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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2412671 No.2412671 [Reply] [Original]

When ever I go to the local supermarket I always buy a anime magazine (what's ever on display) and a copy of Popular Science in hopes that one of the cute cashiers will start talking to me about either subject.

I'm so lonely.

tl;dr, have you seen the shit they publish in these magazines? Talk about years behind. Sheesh.

>> No.2412686

The best you're going to get is a chat about Naruto.

Give up.

>> No.2412691

I'm 22 and I'm still a virgin. I don't really mind much.

>> No.2412694

Whenever I go to the store I avoid eye contact and purchase of anything I think would make me stand out.

>> No.2412697

I use the self-checkout so I won't have to talk to anybody.

>> No.2412701

My local supermarket doesn't have any cute cashiers ;_;

>> No.2412705

When ever I go to the store I go in, get what I need, and get out as fast as I can.
I hate shopping.

>> No.2412708

Mines are cute, for fat middle aged Mexicans.

>> No.2412709

Your local supermarket sells anime magazines?

>> No.2412712

Good job.

It's refreshing to hear, since this place is constantly bombarded by fags writing "BAWWW, I'M RONERY"

>> No.2412717

Whenever I go to the store, I say hi to the cashier when they start scanning my items and thank you when they give me my change. It's common courtesy and increases their opinions of me.

One time when my grandmother came into town, I went to the store 3 days in a row and went to the same cashier each time. She was in her 20s and really cute. She asked me if I was going to come every day. We joked around while she was scanning my items and gave me her number with my change.

I don't consider myself lonely, in spite of my possession of dakimakura, oppai mouse pad, and several figs.

>> No.2412721

The worst is when they touch your hand as they give you your change.

>> No.2412725

Closet normalfags, gotta purge them out.

>> No.2412736

I have a crush on this one cashier at the small drug store I do all my shopping at. She's got short dark hair and she's pretty tall and the register is on this island in the middle of the store so she's a good foot taller than me when I check out. I haven't seen her lately, though. I only ever buy food and stationary so I guess there's not much conversation potential.

>> No.2412737

I stick to self-checkouts like any self-respecting social retard would.

>> No.2412735

He's not the only one. 21y old virgin here. I just ignore threads like this one because they're fucking pathetic.

>> No.2412762

For a clean and pure /jp/, purge the normalfags.

>> No.2412773

The places I shop don't have those.
Luckily I don't have to do most of my shopping.

>> No.2412776


>> No.2412784

The mandatory "hello/how are you/have a nice day" conversation with cashiers is the most social interaction I have all week. Sadly it usually makes me feel a little better.

>> No.2412793

So what DO they put in those anime magazines? I haven't seen a non-japanese one in like 5 years.

>> No.2412794


Which animu mag do you read OP? Picked up the latest issue of Otaku USA? Got the Baccano! review in it.

>> No.2412795


There's only one store around with one of those and the last time I went there, I saw the girl I had a crush on from high school using it so I went to a regular check out instead.

>> No.2412817

For a "true /jp/ poster" or whatever you'd like to be called, you sure have a shallow understanding of imageboard concepts like saging.

>> No.2412815


>> No.2412837

It's not like she would have remembered you.

>> No.2412839

Thinking too much, bro.
Non-mods can't do shit to stop trash like closet normalfags, then we just show our disapproval and sage.

>> No.2412851

I'll review Baccano for you, it's pretty good.

Anyway, my area seems to be lacking self checkout machines. I usually just mumble a "thanks" to the cashier, while staring at my feet. I feel bad for them, not only to be working in customer service, but having to deal with people like me.

>> No.2412877


She was a friend of a friend so maybe she would've. I really didn't want to "catch up" with her anyway, it was hard enough to talk to her in high school. And she was friendly enough that she wouldn't slink away if she saw me like I did.

>> No.2412901


>> No.2412913

Baccano can be described as thus: It is one of the few series that gets better with every episode.

>> No.2412922
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My reactionface one time when one of the cashiers were flipping through my anime magazine while I was pulling out some change. I was happy enough to defend my personal hobby against a middle-aged man. He made this chucklefuck grin when he handed it back to me.

>> No.2412936
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Fuck yeah, Nice.

>> No.2412955
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>> No.2412958

I manage a public pool, so I've got no problems dealing with people. I'm more than happy to give a smile and make small talk with the cashier.

>> No.2412960

Why are you guys so antisocial around people? The outside is just like /jp/, except 3D.

>> No.2412965
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>> No.2412977

because I don't want to socialize.

>> No.2412986

Who the fuck buys anime magazines? Like the other anon said, they're seriously like 2 years behind everything.

