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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.24121335

Could you even still consider Nanahira denpa? I feel like all of her new music are straying away from what could be called "denpa"?

>> No.24121406

Last year her (an camellia) go in album was plenty of denpa songs.

>> No.24121885 [DELETED] 

Bless your english kek, what country are you from?

Also I think that a year is a lot of time for Nana, she's released 3 albums, and 1 EP and a few singles since Going.

>> No.24121899

Bless your english kek, what country are you from?

Also I think that a year is a lot of time for Nana, she's released 3 albums, and 1 EP and a few singles since GOIN'.

>> No.24122201

I too have this conundrum. While she hasn't dropped denpa altogether, it doesn't seem as if it were her main focus right know, which sucks since I like her a lot.

>> No.24122675
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She straight up put out a future bass album. I was a bit wishy-washy on the meme that she's only as good as whoever she's working with, but listening to this one really solidified it for me. Some of these are straight up unlistenable.

>> No.24122844

Future bass is so bad. I hate it when denpa artists get influenced by it.

>> No.24124310

never forget momobako

>> No.24134111

soon all denpa singers will just become soulless vtuber streamers

>> No.24140061

I'd like to remain positive. Still, I can't help but feel a bit worried seeing as so many major denpa singers have become VTubers.

>> No.24150519


>> No.24153626 [DELETED] 


>> No.24153738

Midnight Future kinda enjoyable for me
Atleast it's not clusterfuck like Goin'
I don't mind she is being Vtuber. But the fact she's becoming Vtuber suddenly kinda suspicious she gonna milk her fans from now on

>> No.24155903

goin' had some decent songs

>> No.24160396

インターネットが遅いさん was probably the best thing from that album. It's the only one I'll sometimes listen to just on a whim.

>> No.24164837

Why is denpa seen as a "love it or hate it" genre? Is it because of the otaku themes it tends to deal with, which may end up alienating some listeners, or maybe due to it being "too Japanese"? Could it be because of "moe-denpa", which at times abuses cuteness and even lewdness, and its close link to lolis? I'm asking this because, musically speaking, I don't see anything wrong with denpa.

>> No.24166172
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For the non-japanese side I'd say part of it is simply difficutly in branching out from a given starting point. While there is a fair amount on Youtube, if you can't read moon then it's a mighty slog to get new music. Look no further than the resources in the OP of this thread, practically every title, album, and artist name is written in japanese. So even if you liked a certain song or a certain album, finding more requires all sorts of translation shenanigans. The community also isn't like for anisongs or vocaloids, where moonspeakers actually care to do translating. This goes for Reddit as well (https://www.reddit.com/r/denpa).). It's a dead community over there, but it's dead in japanese. It looks to me like there's only (literally) 1 or 2 people who post translations and such, one of them being https://denpapentateuch.blogspot.com/ while http://denpa.omaera.org/ is dead, and has been for a long time. Though there are some EOPs who are active in these threads, which just goes to prove autism always finds a way. I never did understand those people though, for me at least half the fun of denpa comes from the lyrics.

I don't hang enough in the japanese sphere to give you a usefull idea about the wider audience there. However, since you mention "too japanese" I guess they weren't the focus to begin with.

>> No.24170151

Long time no see anons!
What have you been listening to recently?
I've been really enjoying these ねこみりん x 小宮真央 videos and songs again. They always make great songs together, I just wish there were more.

I enjoyed denpa long before I knew any japanese, but as you say, knowing japanese makes it a lot easier to navigate a pretty unfriendly scene for foreigners.

>> No.24171105

EOP here. I've listened to a boatload of translated doujin music and the vast majority is written like trash. I just don't care anymore. There's obviously going to be songs elevated by the lyrics but I'm not going to listen to something that sounds like shit just because what they're saying is interesting.

>> No.24171468

Are you from an English speaking country? In my country, a Spanish speaking one, it's fairly common to have people listening to music in English without knowing what the lyrics truly mean. Now, I do acknowledge that English and Japanese music are in no way comparable, especially when it comes to denpa: it's, after all, very lyric-based (or so I'd say). Still, the fact that people listen to music they don't fully understand where I live (and I'm guessing this may happen to other non-English speaking communities) is there. I guess this says a lot about music and how it doesn't truly need lyrics to convey a message.

>> No.24176633
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I'm not! Where I live it's normal for a playlist to include some spanish or french songs, even though nobody understands what's being said. I dare say it'd be more surprising for a party not to play at least 1 or 2 of those during the night. However, unlike denpa, at least you can read the name of the song or artist, and they are on Spotify or some such popular equivalent. I know a few denpa artists have been set up on Spotify though.
I have no idea what the translation quality of doujin music is, but I'd hazard a guess it's not lyricists doing the writing. Still, "doujin" does inherently imply a lack of quality control. While the instrumentals are good, I'm not sure I'd be actively listening to おでんぱスタジオ (Denpa Studio) or 秘密結社はみはみ (The Secret Society MunchMunch) were it not for the lyrics and personalities in the songs.

>> No.24181116

I miss ほたるたん...

>> No.24182455
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Anybody know what the members of おでんぱスタジオ have been doing since 2018? This is what I found after a bit of searching.
なつき: No production, but active on Twitter
津軽りんご: Nothing, not active online under this name
ねこめ: She has been watching a lot of Precure, is active on Twitter, not producing anything
ほたる:Was in ほっと・すぽっと and was part of a concert, both in the first half of 2019. Active on Twitter, not sure if she produces anything
ひろて~: Is very actively producing music in the group twinkle with ちょこ and みるく
Were there any more members? Did any of the ones I listed up here continue producing content under a different name or in a different form, e.g Virtual Youtuber? I know the singers had some songs under other labels, like つうほうしちゃうぞ! and ひとりぼっちアドベンチャー under ポヤッチオ, or でぃすこしましま under 33.turbo. Anyone know of other appearances? I'm about 99 % sure they have more, but it's a pain to find.

>> No.24183333
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Me too anon. What I wouldn't give for ときめきほたるたん3 ! This one with るりる電波部 is transcendental to me. The framing at the end of the track turns it into pure beautiful delusional denpa.
That sounds about right to me, there's nothing else I know of unfortunately. Even if there is anything else, it would probably be very hard to find.

>> No.24183945

Juicy!とろとろトロピカル was from ときめきほたるたん 2, though. It had some changes on ほっと・すぽっと, but it was more or less the same track.

>> No.24184185

Right, of course. I completely forgot to compare the release dates for those two albums.

>> No.24184354

Everyone and their dog is a VTuber now. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them were one too. Finding their VTuber persona can be a pain in the ass, though. Hopefully someone in this thread already knows.

>> No.24185111

Isn't 夜乃ネオン 豚田ひかり from 秘密結社はみはみ? And 桃箱 is 周防パトラ. Not that you'd know this unless you recognize the voice. Why can't everyone be like 佃煮のりおちゃんねる and just add their "real name" to the channel? (It's called 佃煮のりおちゃんねる【犬山たまき】)

Anyway, now I'm reminded that 秘密結社はみはみ isn't active anymore... Anyone have any suggestions for similar performers?

>> No.24185980

夜乃ネオン is はつのはゆづの, though. ちょこ, み~こ, ひなうさ (the one with the most subs, I think), まめこ and ななひら also are VTubers. I'm sure there must be many more artists involved there.

