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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 91 KB, 1018x456, ai space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2420721 No.2420721 [Reply] [Original]

Game is still popular on /jp/. New thread.

Old thread:

>> No.2420728

I'll get back on now.

>> No.2420731

Also, our usual hangout is in front of the screen in channel 4's Akihabara, for anyone just joining in now.

>> No.2420733

No grinding, not interested.

>> No.2420737

can you play this without knowing moonspeak or is it pretty much impossible to play without?

>> No.2420739

I got 6k glasses from a 2k gashapon!! also got repeats of stuff... anyone wanna trade things?

>> No.2420744

I know 0 moon speak and I'm having a blast

>> No.2420754

I think the Kaede and the Nerine clones in akiba are Charadolls that belong to other characters. I was just watching the screen on Shuffle island and someone was having a full conversation with his Tomoyo waifu and I can't do shit with mine. I think the special charadolls have extra things they do. It would explain the Primula and Yume as well

>> No.2420755

Yes, you can play without knowing moonspeak.

>> No.2420757

Well, it's mostly a social game, and there's enough of us there now to actually socialise in English.

>> No.2420760

no there is an AITUNE scriptor that you can program your chara to do things

>> No.2420761

Alright cool, I'll start up the download.

>> No.2420763

How do I do that?

>> No.2420778

>129 kbps


>> No.2420792

So do you just create your own waifu and dress her up or what? I don't really get this.

>> No.2420814

just how much updating does this have to do from a raw install I'm pretty sleepy right now

>> No.2420819

1.5x gb

>> No.2420821

Yes. And then you take her to Akihabara where you watch anime with other /jp/ers and their loli waifus.

>> No.2420837


Guess I'll try this later then

>> No.2420859

Anyone is in Da Capo island? I can't find the person, but the description in the translated website confuses me.

>> No.2420872


L1 L2 L3 for example would be the same mission in the order you should talk as

>> No.2420921

I got a job delivering parcels... but it's only 100D per parcel... It's hard work! 20 parcels for a go at the gashapon

>> No.2420930

Enjoy your shitty MMO, gents. Maybe if you grind hard enough, the NPCs will love you.

>> No.2420954

Go back to your rap music, sports and fat 3D whores.

>> No.2420956

My doll wont leave the house.

>> No.2420964

Not until you right-click on her and tell her to.

>> No.2420970

I'm out of jobs that I can do...

and is jeffe one of us? I just saw him run by

>> No.2420971
File: 188 KB, 1600x1200, 1186522693284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations. You only have a 1/20 chance of getting that doll.

>> No.2420972

What do you do with the money?

>> No.2420989

You can do the jobs on the other islands as well.

>> No.2420990
File: 500 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090413_233153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can buy clothes or furniture and stuff
or if you have 2000 you can go play with the gashapon machine and get things

and here's my apartment... I won the table from a gashapon as well as all my clothes and my chara clothes

don't ask me why I got 3 computers and 3 notebooks

>> No.2420993

it's the same... the parcel dude on the other islands also won't give me a job

>> No.2421015

I found a place that sells Asakura Otome's voices but only takes nico nico points.

>> No.2421023

Where or how can I join channel 4 in Akiba?

>> No.2421034

Anime showing in Akihabara right now.

>> No.2421037

It's in options. Move 4ch to the left.

>> No.2421039

Where do I get a job?

>> No.2421066

From the aiばいと lady in the blue suit in the marketplaces.

>> No.2421068

itt a lot of questions

>> No.2421078


Maybe you can learn something when most people can't even read moonspeak

>> No.2421079

I've been running away from the Japs talking to me since I don't know what they're saying.

>> No.2421102

Well damn, it's going to take a while patching with my internet.

>> No.2421107


>> No.2421121

I moved the 4ch icon to the left. Can anyone give a shout in the channel or anything? I don't really get it. Oh, and a DC girl keeps talking to me and I can only walk in the start area. Can anyone give some instructions?

>> No.2421128

What's your name? I'll look around for you.

>> No.2421137


>> No.2421194

I now live in D.C.II it seems. I'm now at the local mall too, so where to start from here?

>> No.2421214

Go to the school, finish the quests, spend the money.

>> No.2421236
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, ais_20090414_003539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to trade things?

>> No.2421242

I'll do that. How can I get back into Akiba?

>> No.2421261

Next time OP should add some frequently asked questions to his post. And a link to the Japanese wiki.


Just use Google Translate to translate it.

>> No.2421266

find the guy in a uniform
and he'll take you back to akiba

>> No.2421462
File: 1.26 MB, 1022x767, 英語でおk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2421637

is anyone still playing?

>> No.2421683

I am in akiba, channel 4

>> No.2421714

I'm on again.

>> No.2421766

Shit has been downloading/patching for like 4 hours.

