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File: 278 KB, 640x906, aispace-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2426090 No.2426090 [Reply] [Original]

Ai Sp@ce Part 4.

Previous thread

>> No.2426101

Patching should be done in the next 5 minutes, going to join you guys soon.

>> No.2426105

oh! how'd I get here!?! I'm not good with moonrunes!?

>> No.2426108

can i play this without knowing moon?

>> No.2426113

yeah you can I can't read moonrunes at all

>> No.2426118


Also there's a bunch of us on 4ch for those still getting into it.

Previous threads have guides and pictures and such, just use the archive to read the old threads.

>> No.2426122


me again.

What is my error message saying? Something about multi bytes...

Help, please?

>> No.2426126

How do I make an account? Game is finished patching and all.

>> No.2426130


Make a niconico account

>> No.2426132

I wonder why is this game so popular with anon. It doesn't look interesting.

>> No.2426140


nvm, figured it out. its odd that it won;t install in a folder named in multibyte chars.

>> No.2426146

no one is going to use this but anyways
I made an section on my abandoned forum for talking about AiSp@ce I was thinking we could post guides and tutorials and maybe talk about it


some of you might recognise the kureha.gotdns.com from back when I helped host the DaCapo crack file

>> No.2426149

Dunno. Was playing it for hours last night.

>> No.2426155


1. You can be the little girl.
2. You can make a waifu the way you want.
3. You live in Clannad or DaCapoII or Shuffle!
4. You can go harass the moonlanders

>> No.2426159

if there is anyone in akihabara channel 4, that can see a female character named losvaize, I would appreciate any help as I am totally confused to shit.

>> No.2426160

Gotcha, made one with google translate at my side.

>> No.2426163

How do you change channels? I didn't get an option to change channels when I went to Akihabara.

>> No.2426167

you have to navigate your way to settings and thumb through until you find it.

>> No.2426170

やめって! なかに だめ!

>> No.2426174

It's fun as shit being the little girl and fucking around with other people on /jp/.

>> No.2426176

This double camera rape lag, feels worse than rubber banding.

>> No.2426178

Also, most of the shit in the Clannad mall needs nico points to buy, so I spent all my money on the gachapon and got a few items which are most likely shit, and when I look in my inventory the items aren't appearing... wat? It's the same when I open the info for my characters, the model that's mean't to appear on the left isn't there.

>> No.2426183

>>2426159 here
anyway to get shit to display in english, mostly just menus and shit not looking for much just something to get my bearings... so fuckin confused.

>> No.2426185

you have to click the bottom left button to put the items from the tray into your inventory

>> No.2426190

I got glasses which were worth 6k and a round table worth 6.8k and lots of clothes and stuff

>> No.2426191

Oh shit, I finally got to the character creation screen.

Going to be a little girl.

>> No.2426198

so many little girls with the same base file as me...

>> No.2426207

I'm in a train.

When do I get to choose my waifu?

>> No.2426211
File: 31 KB, 948x582, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, thanks.

Also, is the game down at the moment or something? Because I get this when I try and start it..

>> No.2426216

halp I'm stuck after getting off the train after making my character. Don't know shit here cap'n and moonrunes are illegible to me.

>> No.2426223

In the previous thread there was some dude posting pics of where to go. Follow that.

>> No.2426230

is there a translation for the survery shit at the beginning?

>> No.2426240
File: 617 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090414_173820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh shit bottom right as seen in this pic

>> No.2426241

doesn't affect things just skip through it I recreated my character 15 times to make sure of it

>> No.2426253
File: 83 KB, 1022x764, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know what this says? It's not on the wiki thing so I'm lost.

>> No.2426257

It doesn't? So I can press anything it won't matter?

>> No.2426261


Good tutorial. in during crunchyroll faggit etc.

>> No.2426265

Oh fuck, so if I closed it and just left then the items I won are gone?

>> No.2426278

um... yeah?

ok I'm in akiba who's stuck?

>> No.2426282

it won't matter

we're on 4ch by the way.. I'm at the beginning waiting for new arrivals

>> No.2426290 [DELETED] 

How do I run?