>> No.24186938

Huh, I keep mixing up which name goes with which voice. They sound different when singing compared to when talking in the ボーナストラックs.
Are any of those artists uploading worthwhile content as VTubers though? I get the impression it's 1 song a year, then the rest is >1 hour long streams of video games or some chit chat with what's effectively background footage going.

>> No.24189631

>Are any of those artists uploading worthwhile content as VTubers though?
Dunno, I don't like VTubers that much. You can check for yourself if you want, though: I've been gathering denpa singers' VTuber channels for fun. Here you have the ones I mentioned:

ななひら: 虹乃まほろ
YT: まほろチャンネル
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtCXaX0zEvYSgdkp-Po24TQ

まめこ: 小鳥遊めとろ
YT: 小鳥遊めとろ / Takanashi Metro
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8miHgzeBmsDBlT2n-bDTQ

ちょこ: 星宮ぐみ
YT: ぐみちゃんねる
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiqcxYOoL6bDzs4-RP0x5YQ

ひなうさ: シスター・クレア
YT: シスター・クレア -SisterClaire-
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1zFJrfEKvCixhsjNSb1toQ

み~こ: 矢木めーこ
YT: 矢木めーこ【MeeTube】
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM40xYB1XKyXrdHnM1a5fmg

>> No.24195934

Huh, I did not know those last three had channels.
Is there an easy way of figuring out a list of music releases they have under vtuber aliases? It seems kind of painful to trawl through all the unrelated game content to find stuff they sing.

>> No.24200559

check their Playlists on their Youtube channels, I think most have one for songs/utaite videos

>> No.24202360

Denpa is dead, it's only a matter of time now. Our girls will become vtuber ... all of them. V-tuber is very powerful in Japan now. It's the current otaku culture thing there, while denpa is reminiscent of the 2000s otaku culture, the peak of denpa. A phase in which its influence is in decline now, as expected.

The young girls (born 2000-20**) do not know the genre, so we can be sure that we will not have new nanahira or momobako out there. These kids will become vtuber.

I see a future where we only have 2 active groups: mosaic.wav and toromi. But, I mean, in this future they are going to be old... Can you imagine a 51yo toromi? I can't.

Our beloved denpa is in decline, is being replaced. All of us here on this thread are decadent. I'm sad, but this is life.

>> No.24202663

I wouldn't be particularily surprised if toromi is writing her age starting with a 5 already. Wasn't she active in gravure during the early 90s?

>> No.24202785

Early 90s!?! I thought it was late 90s, which makes a big difference. She could have been born in 1980 and started doing gravure at 16 in 1996. But if it is early 90s, then she was definitely born in the 70s, or even worse, late 60s!

She has an amazing skin anyway.

>> No.24204992

>inb4 Toromi-obaasan also becomes a VTuber

>> No.24206807

Don't take my word for that timeframe, I pulled it from memory. Still, if she was active in the late 90s, that puts her awfully close to 50.

>> No.24207820

I tend to agree with you, but i try to be a bit more positive.
New singers might not necessarily come from the youngest generation. denpa newcomer あまめろ is around 30 I think, but her two releases so far have been great.
They also don't have to be mutually exclusive. Most denpa singers who are vtubers are still active as denpa singers, though you could argue about the quality of their output, they are still active. Many are also utaite, illustrators, housewives, etc. Other work they do hopefully will not affect their denpa work.
I also think that denpa producers are more important than singers. As long as they are around denpa will survive, but they also seem to be in decline sadly.

>> No.24209194


I like the way you think. In fact, we don't need denpa exclusive singers and I definitely agree that producers are the brains of it all. However, no fanbase, no denpa.

Without new fans, the movement is unlikely to continue with just old fans. It's natural for older fans to start leaving behind these passions of the past. The denpa fanbase is getting older, and I think this is true even for us outside of Japan. I believe that most of us here have experienced the otaku culture of, at least, the late 2000s. New international fans of the otaku culture will have as a reference a completely different universe compared to when we started and It's hard to believe that they would dive into Denpa.

>> No.24212153

As you said, it's not much of a sustainable community without new people to post translations. This is especially apparent in the several few months, in which I haven't posted in the blog even a small update. It's sad, as denpa music is incomplete without understanding the lyrics, it's a completely different experience when you get not only how crazy things are, but *how* crazy things are. You can guess the extent - but not the manner.

The only thing to say is that you're missing out. Denpa lyrics are a great reason to start studying Japanese. The moe doesn't even begin to cut it with the sound of singing alone.

Music doesn't truly need lyrics to convey a message, that's right. But it needs lyrics to convey *the* message - that is, form a direct link between the vocalist and the listener through the lyrics. In ancient Chinese culture, poems were a form of communication between two people. It required not only a good poet, but a good listener, who could understand the state of mind of the poet. Now, not all music is poetry, but you'll never be able to become a good listener without paying attention to the words.

What you can do to change it is aim for a closer integration of Virtual YouTubers and moe-denpa music. Since it has such major attention, the more popular VTuber channels engage in moe-denpa music (for instance the MOSAIC.WAV tribute stream by Hololive vocalist AZKi), the greater the chances of gathering new interest in moe-denpa music. The involvement of long-time denpa artists like IOSYS and Beatmario in Virtual YouTuber projects is key to passing the baton to a new generation of moe-denpa songs. Waiting for eroge, rhythm games and doujin music to save the day is betting on a dead horse - at best they'll sustain it for a while. With the new generations occupied by VTubers, it's our best bet at lighting it up again and preventing it from becoming nothing more than nostalgia.

As for the question of age, I think that younger generations lived past the time window in which denpa was so widespread everybody knew what it was, especially in the heydays of Akihabara and Nico Nico Douga. And about the older generations - you can trust those with passion to keep at it for as long as they can. Marina Fujiwara stuck beyond 50, and even Ikuko Ebata is keeping her presence (if not as a vocalist but as a lyricst) after more than 30 years in the doujin scene.

I don't think it's much of a stretch to have her do a channel related to her Buddhist mascots.

I felt in love with this track after listening to it in I've's Short Circuit.
Here are the lyrics . Not mine, and not in the greatest quality either, but it should give you more than enough.

>> No.24212892

>With the new generations occupied by VTubers, it's our best bet at lighting it up again and preventing it from becoming nothing more than nostalgia.
I'm not sure I personally have a problem with letting it become nostalgia. If the next generation takes it in an unrecognizable direction then it'll just end up as nostalgia anyway. I can't get into this vtuber stuff at all.

>> No.24213055

Someone save denpa... I don't like future bass, nanahira please...

>> No.24213400

What bothers me with denpa is that there's been so few artists doing it historically that it's perfectly possible to hear >95 % of everything produced. Sure, it'll take years, but compared to other hobbies of mine such as anime, manga, VN, travelling, motorcycling, etc, it's a very short time. I won't ever "run out of" good series, pretty places to visit, and exciting journeys. I'll definitely run out denpa before we enter the next decade. That goes even if production had been at the level it was several years ago, not to mention now.

>> No.24214748

Nailed it. It's very possible to know everything denpa-related in a few years of dedication / dowloanding / buying / searching / looking older threads etc.
There is something, however, that will always be produced: eroge songs. And this is pretty much denpa field. Eroge has passed its peak, of course, but it will always have a niche that will consume it. As long as there is an eroge being produced, there will be denpa songs, trust me.
Curiously, I have always had a problem in finding them. I believe that even here there is a lack of eroge songs if we're talking about small groups or unpopular games.