>> No.2421808

is happening to everyone

>> No.2421817

call me when someone release the patch to play with primula and the nude mod

>> No.2421846

Anyone could find the /h command for agth ? It would really help.

>> No.2421871

I don't see anyone.

>> No.2421879

oh god I want to play this.

Too bad I have to study this week, and I know I won't if I download this.

>> No.2421891

Primula's already in the game, probably has been for awhile. At least you can make your charadoll look exactly like her in every way and you can even name her プリムラ

>> No.2421909

I'm just doing quests again.

Well, you should at least download the game and leave it open for it to patch. It takes a few hours.

>> No.2421971
File: 59 KB, 1028x791, allblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My screen is completely black. Where do I change the graphics configuration, or is this just something that can't be solved? (My graphics card is a GeForce 7600 GT 512 MB)

>> No.2421983
File: 19 KB, 896x517, 1239563440471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2421997

i had the same thing happening on my previous laptop.
It's BIOS overheated a week later, and it was fucked

>> No.2422005

This reminds me, has Shuffle ever been translated?

>> No.2422015

I actually lol'd at this game this morning.. A japanese person dressed as a girl came up to talk to me, I told them that my japanese is bad and they kindly started speaking in english to me. When I asked how old they were they just said "um.. that is secret".. I guess everyone wants to be the little girl.

>> No.2422016
File: 576 KB, 806x644, thereisnotranslation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One group says they have a full translation, but they haven't released anything yet. Someone else translated a bit of the game.

>> No.2422037

How do you get windowed mode?

>> No.2422048 [DELETED] 

gamepatch said they had it done, but some bullshit circumstances (our translator is in Japan has no internet access and the only one with the script help ;_;) have prevented it form coming out. Some tripfriend named mormonguy is translating it though.

>> No.2422062

Fixed now. Problem was locale settings, just setting the non-unicode setting to Japanese wasn't enough; everything has to be set to Japanese.

>> No.2422069


Who has the partial translation?

>> No.2422104
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, ais_20081120_090559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain me how to do the quests? I followed one of the guides (see the attached picture) but I don't really understand it. As far as I know that picture shows the correct order to complete the quests. I've the done A1, A2 one but nothing happened?

>> No.2422130

So what's this ?
The Sims Multiplayer Edition + Weeaboo Expansion ?

>> No.2422154

Wow, you just explained that to me, thanks. But you should of got a notebook from that quest, go back to your apartment and try and put furniture down and the notebook should be in your inventory.

>> No.2422157

Mormon Guy

>> No.2422179

What school or whatever should I choose when the patching finishes?

>> No.2422191

3 files. Put them in a /Script folder in your Shuffle folder. You might need to extract the other scripts and get rid of the script file as well, but I'm not sure about that.

>> No.2422245

I'm going to bed, hopefully you guys are still playing around midnight.

>> No.2422265

I hope this is game is awesome form what i like, I suppose.

>> No.2422313

Hello again, /jp/, I'll be on once it logs in etc.

>> No.2422338

Which store do I go to to find 甘党二年生?

I really can't find it, but knowing my luck it's the store that's closed at the moment.

>> No.2422345


>> No.2422351

If I remember correctly, they should be somewhere in front of the TV screen in the Clannad shopping plaza.

>> No.2422355

how do I get to Akihabara?

>> No.2422370

Thats where you start.

>> No.2422378

well, i'm there on 4ch but no one else is

>> No.2422382

Thank you sir. I thought I was looking for an item.

>> No.2422412

Take 18 pounds of Mami Futami, add in 32 ounces of justice with a quarter teaspoon of angry tadpoles and 13 tuesdays of kittens, stir well before baking 45 minutes at 450 degrees.

>> No.2422415

So, can I sell items in this game? I really don't need 3 notebooks and 2 computers.

>> No.2422441

Well, it says second year sweet tooth girl. How's that supposed to be an item for you?

>> No.2422481

How would your parents feel when they see you play this game?

>> No.2422492

We'll probably find out in a couple minutes. It's currently 23:34, and I need to get up at 4 AM, but I woke up at 3 PM today, so I decided to not sleep tonight. My mom will probably go 'what the hell are you doing up this late'.

>> No.2422497

Will everyone's second favorite minority religion tripfriend be joining us?

>> No.2422504
File: 104 KB, 468x500, 1236783384569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.2422534

If I can ever connect, yeah, however those odds are slim.

>> No.2422539
File: 203 KB, 1024x768, lol ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is funny

>> No.2422544

I had this a long time ago maybe I should reinstall? What do you all even do? From what I remember all you could do was walk around..

>> No.2422557


What's the point of this game?

What exactly do you do to progress?

>> No.2422575

dear god Kaede's topless, turn the screen goddamn it TURN THE SCREEN

>> No.2422651

automated Kaede's being annoying, we're moving to Shuffle!

