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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 800x533, 800px-Flag_of_South_Korea.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2425764 No.2425764 [Reply] [Original]

>YouTube has decided to cripple its Korean site rather than comply with a new law which would force it to publish the real names of all contributors and commenters on the site.

An amendment to a “cyber-defamation” law recently went into effect, requiring websites which have more than 100,000 unique users per day to list their real names and national identification card numbers.

What prevents users from falsely supplying these is not clear, but sites have no choice but to comply.

In response to the law, YouTube Korea, in consultation with Google, its US-based parent company, has disabled the ability of its Korean user base to upload videos or make comments on existing videos.

>> No.2425778


>> No.2425772

....nothing of interest there

>> No.2425784

If they have set their language options to Korean, yes. If they set it to any other language, they are free to do anything they want.

>> No.2425790

haha oh wow

>> No.2425800

So it's basically frozen?

Also what kind of bullshit law is that? I thought it was North Korea at first until I remembered NK doesn't have the internet... or electricity.

>> No.2425828

and this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.2425832


SK is far from democratic, it modernized through what was pretty much a military dictatorship (though it was one supported by the US).

This was over 20 years ago but it still really hasn't democratized and the state is corrupt as shit.

>> No.2425845

>An amendment to a “cyber-defamation” law recently went into effect, requiring websites which have more than 100,000 unique users per day to list their real names and national identification card numbers.

What the hell?

Good thing I live in America, land of the free.

>> No.2425847


This is why THEY can't have nice things.

Luckily I was born in America.

>> No.2425855

The best part is that their "cyber-defamation" would never fly in such renowned BASTIONS OF LIBERTY as Japan



>> No.2425861

who cares, every country does the same thing.

>> No.2425876

I never thought I'd applaud YouTube.

>> No.2425881

>has disabled the ability ... make comments on existing videos.

A step in the right direction if you ask me.

>> No.2425913

LOL. This is the official reason why Korean don't say "I'm Korean". and they pretend as Japanese. SK government force them to pretend

>> No.2425932

Oh shit, I want my Starcraft videos.

>> No.2425930

   Ummmm I can't depend on South Korea
      .| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|               ~~~~~~~~~◯~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  __...  Don't come back!  |                   Ο
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>> No.2425939

  + ;I am S-Korean President Ro Moo-Hyon!
* ☆_+ Why are you running away?
: , xヾ:、__,..-‐‐:、、,へ.........._
         く '´::::::::::::::::ヽ       ∧_,,∧    It is natural!
          /0:::::::::,:::::::::::::',      <`Д´∧_,,∧  We don't want to dead with your
       =  {o::::::::<;‘Д‘>}  ≡≡≡ (つ<; `Д´>  sinking country!!
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>> No.2425951

Oh wait, we get most of the stuff from streams, which are then uploaded to youtube by foreigners. We should be fine.

>> No.2425957

/jp/ - Korea/General

>> No.2426012

I am Japanese personally and I like Korea, they tend to be more friendly that us Japanese and polite.

>> No.2426035
File: 67 KB, 557x392, 1229938036691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2426070

Often Japanese say 'I am Korean' in order to spread lies about Korea.

>> No.2426082

lol good riddance, maybe one day they'll just ban Korean from the Internet completely. That'd be awesome.

>> No.2426106
File: 22 KB, 400x309, lol korean7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2426117

/jp/ - Asia/General

>> No.2426119

lol, you claimed that 4chan was inferior impostor of Futaba.

But you are still here a year later.

>> No.2426144
File: 94 KB, 800x531, shitinseoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you learn Real history of Korea? Black things are shits of Korean, LOL.

>> No.2426154

/jp/ dislikes Korean topic.

>> No.2426251

Japanese and Korean is the same to me. I'm American.

>> No.2426266

All asia is chinks.

>> No.2426268

why would you take a shit in the middle of the road...
also, /jp/ - korea/general

>> No.2426269

Fuck yeah Youtube!

>> No.2426273

oh wait, nevermind, horses.
anyhow, reported for...something.

>> No.2426280
File: 116 KB, 700x724, 1657984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. Do you think American and Mexican is the same? and If Japanese or Korean say "American and Mexican is the same to me", what do you think?

