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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2431923 No.2431923 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2431928

Oh you.

>> No.2431938

not only was it vidya related, it was a mod get

I don't understand.

>> No.2431940

Pffft. /jp/ doesn't care about GETs.

>> No.2431950

It was videogame related. What´s the fuss all about?

>> No.2431952
File: 174 KB, 462x300, hank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gat dangit, /jp/. Messing with mai vidya board.

>> No.2431953

Go back to /b/ with your gets.

>> No.2431957

Good job, nobody cares.

>> No.2431958
File: 88 KB, 922x564, 3mgetv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the first time this has happened.

>> No.2431965


>> No.2431966

Speaking of /v/, my farm in Rune Factory Frontier is named "⑨ Farm".

>> No.2431968

Odds are that it was a /v/ resident that did it to troll the board, and not one of ours.

>> No.2431973

It was a mod. There´s proof.

>> No.2431979

People say that every time, but it's never true.

They vastly overestimate how much mods actually care.

>> No.2431981

It was a mod trying to stir up shit between the 2 boards.

So, /v/, if you REALLY want to get the person who stole your get, yell at the mods.

Your get is probably the last thing on most of /jp/'s mind right now, if it all.

>> No.2431983
File: 137 KB, 1236x388, AWESOMES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2431988

Post 30,000,001 (and a few dozen more after that) was posted before post 30,000,000. It was a modget.

>> No.2431990

Ah Red Machine D. How glad I am you're gone.

>> No.2431991

or >>2431968
not us.

>> No.2431992

30m getter here.

It was not a mod get. You have no idea how big of a shiteating grin I had on my face when I saw that I got it.

>> No.2431997

that happens ALL THE DAMN TIME during gets because the SQL fucks up because everyone is posting at the same goddamn time.

>> No.2432000

Just let this shit die.

>> No.2432003

>that happens ALL THE DAMN TIME during gets because
the mods steal them? Yeah.

>> No.2432004

30M? Holy shit /v/ moves fast. No wonder it's so shitty.

>> No.2432008

I keep wondering what that mod child has to gain from starting board feuds.
Oh right.

>> No.2432010

Wow, you're dumb.

Have you ever actually talked to a mod? They don't give a damn about 90% of what goes on on the boards. They don't care enough to steal a get. They don't even have the access to steal a get (outside of moot, who cares even less). There hasn't been a modget in years.

Unless you want to be a 4chan conspiracy theorist and THEY WON'T LET ON TO THE TRUTH.

>> No.2432019

You don't give a fuck about me, yet you're still arguing with me.

You don't have to give a fuck to be a dick.

>> No.2432039

Hey, that hurts. I care deeply for you. I was hoping we could take our relationship to the next level.
But I guess it will never be!

Also: nice strawman.

ps: "Hey, I'll steal this get to start a war between /v/ and /jp/, which I will just have to clean up!"

>> No.2432047

He's not arguing with you, he's just showing other people how dumb you are to prevent them from talking about mods and gets, shitting our beloved board.

>> No.2432060

>Also: nice strawman.
Is that directed at yourself? Because the only strawman here is your accusation of my using one.

He didn't start sageing until recently while I was sageing all along, smart one. If you can't figure it out, that means he's the only one of the two of us responsible for any shitting up of the board.

You're also responsible, of course... Funny how that works, isn't it?

>> No.2432063


18,000 posts later...

>> No.2432067

And just make things clear, posts are out of order because of shitty 4chan software, not because of mysql.

>> No.2432069

I thought it was pretty amusing, but this thread is stupid. It's just full of elitist manchildren arguing about trivial things.

>> No.2432071

No, it's directed at the fact that you refuted one of three completely different reasons I gave why a mod wouldn't steal a get. And badly at that, with how easily I showed it faulty. (And added a fourth reason.)

Or do you not actually know what a strawman is?

>> No.2432073

Here I am, bumping metathread on a metathread board.

>> No.2432075

Alright, I'm not a programmer, and I don't know the exact reason, but I do know from experience that when 4chan gets overloaded, things get fucked up. And that 4chan is overloaded whenever a major board nears a get.

>> No.2432076

I would find this funny, but it looks like it has attracted people from /v/ here. And that is anything but funny.

>> No.2432078

>It's just full of elitist manchildren arguing about trivial things.
It's like I'm really on /jp/!


You apparently don't, seeing as how you wouldn't have described one at all even if your account was accurate. Also, for your last "point," I guess you're forcing me to call you out on this, but... Why the fuck would a /v/ mod care about what /jp/ janitors would have to clean up? Assuming they even cared about the boards in the first place, which... they don't--according to you, of course.

>> No.2432080

And the cause of that is lazy 4chan php programmer, not brave people who risk their lives developing mysql.

>> No.2432089

Move along guys.

It will be forgetten in like 10minutes time.
Still is funny though. /v/ with its huge userbase got hijack by a touhoufag.

>> No.2432111

And I really don't get your "lol 4chan fucks up" argument at all. It's like you're a creationist trying to argue down evolution.

"Oh, this complex chain of phenomena just randomly happened to create this HUGE and PERFECT thing which caused everything to happen EXACTLY as it is!"

Yeah, right. Everyone knows that a complex situation is almost impossible without a logical chain of events to bring it about. Whether it's life itself or the GET post happening to be the only post with a consistently and particularly massive delay on its appearance, the cause doesn't just pop up out of nowhere like that.

>> No.2432124

Misconceptions about 4chan staff 101:
Mods aren't assigned to specific boards.
Mods do not have server access to edit code.
Mods are lazy, and therefore, aren't going to go out of their way to make more work for themselves.
The only person who DOES have server access almost never even visits the boards.
If a mod DID go out of his way to make more work for other mods, the boss would get very angry at him.
It has been publicly claimed that there hasn't been an actual modget for years. (Unless you have good reason for them to lie about this, you can't just pass it off.)

I keep listing numerous logical reasons why it isn't a mod get, and every time you only ever respond to one of them, and pretend you are refuting my whole argument. Meanwhile, the extent of your evidence has been "because of [this occurrence that commonly happens when the software fucks up due to heavy load]" and "well, that's not stopping a mod from doing it." And now, trying to turn my logic on itself, but without even completely understanding my logic.

Are you even reading your posts? Or mine?

>> No.2432132

I'm not sure how documented problems with the board software equate to MYSTERIOUS MIRACLES WHEN THE STARS ARE RIGHT, but have fun with that.

>> No.2432150

/v/ still is the GameFAQs Imageboard.

If you post in /v/, then you're either a newbro or not a true videogame fan.

>> No.2432152

>Are you even reading your posts? Or mine?
Yes. That's how I know that you just listed all of your points as misconceptions. Thanks for doing my work for me.

All toasters toast toast. However, not every piece of toast a single toaster produces is absolutely identical, especially not in the one most significant way possible.

What do you not understand?

>> No.2432154

I still post on GameFAQs... ;-;

>> No.2432157

>Mods do not have server access to edit code.
You're new here aren't you?
Unless you know why people will say mod gets then you shouldn't bother listing bullshit. It just shows how much of an idiot you are.

>> No.2432165

If you're not even going to try to refute any of the points, then the discussion is over. At this point you're just trolling.

>> No.2432169

>At this point
You're not too bright, are you?

>> No.2432194

/v/ sure is full of newfags it seems

>> No.2432202


>> No.2432204

/v/ is full of people that were left in /b/ after all the original /b/ moved out because /b/ sucked, who were then driven out by newer people who caused it to suck even more.