>> No.24215072

Your best friend (who is also into otaku stuff) wants to know what denpa is. However, you only get one chance to show him with just one song, as you know that your friend is impatient and intransigent and will not give the genre a chance on the second song.
What song would you show him that you think represents denpa well and is capable of making him fall in love for this universe?

My choice would not be any of the giants like mosaic, nanahira or toromi. But a classic from an eroge that is the best feeling in the world to hear very loud:

>> No.24215286

Theoretically, I'd look for common ground - if they're otaku, then perhaps they're a Touhou, Vocaloid or rhythm game fan, which makes it easier to find something they'll associate with, but realistically it's not something you can control. If one song sticks, it's more likely for them to look for others like it, explore the artist more, and eventually spread into other denpa music. That said, I have low hopes for denpa missionaries.

>> No.24216898
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If possible, of course try matching the song to their taste. However, if we are going for a "one size fits all" approach...
I nominate 高等遊民お姉ちゃん (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrWiEf5rArs)) as a summary of a lot of elemnts in denpa.
>High pace
>Vocals are high pitched and cutesy
>Vocals are at times pronounced really fast
>Melody/rythm changes wildly
>Music stops in the middle of the song
>Dialogue starts during singing
>Dialogue without background music
>Mentions galge/anime/"otaku media"
>Has a plot
>"This is fine"-ending
The video is just the cherry on top.

>> No.24223199

Probably something like this. Short song, charming character, relatable lyrics, cute video.
I forgot how great this is. I thought the video had been lost with momobako's channel.

>> No.24223540

Excellent choice. I can't imagine anything better. It really meets all the requirements.

>> No.24231442

Long live denpa

>> No.24231864

probably https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFcV0f8xS0E

It's a pretty good standard denpasong.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YnWOSx7oF8 is also an excellent choice.

>> No.24237569

So what's the new releases around? The artists haven't all died of COVID.

>> No.24239854
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Want some eroge songs? Haven't listened to KOTOKO in a while? Take a look at the SHORT CIRCUIT collections!
SHORT CIRCUIT: https://mega.nz/file/Zd8DlIZT#SAAGtu_LcDAkb5EtMU53dWWPAwWJPQvwPBVFppRrwOk
SHORT CIRCUIT II: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uzd6e4azj3v4vjf/I%2527ve_Sound_-_SHORT_CIRCUIT_II.rar/file
SHORT CIRCUIT III: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xj0c26d2rphfcez/I%2527ve_-_SHORT_CIRCUIT_III.rar/file
Shamelessly taken from the resources in the OP. Any other older favourites you haven't talked about in a while?

>> No.24240165

MMBK released this yesterday https://youtu.be/uC3ORIZfxdE
The song is alright, not amazing, lyrics are nice. I still believe she would benefit from working with a producer.

>> No.24240387
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Here's a few recent things if you don't have them already.
妄想の旅団 - お花見しよーじょ - https://mega.nz/folder/NPRCFQhR#h_LnvqClxmPNgLVLSoFkFA
妄想の旅団 - ちっちゃな悪魔 - https://mega.nz/folder/RPJ0WYLY#vvxO0rU_zm4wJX6_Z4Ch5w
妄想の旅団 - だって魔法が使えるもん!- https://mega.nz/folder/MXojkQra#RHCbu4jeeGwM20ywp05EGg
twinkle - ろりんくるFINAL - https://mega.nz/folder/pDRAwI7B#qIFXQJJysWXRJptGGx2JOw
twinkle - 夏色ラプソディ - https://mega.nz/folder/8DIgmSxY#dYRotPPriXyaFzIPGb4B2g
おんがくのじかんっ!- 雀姫歌唱伝説アマメロ (Mahjong themed collaboration between hirote and amamelo) - https://mega.nz/folder/lPhFxCCb#ME2qSawhZCr0wtM2quAMzw

>> No.24241742


>> No.24242503

Very nice! Where did you get the rips?

>> No.24242666

All were purchased from booth! It's quite nice not having to import CDs, so i hope more artists continue to move digital downloads.

>> No.24243075

Nice! I was looking forward to some of those. Thank you!

>> No.24247868


Cool, thanks for sharing! I do appreciate that more people start using BOOTH and similar services. But it seems like a lot of people in the denpa cluster do not want to do so until they have sold all their physical CD:s.

>> No.24248001

Do you guys know why 桃箱 retired?

>> No.24248320

to become a vtuber (Suou Patra). That's where the money lies right now.

>> No.24257341

good megas

>> No.24260272 [DELETED] 


>> No.24262502

A shame but I don't blame her.

>> No.24266546

Imagine a denpa radio 24/7. Something in the likes of https://gensokyoradio.net/ < they even have an app now!
What a dream, right
Btw, a discord is not a thing among us? I know a doujin music discord, is that it?

>> No.24267595

For those who met nanahira in irl at events or comiket, does she really express herself that way and have these quirks? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiakQ70Qbw8

>> No.24267878

Yes, those are 100% genuine Nanahi quirks. She seemed a little bit nervous in this clip though. But the mannerisms are the same even when among fellow nerds.

>> No.24270537

Not exactly denpa related, but momoi haruko started making live streams three weeks ago on her channel on a regular basis. Real live streams, not vtuber stuff fortunately.

>> No.24270726


>> No.24272704

There isn't that much denpa being released that a 24/7 radio would have enough content to survive.

>> No.24273922

A denpa thread discord has been suggested and promptly discarded before, but I would join if someone made one.
Thank you for the heads up, anon.

>> No.24274295


>> No.24274587

Cute buck teeth

>> No.24278512 [DELETED] 

>Btw, a discord is not a thing among us? I know a doujin music discord, is that it?


>> No.24278553
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>Btw, a discord is not a thing among us? I know a doujin music discord, is that it?

5Fxm2mx is the biggest (and only) one i know.

>> No.24278701
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just wanted to share this denpa esque song I found on a vtuber thread on wsg

>> No.24281795

There is the D. watt USAGI Production label on the top right, so I wonder if the music was written by him. Got any link to the original YouTube video?

>> No.24284439

The song is マイネームイズエリート by the Vtuber さくらみこ. The composer is キノシタ.


>> No.24285209

God I fucking hate VTubers. Can't see how they became a thing.

>> No.24296788

Really? It's just boring youtubers but with cute 2D girls. I don't see what is so offensive or hard to understand.

>> No.24301538

Would this be denpa?

>> No.24302234

If it wasn't evident enough from the composition, singing and the cropped pornographic album cover (you can see the full futa art on the Suruga-ya listing), then yes, this would be denpa. But it wouldn't necessarily be called this way, since it's from 1999, before people really used "denpa" to call any distinct form of music.
Looks like the original circle is still active to some capacity.

>> No.24302280

I'd probably qualify Hubmaster more as nerdcore (the Japanese genre, not the awful stuff you hear Soundcloud rappers doing). It's more strictly gabber than denpa in the modern understanding.

>> No.24302517

Interesting, thanks!

>> No.24306395

you can imagine it as simping for egirls except the egirls are anime

>> No.24306926

It's not like you have to pay anything to enjoy the abundance of free content. I've only thrown a superchat twice and that's only because I treat it like a tip jar to support the countless hours of value I've gotten.

Anyway too keep this from being too off topic, here's two hours of Claire singing trudenpa.


>> No.24319114

curious, i wonder if she sings denpa as a non-vtuber alias

>> No.24319398

She used to...