>> No.2426288

>and If Japanese or Korean say "American and Mexican is the same to me", what do you think?

I would laugh.

>> No.2426300
File: 123 KB, 600x709, fantasyofkorea (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no. Korean was too poor to keep horses at that time. This is Korean fantasy and REAL photo of Seoul. and Korean learn only fantasy in their history classes.

>> No.2426296

Why did the Korean accept this stupid law?

>> No.2426295


Hey, I spoke to you the other day, you said that Koreans laugh about how they download anime on Futaba and 2channel. Is it common for Koreans to troll Futaba and 2channel?

>> No.2426302


Because they're a bunch of sheep like the UK.

>> No.2426303

The difference: Mexicans are hispanic. Americans are predominantly white (don't you dare say Native Americans, those fuckers dont count; they're practically extinct)

>> No.2426314

Japanese DO NOT find it offensive if you say 'jap'.

>> No.2426316


>> No.2426317

How about dogs? And cats?

>> No.2426322
File: 112 KB, 560x796, fantasyofkorea (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Japanese do. Basically stupid American and Korean DO NOT learn history. That is why you say something like "Japanese and Korean is the same to me".

>> No.2426324

Wow, that's incredible bullshit.

I approve of youtube's response though. Lesser of two evils, I'd say.

>> No.2426327

Japanese do NOT laugh at Americans. They respect Americans, for example, 'Otaku from USA'.

>> No.2426334

But i thought America is rainbow colored

>> No.2426347

In the meantime German law enforcment raided the owner of the german mirror of wikileaks because of the published australian internet censorship list.
Two weeks later they made the next step and blocked the site completly after pressure on the german registration database.
China and Germany are the only nations that blocked a whole wikileaks site.

Germany will most likely pass thisyear new laws in attempt to setup an internet censorship system after the australian model.

We all knew this would come, anyone who's not retarded must have seen the signs. The free internet will die off in the next five to ten years, goverments and lobbyist groups battle each other for total control of the currently most popular but decentralized medium, like they have done with all previous popular information mediums.

in b4 expert programmer and script kiddy stating that he doesn't care because he is able to trick prevention system. This is not the matter.

>> No.2426351
File: 66 KB, 556x361, barbaric korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Korean mothers. Only mothers who have sons could show their tits. It was honor for Korean mothers. This fact is never learned history classes in Korea. Because even Korean can understand it is barbaric custom.

>> No.2426357


What do Japanese on 2chan think of 4chan?

>> No.2426371

They respect 4chan, they use a lot of 4chan images and characters.

>> No.2426379

And japanese trolls fought with swords while the rest of the modern world had pistols HURR DURR

>> No.2426381


>> No.2426391

Japanese think not only 4chan but also chink, gook, other gaijin are thieves. I know that chink, gook, gaijin insist that Japanese do not buy anime, manga, game... But Japanese buying anime, manga, game is the reason why these industries are still alive. chink, gook, gaijin DO NOT help them at all.

>> No.2426400

Winny, Share, Perfect Dark....

If there were no fansubbers or translators, then there would be no anime or manga industry in the western world.

>> No.2426403



Westerners have better taste in anime, for example: Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.2426404

LOL you really DO NOT learn history at all. If you study the end of Edo period and start of Meiji era, you can understand how intelligent Japanese were comparing to Korean and Chinese at that time.

>> No.2426407

OP here.

Looks like my shitthread is now popular.

>> No.2426410

I wonder if there are actually any real japanese posting here, it is prime time for them.

>> No.2426412

This is so true, Japanese anime fans have very poor taste - look at K-ON for example.

>> No.2426415


>> No.2426416


>>2426351 has been here pretty much since /jp/ started. He claims to dislike 4chan but he's been here for over a year. I also saw him on /a/ once complaining about Korean spoilers when Geass was airing.

>> No.2426417

Nice try.

>> No.2426423


Though, actually, even /a/ seems to hate you faggots now. Leave this site completely.

>> No.2426426

Cowboy Bebop DVDs sold very well in Europe and North America. Though the director said he did not want to do a sequel.

Japanese would prefer to watch Code Gayass, LOL.

