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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 517 KB, 750x1000, Another_Dream_Issue_4_-_101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2417981 No.2417981 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Western doujin artists mostly shit?

>> No.2417987

because baka gaijin can't draw

>> No.2418000

They're trying too hard to be imitations and not actually being creative.

>> No.2418021

here's your answer

>> No.2418033

They don't really throw any plot into their doujins. It's mostly what would happen if someone on /b/ with /jp/ interests learned to draw.

>> No.2418050

Exactly the opposite of the real problem. Westerners think being "creative" is an excuse for not imitating superior works, which is the only way to learn.

>> No.2418067
File: 389 KB, 1747x1305, penis penis penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like your opinion, man.

>> No.2418076

Because they consist of faggots ranging from total to complete.

>> No.2418095

Most of the westerners drawing doujins are the same people who like shonen shit. We need /jp/ers who know what /jp/ wants to draw them. Too bad we're all talentless.

>> No.2418108


>> No.2418112

there were some drawfags here at one time but they all left when all they were being asked to draw was touhou shit

>> No.2418121

Deactivate troll mode.

>> No.2418122

Your mom.

>> No.2418118

Because the really good ones quickly become grunt comic book artists at Marvel and DC. Plus there are a lot of decent alternative comic book artists. Just because you don't see them does not mean they do not exist.

>> No.2418116

they lack Japanese spirit

>> No.2418115

What the shit is that?

>> No.2418123
File: 13 KB, 470x408, da ze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have enough talent to draw a doujin?

>> No.2418126

not till shields are online

>> No.2418134

They aren't. It's just that you became way too used to shitty japanese cartoon drawings that everything else, even if it is actually better drawn, just looks strange to you.

>> No.2418151
File: 403 KB, 750x1000, Another_Dream_Issue_4_-_029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not all of it is terrible. Some of it retains that quirky Japanese humor we at /jp/ have come to appreciate. It's just that alot of western doujin artists use the LOL SO RANDOM type of humor rather than give it context.

>> No.2418161

This looks familiar...

>> No.2418170

>Some of it retains that quirky Japanese humor we at /jp/ have come to appreciate.

/jp/ = one person.

>> No.2418180

All the good western artists are making shity western comics.

>> No.2418186

For example Rob Liefeld, mirite?

>> No.2418191

because western artists don't want to do "doujin" style comics, they want to get serialized and churn out the same shit forever.

>> No.2418200

>>Westerners think being "creative" is an excuse for not imitating superior works, which is the only way to learn.

Wise Anon is wise.

>> No.2418201
File: 15 KB, 202x174, 1191455644443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like jim davis silly.

>> No.2418207

You seriously think the OP is well drawn? Are you blind?

>> No.2418208

Westerners have some good drawfags, but they don't do doujins. The ones who do doujins suck though.


No rape, no men, consensual yuri only, Yakumo Family x Strike Witches.

>> No.2418212

Because western artists don't see the point in drawing shit that can't generate revenue.

>> No.2418221


speak for yourself I need dicks in my porn.

>> No.2418242


As gay as this asshole made it sound, I agree.

It's just not porn w/o straight sex. Lesbians just get boring after a while, unless some strap ons are introduced, then it's tollerable, though not preferable.

>> No.2418259

strap-ons and futa is acceptable, but actual men are not. I don't see it as blasphemy when my touhous are having sex with other touhous, but when they have sex with random men, thats when I get jealous and can't fap

>> No.2418264

That one looks good
That Aki sisters one is looking good too.

>> No.2418277
File: 778 KB, 624x957, remily_the_strange_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the West met the East ~♪

>> No.2418286

Are there two people with this name / trip or something? Sometimes you post with proper capitalization / not stupid posts and sometimes you don't.

>> No.2418303


What about anonymous men with no face. You can just copypasta yourself in his place using your imagination, and suddenly it's awesome again.

You have an imagination still right? you haven't lost it from fapping to too much 2d have you?

>> No.2418307
File: 592 KB, 1082x700, 1210443716575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western doujin
Well there's your problem

90% of the weaboo crap you see littering devientart or elsewhere comes from artist trying too hard to mimic eastern styles without any lick of genuine creativity of their own. The best artist, writers, or generally anyone creating a piece of fanwork always knows how a little something unique into their work.

>> No.2418321


fukkin sauce plz!

>> No.2418330

Not having an imagination anymore is obligatory to post here.

