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23973709 No.23973709 [Reply] [Original]

Who else looking forward to episode 4 of this?

Also, which do you prefer? Fantasy Kaleidoscope or A Summer's Day Dreams

>> No.23973741

Honestly I don't even remember what A Summer Day's Dream was even about, but Fantasy Kaleidoscope made me cringe so hard from the amount of memes.

>> No.23973985

FK is soulless
SDD is soul

>> No.23974134
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>Who else looking forward to episode 4 of this?
Love that, I didn't know it was coming out so soon!
>Also, which do you prefer? Fantasy Kaleidoscope or A Summer's Day Dreams
I think they're both great in different ways. Fantasy Kaleidoscope has a better art style, higher quality animation and it's funnier (I have a really stupid sense of humor). But Summer's Day Dream is better in every other regard. Summer's Day Dream has more fleshed-out characters, a better story, it's natively voice acted as opposed to the fandub with Fantasy Kaleidoscope, etc.

If I had to choose between both of them, I'd say Summer's Day Dream is better, if nothing else because they maintain a consistent story without padding. Fantasy Kaleidoscope started out so brilliantly but for the last 5 or 6 episodes, over half the episode consisted of a recap of the previous episode, the OP and the ED. Summer's Day Dream maintained consistent story length and quality all throughout its three episodes.

I don't have any Summer's Day Dreams pictures though, so instead take this gif I made of Suika from Fantasy Kaleidoscope jogging in place.

>> No.23974549

I actually like SDD's artstyle more. It's amateurish in a charming way just like ZUN's

>> No.23974680

That's fair. It's certainly more unique than Fantasy Kaleidoscope's artstyle, which is professional-yet-generic 2010's anime style.

>> No.23974771

Pretty sure SDD has better character too. FK seems to be bogged down by fanon interpretation

>> No.23993339 [DELETED] 


>> No.23993851
File: 136 KB, 1866x1241, DuyrKr8WsAAWZJm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer Day's Dream. Got the voice acting right for everyone, and spot on depictions of particularly Youmu and Suika in daily life.

>> No.23993893

Wait what is this?

>> No.24002007


>> No.24002019

Where can I watch it?

>> No.24003629
File: 119 KB, 848x480, patche_niji_sousaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This describes my feelings about both series perfectly.


>> No.24004127

To this day I dunno how the fuck they managed to get such an amazing VA cast for A Summer Day’s Dream.

>> No.24004355
File: 3.22 MB, 1920x1080, dsadasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm definitely a summer day's dream guy
it's absolutely gorgeous, maybe not so much in episode 1 but everything after that is just visually stunning, with an artstyle that I find so much more endearing and fitting than fantasy kaledioscope's
The voice cast and personalities all fit way better too, and I'm aware that FK isn't voiced, but the characters still act in ways I don't particularly care for
SDD is also just better animated and has a more interesting storyline, rather than poorly retelling the story of the games they created a new story

>> No.24007453

Despite SDD being pure fanfiction it's still leaps and bounds above FK and its epik memes.

>> No.24010088

I prefer FK, despite it being against the hivemind. I like the artstyle and general presentation more and I'm not getting into the original story of SDD at all. It absolutely has some dumb fanon shit but I dont find it that offensive like some here.

>> No.24012359

SDD still seems to be the only piece of fancontent that get remilia's personality right instead of turning her into some lolidom

>> No.24012577

The last episode of SSD was amazing.
I'm definitely looking forward to episode 4.

>> No.24020498

ssd has really good atmosphere. You can really get immersed watching it. It's like what I thought FK was going to be when I watched FK's OPs. They are really good at making OPs, just not shows I guess.

>> No.24020635

Summer Day's Dream definitely has a higher quality of animation, it's not even close.
The motion is fairly fluid most of the time even on the decade old episode 1.
Backgrounds especially, it unironically has one of the best backgrounds I've seen in a non-movie anime, and it's fanmade.
Fantasy Kaleidoscope had pretty good animation on the SDM arc but outside of that it's pretty mediocre.

As for OP's question, I think it's pretty clear what I prefer. Musou Kakyou just has better everything.

>> No.24030538

I'm glad someone put it into words I can't quite do myself.

>> No.24030666

>Summer Day's Dream definitely has a higher quality of animation, it's not even close
The framerate is incredibly low though on Summer Day's Dream. Like low to the point where it took some adjustment when I first started watching it. A high framerate is so integral to quality feature-length animation that most of us don't even consider it while watching unless the framerate is unusually low (or unusually high, in the case of the occasional 60 fps animation).

I'll give you the point about backgrounds though, Summer Day's Dream has some great looking backgrounds.