>> No.2426427

>herf derf your moe is shit, gimme mah manly animu

>hurp derp i just wanna watch mah moe bitches being moe

>> No.2426429

Chinese invented Japanese culture.

>> No.2426436

Honestly, if you go to Futaba's Nijiura boards you can see what poor anime they watch. They don't even like Legend of Galactic Heroes.

>> No.2426438


K-On is shit, when you base an entire show around moe, it is shit. Sorry, but its the truth.

This is coming from someone who liked Haruhi by the way. At least Haruhi actually had a plot and interesting characters.

>> No.2426441

Are you crazy? If your buying is helpful, Japanese animators will make rip off of COW BOY BEBOP. but they DO not make, because your buying is not helpful at all. YOU ARE JUST THIEVES.

>> No.2426445

Are the mods/janitors simply enjoying this or are they sleeping?

>> No.2426448

I bought Cowboy Bebop boxed set DVDs though.

If it comes out on Blu-Ray I will buy those too. I have many other series on box set DVDs as well. The only things I download are currently airing series or series that have not been licensed in America yet.

>> No.2426446

You faggot,
is obviously not Japanese.

>> No.2426453

Google have a nice way of responding to laws. If only they'd stop permitting Google in China, maybe we'd see Internet censorship die.

>> No.2426458

LOL 70% of modern Chinese words are invented by Japanese. even their name of country 中華人民共和国 is made by Japanese words. chinks are too stupid to know this fact.

>> No.2426456

>>At least Haruhi actually had a plot and interesting characters.

Even if you are trolling, people who like Haruhi genuinely believe this.

>> No.2426460


It was an interesting, strange take on school based anime. I know you prefer Lucky Star probably. But Lucky Star is shit.

>> No.2426463

Want to know how I watch my anime?

I can access Japanese television with my satellite dish and I have a hacked satellite box reciever card as well.

>> No.2426470

They're both shit. They're marketing tools, not anime. Haruhi was admittedly a hundred times better than Lucky Star, but seeing as Lucky Star was a raging, steaming pile of horseshit, that's not saying very much

>> No.2426479

Nihonjin baka

>> No.2426478

LOL. Some anime ARE NOT free in Japan. but stupid gaijin never admit this fact. for example, ELFEN LIED is not free, you have to pay money to watch. but stupid gaijin insist it is unfair that only Japanese can watch anime free. YOU GAIJIN ARE REALLY REALLY THIEVES.

>> No.2426482

>They respect 4chan, they use a lot of 4chan images and characters.
When pigs fly.^^

>> No.2426485

>but stupid gaijin insist it is unfair that only Japanese can watch anime free.

It is unfair. Why wasn't I born Japanese? ;_;

>> No.2426486

Gaijin troll.

>> No.2426497

Japanese really are stupid! Why don't they download anime like we do? All they do is buy this crap!

>> No.2426500

Oh, do you mean WOWOW? I have that channel on my satellite dish.

>> No.2426504

LOL NO. How can a series, aired out of order because otherwise it would have been shit, be superior to Lucky Star. ROROROROROROROR

>> No.2426505


>> No.2426510

It's your own fault that your nation didn't follow along with Westernization in the 1700-1800's thanks to your bullshit Confucian way of life. Same with Corea, which was just China's bitch back then.
If you chinks and gooks did something about equaling Western powers by using their knowledge to better yourselves, as the Japanese did during the Meiji Era, you wouldn't have been walked all over by the rest of the world. Blame yourself for what happened to your people due to your ancestors idiocy.

>> No.2426511


He's got a point there. Japan-haters aside, Japanese are just more creative people in general. I think the west has more 'great geniuses' of creativity.

But Japan has more creative people in general. They dont have this half-assed attitude we do. They work hard at things.

>> No.2426517

I will move to Japan and live there.

>> No.2426524

haha foreigner think japan care for buying english anime. in japan we have exclusive the foreigner never get and cry for.

>> No.2426534


We can download. Anyway I go to Akihabara when I am in Japan to get exclusive figs and such.

>> No.2426545

Why cant we all be friends huh?

>> No.2426547

>>2426524 Here.
You guys are easy to fool.
