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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 785x550, japanese marisa lying down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2405472 No.2405472 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time for our nightly off topic thread?

What did you get up to today?

>> No.2405478

>athens !SysNpnp3nU

>off topic


How about no. And aren't you just asking for a ban?

>> No.2405479

Uhh, a Takakuya doujin did the trick. Got it right up, it did.

>> No.2405485

It'd be nice if he wasn't such a shitty artist.

>> No.2405487

lucid dreams, athens. lucid fucking dreams with sex and suwako.

and lu bu, but we won't talk about that.

>> No.2405501

So how do you manage to lucidly dream? Do you will yourself to do so before you go to sleep?

If you do, I guess you could call it a triumph of the will

>> No.2405507

ISM and Athens posts, back to back! Coincidence?

>> No.2405510

"the middle" by jimmy eat world on the clock radio.

>> No.2405511

Well, I just put together my new computer, so

-Installing everything useful
-Underclocking my old PC and setting up UltraVNC so I can use it to torrent downstairs and not have anything gurgling away in my room all night.
-Playing crysis on very high.

I did the latter because I could more than because I wanted to, but I ended up being underwhelmed by the graphics and enjoying the actual gameplay much more than I was expecting to.

Now all I need to do is get the Japaese version so I can hear Norio Wakamoto saying "MAKUSHIMAMU STURENGUTSU".

>> No.2405514

What are you trying to imply? Athens loves China, he's said so in the past.

>> No.2405517

Went to church, Good Friday and all of that.
Ate some Benihana my imouto brought home.
Tried to get a quiet moment to fap but didn't.
A friend called, pestering me to go hang out with him and other friends tonight.
I was gonna say no but changed my mind, I'll let my downloads finish while I'm out doing other shit.
Now getting ready but I took a peek at /jp/ before leaving.

>> No.2405519

I played video games all day.

>> No.2405520

Nope. The only thing out of the ordinary I did was take two tylenol pm before bed and made it to hour 14 before waking up.

>> No.2405524 [DELETED] 
File: 859 KB, 1280x978, Konno170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2405531

What's Benihana like? I've never been.

>> No.2405534

Why are you here?

No. Seriously. Answer the question.
Why are you posting shit on this board?
Why are you using a name?
Why can't you just shut the fuck up and read other people's posts if you like /jp/ so much?

>> No.2405539

Reported. Enjoy trying to keep this alive in the archive.

>> No.2405547

>Why can't you just shut the fuck up and read other people's posts if you like /jp/ so much?

HAHA OH WOW hypocrite much?

>> No.2405542

I slept most of the day. Waking up later on is not so bad to be honest with you.

>> No.2405565


Messing with your internal clock leads to depression, just thought I'd warn you.

>> No.2405567


Got somethin' that might interest yeh....


>> No.2405568

Went to a couple of classes. Came home and finished Umineko Ep 2. Watched a lot more anime than usual: finished Kaiba (holy shit that was a good show) and watched the first episodes of Eden of the East and Ristorante Paradiso.

>> No.2405569


>> No.2405570

Should I have bumped instead? Would that have been better?

Before you start any more moronic accusations, I don't think that this sage is harmful to the thread. This will not 'ruin' the thread, drive it to autosage, insult the OP of the thread (any offense taken should be from the comment field, not the email field) or any such bullshit. I just want to ask athens why he's posting shit, without bumping his thread. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.2405577

I did exactly nothing. All day.

>> No.2405579

Woke up, ate, read some of my current VN, watched animu, ate, played some more VN, ate, all the while talking or IRC.

>> No.2405585

Bollocks it does, where'd you hear that?

>> No.2405583

I drove to my university and ditched the only class I had today, Chinese modern history. Was supposed to learn about the Great Leap Forward today but I figure I'll just listen to my parents bitch about it. Oh and I finally got around to downloading umineko.

>> No.2405590
File: 402 KB, 700x700, cocky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flashy and decent.

Just like Marisa.

>> No.2405594

What are you talking about? It's common knowledge.

>> No.2405597

I woke up, fapped, ate, did nothing for hours, went for a jog, did nothing again, now here.

What a day.

>> No.2405601

Rediscovered danbooru.py, downloaded about 5000 images then realised there wasn't much point any more.

I miss image battles with ddrddr. ( ,_,)

>> No.2405603

No, it's just that your attitude is a stew of shit. Selective text can communicate bad tones.

>> No.2405610

oh wait.

yeah, i woke up
washed the car
mowed the lawn
called some places looking for a laptop
ended up ordering said laptop online
took now clean car to butcher for dinner
then i came here, trying to force you guys to like me.

you do, right? ;_;

>> No.2405619
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>> No.2405617


congrats on missing out on some damn interesting history

>> No.2405611

Okay. But is there any actual evidence of this?

>> No.2405612

It's common knowledge that smoking three a day will make you die of lung cancer at the age of fifty, that doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.2405621

I just use dtabooru and Downloadthemall.

>> No.2405624

depression isn't even real in the first place so messing with your internal clock can't lead to it

>> No.2405626

I like your tripcode.

Which reminds me, I have a 3.8GHz quadcore now - I should probably do some tripcode generation of my own. What program is everyone using these days?

>> No.2405635


>> No.2405636

It's funny how these threads are popping up left and right over the last week, /jp/ has changed a lot in the last 3 weeks imo

>> No.2405639

Not the same guy, but I find that I am generally happier when I keep the same sleep schedule every day.

>> No.2405643

As for me I played some Civ4 and never left my room once. Might work on some IIDX scores next.

>> No.2405644

go for tripcode explorer, /rs/ it

it supports multiple cores, so i usually get around 950K trips/sec

>> No.2405668

My bowel movement today was pretty rough, I might have to lay off on too much dairy.

>> No.2405682

My cat woke me up. She likes to sleep on my face.

>> No.2405698

/rs/ is borked.

>> No.2405704

Mine woke me up too. She likes to scratch at doors.

>> No.2405711

Nothing interesting. Went to work. Went for a walk. Watched a couple episodes of House.

>> No.2405710

Why are these types of replies always the first?

It is like theres some dude hitting f5 on the front page over and over to find something to bitch about.

>> No.2405718

Because such posts don't require any pause for thought.

>> No.2405721

fuck year house

>> No.2405725

Because this isn't /jp/ related and should be deleted.

>> No.2405733

All cats like to do this. Then they shove their head through the gap as a way of opening the door itself.

>> No.2405742

not mine, mine just grinds his face on anything brown colored

>> No.2405761

>i usually get around 950K trips/sec
Currently getting 11.88M trips/sec, what processor do you have?

>> No.2405762
File: 44 KB, 799x595, kuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your talk about cats is making me wish that kuu was real.

>> No.2405765

Protip: Play cat noises through your speakers.

When I do that my cat jumps up onto the table and starts sniffing around at the back of the monitor.

>> No.2405771

Haha hooking up speakers now to test that.

>> No.2405777

oh god, dont remind me.

amd X2 duel core, back in 2005 it was around 3ghz now for some reason its almost like its desintigrating... its at 2.2ghz and slowily falling each month or so

>> No.2405778

Reminds me of when my dog was a puppy, my then nine year old sister used to yell "DOGGIE ON THE TELLY" whenever a dog went on the TV and they'd both go wild.

>> No.2405788

I like BOOF-kun.

>> No.2405795

>my then nine year old sister used to yell "DOGGIE ON THE TELLY" whenever a dog went on the TV and they'd both go wild.

That is so cute...

>> No.2405790

that made my night. :3
