on this idea. A well made Touhou game would be godly.

>> No.2442206


>> No.2442210

Get out

>> No.2442232


Off to a start, but the proportions are a bit off especially with the arms and hands. The best thing to do is to use another image as a reference; its helpful for the facial features too. Keep at it.

>> No.2442239

Aww, how cute, the newfag is trying to defend us from unseen evils!

>> No.2442242

probably wasn't even on 4chan when "interbutt" was actually a wordfilter...

>> No.2442243

How ironic

>> No.2442332

Would anyone like to help me out and guide me to what to aquire in order to create music?

I play on an upright piano. What kind of equipment do you suggest?

>> No.2442351
File: 21 KB, 219x93, baw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hurr I use an old unused wordfilter so I'M THE COOLEST (oldfat) KID ON 4CHAN AND YOU ARE QUITE OBVIOUSLY A NEWFAG."


>> No.2442360


Wouldn't your piano be your equipment then? Just get some good sheet music and you're golden. If you need sheet music I have a lot saved but not with me at the moment. I can post them up later.

>> No.2442364

He's talking about recording equipment, hurr.

>> No.2442366

Well... I meant oldfag. Interesting typo.

>> No.2442377

Well, unless you wanna like build a MIDI circuit board into your piano or some 1337 ass hax shit like that, I'd suggest starting with a mic to record youself playing piano.

>> No.2442392


>> No.2442396

I was also thinking of buying a keyboard, but I've never played a non acoustic piano so I don't really know where to start.

>> No.2442409

I'd say get a good mic and "buy" a DAW.

>> No.2442470


Very nice, go draw a Satori next.

>> No.2442543
File: 76 KB, 639x756, 1238847893502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what does a DAW stand for?

>> No.2442569

You could have tried google or wikipedia, but "Digital Audio Workstation". Programs like Cubase, Pro Tools, Sonar, and Adobe Audition to name a few.

>> No.2442764

did you do that in illustrator?

>> No.2442859

You know, after listening to that Odoru Touhou Drift arrange album, I'd been thinking of how awesome it would be to do Touhou Kart. Preferably Double Dash-type teams, but make the items unique to the teams. So for a Reisen-Tewei team, they'd get something like a Bullet Bill if they were placing low and I guess they could ride in a carrot cart because I have no imagination. They could have a red eyes item that worked like a Blooper and messed with the screen. That kind of thing. It would be interesting to see people draw cart designs, anyway, even if a game would probably never materialize.

>> No.2442882

>Odoru Touhou Drift


>> No.2442978

I've been working on that for some time already. The basic engine is all but finished and I'm currently building the first stage of SoEW. I guess I'll keep working on it despite what ZUN might or might not have said (after all, I'm primarily doing it to learn stuff), and if it ends up becoming something good I'll try to ask ZUN directly.

My biggest problems are the sprites and the character portraits, that is, anything that requires any drawing ability. If anybody feels like drawing a PC-98 Reimu riding Genji seen from the same perspective as the player character in the games, some Rika tanks or anything I might use as an sprite (even those ghost-like things that act as your basic enemies in all PC-98 games) I'd probably use it.

Also, seeing as some people are interested in making remixes from Touhou themes, you might want to try remixing some songs from the PC-98 games (particularly SoEW). They are probably the easiest, there are much fewer remixes of them already out there and any remake project would be able to use them too.

>> No.2442999
File: 93 KB, 688x498, 5517e823693a350ed20b6f200cc88c75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be interesting to see people draw cart designs
Like this one?

>> No.2443028

Sorry for the retarded way everything is labelled, 98 hates foreign characters. Also for some reason there are two different tracks with the same name, but it's that way on the circle's site, too.

>> No.2443073
File: 43 KB, 345x435, neutral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I know in my heart is MAYBE

>> No.2443086

What about writing? I know it's kind of a shunned territory because so many horribad people try it, but if it's actually decent then is it still so shunnable?

I suppose I'm taking requests in that regard. I kind of abandoned my "violent Reisen torture ending in murder" story because it was too violent.

>> No.2443106

Writing requests? Usually when someone's come up with an idea they think is good they'll try writing it themselves first

>> No.2443129

But sometimes people come up with ideas they think are bad that can be made into something interesting. And others just don't want to try their ideas.

>> No.2443131


Half of the second thread actually talked about writing that bought up a lot of points. It turned into a discussion about how fanfictions have received a bad reputation generally, and how people should be writing regardless. Then people went into talking about novel authors and just a bunch of other things.

I think this post summarizes what people concluded with pretty well.

>>Get off your ass and write. Write regardless of the size of your audience and regardless of who hates it. If they hate the genre or the medium then their opinion is meaningless anyway.

>> No.2443180


My fault, I brought up some published authors' opinions on fanfiction and accidentally the whole thread.
It definitely gave people an extra boost of confidence, though...hopefully there will be more Touhou/Typemoon copypasta, fics and such because of it.

>> No.2443321

Does this mean I can write diaper fics involving Komachi and Shikieiki?

>> No.2443453
File: 112 KB, 492x663, 6484f72b47b18e79f8a9b92868961d36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to tell me I do not suck.

Komachi was on top of the world. Shikieiki had given her the month off, and none could argue she was making the best of it. She had just got done having a night out in the human village -they did not all appreciate her presence but she had fun no less- and now she had a wonderful view of sunrise laying on the roof of the tavern. Completely at peace.