>> No.24325860

She did a lot of doujin and denpa songs as ひなうさ, and later on was doing seiyuu work as ひなたゆかり before getting the Vtuber gig.

>> No.24327994

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1tqeY5R8-8 I always enjoyed this ひなうさ song

>> No.24339827 [DELETED] 

dodon pa

>> No.24354219

Has anyone here supported any denpa artist in the pixiv fanbox? If so, how good is it? I was looking at nanahira and mosaic.wav fanbox and, honestly, I was impressed with the advantages of being a mosaic supporter! They did something really well designed and worth your money. I was thinking of becoming a supporter. Can someone who already is tell me about the experience?

For those who are curious, take a look at the mosaic fanbox: https://mosaicwav.fanbox.cc/

>> No.24359853

It's great.

>> No.24367139

Damn that's a shame. Didn't really follow her before so I wasn't aware of this. Another denpa singer lost.

>> No.24368510
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Anyone have 古川未鈴's solo releases? I had one of her singles on my hard drive but can't access it currently

>> No.24368817

Also here's the ost for sexfriend, swore I uploaded more but I'll work on that later

>> No.24369587

They're all retards

>> No.24373629


>> No.24382539

A denpa event.

>> No.24392141


>> No.24395064

Mosaic, no doubt.
Some IOSYS albums are incredible, but I love everything Mosaic does.

>> No.24405695 [DELETED] 


>> No.24408533

It isn't close, some songs like https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm74100 make my brain geniunely feel weird, it's just too good. Everything they release is too good, I don't even know how to describe it.
IOSYS just doesn't have that, a couple albums are amazing but they're not hard to put into words amazing.
Fuck I love MOSAIC.WAV.

>> No.24419665

I will take a different stance from the other anons and say IOSYS. Mosaic.wav are amazing, but to me IOSYS at their best are pretty much unbeatable. I also basically grew up with IOSYS so my choice is at least partly nostalgia-tinted. I will never forget the first time I heard this, it changed my life forever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3IZzNtKr7E

>> No.24420319
File: 92 KB, 422x1000, ee0e69d1730f1f0b910cffff25a5b6dd-sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this nanahira confetti box song I really like where she talks about (I guess) eating breakfast being on a diet, talking to her producer, trying over and over again, in the chorus she goes CHARIN CHARIN

The title is 08. 課金厨のうた -More Charin Ver.

anyway I like that song a lot. I work in a factory and I play it after my shift to remind me I'm out of the bad world for a little while

Which song gets you out of the bad world?

>> No.24420457
File: 104 KB, 450x450, picolony3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a special place in my heart for "TOUR ON THE 未確認飛行物体2216", sung by ココ and arranged by かめりあ from ピコロニーノーツ. It just hits all the right spots.

>> No.24420471

That song is actually about being addicted to gachashit. "Charin charin" is the onomatopoeia of money falling out of her wallet. I'm not joking. Someone get Nanahira help, please.

>> No.24420505

Holy shit. Thank you anon for the context. It's even more appropriate that it's a dark song. I really appreciate it.

>> No.24420549

Hopefully it reminds you after a hard shift that at least you aren't addicted to gachashit and idolshit.

>> No.24424902

This looks like it's originally from Free Pl@ying.

>> No.24425796

Any songs with unusual time signatures?

>> No.24442619

this is good, does anyone know of any other albums/songs in this style? it sounds different from most denpa i hear from here

>> No.24459542


>> No.24460041

Is no one maintaining a master torrent? A selection of P2P zipped RARs is very annoying for mass downloading to a server

>> No.24460442

Some older Sharpnel stuff is similar although the vocals aren't original. For newer stuff with original vocals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMS0U2BisTo probably counts.

>> No.24463865

There's the denpa thread torrent on nyaa. I seem to remember it's updated about once every 12~18 months. There's also an RTL torrent, but I can't remember where I got it from and it's been over a year since I stopped seeding it (in my defence I had a ratio >10 on the thing).

>> No.24478137

What are some good headphones for listening to denpa?

>> No.24478240

I use a pair of "Sennheiser PC 360 Special Edition Gaming Headset". They have served me well for the past ~8 years or so.

>> No.24479719

I just use a pair of M40x headphones. They're okay I guess.

>> No.24486366

Any denpa albums promo websites you guys like? For some reason I always had them in extreme high regard in terms of how good they look but now that I'm looking for some none impress me.

>> No.24493414

Found みりかるファンタジー on warosu

>> No.24501337 [DELETED] 


>> No.24517274


>> No.24523086

Thanks anon.

>> No.24535034

I really like my M40x's what's the gripe you have with them?

>> No.24535385

nothing, I like them. I don't have great ears and can't ABX 160 anyway so they sound okay and are mostly comfy except the headband gets a little painful after a while and they don't isolate too great.

>> No.24547238

I've noticed most doujin release promo websites use the same template. Really the only one that sticks out in recent memory is for one of the UNGLAND releases on Nzigen Comp that was eye-bleed inducing.

>> No.24549502


Isn't this lolicore?

>> No.24564186

New emamouse.

>> No.24569566

Only listened to Twinkle but it's really fantastic, thank you.

>> No.24574508

Some of the hallmarks are there, particularly the heavy use of samples, but lolicore is also anachronistic to the time period. Lolicore in my mind embraces faster tempo and more distortion. At some point it's splitting hairs when trying to nail down genres, most people probably wouldn't argue you on that label.

>> No.24580810 [DELETED] 


>> No.24584343

MOSAIC.WAV hasn't really made anything that memorable to me post-2010, but IOSYS still puts out some really great songs once in a while.
Though I like both a lot and MOSAIC.WAV is more consistent in their quality.

>> No.24584771

Denpa died for this.
Rather underwhelming, I was kinda looking forward to it seeing how pumped beatmario was.

>> No.24604355

Is nomico active on the doujin scene?
Is this the right place to ask this???? IDK. But she has two incredible albums and there is something denpa about them. That's why I decided to stop by.
Any information can help me!

>> No.24609573

vtubers are the worst.

>> No.24619495

on the bright side we have this, which is at least somewhat denpa.

>> No.24621829

Why did ARM think putting dubstep into this song was a good idea? Way to ruin it.

>> No.24629455

She's on all the new alstromeria records albums, the only reason I download them lmao

>> No.24640665

As a whole, MOSAIC.WAV, hands down. Their denpa is unique and always high-quality. I wouldn't hesitate to claim that MOSAIC.WAV is the best denpa circle there's been: they truly managed to take denpa one step beyond. At their best, MOSAIC.WAV remains unmatched.

>> No.24655072

late to the conversation but although IOSYS has some very denpa songs, overall their quality is a lot less consistent than MOSAIC.WAV.

>> No.24667321

Why not a denpa IRC channel? I left the one on rizon though, after there has been virtually no activity or users for years.

>> No.24678161

tһаt'd bе јuѕt аѕ dеаd іf nοt mοrе

>> No.24678350

The current Denpa Song Discord fulfills more than enough, in my opinion, the need for a more collected and stable base of discussion. You don't need to depend on "what ifs" and other improbable suggestions when something is already out there.