>> No.2426294

remember guys placing things in your closet at home preserves it even if you delete and recreate your character
you can redo quests and baitos when you recreate your characters
you make your own nick and stuff on the train
you get to make your waifu's nick when you meet here in your apartment

>> No.2426298

Shit, I'm so stupid.

Ah well, I can always do the quests in the other schools right?

>> No.2426299

So I'm in the game and I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.2426307

yes you can
make your way to akiba on channel 4 and I'll add you to the group

>> No.2426309

If you had 48 hours in a day, what would you do?

>> No.2426312

Japan really issues everyone a free apartment and bride.

>> No.2426319

Which is the best school place?

>> No.2426323

I live in shuffle. you can live anywhere you like. your waifu can only go to akiba and the island you live on though. You can go anywhere

>> No.2426325


>> No.2426330

It doesn't really matter. Just pick any.

>> No.2426332
File: 944 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090414_175743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi it's me 千雨 I'm here in akiba waiting for new arrivals to help and add to the group.

come talk to me newbies

>> No.2426339

How can you add friends to your list?

>> No.2426346

Oh, I saw you before I got transported.

>> No.2426352

Clannad has a lot of noob friendly melee abilities. Da Capo has sort of a debuff/ranged emphasis with some good nukes later on but it's tough at the beginning because of reduced HP and defense. Shuffle is versatile, starts off a lot slower than Clannad, and grows into several of the best endgame builds.

>> No.2426358

I'm モク anyway. no idea how to use that phone.

>> No.2426359

right click on him/her and choose the second option

>> No.2426362

All the weeaboo girl names are taken.

>> No.2426363
File: 617 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090414_200555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone translate this for me?

>> No.2426364

if anyone of you is turs or that DC something guy, I'm going to smack you for ignoring me

>> No.2426376

Something about a job and some shop in Akihabara.

>> No.2426383


Hmm yeah, apparantly I chat to most npc and nothing happened.

>> No.2426386
File: 576 KB, 940x512, nodango.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does she say here? I'm not getting the Dango quest...

>> No.2426388

I'm in my apartment now and don't know what to do.

>> No.2426392

Go outside, you hikikomori.

>> No.2426397

Do you know/like (w/e) Dango daikazoku? It was quite popular in the past.

Don't you think it's cute?

>> No.2426419

Just made a character done a quest or 2, now I'm on my way to find you guys

>> No.2426420
File: 868 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090414_202351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot the second half.

>> No.2426428

So I'm at the school but I don't know moonrunes. Any way to complete the quests?

>> No.2426434

Physical jobs are tiring.

>> No.2426461

I'm just randomly talking to people and I got a computer.

>> No.2426583

止めって お兄ちゃん 中に だめ

>> No.2426595

今 入るぞ お姉ちゃん

>> No.2426605

oh god what am i doing

>> No.2426609

Use the wiki, etc. Look at the last 3 threads in the archive.

>> No.2426615

And how do I recreate my character?

>> No.2426620

login click character and click the right button

>> No.2426621

Patching is so fucking long.

>> No.2426636

Turs you wanker stop ignoring me

>> No.2426645

Oh god, it's updating again. I have a feeling this is going to take forever.

>> No.2426674

In the Glorious Land of Japan, this entire update will probably take 7 mins at max. They have hikari faiba.

>> No.2426680

actually it'll take less since large cities now have gigabit fiber

>> No.2426683
File: 5 KB, 468x44, error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what this error message says?

>> No.2426694

Eh, what're you taking about?
The only two people I saw speaking english never said a word to me.

>> No.2426698

Failed applying patch data.

And that's it fags, I'm not translating anymore.

>> No.2426716
File: 3 KB, 315x81, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this.

>> No.2426738

KDDI to launch 1Gbps fiber-optic service in Oct
Saturday 27th September, 05:46 AM JST

KDDI Corp will launch a fiber-optic communications service with upload and download speeds each of up to one gigabit per second on Oct 1. The new service will target people living in single-family homes and low-rise apartment buildings. The traffic speeds will be the fastest in eastern Japan, up drastically from the current 100 megabits per second.

With the service, KDDI aims to catch up with Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp, which has a share of over 70% in the market for fiber-optic broadband services for single-family houses.