>> No.2418364

This looks......good

>> No.2418371

Get out

>> No.2418376

Maybe it's that alot of western artists that try their hand at doujin err on the side of normalfags. They don't go for an epic retelling of Scarlet Devil Mansion like FLIPFLOPs or a prequel to Perfect Cherry Blossom like VISIONNERZ. Something like that requires you to sit down and have some talent telling a story. I've seen some really well drawn western doujins but it doesn't have spirit. It didn't feel like they were trying to tell a story. It was more like deviantart with some direction. Throw in some /b/ jokes or some /jp/ memes and leave it at that, expecting western fans will go "LOL I REMEMBER SEEING THAT ON /JP/ LOL LOL LOL LOL".

>> No.2418393


I agree. Needs sauce though...

Even the artist's name will do. I'm sure gensoko.org has them listed.

>> No.2418397

I dunno... seeing this thread makes me wanna draw some Touhou's... with arrows...

>> No.2418403




>> No.2418411


>Not having an imagination anymore is obligatory to post here.

That explains a lot.

>> No.2418466
File: 306 KB, 800x1287, toho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2418479

I wish to draw touhou doujins one day. Unfortunately I still kind of suck hard at drawing but I guess I'll just keep going.

>> No.2418482

>Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6
Actually, it explains everything.

>> No.2418485


Western artists are mostly attention whores. They'll draw something and bitch when noone likes it so they throw memes and shit in their work so someone will read it. Pretty sad really.

>> No.2418490
File: 44 KB, 991x743, 123885636353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In after Arcshitshitshit

>> No.2418495


I don't get it.

>> No.2418498



>> No.2418499


This is pretty good too. sauce?

>> No.2418505


I think he's Chinese.

>> No.2418508

I wouldn't say so. There are people who are and who aren't like that both in Japan and the rest of the world.
I for one have dozens of decent-ish touhou pics sitting on my HDD. I know I'm not that good so I don't bother other people with it and just keep practising

>> No.2418516

I most certainly would not want to draw what /jp/ wants. I want to draw what I want.

>> No.2418524


In the file name

>> No.2418528
File: 93 KB, 738x870, what_love_is_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2418591

The main problem I see is that instead of trying to tell a good story or whatnot all the Western people decide they're funny.

They're not funny. So, let's say the art's not the greatest, how's the story? Oh it's just awful gags that aren't funny? Well...uh...at least we didn't actually have to pay for it.

>> No.2418660

We got pretty good drawfags who have never made a doujin

>> No.2418671


>> No.2418705

It's embarrassing how this shit managed to have more charm and more interesting character interaction in comparison to most other western Touhou doujinshi.

>> No.2418742


Becuase there is less of it, so the crap stands out more. Eastern stuff, on the other hand, is a dime a dozen. There's just as much crap that can be ignored, but because of the sheer number of comics around, there will be more obviously good stuff around. The translators pick these diamonds in the rough, and translate them.

This, of course, gives Western fans the bad interpretation that there isn't as much crap floating around in Japan, and that bad writing, art, etc. is exclusive to their own hemisphere.

That, and many Western fans aren't known for being any kind of productive. The people who DO have good story ideas are either:
A. Are lazy bastards
B. Roasted by their fellow fans for making fanfiction in a fandom that has a good deal of people who are only in it for the fanfiction.

>> No.2418767

I blame my lack of talent, so I depend on the kindness of artists to do my job.
At least I try, you know, do something that really strikes as good down the line. And then I look at the script again, and it's just a slice of life thing that might or might not be that good. It's just a collection of vignettes, and does it really hold a story? Is the whole idea just a gimmick, do I rely too much on western comic tricks?

In the end is that. Not wanting to bother getting too involved, to do too many pages only to get mocked around. And on the other hand the pressure of being one of the few that do anything.
But that's me. Current artist seems excited, and script got accepted after all. Wish a few more of us had applied instead of being just the two of us trying to represent anonymous.
Tell you what. I'll be sure to keep you guys posted, get your feedback as much as I can so we don't have to hang our heads in shame a few months later.

>> No.2418801 [SPOILER] 
File: 300 KB, 936x3168, 1239589321582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2418806


>> No.2418815

1. draw
2. write
3. active

Western writers have a maximum of two because they're all faggot kids.

>> No.2418816

oh wow

>> No.2418831

Japan has a greater population of NEETs.
And actually, I can draw, and think I would be able to do a decent doujin, but there's just no time for me.

>> No.2419032 [SPOILER] 
File: 248 KB, 1024x1327, comic-samp-rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanted to make a doujin


too lazy

>> No.2419066

Too simple

>> No.2419069

Why do drawfags put everything on spoilers?

>> No.2419079 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 594x500, 183944131133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you click it. Like this.

>> No.2419081

To be fair, Japan has a lot of shit artists too.

>> No.2419106

Archive shows everything either way

>> No.2419111

Pixiv has revealed that....while you're right, they have a lot more good artists in proportion.

>> No.2419123
File: 35 KB, 931x769, goodniggerartist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jappan has niger kids drawing really well