>> No.2412989

Except you're not anonymous in real life, and can't talk openly about your love of lolis and Touhou

>> No.2412992

It's just how I am, anon. I'm not able to explain it.

>> No.2412993


Something to read on the toilet.

>> No.2413002

I'm in despair! People who take pride in their inferiority have left me in despair!

>> No.2413022

I wish I could be social. I wish I could talk to people and be confident in myself. I like my nerdy hobbies, but I also want to be able to function. I don't hate people. I don't blame the normalfriends or people living regular lives for the way they are... I'm not bitter. I just don't like their hobbies. I just want some nice friends who share my interests, like I used to have ;-; I try but I can't. No one wants me.

But I seem to be the minority here.

>> No.2413030

I know how you feel ;_;

>> No.2413123

We should seriously organize a LAN party or something.

>> No.2413130

My computer is too heavy for me to lift though.

>> No.2413140

Seconded. We could even fall in love with each other.

>> No.2413148


Only if I get to punch a couple of tripfags in the face. Also I'm so protective of my laptop that I won't use it in public, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a laptop.

>> No.2413149
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You could try and open up a Ventrillo Server. That way, everyone can join in. All everyone needs is a good headset.

>> No.2413153

That's far too much social interaction for me.

>> No.2413156

You're not alone. (inb4 normalfag)

>> No.2413155


I don't want yall fapping to my Morgan Freeman-esque voice.

>> No.2413158

I might go to PAX one of these days so if any of you actually wanted to meet up there I'd probably be up for it. So long as you didn't ambush me or anything.

>> No.2413160

That's too much like talking on the phone for me.
I hate using the phone.

>> No.2413175

Never had this happen to me

>> No.2413177 [SPOILER] 
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BTW, what name of this game?

>> No.2413179


Me too. I hate even owning one. I hate even ordering a pizza.

>> No.2413185

Whenever I go to the local supermarket I use SELF CHECKOUT.

>> No.2413188

I have this too, though I don't mind talking in real life. It's strange.

>> No.2413211

I fucking hate using the phone, but I don't mind voice chat much. Have an even easier time in person.

>> No.2413221

I don't play computer games except for VNs


>> No.2413632

Source on OP pic?

>> No.2413641

Koe de Oshigoto

>> No.2413710

Seconded. Source please.

>> No.2413719
File: 181 KB, 800x600, 2009-03-1623-02-101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demo was pretty decent, I am hoping it turns out well.

>> No.2413733


>> No.2413754


It's about a TRAP right? like Heart de Roommate I presume?

>> No.2413765

I've never actually played Heart de Roommate, but yes it's a trap, an infiltrator trap, specifically a brother who looks very much like his sister and is going to school in her place.

>> No.2413817

>The worst is when they touch your hand as they give you your change.
A thousand times, this. It's not that I don't want to feel the girl's smooth soft skin. I don't want her to feel my bony-ass hand with dry scabby skin.

>> No.2413832
File: 27 KB, 320x450, Dance in the Vampire Bund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I buy manga at a bookstore, it invariably has a dubious picture of a loli sprawled out on the cover. I've thus made it a rule to buy a bit of "legitimate" reading material (The Sandman series, random novels I'm reading like House of Leaves, or the latest copy of Scientific American) every time I go book shopping so that whenever I get in a conversation with the cashier, I can easily divert their attention away from the half-naked 10 year old girl and steer the topic towards something more intellectual and sanitary-- completely contrary to what the OP does.

Pic is the last manga I bought from BnN along with the 9th vol of the Sandman series.

>> No.2413850


I never say a word and neither do they, they likely get a million people buying manga

>> No.2413872

A girl once told me my hand felt nice to touch.

>> No.2413875

The only cute cashier at my local grocery store is this asian meganeko in her mid to late 20s who's already married and has a kid.

>> No.2413889

Stop stalking us, you creep. I know you're the reason my daughter's socks are missing.

>> No.2413893

Was this in a buying-things situation? Was there a particularly extended instance of hand-hand touching?

I gotta stop picking at my dragnails. Worst habit ever.

>> No.2413898


But is she happily married?

>> No.2413904


True, but I have gotten some awkward stares/silences whenever I've bought just loli manga. By contrast, I've gotten into quite a few scenarios where the cashier would mention something about whatever else I'm picking up and we'd get into a brief conversation, covering up for the awkwardness of the interaction.

I remember one time I purchased a copy of Moonphase with an extremely sketchy cover and as I was handing it to the cashier (who was an elderly black lady), I managed to turn the conversation towards President Obama and got into a five minute conversation about how politicians are full of shit.

I guess my days of working at Starbucks taught me how to act like a normalfag at will.

>> No.2413911


I know because she told me, it's not like I haven't had any conversation with her, I see her regularly.

>> No.2414547
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