KDDI will charge 5,985 yen in basic monthly fees for Internet and telephone services, down 1,155 yen from the current price, if a user subscribes for two consecutive years.

KDDI will start offering its fiber-optic services, which are now available only in six prefectures in the Kanto region and nearby Yamanashi Prefecture, in four cities in the northern prefecture of Hokkaido.

>> No.2426746

Monday, 29 September 2008, 09:33 IF YOU EVER GET TIRED of the 8Mbps broadband connection offered in most of the UK you might want to consider a shift to the Land of the Rising Sun.

Cable outfit KDDI has just launched a fibre-optic communications service with upload and download speeds each of up to one gigabit per second.

The new service will target people living in single-family homes and low-rise flats. Japanese broadband speeds are famously fast with 100 megabits per second being the norm.

The new service is a bit of a catch-up for KDDI which is behind Nippon Telegraph & Telephone, which has a share of over 70 per cent in the market for fiber-optic broadband services for single-family houses.

KDDI will charge 5,985 yen (or 30 of your British pounds) in basic monthly fees for Internet and telephone services. µ

so with 100mbps being the norm Korea has one shitty survey where they rank first

>> No.2426748

There are BRs in this game.

>> No.2426751 [DELETED] 

Sucks to live in Yamagata. At least it's cheap to live and people don't hate you.

>> No.2426759

I wonder how it is to have such a fast connection.

Anon on 2.3 megabit.

>> No.2426844

How do you earn money? I've been walking around for 30 minutes but still no progress. Help?

>> No.2426865

akiba channel 4 and no english speaking persons?

>> No.2426879

Where the fuck is 音楽好きな付属一年生 in the Da Capo school? I'm using the map thing for the quests on the website but it doesn't have I2 down, or I'm just going blind.

>> No.2426952

How do we get our daily allowance? I'm still stuck at 100 deres

>> No.2426955

A student who loves music.

>> No.2426957

man behind desk in the building in akihabara. where you chose where to live.

>> No.2426970
File: 129 KB, 1026x797, allowance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, cool, this guy then. Thanks

>> No.2426984
File: 177 KB, 1029x797, reisen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaha. The possibilities in this game seem limitless.

>> No.2426985

Yeah, where are they? I've found the first girl in glasses but I can't find I2, the website says they're in the same area as I1 though..

>> No.2427150
File: 11 KB, 389x111, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the heck does this say? I asked some random jap where i2 was since they were standing next to i1 like me, and they replied with this.

>> No.2427182

How do you get nico points?

>> No.2427194

no idea, but if i remember correctly she was in the woods/forest area on right of map, inside the school still.

>> No.2427197

More like nonexistant, amirite?

>> No.2427204

I don't think an MMOSG is for me in all honesty. I prefer to play games than to socially interact through them.

>> No.2427208

He chuckles that you're having trouble running the quest and then suggests that it may be impossible for you to finish.

>> No.2427210

I just on the game and i have zero cash

how to get it?

>> No.2427215

Thanks, I'll try it later.

For some reason I had a feeling it would be like that, the cruel bastard.

>> No.2427219

I would like to add that he's not being mean about it, he's just finding it funny. He probably wonders why a foreigner is even in this game since he's still being polite.

>> No.2427223

I fucked around for 2.5 hours or something and gave up. Too hard to play without knowing moonspeak.

>> No.2427229

It's easy to do if you dont plan on doing the quests, the delivery missions are easy.

>> No.2427239

Yeah I tried that but I only managed to complete a few. I just ran around everywhere talking to everyone.

>> No.2427245

But stuff like give this to who is confusing with all the names and stuff.

>> No.2427266

For the delivery missions, there are small parts of of few names to remember, most in english too.

>> No.2427274

Is there an assembled bastion of knowledge? I don't really feel like reading through 4 threads to learn what can be summarized in a few sentences.

>> No.2427292

Good point, anyone know how to start a wiki?

>> No.2427341

um... I was starting to do something here...
but oh well...

>> No.2427342

Now making one...

>> No.2427367


>> No.2427386

Thanks bro.

Somebody should add all the content from the previous threads. I'm too lazy myself.

>> No.2427391

On it.

