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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2424336 No.2424336 [Reply] [Original]

#/jp/ - Home of the normalfriends and high-powerlevel lurkers.

>> No.2424350

Pingu and the OPs are better suited in /r9k/.

>> No.2424346

I went there once and I got kicked for being Jewish. I haven't been back there since.

>> No.2424350,1 [INTERNAL] 

What's up, I motivated you too much?

>> No.2424356

>high-powerlevel lurkers
You mean people with no lives?
Sounds about right.
Stop making these threads.

>> No.2424357


what, why? fuck /r9k/.

>> No.2424366

#/jp/ was here.
/jp/ is a fag.

>> No.2424368

It just sickens me that /jp/ must come to that.

You're pretty much okay, but most of the active users are just pathetic and don't belong there.

Have fun in the military.

>> No.2424371

#/jp/ is totally unrelated to /jp/, stop making threads about it.

>> No.2424375


>> No.2424380

Sorry, man, but you're alone now.
I'm not making any move before they do, and I have dominion of all the pieces.

>> No.2424384

IRC=Instant unmeasurable faggotry. Move along, nothing to see here.

>> No.2424391

#/jp/ is okay from time to time. But really, the recent group of active users are really annoying and I wish they'd leave.

>> No.2424395
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Fansubbers channels are worse, especially when they're about to release something.

So much drama. And all of the mods on #4chan too, bunch of absolute masters of drama.

>> No.2424398
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eh, the channel was rather inactive until we got the vn bots in there. im just hoping it doesnt turn into an #/a/ when i leave.


>> No.2424402

Everyone knows that IRC is shit, you didn't need to make a thread about it.

>> No.2424415

Well, not every IRC channel is shit, but when it comes to Japanese related things, then yes. Full of faggotry and what not, thinking they invented any kind of fandom involving Japan. #/jp/ is even worse. Too bad there isn't a channel to talk to actual /jp/ers, just faggots.

>> No.2424418

#/jp/ was cool when it was completely idle and no one said anything.

>> No.2424426
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Why is Maggot a mod anyways. What has she done other than post that one copypasta a million years ago on /b/ and circle jerk in #4chan?

>> No.2424428

Why not make one then?

>> No.2424438

IRC is fine, #/jp/ is for girls and normalbros.

>> No.2424439

Those are more than enough reasons for moot to handle over the mod status.

>> No.2424442

There aren't even girls in #/jp/

>> No.2424443

Sigh, I certainly like it because of the bots. I used to talk all the time but don't feel the need to anymore. I guess Miles, remilia and friends just ended up annoying me. Kordox and Tatari for OP.

>> No.2424453
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I guess so. ( ´_ゝ`)

I found the problem with #/jp/ was it was more of an AIM chat rather than Japan General. Everyone talked about their shitty lives or whatever mundane things they could shit out. It was always about the users in the chat.

>> No.2424457

No idea. What was the copypasta she made anyway?

And anyone remember Allyson's camwhoring?

>> No.2424462

Use the bots, don't read the text. Real time messaging sucks anyway.

>> No.2424463


>> No.2424469

I'd actually enjoy a non-/jp/ related discussion group with /jp/ posters. Just not the ones that currently go to #/jp/

>> No.2424471

Why not talk about more /jp/ related things then?
I can see what you guys mean though, it's usually not related to Japan.

>> No.2424476

The OPs bitched at non-jap related shit.
Even thought pingu never said anything Japan related...

>> No.2424478

Hmmmm, I guess this is true somewhat. But I liked the offtopic aspect a little. I guess it did get a little out of hand. But there really isn't much to talk about in the first place. But I do wish there was more of a games discussion.

Also I think all meta discussion should happen there. It seems like the best place for it.

>> No.2424484

>the OPs
>some idiot named annie


Also why would you want to talk in #/jp/ with people like remilia, miles, etc.

>> No.2424486

It's the worst that the owner is barely /jp/-material.

It's like moot kicking you between the legs.

>> No.2424489
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I'm pretty sure it was that one about that girl shoving rotten meat/maggots in her vagina and masturbating.
Also here's Allyson. WHY DO I HAVE THIS SAVED?

>> No.2424498

You do know the Remilia in #/jp/ isn't the image dumping girl Remilia right?

>> No.2424511

Oh god. The maggot thing... Good lord.