>> No.2422679

In your friend list, how do you see who's online and who's not? Does the mobile phone icon indicate someone's online?

>> No.2422705

Crap, just lost connection again, this time in the middle of a conversation...

>> No.2422717

Happens to me all the time.

>> No.2422761
File: 145 KB, 1028x796, building start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you start the game go here

>> No.2422766
File: 149 KB, 1027x796, talk to the clannad girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should say, that building in front of you.

Then talk to the Clannad girl to choose your island.

>> No.2422772
File: 66 KB, 1029x798, charadoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some time later you'll get to your island, right click your Charadoll to talk to her, the first option is to leave your apartment with her, the second is to speak with her if you want to read what she has to say. other options change her clothes and such.

>> No.2422774

I just spent most of the money I earned from the quests on that gachapon thing, since in the shops nearly everything you needed "nico points" (that's what they're called right?) aswell, and I got mostly shit from it. Fail

Also, how do you customize both of your characters with clothes? When I right click and the characters info comes up, the model of the character that I suppose is meant to appear on the left isn't there.

>> No.2422779
File: 162 KB, 1028x799, shuffle island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you leave your apartment you'll see this screen for your destinations. The shops are your way back to akibahara, your school, your apartment on the bottom. This happens to be Shuffle island where I'm from. Click next to continue or back to stay where you are.

>> No.2422782
File: 145 KB, 1027x796, channel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an opportunity to switch what channel you're on.

>> No.2422784
File: 1.17 MB, 1027x789, kigurumikku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching anime inside a game. This is the future.

>> No.2422786
File: 133 KB, 1027x795, return.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a button for a map in the upper right corner, if you wish to return to akibahara head to the conductor, this is where he is on Shuffle island

>> No.2422792
File: 112 KB, 1028x797, conductor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what the conductor looks like

>> No.2422795
File: 119 KB, 1028x799, conductor to the islands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the conductor back to the islands is here on the akibahara map.

>> No.2422798
File: 100 KB, 1029x796, destinations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking to him brings up these options for where you want to go.

Anything else is up to you.

>> No.2422799

Im expecting for some of Little Busters! female characters!

>> No.2422814

Clannad, Shuffle and Da Capo only.

>> No.2422826

How do you change channels? I don't get the option to change channels when I go to Akihabara.

>> No.2422835


guess I go with the flow!

hence i like clannad and shuffle!

>> No.2422844

No specific reaction. Just a 'what are you doing up so late'.

>> No.2422854
File: 435 KB, 640x480, makotoaww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2422877

Moving to Clannad now.

>> No.2422920

is anime always showing, it's becoming really difficult to move anyway, having to keep stopping and watching for 23minutes.

>> No.2423135

I just got DC'd, which made the entire game crash, along with explorer.exe.

>> No.2423136

I just got DC'd, which made the entire game crash, along with explorer.exe.

>> No.2423156

it would also appear that it forces me to double-post.

>> No.2423206


>> No.2423235

Check one, hit delete.

>> No.2423400

I just spent 5000 on hair in the other half of akiba and got nothing.

>> No.2423448
File: 150 KB, 1014x800, 5678965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems to say something now, i may have bought an entire doll, but i still have nothing from it.

>> No.2423574

I just started. Where should I go first after I get my apartment?

>> No.2423584

Go do quests in the school or come hang out with us at the Clannad mall.

>> No.2423594


What kind of quests are we talking about?

>> No.2423609

Running around and talking to people.

All quests are listed here


>> No.2423630
File: 95 KB, 772x639, home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2423654

>Clannad mall


>> No.2423673

Are the quests repeatable?

Also, are you limited to one character? I want to make a loli now...

>> No.2423675

You're amazing.

>> No.2423745

It seems i bought a drama avatar, or something like that. no idea what that is, but it's evident i wasted my money here.

>> No.2423791
File: 82 KB, 1024x768, lol ai 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maintenance, kuso

>> No.2423792

Urgh. Looks like the server's gonna be down for a while.

>> No.2423860

dont we still have 1 hour?

>> No.2423873

closed just now

>> No.2423875

How do you put things in the room?

>> No.2423880

What do you guys do in this game?

>> No.2423894

This needs system language set to Japanese or runs with Applocale?

>> No.2423911

Works with Applocale for me.

>> No.2423919

When does maintenence end?

>> No.2423938

in 6 hours

>> No.2423943

Thanks, i'll sleep then.

>> No.2423968
File: 108 KB, 798x598, dacapo1233228268286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me that I can go shopping with my 2D waifu to Akiba and then buy her some shoes? And then I get to work a part-time job so I can buy her more clothing?

This might be the greatest Online Game ever created. It's like a ronery Shenmue or something.

Sign me up.

>> No.2423990

At the mall, the baito lady doesn't give me work? Why?

