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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2428352 No.2428352 [Reply] [Original]

We need a Touhou FPS.

Hear me out. JSDF finds the entrance to Gensyoko, and they attempt to take it over to drain it of resources. You play as a JSDF soldier who, after seeing the murder and death the military forces have brought into this new land, begins a one-man campaign against the human threat and the Youkai who assist them in hopes of reaching the outside world. After many long and arduous battles, the soldier finds out that the military has made a deal with Yukari, who has been possessed by an evil spirit who wants to enter the outside world to allow her fellow Youkai to feast on the flesh of all humans on earth. After forming an alliance with all the classic Touhou characters, you go out and attempt to save Gensyoko, and at the save time, save humanity.

Christ I am so drunk right now.

>> No.2428361

will there be sex?

>> No.2428370

Only if it manages to capture the essence of danmaku.

>> No.2428376
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Needs a Touhou and L4D crossover.

>> No.2428378
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>> No.2428379


FPS danmaku with FEAR/Max Payne style bullet time? Fuck yes.

>> No.2428375

So, find the gta sa models and import them into an unreal tournament of your choice.

Not that hard, probably wouldn't have taken any more time than making your post to be frank.

>> No.2428384
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Oh god, I can almost hear those casuals blurting.

>> No.2428389

That actually sounds really neat.

>> No.2428391
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>> No.2428394

I wish I knew how to make F.E.A.R. mods, cause if I did, I'd totally work on this.

>> No.2428396

God, I hate all these normalfriends.

>> No.2428401

not like you're special yourself, aniki

>> No.2428402



>> No.2428424


While we're at it, lets rip off Metal Gear Solid and have Nitori give you KAPPA STEALTH

>> No.2428445

Battlefield 1969

>> No.2428450

>Christ I am so drunk right now.

>> No.2428454

Touhou FPS? Wouldn't that make the game /v/ material?

>> No.2428467
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>> No.2428473

>/v/ material
Actually touhou is /v/ material.

>> No.2428591

Not as long as they don't want it.

>> No.2428718

as much as I hate your idea for a story, the concept of a first person danmaku game would be cool.

>> No.2428756

>they don't want it.
"They" don't want danbooru image dumps.
Just that.

>> No.2428764


But that's where all of /jp/ get's their pictures from.

>> No.2428787
File: 134 KB, 570x807, news_large_fellows05.jpg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer a Gunslinger Girl shooter ~

>> No.2428797


Go back to wherever the hell you came from.

>> No.2428821

So, no one on /jp/ drinks? How surprising. It really helps speed along the dull monotony of life. You should try it.

>> No.2428828

Says the tripfag.

>> No.2428831

Too poor; can't afford.

>> No.2428839

Ah, true, true.

>> No.2428844


Make your own, it's super cheap.

>> No.2428846

There ARE GSG shooters.

>> No.2428849


Religious reason, alcohol makes me vomit.

>> No.2428863

Alcohol and FPS? It's like we're really normalfriends!

>> No.2428869

Plenty of people here do.
It's just that we have this NEET vanguard clique who are always a bit too eager to combat bogeyman of 'normalfaggotry'. Don't let their misguided ardency put you off, they mean well.
I do this too. It's actually pretty enjoyable as a hobby.

>> No.2428893

Why the fuck is being drunk considered normalfaggotry?

>> No.2428897

Megamari or Super Marisaa World would be /v/ related as well using your logic.

>> No.2428909

How the fuck would you play it.
How do you dodge danmaku in an FPS?
Easy modo would be like halo five levels above legendary.

>> No.2428913

Because people only drink if they're stupid and/or, at some point, socialized a lot. Stupidity and social lives are some of the most normal things around.

>> No.2428945


Less bullets + some sort of slow-motion mode.

>> No.2428953

But I drink because I'm depressed and ronery ;_;

>> No.2428979

/jp/ doesn't get ronery. /jp/ gets paper children.

>> No.2429006

I don't care if it makes me stupid by your definition, but the occasional beer with my dinner is pretty nice.
Or some Noilly Prat while I'm just sitting around and spacing out.

>> No.2429173

Wow went from Danmaku FPS to alcoholism in like, 20 posts.

>> No.2429843


Add a love story and this sounds like a Touhou movie made by Michael Bay

>> No.2429892

The FPS is the worst and most brainless game genre in existence. Japanese ZUN hates those games anyways; he'd tell you to stay away from Touhou and to just go back to your bad Team Fortress Crapfest 2 and Brolo games.

Cool fanfiction in the OP post, by the way.

>> No.2429895

>Japanese ZUN
Is there a British ZUN?

>> No.2429916

>The FPS is the worst and most brainless game genre in existence.
Says the shitty tripfag.
>Japanese ZUN hates those games anyways
So, what's the final boss of Touhou 12?

>> No.2429923

Yes, he made that series called Pip pip Tally-Touhou

>> No.2429924

>Says the shitty tripfag.
>I like FPS, beer, women, cars, NASCAR, and America
Get the fuck out you fucking normalfag piece of shit.

>> No.2429934

>I can't make a good comeback so I resort to ad hominem

Great maturity

>> No.2429935

oh u

>> No.2429944
File: 67 KB, 557x392, 1229938036691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>OP pic
Wait a minute...


>> No.2429947

Hi there, ZUN !bar.
>I like FPS, beer, women, cars, NASCAR, and America
FPSs are only for people that like, beer, America, etc, right?

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.2429950 [DELETED] 

We need a Touhou RPG.

Imagine, you are the leader of the Empire, and you find a gateway into Gensokyo. You enter, turn all the Touhous magicite and use them to learn devastating spells and abilities. Then you use this power to take over the world. Then you wait atop your magnificent tower for a random assortment of adventures to come and challenge you.

>> No.2429953


I took a break from playing FPS games and was going to post a picture of me drinking beer with a bunch of friends wearing a cowboy hat in a AMERICA FUCK YEAH t-shirt in response to this.

Instead you can just imagine it and get pissed off. Maybe I'll do it later.

>> No.2429965


Notice how a FPS thread degenerated into a daytime drunken normalbro thread? I rest my case.

Even the most skillless and drunken video game player can play a FPS; there is no substance in that genre anymore.

You just try to make that same drunken football helmet play a STG. I can guarantee you that he won't last for 10 seconds.

>> No.2429966

Damn, this reminds me of the MGS Portable Ops mod someone was working on on pixiv.

>> No.2429969
File: 954 B, 32x48, Kefka_-_Laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a Touhou RPG.

Imagine, you are the leader of the Empire, and you find a gateway into Gensokyo. You enter, turn all the Touhous into magicite and use them to learn devastating spells and abilities. Then you use this power to take over the world. Then you wait atop your magnificent tower for a random assortment of adventures to come and challenge you.

>> No.2429986

>>You just try to make that chess player play an FPS. I can guarantee you that he won't last for 10 seconds.

>> No.2429991

You don't honestly think anyone was being serious, do you?

>> No.2430005

>FPS thread degenerated into a daytime drunken normalbro thread? I rest my case.
>Even the most skillless and drunken video game player can play a FPS; there is no substance in that genre anymore.
And yet, you still talk shit.
You are worst than normal fags.

>> No.2430022

It's an SMG, k?