And haha, yeh, thats the pic. Jesus christ.

>> No.2424516

No shit.

Lesbian /jp/ Remi != normalfriend #/jp/ Remi

>> No.2424523


Was Allyson that slut who was made mod of /b/ for a short while due to sluttery until everyone told her to get out?

Anyway #/jp/ is lurkable but there are a lot of people there that post stupid shit and I have a feeling that they're barely tolerated.

>> No.2424532

You are now imagining the feeling of having a vagina full of maggots feasting upon your tender flesh.

>> No.2424533

How the fuck do these users know about the "politics" of /b/?

This is as bad as #/jp/.

>> No.2424538

This is #/jp/, gee,a place for everyone to enjoy themselves, and it turned for the shitter. Anyone who makes another thing like this will get a channel just as shitty.

>> No.2424545

Uh, because they are from the /jp/ IRC channel? What more do you expect?

Related - the melty blood jp channel produces shit /jp/ posters as well.

>> No.2424551

>Was Allyson that slut who was made mod of /b/ for a short while due to sluttery until everyone told her to get out?

Pretty much.

>> No.2424565
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Yeah. She always had these shitty MSPaint draw threads that everyone would flock to.

I can't believe I remember people like Rita or Era/blueberry or whatever. My brain remembers useless things.

>> No.2424568

Anonymous2007 should also leave #/jp/ with his shitty english and general retarded conversations.

He probably found the channel thanks to one of these threads complaining about it.

>> No.2424572


>> No.2424591


Rita? Does she happen to be some really ugly asian who likes to paint on her body?

>> No.2424591,1 [INTERNAL] 

Apparently there's a separatist channel now

>> No.2424606

If I remember correctly, Rita was some kind of raver girl that posted a lot on /b/. A camwhore, I guess. I chatted with her once and her boyfriend had a really bushy beard.

>> No.2424607
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>> No.2424644


There was a Rita that used to plague a rather small community I was in at the time and I had the honor of driving her out. I don't remember her talking about raves but I remember the boyfriend and her shitty art.

I don't understand how of all the places on the internet porn sites are the most prone to camwhores. I also don't understand how when they came here instead of driving them out the owners decided to befriend some of them.

>> No.2424675
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Yeah, it's really weird isn't it? Considering 4chan is mainly Japanese based, a lot of girls (and some guys too I guess) come here to whore themselves out. Maybe 4chan is losing it's roots from 2chan. orz

>> No.2424677

I've explained this before, but I'll do you the honour of explaining it again. We'll start from the supposition that 4chan has a lot of losers on it. Although people dont all behave in the same way we'll, for the sake of argument, discuss the general trends.

Generally speaking being a loser for a girl doesnt entail the same things as a guy. A girl who is a loser is just as likely to get laid as a girl who isnt for example, in fact shes most likely going to sleep with more guys than a girl who isnt. We've been over the reasons before but I feel this is because girls lower down the social scale need alternative outlets for validation. Hence the internet comes into play.

Thats my theory anyway. I just hate it when they complain about 'virgins', as if them not being a virgin is an achievement.

>> No.2424739

>Maybe 4chan is losing it's roots from 2chan
I find this amusing.

>> No.2424773

I liked it when we drove figuregirl out from this place (or at least from posting while identifying herself), I am optimistic that this community can still drive out whores.


In the sakura-con thread someone bitched about guys having high expectations of cosplayers before I went to bed, I always like baiting for that.

There's something really ironic about dressing up like an anime character and then bitching when we compare them to 2D girls.

>> No.2424800

I think its stupid to deny girls the same right to identify themselves as guys. You're all very jealous people.

>> No.2424815

i went in there once and got lectured for saying most vns were shitty

>> No.2424818

Do you see people posting on 4chan saying "I really liked blah blah blah, it was a really good game, oh yeah I'm a guy BTW?"

>> No.2424822
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>this thread
>50 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2424822,1 [INTERNAL] 

When I read criticism of #/jp/, it's like people are talking about another channel. Almost none of it is remotely true and much doesn't even make sense.

>> No.2424822,2 [INTERNAL] 

IRC is for downloading VNs and manga.
Why would you even look at the comments?

>> No.2424822,3 [INTERNAL] 

People read Youtube comments all the time. ¯\(°_o)/¯