>> No.2427392

Someone mentioned that Nico won't take filthy gaijin credit cards?

If that's true is there some way to get around that? I want some money items.

>> No.2427396

The only bad thing about recreating your character is that you lose everyone on your contact list. Oh well...

>> No.2427400

Scam a Jap.

>> No.2427408

Currently ingame. Nickname is nebiros, send me a message or meet me in Clannad mall.

>> No.2427436

You should make separate articles for getting it downloaded, installed, working, making an account, etc and when you're actually in the game.

>> No.2427447

I just updated my forum with parcel quest guide

>> No.2427506

I just bought a nice school uniform but when I enter the school area I get a dialog where it asks me something. When I click "Yes" my skirt or coat just dissapears or gets replaced by something I never bought before?

>> No.2427520

If something has R next to it, that item is only for rent.

>> No.2427516 [DELETED] 

I made the "running the game" article.

It's basically getting the game itself working, while the "How to start" should be about in the actual game.

>> No.2427529

Ah, I see. What does that mean? Does it mean that I can't buy any items ingame for myself without buying any Nicopoints or how does that work? My Clannad uniform looked so good... ;_;

>> No.2427541

And during quests you get 10 times less money.

>> No.2427543

You can buy clothes ingame, but not school uniforms.

>> No.2427545


>> No.2427549

you can get it with the nico point gashapons at akiba

>> No.2427557

somebody should shrink those pics a bit

>> No.2427567

I'll get this shit updated overnight.

>> No.2427571

I've gotta leave for a while, but I've made a table on the Da Capo quest page that should be easy enough to fill in with the quests from the Japanese wiki. I've done two myself and I'll finish it later if no one else does.

>> No.2427610

Guide on how to buy programs for your chara

>> No.2427673

I did a nice bit of editing, decreased the image sizes a bit, and added on to the tutorial.

I'll leave it to you guys, since a torrent just finished. You should add on from that guide on how to get started and play and such.

Also, excuse my clusterfuck in recent changes if you bother checking that.

>> No.2427694

Isn't the 'dango quest' the same as the dog/cat ones for the other 2 islands?

>> No.2427695

There's one thing that i wanna ask: How to get NicoPoints? Many stuff i see selling around use that points instead of cash

>> No.2427705

by creditcard

>> No.2427745

when somebody makes a new thread include a link to the wiki in the OP post

>> No.2427754

if the threads stop I'll keep it updated with rough guides and a link to the most recent thread
and if the threads ever stop it'll serve as a place to talk

>> No.2427797

thanks for writing up the wiki, i'll join you guys tonight with this handy.

>> No.2427826

The Japanese in http://editthis.info/aispace/Da_Capo_Island
is fucked.

>> No.2427862

someone wasn't using UTF-8 as their encoding when they posted so it fucked up

>> No.2427877

Somebody should add in a description of the game on the main page.

>> No.2427882

Thanks a lot for the wiki page with the quests but I can't finish them?I followed the first D.C.II quest but I never got the 1200D mentioned. What am I doing wrong? Can you only do quests on your own island?

>> No.2427899


you can do them anywhere, did you return to quest giver?

>> No.2427923

I did but he/she just gives me the same quest again. I assume you can do multiple quests at a time? I think I have one unfinished quest on the Clannad island but that shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.2427925

some quests require you to go back and forth 2 times

>> No.2427929

I suggest doing them in order some quests require that you have finished others

>> No.2427943

千雨here.... gonna go crash for the night it's 1am and I gotta wake up in 5 hrs to get ready for morning college classes.

>> No.2427952

Ok, I'll do that. To accept the quest you always need to select the first option right? My Japanese is so terrible. ;_;

>> No.2427966

yeah it's usually the first option

Hey I can't read japanese at all and I finished all the quests! just give it some time.

>> No.2427971

I just love this game but the language barrier is just difficult to get through sometimes. I'm getting used to it though.

>> No.2428020

suddenly, lots of japs in ch 4.
where's everyone at?

