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2402791 No.2402791 [Reply] [Original]

Imoutos are overrated. Nee-sans are where it's at.

>> No.2402795

I have to agree i'd rather have a nee-san then a imouto.

>> No.2402817
File: 2.32 MB, 3181x1116, nekonyandance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take my dancing little sister.

>> No.2402885

Any kind of sister is ok as long as she is caring and not a slut.

>> No.2402898
File: 38 KB, 287x309, 1227508759905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best sisters are big sisters

>> No.2402956

I like both

inb4 IDORT

>> No.2404241

My twin sister is older by 7 minutes. Does that make her a nee-san or an onee-chan?

>> No.2404249

are you telepathically connected?

>> No.2404260
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>> No.2404263

Real men say onee-sama.

>> No.2404271

Middle child here, fuck you guys ahahahahahahaha

>> No.2404282
File: 114 KB, 475x238, 3200705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if TAMANEE was my older sister thing would be alot different around here

>> No.2404286

In the past I might've considered referring to her as that but I don't respect her as much now. She's been going through boyfriends like toilet paper.

>> No.2404299

I wish I had a large breasted nee-san.

I wish I had a large breasted oka-san too ;_;

>> No.2404300

Sadly I am the eldest brother.

>> No.2404312
File: 320 KB, 566x800, 279b4f2369980a2bd4ac68b2ea8b9635beefab8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would you have sex with her? Would you let me have sex with her? Devil's three-way? It's only gay if there's eye and/or testicular contact.

>> No.2404329
File: 90 KB, 900x650, 2580766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck out

>> No.2404343

Idort here.

I agree with >>2402885

>> No.2404348
File: 292 KB, 720x960, 1db01baf8cd1fb79f4579f9d4b2b6796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had an older sister that would come home drunk from an office party or something and rape me.

>> No.2404358
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Oh yeah? Well... she's not your sister. Suck on that!

>> No.2404360

An older sister is probably better than a younger one.

Older ones can sometimes show great wisdom and can help with problems, and can give and recieve just as much love as younger sisters.

Younger ones need all the helping and are generally nuisances, although they are usually cuter.

Yup, I want an older sister.

Why was I the first-born? Well, technically, I wasn't, but if my onee-sama had survived, I wouldn't have been born.

It's obvious that I was concieved just to replace my older sister, because I was born just a year after she died. If both of us had been born and survived, it would have been so fucking awesome to have a sister a year older than me. Judging from me and my younger sister, I think she would have been flat-chested, pretty small, shy and intelligent.

That would have been so fucking awesome.

Damn you, cruel world!

>> No.2404392

My onee-sama's alive and well, but me and my imouto wouldn't have been born if the twins survived.

>> No.2404411
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>> No.2404413

>Older ones can sometimes show great wisdom
I don't know about that. As soon as yesterday i found out that my sister have had a triangle with a married couple a few days ago while she was drunk. Note that it greatly improved their relationship.
God damn.

>> No.2404451

Amongst my twin sister's many boyfriends that she has dumped, one of them went on to go after a married woman. That told me how much of a mistake she made. She still hasn't grasped that there is more than meets the eye to people.

>> No.2404486

These threads always make me wish that I had a better relationship with my brother..

>> No.2404505

From my experience boys are harder to approach than girls.

>> No.2404521
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This post and pretty much the entire thread is shit.

>more than meets the eye

>> No.2404701

I know. Normally, I can get along with boys pretty well, and my brother and I used to have a good relationship. He made a face-heel turn when he left high school, though.. he's a full-fledged normalfag now.

>> No.2407163

It's a bit late, but what happened with that one anon who went to the beach with his imouto and family?

>> No.2407166

picture raises my blood pressure everytime I see it.

>> No.2407367

Still curious.

>> No.2407376

This man speaks the truth. I would gladly trade my imouto for a nee-san.

>> No.2407435

I have one. Not worth the trouble. Could I trade her for someone's imouto?

>> No.2407462


>> No.2407469

Infinitis are overrated. Nissans are where it's at.

>> No.2407470

I assume you are one yourself.