A strange, moist breeze blew over. She would have ignored this, but it carried a familiar scent -blood. It took her lazy mind too long to react -she bolted upward and reached for her scythe to find it gone. Looking up, she knew it would make no difference anyway. The face was familiar to Komachi, from her work, but it was distorted -horrific. Yuyuko Saigyouji.

>> No.2443455
File: 114 KB, 500x500, 98279d7bd47a8815f686de7de9daf174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komachi had heard the stories, but imagined nothing like this. It seemed related to the benevolent airy ghost she knew by color and name alone. It floated without legs or arms. The face was the stuff of nightmares -blood dripped from the jagged maw like it had just torn out of a fresh corpse. Komachi couldn't move. She didn't dare move. The sight alone was enough to strike anyone stiff with fear -even a reaper would fear this, for it was a soul that couldn't be reaped.

She fell back, nearly faint, and slid dangerously close to the edge of the roof. There was only one way out, she had to escape. Get back to Shikieiki -maybe Yuyuko would stop at her. Maybe. A chill ran down her spine, but she shook off the stiffness of fear and dove off the roof.

Immediately she was greeted by cold water. Very cold water -cold water she knew, the water of the Sanzu. Bewildered she swam to the surface and looked around to see her boat nearby and a quizzical ghost on it. It struck her -she was dreaming. A wave of relief and longing swept over her as she flew gently out of the water. There was no danger now, but she didn't have the month off either. She thought she should have realized that nights in the tavern with handsome men are too good to exist out of her dreams.

"Ah, if only." Komachi returned to her duties.

>> No.2443876

I don't know much about writing, but why are there so many dashes?

>> No.2443932
File: 107 KB, 1000x750, satori_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go draw a Satori next.

Not the anon you talked to, but here's a quick sketch. I'll try finishing it soon.

>> No.2444040
File: 64 KB, 402x502, 50a1f5a1cc6a64e46788ba87424b9633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fault of mine. Generally there aren't so many, but I didn't proofread it that extensively.

>> No.2444064
File: 111 KB, 796x1083, Eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just practicing frills and puffy dresses.
Also the design here is a bit off 'cause I didn't have a reference picture at hand. (Sketched this on the train)

>> No.2444069

also just noticed the different sized boobs, oh lol.

>> No.2444081


The long eyelash lines give her an awesome resemblance to EFG without the mask.

The anatomy is nice and plausible.

>> No.2444175
File: 139 KB, 1000x750, satori_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2444223

That's a very nice picture, you're good.

>> No.2444231

Good job Zange, looks real nice.

>> No.2444498


>> No.2444709

Photoshop. Illustrator is more for vector work.

>go draw a Satori next.
Will do.

>> No.2444854

Awesome art.
Not just because it's Satori either.

>> No.2445004

Any progress?

>> No.2445018

Not yet. Will get it done tonight though. It only takes me 40min to do them.

>> No.2445445

This is a damn good thread, I just wish there was some way for me to participate, since I can't draw and I have the creative writing skills of a 5 year old. Regardless, nice job to everyone that contributes.

>> No.2445637

try cultivating a skill rather than whining.

>> No.2445939



>> No.2446281

Bump for status check.
And you still haven't done anything Sai, what's keeping you back now?

>> No.2446322

Wait, is that by Yukimi?

>> No.2446357

The only thing I can do halfway decently is color other people's art, and even then my shading is shit. ;_;

(I'm also a writefag, but not a very good one and EVERYONE HAET WRITEFAGS LOL etc)

>> No.2446371

Will you go out with me?

>> No.2446372

Good thing we're already at 158 posts.

>> No.2446438

refer to

As for coloring, keep on doing it. I don't care if its other people's art or linework, its for practice. Like most people have said before, you can keep whining about the fact that you suck or you can actually do something about it. A little effort is all it takes.

>> No.2446464

>A little effort is all it takes.
Or a lot.

>> No.2446500


But still nothing ever changes if no one ever tries. And this is what a lot of this thread is about, providing a starting point for people whether it be drawing, programming, writing, music production or other skills.

>> No.2446613

Who the hell is Sai?

>> No.2446685

The guy who made the Touhou smirks.

>> No.2446720
File: 173 KB, 1250x1425, ransmirk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2446722
File: 157 KB, 800x800, minorikoiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest the hat-based food products of characters is a rather weak connection even for touhou.

Slopped some colour into the hair so you can actually identify the characters.

>> No.2446731

Can someone make a smirk image of ZUN please?

>> No.2446757

That's cute

>> No.2446795


I just noticed I wrote Iku instead of Tenshi in the filename. My bad.

>> No.2447175

Bump for awesome thread.

>> No.2447180
File: 375 KB, 990x990, remilia copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried perspective a bit. It'll take a while until I get this down.

>> No.2447195

thats a good blowjob face

>> No.2448072

Much better. Though the ear should be a little higher I think.

>> No.2448634

El bumpo

>> No.2449477


When I looked at the thumbnail the proportions looked pretty off. The actual picture is nice though. Maybe try to lower the forehead and raise the ears.

>> No.2449489

It still has bad proportions.

>> No.2449493

And cum on her hair

>> No.2449658


>> No.2449786


>> No.2449786,1 [INTERNAL] 

Posting these here for future reference.