>> No.2424074

Oh, I was just about to start playing again too. Time for bed, I suppose.

You can also be the little girl as you do all of those things.

>> No.2424434

Wait, how'd you get a TV? Does it play anything?

>> No.2424618

tv is in akihabara, 8,400
you can play any nico video and also some channels, awesome shit
bigger tv is premium only tho

>> No.2425414

I think we ran Rabbie together. I'll buy you a hat or something.

>> No.2425492

I'm going to play this so I can be the little girl.

>> No.2425521
File: 124 KB, 988x644, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this say?

I wasn't finished patching either when I logged off, so it should be right now.

>> No.2425542

Old thread died. Anybody have the torrent for this?

>> No.2425545

My client isn't patching. Is this normal?

>> No.2425555

It's down for maintenance.

Normally, no. During maintenance, probably.

>> No.2425561

Not a torrent, but there's a direct download link on the website: http://aisp.jp/download/

>> No.2425605

Ah, okay, so I didn't fuck anything up then.

>> No.2425720

Could you explain how to do those quests? I followed one of the guides (at the Clannad school) but nobody directed me to someone else or gave me something to do. Is there something like a quest log in this game? Sorry for all the boring questions but I'm stuck at this point and I want to earn some money.

>> No.2425735

Talk to person A (the first person listed).
Talk to person B (the second person listed).
Talk to person A again.
Receive reward.

>> No.2425755

anyone going online?

>> No.2425760

I never play MMOs but I just might download this.

>> No.2425763


is it even online?

>> No.2425793

it is

>> No.2425801


It won't let me play.

>> No.2425807

Now in the game. Where is everyone?

>> No.2425813

finishin patchin, after that I'll look for you guys, akihabara channel 4 right?

>> No.2425816

I've got me some delicious Kyou.

>> No.2425817

When is the maintenance done? I can't patch.

>> No.2425831

Does the patch give us non cool kids a chance to play by translating most of the game?

>> No.2425836

Too bad. Not a content patch. Looks like they were fixing a runtime error.

>> No.2425842

Maintenance is done, I'm in-game now.

You should be able to play without knowing moon.

>> No.2425844

fuck me, it's 4am and i still can't get on.

might as well go to bed then.

>> No.2425846
File: 1002 KB, 1024x768, ais_20090414_161614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a few things for trade if anyone wants to...

>> No.2425852

lets meet up in clannad, cant do jobs in akihabara

>> No.2425856
File: 135 KB, 1021x631, hurr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ translation? It should be patching.

>> No.2425858


The thing about that is is....

My friend and I have pirated Windows and part of the installation requires us to download from Microsoft.com

>> No.2425872

Whoops, nevermind, it's patching now.

Well it'll take a while yet. Heading off to bed until it's done.

>> No.2425877

If I download this game can I get Kyou as my waifu and dress her up and shit?

>> No.2425892

you can customize your chara with a kyou wig and buy clannad stuff

>> No.2425959

Have an elite BR guild up. Catch 千雨 or あんこ for an invite.

>> No.2425964

An MMO for roneryfag otakus to customize their own waifus and/or pretend to be the little girl?

I'm in!

>> No.2425978

dang I've done everything and the only thing left I can do is to kidnap dangos for 100D

>> No.2425979

can someone help? I keep getting this code 80FF8030 thing and the patching just stops. Useless site doesn't seem to have a technical support for this code listed so I can't find out what's wrong.

>> No.2425988

how do you get NP or whatever? some of the clothing costs that.

>> No.2425996

NicoPoints are credit card points 1 yen for 1 point

personally I just play with the gashapons in hopes of striking rare items... for example my grey glasses that isn't sold in stores

>> No.2426000

if you're running XP you need to set region to JAPAN

I run Vista x64 ultimate and the only thing I had to do was applocal it
it's nice that moonland supports Vista nicely

>> No.2426001

ah okay, so i pretty much can't get any NP items.

>> No.2426022

My folder is 1.39 GB. How much more is there?

>> No.2426031

Mine is 1.56

>> No.2426038

you're almost finished patching then

>> No.2426045

Is there a chance of the japanese speaking population of this board to get together and make annotated pics of the menus? Also, is it true that I heard that you could switch to hiragana?

I finally got a semi-decent connection, I am SO playing this ASAP. Has moralfag prime got better internets now?

>> No.2426068

Is 4ch where all you faggots are at?

>> No.2426072

when you log in post here and i'll go pick you up and add you to the group.... currently kidnapping cats for 100D

>> No.2426075

we're on 4ch

I'm not a faggot though

>> No.2426076

Just fuck around with the menus and you'll get the hang of it. Also there's some guides and pics here and in the previous threads, just use the archive.

Google translating the wiki on the main site is good help too.


>> No.2426093

Made a new thread due to autosage.

