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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2386239 No.2386239 [Reply] [Original]

would /jp/ willingly sacrifice his friends and family in exchange for the perfect waifu?

>> No.2386251


For money?That's a hard question.
I would probably go to hell if I accepted.

>> No.2386268

I think I would

>> No.2386280

Is the perfect waifu financially stable because I kinda need my family for that

>> No.2386278

I have a good relationship with my direct family, so no it would make me feel dead inside.

My extended family can fuck off though.

>> No.2386291

Yes. Since only two people would be sacrificed, it's more than a fair trade.

>> No.2386297


i have no friends

or family

>> No.2386298


>> No.2386300

I'm trying to make my perfect waifu have high Mental and Intelligence and low Body, but her constant, "Those birds sound beautiful. I wish I could see them." is making me pretty depressed and guilt-ridden.

>> No.2386317
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I thought about it before but I can't come up with an answer.

>> No.2386318


How would she be the "perfect waifu" if she was obtained through such unethical means? It doesn't take a moralfag to feel horrible for sacrificing your family and friends.

>> No.2386320

Reality would have to break first.

>> No.2386324

>It doesn't take a moralfag to feel horrible for sacrificing your family and friends.
it does

and yes OP

>> No.2386338

Would you feel sad if your waifu was killed?


>> No.2386351

No. A woman is not worth that much sacrifice.

>> No.2386353

Friends? Yes, fuck'em

Family? ...no unfortunately, I won't sacrifice my family for anything :(

>> No.2386357

I have neither.

>> No.2386360


Not being a moralfag doesn't necessarily mean you have no morals at all. A moralfag is someone who shoves their ethical beliefs down every pipe they can.


Just because you have emotional attachment to something doesn't make you a moralfag.

>> No.2386372



>> No.2386371

With the exception of my imouto, possibly.

>> No.2386377

I wouldn't kill anything with the same genes as mine, it's instinct, so no. And anyone saying that's moralfaggotry, they don't know it's definition.

>> No.2386378

Can I try it out and go back if I don't like the results?

>> No.2386379

>Just because you have emotional attachment to something doesn't make you a moralfag.

I know, I was using sarcasm to show that what he said was retarded.

>> No.2386385
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Would /jp/ willingly sacrifice his perfect waifu in exchange for friends and a family?

>> No.2386393

Family, maybe. Friends, no.

>> No.2386395
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Doing what's right sometimes means you have to give up the things you want the most. Even your dreams.

>> No.2386405 [DELETED] 

Does /jp/ count as my friend? What about the tripfriends?

Either way, still doing it. Since she would be Yukari, attachments to this world would only get in my way when I leave.

>> No.2386404

I have no friends, and I don't care about my family, but I'd feel like a douchebag if I did it, so no.

>> No.2386406

yeah okay archer we get it

>> No.2386414
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Since she would be Yukari, attachments to this world would only get in my way when I leave. Yes, this is for the best.

>> No.2386424

Mokou is better, she has the elixir which you can drink and gain immortality from, she's human so we can relate better, also no chance of being eaten.

Enjoy your lazy ass waifu that sleeps for 9 months.

>> No.2386428


She doesn't have the Elixir anymore, and I doubt she'd let you eat her liver.

>> No.2386444

Shut up Parker, you were an idiot to give up your wife and you know. (or you would know it if it wasn't for, you know, BONG)

>> No.2386477
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With great power comes great responsibility.

>> No.2386508
File: 27 KB, 852x476, FEELS GOOD MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who would give up their friends and family in a heartbeat. I welcome this choice with open arms.

>> No.2386513

No, absolutely not.

>> No.2386532

This. Any person willing to sacrifice other people (especially people you know) for a relationship has a very skewed, unhealthy perception.

>> No.2386552

I wouldn't.
I may be delusional, but not egocentric.

>> No.2386571

Would /jp/ willingly sacrifice a single friend or family member in exchange for the perfect waifu?

How about their own soul?

>> No.2386578

No and no.

>> No.2386583

I don't have any friends, but the only person I wouldn't sacrifice is my father.
So, yeagh.

>> No.2386592

>How about their own soul?


>> No.2386609

> soul
I'll gladly get a perfect wife for free, souls don't exist.

>> No.2386615

Shikieiki would beat my ass, and I'd be stuck with her, because she'd be my waifu.

>> No.2386620

>the perfect waifu
people who say yes need to watch that part from Good Will Hunting where Robin Williams talks about his dead wife.

>> No.2386621

You are so edgy.

>> No.2386623

Your waifu doesn't exist either, we're speaking hypothetical here dawg.

>> No.2386624

I need my soul when i'm dead.
so I would sacrifice one of my friends.

>> No.2386632

Because sacrificing one of your friends would have a good effect on your afterlife, right?

>> No.2386635

I try.

>> No.2386645

Would you sacrifice yourself in order to save your Waifu?

>> No.2386649

Depends on how much I love her.
The more love, the less likely to act rationally.

>> No.2386651

Never said it would, but if I don't have any soul I can't even go to hell.

>> No.2386650

What do you mean? If I had a real, 3D wife would I do it? Or would I sacrifice myself for a fictional character?

>> No.2386659

I think I'd rather blink out of existence than go to hell.

>> No.2386660

Define "sacrifice". Would I give up ever having known them, or their existence? Sure, almost definitely. But if it comes down to say, selling them into lifelong slavery or something that they'd actually feel (and yes I know I'm splitting hairs here) then I don't think I could do it.

>> No.2386800
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sure I'd do it

>> No.2386884

next time try high body and mental with low intelligence for retarded moe, there's also a special ending if you manage to raise all stats to 5

>> No.2387962

Whose idea of perfect are we going by? Also... do online friends count, and would they suffer or would it be instantaneous?

Yes. I know of a few.

>> No.2387964

in an instant.

>> No.2387967

Is that guy one giant semen?

>> No.2388061
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>giant semen

>> No.2388078

It all depends on if it was kind of a *poof* they're gone, or if it was one of those oh god ritual kinds of things.

>> No.2388106

hmmmm. if i did that, i wouldnt have anybody to show her off too. so, would 5 friends do?

>> No.2388141

you must also rip out one still beating heart from one family member/ friend

>> No.2388158

One I could do.

>> No.2388470


i could do that

>> No.2388501

The guy needs a question mark imprinted on his face.

>> No.2388502

What does op mean by sacrifice? Not being able to ever see them again and sending them to die or never exist are two very different things.

For Souseiseki I would seperate myself from my folks and friends but I would hesitate to kill them or anything like that.

>> No.2388503