I don't think it's right to compare a 2-3 person band, that has seen stable activity over the years, to an ever changing mega circle, that had dozens of different members over the course of its existence, and many other projects than just doujin touhou and denpa music. So when people say MOSAIC.WAV has better consistency, they're skewed by the different nature of the two. The only thing I consider relatively consistent with IOSYS is the lyric writing, a job mostly reserved to IOSYS founder Shachou, and I think he's ultimately more original and creative than MOSAIC.WAV.

>> No.24680168 [DELETED] 

Does Koronba/Koronba-like music stuff belong in this thread? I've seen people categorizing them into denpa, but the denpa I've seen from this thread are rather different.

>> No.24682800

>The current Denpa Song Discord fulfills more than enough, in my opinion, the need for a more collected and stable base of discussion. You don't need to depend on "what ifs" and other improbable suggestions when something is already out there.
Well I, and clearly others, didn't know that was something that existed already.

>> No.24685877

I didn't mean to sound condescending. It was just linked beforehand, so it seemed to me like it was being ignored as a legitimate option. Please don't let it deter you from joining.

>> No.24686118

Is the Discord alive? And if so, how different is it from these threads? I don't really like that platform to be honest, but I may give it a try if it doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.24691293

It is relatively active. The main difference from it and the threads is ease of communication and responsiveness. That's more of a facet of instant messaging versus threads than it is a distinctive quality of the server, but I think it allows for better flowing conversations than in here.

>> No.24691795

>using discord
Enjoy your Chinese botnet

>> No.24693626

Dempanchu event livestream is now up at https://www.twitch.tv/tsukiyume_jp

>> No.24694568

Good shit

>> No.24694728

>USSR anthem
What the FUCK

>> No.24694833

this guy is incredible so far, wears panties on his head, plays ussr anthem as denpa, brings out a literal sex doll as guest dj

>> No.24699078

See, that's great and all, but I don't like IM platforms, and have generally had bad experiences with them. Starting with something as fundamental as "you can see who is online".
How many people are active in the server?.

>> No.24708968

For what it's worth, you can set your status as permanently invisible/offline, but it won't stop you from showing up in the user list.

>> No.24713201

Somehow I knew it was going to be Miko Miko Nurse

>> No.24732544 [DELETED] 


>> No.24736427


>> No.24745015


>> No.24747421

I like it, it's alright.

>> No.24753278

has https://mizunonanamix.tumblr.com/ been posted anywhere?

>> No.24756425

Oh no! choko is playing animal crossing on youtube right now. Is this a prequel to something worse to come? I hope it's just a live stream with no other intentions, just to kill time and have fun

>> No.24756489

She's just playing Animal Crossing with rissyuu. Not sure what you're trying to imply, Choko has been a vtuber for over two years already.

>> No.24760409


>> No.24760487

ちょこ with 立秋 is really hit-or-miss for me. Their good songs are awesome, but at their worst they don't even sound like denpa. I guess 立秋, being the composer, is more to blame for that, but seeing how much music they've produced together, I felt like bringing ちょこ in too.

>> No.24764533 [DELETED] 


>> No.24768684

I miss when /jp/ was a slower board.

>> No.24779299

Fellas, which proxy services would you recommend?

I've used dv8cag in the past, but that's quite some time ago and their website seems defunct.

>> No.24779577

Ive not kept up with anything since around 2013, what did I miss?

>> No.24782693

だっこしてぎゅっ! ~オレの嫁は抱き枕~ -
Do you remember your first time listening to this song? Hell, I remember.
2000s erosongs will always have a special place in my heart.
Have a nice day everyone

>> No.24790987

Nanahira cover

>> No.24794071

oh this is lovely

>> No.24794144

ASMR vtuber put out a pretty denpa song:
I got old eroge OP vibes from this.

>> No.24806136


>> No.24815949 [DELETED] 


>> No.24826740

On other news, MMBK released a MV, not very denpa though...

This is pretty good

>> No.24827119

patra = momo?
are all the denpas vtubers now? i haven't been keeping up with this stuff at all.

i fuckin love momo though

>> No.24827761
File: 756 KB, 3200x3200, __suou_patra_honey_strap_drawn_by_gagame__1647c3958177a35b6dad961829defe3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Momobako is now Patra, but referring to Patra's music as Momobako or expecting it to be denpa is silly. Her old YouTube channel and website are deleted, and all that remains of her Twitter is a tweet announcing her retirement. One difference from Momobako is that all the songs she's made as Patra are self-produced. She's also remixed at least one other vtuber's song. I think this short song is the most denpa-like thing she's made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iesadviuuo

As for other denpa vocalists turned vtubers, see >>24189631
I believe Nanahira's listed vtuber persona is more or less abandoned, she's more recently been streaming as a Nanahira-vtuber on her Nanahira channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOtOW_wCn4

Apart from Patra (Momobako) and Sister Claire (Hinausa), they're small channels, so I doubt it inhibits their denpa activity much. Although it's kind of strange for at least Choko and Nanahira to have been active and releasing music under two personas simultaneously.

>> No.24827770

33turbo stopped making music.

Denpa is all nanahira and future bass now.

>> No.24827867

ah, i see. i missed that discussion near the top of the thread. thanks.

>> No.24828298

I still have my hopes up that she'll eventually release a denpa song, she also has a live concert/album soon maybe this will be it.

>> No.24829178

That song is pure soul.

>> No.24829725

Mameko has been streaming under her own name recently too https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxI2sKOL2JPX0SQwwKZFafQ

Her vtuber avatar thing is less expressive than others but the design is really cute.

>> No.24858977

Anyone else begins watching old videos and feels like crying? an entire era gone.. I feel like shit.

>> No.24866013

Wasn't she very popular? How weird to discard all the popularity just like this. Are there any deeper reasons?

You know it's good because it's over.

>> No.24866281

She seems to be having fun as a vtuber, and it's probably more profitable anyway. She's popular as Patra too.

>> No.24866581

>Wasn't she very popular? How weird to discard all the popularity just like this. Are there any deeper reasons?
I don't know exactly how popular she was as Momobako at the time she quit, but I think you're underestimating the popularity of the upper echelon of vtubers. YouTube's stream donation numbers are public, and tracked by sites like this: https://playboard.co/en/channel/UCeLzT-7b2PBcunJplmWtoDg

As for discarding all the popularity, her vtuber debut is dated July 12th 2018, the tweet announcing her retirement as Momobako was March 12th 2019. At that point her vtuber channel already had more than 100k subscribers.

The reason she deleted all her old stuff instead of just leaving it is probably just to draw attention away from it, and remove potential fuel for anti-fans. A lot of, if not most vtubers have had past online personas. A few remain active on both, some just leave them inactive, others delete everything. I doubt there's any deeper reason in most cases. It seems unlikely, but it could also have been a managerial decision, I'm not familiar with the agency she works under.

Momobako ditching denpa to become a popular vtuber always reminds me of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5orbTHnbQvc
Although it's not as funny or accurate now that Miko is a vtuber as well.

>> No.24866636
File: 251 KB, 1242x706, 00_11_29.647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been taking advantage of being stuck at home to go through and upload some of the old Japanese music on my hard drives.

First is are the two Pani Poni Dash Vocal Albums from 2006. Old school pre-chanology/habbo/foxnews 4chan was fucking obsessed with this show, in hindsight it's mostly aged like milk IMO but the music is very good. These two albums contain a lot of Denpa standards like Pani Poni X! and the Magical Girl Beihomi theme.


This also came from a time when late night TV anime had more overt lolicon themes.

