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File: 523 KB, 660x1484, Captured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2418741 No.2418741 [Reply] [Original]

i got back from the sakura-con place, then i got bored. then i decided to kidnap your Touhou's!!!

where is your god now?

>> No.2418748

so they do deliver internationally?

brb placing orders

>> No.2418753
File: 35 KB, 360x360, 12321815628960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2418757
File: 68 KB, 500x571, 1239439615991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't kidnap my touhous

My touhous are close, safe and secure

in my heart...

>> No.2418756

>i got back from the sakura-con place
Hiden thread, reported

>> No.2418761

I don't understand your gibberish.

>> No.2418771

What kind of faggot plays with plushies?

You better be a woman.

>> No.2418778

Did you get those at Sakura Con? All the touhou shit I could find were doujins ... please don't tell me those were there too.

>> No.2418802


I don't believe they are. please read the:
>i got back from the sakura-con place
part. i found them there. easy to capture. just had to throw some danmaku their way. Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya... they grazed a lot... was harder to capture them.

>> No.2418812
File: 81 KB, 800x600, whips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they were. i got them on Friday around noon after i got registered. bought them before some dude in a Mouku costume could. only 550 dollars for the set too. only one set too.

are you so sure. i got whips man!

>> No.2418819
File: 30 KB, 600x540, 1239485635082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2418833

550dollars for the whole set?
You certainly got ripped off.
It was only 2900yen/doll.
You shouldn't be spending more than 300dollars even with shipping.

>> No.2418839

>only 550 dollars for the set
Goddamn son

>> No.2418842


true, but im a lazy man. i cannot be bothered finding a way to get them to ship to me internationally. not when they are RIGHT there in front of me. besides, 550 isn't that much at all.

>> No.2418843

>only 550 dollars


>> No.2418846

Good, we were just talking about how /jp/ got a lot better while all the faggots were at Shit-con.

>> No.2418858


listen here, your talking to a guy who spends 60-100 dollars every week or 2 for smokes. its not much.

and you! how was i sposed to know? i just got back home.

>> No.2418864

You missed the point.
Only faggots go to con.

>> No.2418865
File: 35 KB, 337x335, 6186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>550 dollars
>stuffed animals
>550 isn't that much at all

>> No.2418874


>Okami grabbing a burger.jpg

>> No.2418881


hmmmm... not sure if you have a valid point or not.

>> No.2418884
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>> No.2418885
File: 12 KB, 599x470, duck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2418888

Not the same guy but....
Seriously, why would someone with even a bit of rationality go there.

>> No.2418889
File: 225 KB, 1270x1270, EHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stuffed animals

>> No.2418897


>why would someone with even a bit of rationality
>posts on 4chan

not sure if your joking or not good sir

>> No.2418905

Is there anywhere besides auction sites that have these and ship internationally?

>> No.2418911

>Mouku costume
must sunder mind image...

also hot glue them

>> No.2418912

Try harder, self loathing idiot.

>> No.2418921

I feel glad I spent half of what you spent to buy those 6 plushies plus Flandre.

>> No.2418924


do i have to?

>> No.2418931

haha youre didnt get flandre

>> No.2418935

So you're the sucker who bought the $550 set?

God, you got so RIPPED OFF.
You can get them for a whole lot less, even through a shopping service on Yahoo! Auction Japan.

Anyhow, did you go to the Touhou Panel, too?

>> No.2418956


nope. i walked by to see how may were there. a lot more then i suspected. then i took a couple pictures of the Suika cosplay. then i walked out for a smoke break. and, yes. i am indeed the sucker what bought them for the price of 550.

>> No.2418963

I think we are on to something here.

1)Buy figs,doujins and merchandise on the internet.
2)Go to *con
3)Sell them to idiotic faggots

>> No.2418974


now we know what the bit before the "profit" is.

>> No.2418976

I guess you missed the spontaneous photoshoot with all girls groping man-Sakuya's chest, then. There was a Reimu, Marisa X 2, Suika, Alice, Parsee, Remilia, man-Sakuya X 2, and Rinnosuke.

>> No.2418995

Can somebody give the name of the Touhou plushies so I could look for them on the Internet? And are they made by a specific company/name?

>> No.2419003

Was there really that many touhou cosplayers? I mean, I'm not usually one to jump on the POPULAR=SHIT bandwagon (lol at touhou being anything but popular), but that kind of makes me uneasy.

>> No.2419008

Kidnap a camera from this century next time.

Also sage for Sakura Con anything.

>> No.2419012


a little too gay for me

>> No.2419016

I'd make fun of you, but I waste just as much money on video games to look at.


>> No.2419022


i seen them all around the con. but i guess i missed that bit.

>> No.2419030

They're Fumofumo plushies, made by Gift. Retails for 2,625 yen to 2,940 yen each, including tax.
Search for 東方ぬいぐるみシリーズ ふもふも____ (insert name of character in hiragana).

>> No.2419033


meh, its my phone's camera. i don't take many pictures, so i don't feel the need to get a camera for myself.

>> No.2419038
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, KeisosSakuracon0965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have are blurry photos...

>> No.2419052
File: 50 KB, 374x550, remilia02_test_550v.jpg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, did you go to the touhou panel thing?

Also pic related, this girl posts on /jp/ I think and went as Remilia?

>> No.2419056

looks like a boy

>> No.2419058

wtf someone paid 550 bucks for 6 of these? What's that, like 90 bucks a pop?

I swear I've seen these for sale in Akihabara before. If I bought some, would you guys buy them from me for 90 bucks each?

>> No.2419061


>> No.2419065

fuck no

>> No.2419071


most of them wouldn't. i would, if i didnt have them already. i have money to spend. and i get even more soon.

>> No.2419083

What happened to your Save File as...?

>> No.2419088

They sell for over 100 dollars on e-bay.
No joke. My friend bought a patchy/alice set for over 300 dollars.

>> No.2419097


>> No.2419104

fuck i want that patchouli

>> No.2419100

Browser beta, etc. It's dumb, I know.

Also not sure if there was a lot of Touhou cosplay but for the panel thing at least, the only ones that were presented were the ones in that picture posted above. And a man-sakuya or something.

>> No.2419112

I think if I were inclined to cosplay a female (not that I'm inclined to cosplay anything whatsoever) I would also choose Sakuya. Is there some sort of attaction to Sakuya by cross-dressers or something?

>> No.2419126

What the FUCK
Quick search on eBay nets me:
Suika - $500
Individual dolls in OP's pic - $62

Goddamn. I should make plushies and sell them online to become rich.

>> No.2419127

my dream is to cosplay reimu

>> No.2419131
File: 476 KB, 1140x855, 1239532986539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so fast to pool yourself into said group.

>> No.2419137

Hahaha what the fuck

>> No.2419139

Do you have any photos from the Touhou panel?

>> No.2419152

paying that much for stuffed dolls has to be the most expensive troll ever.

>> No.2419178

I don't, no. That one posted above is the only one I've seen and I was checking /cgl/ for the purpose of finding some, but no luck.

I mean not that I care to see it that much, but if Bastille was going to make multiple threads and talk about it here for literally months, at least say/show how it went.

>> No.2419180

oh god. what are those fatfucks doing to touhou?

>> No.2419193

They don't really look fat as far as I can tell.

>> No.2419207

You do realize that ZUN's designs in real life translate into multiple layers of puffy clothing?

>> No.2419215

are you anorexic?

>> No.2419265

ugly and fail suits them more

use pads

>> No.2419434

Wow! They got everything perfect, right down to the ugliness of ZUN's artwork!