>> No.2428046

I get away with so much crazy shit, I had 2 hours of sleep yesterday thanks much Ai Sp@ce and still got my existentialist paper finished, now today I'm hanging around here and still managed to finish my F. Scott Fitzgerald analysis on 6 hours of sleep in 3 days. You can still pull off miracles in college while wasting time playing online datin games. Good luck buddy.

>> No.2428053

Anyone else on right now?

>> No.2428073

I am, shuffle island, cat hunting.

>> No.2428077

I am. 烈風気利 and i'm at Clannad land

>> No.2428090

On the way to Shuffle Island now

>> No.2428141

I am, nickname is maka.

>> No.2428174 [DELETED] 

I downloaded a random lcsebody.exe from google, it was from a japanese game. After removing the "protection" that compares the original game title with the one you're trying to run and fixing some little things, the game run. The dialog message boxes were in japanese, but the rest worked fine.
Then I noticed it, THE RESOLUTION ISN'T THE SAME. The trials at mangagamer run at 640x480 and this game is 800x600. So I just changed the trial exe to run at 800x600 and voila, it didn't crash.

This will work with all the games that use lc-scriptengine at 800x600.

>> No.2428178

I'm currently at the D.C. II school.

>> No.2428185

I just made a loli character =3

>> No.2428190

I just turned 500D into 5000D with janken.

>> No.2428201


>> No.2428208

rock paper scissors

>> No.2428226


Looks like a penis.

>> No.2428229

And now 3000 because she's a cheating bitch, but still a net gain.

>> No.2428260

I've been signed out and can't get back in. Anyone else having the same problem?

>> No.2428289

Same here.

>> No.2428294

If you D/C instead of log out, it usually takes awhile to let you back.

>> No.2428417

Collecting animals is such a pain in the ass. It takes forever to move from one map to another.

>> No.2428422

Go play janken to earn money. She almost always seems to go for rock first.

>> No.2428468


>> No.2428570

She gave me scissors first.

I collected 5 cats for nothing. ;_;

>> No.2428571

are you still winning?

>> No.2428597

What is your nickname by the way?

>> No.2428637

rofl im getting a c++ error when i log in

>> No.2428719
File: 106 KB, 1042x811, whaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe my game shouldn't look like this, any ideas?

>> No.2428765

same thing here,
i am not running it with jap unicode....
should that be enough to fix it?

>> No.2428772

Update your drives? Reboot the game? Install newer version of DirectX? Are you region settings correct?

>> No.2428835

I'm using applocale. My drivers are at most 2 months old and I've got newest DirectX. Also tried to restart my computer but no avail.

>> No.2428887

bump for answer

>> No.2428907

What OS are you on?

>> No.2428942

I just found this, http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-466779/aiscripting/

I know CR and all, i haven't read it yet, looks like the most interesting part of the game though.

>> No.2429060
File: 213 KB, 1024x768, ai bot 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, scripted dolls are very interesting.

>> No.2429102

Anybody online right now?

>> No.2429146

I am, akihabara ch 4

>> No.2429154

Hmmm, put some of that into the wiki.

>> No.2429190

I like how that Kaede keeps hitting on random people. She keeps inviting them to go with her places, sometimes inviting them to join Shuffle.

>> No.2429216

I'll be on in a second. What is your nickname?

>> No.2429236

Tamixy, now in my room open to all, number 1734, watching tv

>> No.2429257

Where are you located?

>> No.2429262



>> No.2429271

Coming over.

>> No.2429288

Are none of the clothings permanent in this game?

>> No.2429292

I think alot are, any without an R on them, gashapon seem to be permanent anyway.

>> No.2429312

Only the clothes from the uniform rental shop are temporary, as far as I know. Everything else is pemanent.

>> No.2429320

Ah, I see. What is the counter next to the clothe's icon when buying? How many you want?

>> No.2429322

this thread belongs on hongfire as well

>> No.2429327

does it just not work for xp 64? i can get in and play for about a minute or so and it crashes.

>> No.2429348

Clannad, Da Capo and Shuffle! belong on /jp/ more than you do.

>> No.2429405
File: 409 KB, 1019x767, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come hang out with us, /jp/.

>> No.2429419

We should add /jp/ as one of our friend tags, i think it'll identify us in that color on maps removing some of the confusion and unknown.

>> No.2429423

New thread