>> No.24866835
File: 284 KB, 1067x935, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rizelmine OP Hajimete Shimasho(lol), about a boy and his government provided loli girlfriend. The manga was actually released in the US when Tokyopop was pumping out as much stuff as they could, and looking back most English reviewers didn't seem to understand what they were looking at when they reviewed it.


This is not a great encode, I dredged it up from soulseek and as far as I can tell it's the only rip out there. Not even the Japan iTunes store has it (unless I'm searching for the wrong thing, I'll buy it and upload it it someone does provides a link). I actually was considering importing the CD for a better rip before Covid-19 fucked up airfreight.

>> No.24866922

Did that song predict the future?
>Although it's not as funny or accurate now that Miko is a vtuber as well
It's actually disgusting. Beatmario also does the vtuber thing now too, yes, with a slutty girl avatar and everything. I can't believe how many denpa artists are getting involved with this.

Pani Poni Dash and Rizelmine really take me back. I didn't realize until many years later how suggestive Hajimete Shimasho was.

>> No.24867403
File: 240 KB, 1185x1200, ty01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP, ED, and soundtrack albums from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase.


If you're into denpa you probably know about this show and its OP. This set does include the OST bonus disc with clean samples of Chiwa Saito's Hazuki noises, and hires scans of the Hazuki paper dolls.

The English translation of the manga was unfortunately cut short by the implosion of Tokyopop.

>> No.24867895

>now that Miko is a vtuber as well
Which one?

>> No.24868061

Again, it was posted by an anon earlier in the thread: >>24189631
The bottom one, in case you can't read kana.

>> No.24868115

That's a different Miko (from MOSAIC.WAV)

>> No.24868616

The way mi~ko speaks sounds identical to her songs. Her voice is so distinctive.
>mains hunting horn
Is she one of the few vtubers with soul?

>> No.24868852


>> No.24869080

Nice catch. Also:
>even miko is a vtuber
Jesus Christ, it doesn't stop.

>> No.24873316

Anyone got any IOSYS CD links? magnets preferred

>> No.24876521

if you want torrents then jpopsuki is probably the best place to go

>> No.24877448

I want to try out UGUMUGU. Does anyone have their releases?


0:18: 7/8+4/4
2:58: 3/4 over 4/4
4:42: 3/4 | 4/4 | 3/4 | 4/4 | 3/4 | 7/8 | 3/4 | 5/8 | 5/8 | 4/8 | 9/16

Also quintuplets on the chorus.

>> No.24884678

Wow, even though I knew something funny was going on in that song, I never expected it to have such time signatures. The end is totally nuts. That's MOSAIC.WAV for you, I guess.

>> No.24888167

this is the only one i have but it's fucken good

if you want it

>> No.24892892
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 81f+0k9AqKL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for this album, Nanahira - Confetti Box, preferrably FLAC.
Will shoot 5 bucks paypal to anyone who can provide it.

>> No.24893054

Pretty sure it's on both the mega folders and doujinstyle.

>> No.24895176

I don't even know anything about music but those parts really stuck with me when I first heard this song. Why don't more songs do this?

>> No.24907885

While I'm only an amateur musician, I guess it can be hard to use unusual time signatures without them sounding forced. It can also be hard to make your ideas "flow" when thinking in those time signatures. It's way safer to produce music in 4/4 or whatever.

>> No.24913688

That makes sense. It seems like it takes more effort and skill to pull off but also a good way to make songs seem more dynamic and less samey.

What do musicfags think about this song?

>> No.24914100

Can you upload it somewhere else? It asks for login because it's age restricted, and youtube-dl doesn't work on it.

>> No.24928031

The visuals that accompany this song in beatmania are exceptionally weird, even by Mosaic.wav standards.


>> No.24940517

I miss her...

>> No.24960545

I miss her too, even if her last albums sucked.

>> No.24982323

Feels like a fever dream.

>> No.24991808

I bought the CD a couple of years back precisely because there weren't any good rips online. Here you go:


>> No.24992128
File: 183 KB, 1200x1200, dead genre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That reminds me that I bought a whole bunch of other CDs so I could get higher-bitrate rips, too. Don't know whether better versions have been uploaded since, don't care.

Power Halation:


まゆみんとろにか ~ 新堂真弓 AKiBA SONG BEST:




>> No.25018114
File: 55 KB, 320x320, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other song or album from her (Mega)? She sounds really cute and I've never heard her song before this album

>> No.25019914

I'm a bit late but here
it's mp3 not flac tho

>> No.25036453
File: 270 KB, 819x826, 25mhz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a solo album, though no rips and you couldn't get a physical copy until a few weeks ago. I bought one when she started selling them again, when it arrives I'll rip it and post a link here.

>> No.25059658 [DELETED] 

I got into denpa because of the lyrics - I was intrigued by their reputation for being nonsensical/bizarre, and the few instances of this I was able to find translated in things like the Kyouran Kazoku Nikki OP. still haven't learned Japanese though

>> No.25059725

I got into denpa because of the lyrics - I was intrigued by their reputation for being dense and nonsensical, and the few instances of this I was able to find translated in things like the Kyouran Kazoku Nikki OP. still haven't learned Japanese though

>> No.25060333
File: 649 KB, 768x1024, 72325261_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, It's been so long since I've last seen a denpa thread, I wonder what happened. I haven't been listening to much denpa and Japanese music lately though. Seeing users in this thread talk about the old days of "dmp", how denpa is dying and rambling about vtubers is making me feel like an oldfag/nostalgiafag

>> No.25060577

eroge songs are the least interesting kind of denpa though

>> No.25063228

I think you two are overestimating your ability to cover "everything there is to know" in the span of a few years. Not because there are heaps of denpa albums out there, but because they are inaccessible compared to other commonly pirated media like manga, anime and visual novels. Downloading everything that was posted in the thread is one kind of dedication, but I think it takes a different kind of dedication to look for and discover new denpa music, both modern and older.

>> No.25076937

As someone who only knows the kana, a handful of kanji and pretty much that, looking for denpa outside these threads, vk and Discord is outright impossible.

>> No.25078583

The thing with discovering new artists is that denpa was mainly produced during the internet age, so if you found one, chances are they would mention 3 more. Eventually, the connections loop and you are left with a web of "core" popular artists. Add collaborative projects and guest appearances such as ピコロニーノーツ to the mix, and you widen the net to quite the number of inactive artists as well. Of course, this doesn't nearly catch everything, as mentioned earlier in the thread eroge songs often dabble into denpa. The same do anisongs. Then there's artists which don't actively go for a denpa image but still kind of fall into it, one-off productions (albums and songs), non-commercial doujin works (uploaded for free by the artists), 90s artists, etc. However, I seriously question how large a volume we are talking about compared to the stuff mentioned at least once in these threads over the past year or two. I've got ~3000 denpa songs on my hardrive, following the scene very casually. Would you hazard a guess that there are more than 10 000 denpa songs around? I wouldn't (don't trust the casual though!), and if a casual follower can collect 30 % of the material out there, then a dedicated one could probably cross 75 %. What if we estimate only 5000 denpa songs out there? Then this thread alone represents a good 60 % of the entire scene.
To change perspective a bit, if a horror movie buff, a classical music buff, an anime buff, a fantasy reader, etc, had consumed 30 % af all content produced in their niche, they would be amongst the 99 percentile. In denpa you get there by downloading RTL and the denpa thread archives, both found at the top of this thread. Denpa is more comparable in that regard to subcategories like "baseball anime" or "Parisian baroque composers during the Thirty Years War". Neither of which I'd call "high intensity" to keep up with if you put in some work.

>> No.25093039

Exactly because of what you wrote, I explicitly mentioned that I don't think there are many denpa songs out there. The imposed limitation to "completion" (I have no interest in listening to all denpa music out there) is not the large volume of denpa music, but the difficulty of getting to each subcategory you mentioned. I uploaded many older, niche albums to the thread in the past two years. None of them are things I learned about in a day. None of them are things I acquired in a day. It may not be "high intensity" up to your standards. Will you take my place when I go?

That's the main hurdle, in my opinion. You're always at the grace of other people - rippers, translators and other speakers who communicate with the Japanese side. But then again, I think it's also great motivation to study Japanese.

>> No.25129650
File: 43 KB, 383x384, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will you take my place when I go?
No, if I were to dedicate my time, energy, and money to digging up lost and niche works, then it would be within anime.
Maybe we are talking past each other. I don't get the impression you talk about hearing all denpa-kei stuff out there. Neither am I. However, I'd say that if a fan actually clears out all which is collected in this threads resources, then the number of remaining denpa-kei songs is so small that they are reduced to curiosities rather than the topic of a "deeper" community. As an example, some time ago Manikyua-dan albums were posted (was that you?). While I did listen to and appreciate those albums, they are more of a dead end or a one-off curiosity then something from which further music turns up. Learning about them doesn't lead to something new for the denpa listener. Compare that to an anime fan opening their eyes to the OVAs from the same period because they learned of a director who made a couple. From that perspective, it doesn't take much to reach a state which I'd call close enough to "running out". When I look into twitter profiles and defunct blogs of artists I like, they rarely end up at unknown names, and that's been the case for a long time now. Though I'll admit this may just be my own ignorance talking. Regarding the OVA comparison, that too is a subsphere where a person can "run out" within just a few years. Though resources like MAL and AniDB massively reduce the "unknown unknowns".

>> No.25132480
File: 169 KB, 800x800, 2318-1529302170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your feeling of running out is not a result of the remaining number of moe-denpa songs to listen to, however small they are. Let me explain.

As far back as the Tang dynasty of China, good poetry was thought to need not only good poets, but good listeners - people who could read between the lines, and understand not only the context, but see the thoughts and emotions of the poet. Chinese scholars wrote of how they felt like they were holding conversations with their counterparts from centuries back.

If what you're looking for is a song to serve as another denpa hit, then you might consider it a dead end or a one-off curiosity. However, I think that's only hearing, and not listening. It has to come from you, it has to be your dedication that goes into it. Otherwise, can you really say you were running out, or were you just taking the music at face value? I don't think I'm better than you or anybody else, reading the thread. But I think with a change of approach, you can become a better listener, and bring the feeling of running out to a stop. That is, in practice, value what you learn the same as or even more than the songs themselves. Then you'll discover that you've learned beyond the scope of moe-denpa alone, and so will have not felt like you wasted your time, energy and money. Not one-off curiosities - but lifelong treasures.

>> No.25153138

Sorry if I'm being lazy, but do you know if this まにきゅあ団 is in a mega folder? I swear I tried, but I only find the 1996 and 1997 albums.

>> No.25154224

You can find a download (authorized by Shinji Hosoe himself IIRC) at the bottom of the description of this video (not my rip): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYZAzukYZuU

>> No.25158431

Does anyone happen to know where the link to the album Chibi Loli by Zero-Shaft is? I saved the mega download but it seems to have been taken down.

>> No.25166813

It's on vk.

>> No.25175692

I thought she was new into this thing. Turns out she was Utaite singer. I'm not in touch with Utaite. Sorry for late reply though
>when it arrives I'll rip it and post a link here.
I'm counting on you, anon.

>> No.25188491

There's probably a bunch of "lost" denpa that isn't catalogued anywhere. This is the case with a lot of doujin material however.

>> No.25189233

I think the main concern is deterioration of material - even if they're catalogued, they may not physically exist anymore. Internet Archive makes it much easier to trace lost works and artists, but you'd be hard pressed to find remaining, functioning copies for a lot of music. Many things still round up for sale secondhand. Auction websites, Suruga-ya and Mercari go a long way in selling secondhand goods, sometimes overpriced and sometimes for peanuts, but I think there's a lot of potential in domestic Japanese secondhand CD shops. I've actually already encountered journals through Internet Archive, detailing how people as far as 20 years back went looking and found rare doujin albums in secondhand CD shops. Ultimately, the best bet is asking the artists themselves, if possible - more of them than initially expected are active online, and from my experience, they're extremely flattered when fans locate their old works.

>> No.25195015

What would be a fairer comparison with MOSAIC.WAV then?

>> No.25220208
File: 186 KB, 600x600, 1370047227800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any songs/artists/albums that make you hnnggggg like this one?

>> No.25220938
File: 161 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the odenpa studio ones very very cute, but it might be a biased opinion as they're quite simple.

>> No.25222989


>> No.25225343

Where are their pantsus

>> No.25248919
File: 665 KB, 700x700, Candy Pop Party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just listened to the newer denpa releases and I can say with near certainty that 99% of it was shit and a waste my precious hikki time and the only decent album that at least seemed somewhat modern was Candy Pop Party. Most of it wasn't even denpa. It was that "Kawaii Future Bass" nigcock that is basically unlistenable.

>> No.25257782

While I do agree partly with you since some artists have at times gotten way too future bassy for my taste (ちょこ and ななひら come instantly to my mind), there are some very good albums among the "newer denpa releases". You're being a bit unfair there, I think.

>> No.25258016

I liked this one.

>> No.25270122


>> No.25275241


>> No.25275336

>tfw used to be completely indifferent towards Nanahira
>now been liking her more and more as I get older
What's this phenomenon called

>> No.25277454


>> No.25279782
File: 90 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what happened to the other one from Twinkle? Choko seems to be pretty active but idk where milk(if that even is her name) is. Maybe I'm just being retarded and need to go to the sleep...

>> No.25288150
File: 286 KB, 1024x690, 20200520131000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dempagumi.inc (でんぱ組.inc) is a Japanese idol group based at Dear Stage in Akihabara, Japan.
All the members pursue their own "otaku" interests.
What do you think of them?

>> No.25291355
File: 985 KB, 974x974, miraclecreation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She goes by さとうみるく outside of twinkle. Her circle is called milk crown. According to my small research, her latest solo album was みらくるくりえいしょん (pic related), which was released on M3-41 (2018). Aside from that, I believe she's only worked on the latest twinkle releases and nothing else.

>> No.25313227

Milk was never very active online, but she tends to wake up whenever there is a new Twinkle release and participate in live streams and so on.

Also, the Covid-19 situation may have caused some people to postpone their releases, so that might also be why she is not very active.

>> No.25332893

Their music used to be denpa in the beginning but I cant say that now. I still kinda like them but their original stuff is never topped

>> No.25344121

I agree, their first album was actually quite good. And their W.W.D. songs were composed by based Hyadain. What happened to them anyway, didn't a lot of the original members leave or something? That's kind of sad when W.W.D. was about them coming together.

>> No.25353578

Damn I just looked and even Nemu left last year. 4 of the early members are now gone..

>> No.25353910

It's pretty shitty. I normally don't care about idols but I thought they were different and were actually good friends. Guess for some of them their story was just an act. At least Mirin, Risa, Eimi and Pinky are still there. But man I miss Mogu and Nemu.

>> No.25364725

Anyone produce their own denpa?

>> No.25365321

I gave it a couple attempts a while back but they all ended up sounding like amateur dogshit. I tried seeking for online libraries or tutorials on denpa like a madman but to no success, probably because it's all in moon runes and I don't know any of the key search terms. Or maybe I just have no musical talent after all and this is all just my way of coping

>> No.25380875
File: 293 KB, 452x640, 640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do a collab with Zombieland Saga

>> No.25382305

Yeah I have no talent either. But really most denpa is amateur dogshit, we only talk about the really good ones here.

>> No.25384298
File: 308 KB, 700x700, 1590009502568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a link to that denpa-erika song
it had a loli in a wehrmacht uniform on the cover and I don't speak japanese and it's been deleted off youtube and I can't find it please help

>> No.25384658
File: 163 KB, 600x600, 1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably エリカ ~1930~ from ぷねうまレコードの国防軍の歌を歌おう CD -ZWEI- by とろ美. You can find it in the OP links.

>> No.25384880
File: 745 KB, 1000x1000, 1590272506428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much

>> No.25385042

you cannot tell me this is bad

>> No.25385196
File: 283 KB, 1045x995, 57708370_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to help.

>> No.25387169

What did とろ美 mean by this

>> No.25392694

So I just realized the song I'd been listening to these days was about cavities and a dentist. What the FUCK. I so need to learn Japanese.

>> No.25399338

ComicVket and MusicVket, VR takes on the regular Comiket, are happening this weekend. Any denpa artists/releases to look out for there?

>> No.25405239

Is アイドルDEATH! from 妄想の旅団 based on another song? I remember having heard it somewhere else for some reason...

>> No.25412044

さいきょう虫歯工事師 掘削Chu ?

>> No.25413326

when is nanahira going to be the vocalist of an anime OP

>> No.25415160

Yes! Though I have talked shit about かめりあ in the past, I must admit that making those dubstep noises (or whatever they're called) sound like a dental drill was a very creative move on his part.

>> No.25428401

Beatmario is going the tranny route huh...

>> No.25437802


>> No.25440051


>> No.25444938

Vtubers were a mistake.

>> No.25446292

Iirc, that avatar of his was modelled after his wife.

>> No.25451491

I am being brainwashed

>> No.25479026


I met her once and shook her hands. She said "thank you". That is all. Highlight of my life.

>> No.25480239

Was she shy like in the video? Was she short? Was she cute? Man, it hurts my heart to know that I'll probably never meet Nanahira.

>> No.25486095
File: 1.29 MB, 2576x1932, nanhira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nanahira lewds

>> No.25488433

Cute! Did you draw those yourself?

>> No.25495332
File: 50 KB, 671x435, Screenshot_2020-08-16 4stats io - live 4chan board thread statistics(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you say that

>> No.25497486
File: 672 KB, 2576x1932, 20190920_001404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, someone else did. I'm sure he'll prob find this thread eventually.

>> No.25513398

Suddenly I'm a nanahira fan.

>> No.25542662
File: 1.94 MB, 1460x850, 1387072976442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting the trudempa image.

>> No.25542690

oh hey I drew this
i'm glad you like it?

>> No.25542728
File: 283 KB, 1115x2048, IMG_20200817_195922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koko announced her return... As vtuber

>> No.25542839

Wasn't she sick? Glad to know she's doing alright. Hopefully she keeps making denpa.

>> No.25543021

Yeah, she did a post in December 2019 explaining some stuff about it and why was she inactive http://innocent-key.com/wordpress/?p=13334
I'm really happy she returned.
She also changed her bio in Twitter to something along the lines of "I'm fragile so i'll have an irregular schedule".
Hopefully she will be able to sing denpa and make more collabs with Nanahi

>> No.25544936

incredibly cursed
we can't keep losing them like this

>> No.25545152

if it's vtuber or nothing i'll accept vtuber. koko is love.

>> No.25545275


>> No.25545433

C'mon, we don't even know what her content will be like. Let's give her a chance.

>> No.25556391

I miss the trudenpa debates. Threads are just dead now...

>> No.25556390

This isn't shitposted anymore. It's like an era ended.

>> No.25557714

What a coincidence.

>> No.25557973

>Koko announced her return
YES, I missed ココ a lot, she-
>As vtuber

>> No.25567280

fix your shit hiro

>> No.25594939

I got into denpa late and didn't get to experience that discussion. What did I miss?

>> No.25597072

I regret to inform that you and anything you know will never be tru dempa.

>> No.25598685

I manage a /jp/-themed virtual football team (I'll leave it at that, I'm not here to shill, just give background for the request) and I'm looking for a song to play whenever a goal is scored. Basically it plays for about 60 seconds at a time and traditionally it's been this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2UwjEufpck
But that predates me and it's been the same for years and I'm sick of it. So I was thinking something denpa might be cool.
I went through some stuff on youtube and came up with this:
But I'm curious if you guys might have some other suggestions.

>> No.25601478

oedo controller is not denpa

>> No.25601787 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 1000x1500, 1576686189363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so lonely without you, anons.


>> No.25607309

Yeah, it's kawaii future bass, but to go back to the post above mine, I was under the impression that that's the closest thing to "true denpa" that gets made anymore.

>> No.25608612

Yunomi sucks.

>> No.25628728

I'm ready

>> No.25652117

I'm not ready.

>> No.25662229


>> No.25670846

S-so, when's the denpa coming? H-haha...

>> No.25673261

is this trudenpa?

>> No.25674896

>inb4 this is how all her content will be like

>> No.25687071
File: 12 KB, 250x216, nana-no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a unique voice and gone from denpa

>> No.25687115

That's quite a fall, going from a denpa singer to an otaku therapist.

>> No.25687497

I hope this doesn't mean she's done with denpa. Could just be something she does on the side, like Choko, Nanahira and Mameko.

>> No.25693199
File: 142 KB, 750x746, twinkle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where the album うきうきGAKUENふぇすてぃぼー! by twinkle is?

>> No.25695633

She's sick. In the worst case scenario, we won't see her as ココ anymore.

>> No.25695663

Is she still sick? Nanahira said she was feeling better in one of her streams.

>> No.25707799

I miss rizna, why did she have to go back to her home planet?

>> No.25709531

Is denpa dying?

>> No.25716685

Link to stream?

>> No.25717431

It was at least a month back and honestly I forget which one. It might have even been her vtuber debut stream? But to be honest I don't remember.

>> No.25717629

I'd say it depends on your perspective. To me, it feels as if it's changing, or perhaps "evolving", though I'm not so sure about that last word.

>> No.25727312


Choko still going strong

>> No.25736670

Given that some of anon here hate future bass. I don't think Yunomi would be a good candidate
>But I'm curious if you guys might have some other suggestions.
I would rather stick to tradition (That song would represent whole /jp/ as well because Touhou). Not a fan of trudenpa. But personally I would pick some pre-2015 Nanahira song (Camellia songs quality dropped after 2015)

>> No.25745757

I think a lot of the disdain for future bass and stuff like Yunomi isn't about the quality of the music but in stead from the fact that some youtubers are populizing it with gay western zoomers

>> No.25750218

and they do it by just ripping some random anime girl from zerochan or some shit and putting it as the background for no apparent reason
