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File: 44 KB, 600x369, Japanese exercinsing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2381134 No.2381134 [Reply] [Original]

Do you work out /Jp/? DO you even take a walk every day/evening?

>> No.2381136

I walk everywhere since I can't afford a car.

>> No.2381137

I walk around campus every day. That's good enough.

>> No.2381142

Yes, I do hiking every week.

>> No.2381140 [DELETED] 


Pussy. I pump iron and do full cardio workouts every day.

>> No.2381143

I take random 5-10 mile walks about once a week.

My family thinks I'm going to die because of my random wandering.

>> No.2381148

I can't fly, so yeah I need to walk.
From my bed to my computer, that is.

>> No.2381162

I do cock pushups. Well, you only really need to do ONE.

>> No.2381160 [DELETED] 


>> No.2381165

>5-10 mile walks
>family thinks I'm going to die because of my random wandering.
What the fuck? Do you live in a warzone or something? Are there death squads kidnapping people off the streets?

>> No.2381166

if that girl from OP's picture was in my life
i would workout 3 hours a day

>> No.2381169 [DELETED] 

>Do you work out /Jp/

What the fuck is /Jp/?

>> No.2381170 [DELETED] 

I do Aikido.

>> No.2381175

I workout 5 nights a week and take creatine. Asides from that I usually walk 20-25 miles a day at my job.

>> No.2381180

Good choice, Aikido is excellent for working out.

>> No.2381188
File: 255 KB, 831x1200, [Strays]My_Balls_v02_c015_020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fun exercise, really.

>> No.2381190

>and take creatine
say goodbye to your liver and enjoy your ball cancer

>> No.2381189 [DELETED] 

I steal bikes and televisions and then make a run for it. I get more than enough cardio.

>> No.2381192



>> No.2381193

Damn normalfriends

>> No.2381198 [DELETED] 

I hike hills around LA and try to find my home with binoculars.

>> No.2381203


>> No.2381210

I lift weights, run, do cross-country skiing, and rifleshooting

>> No.2381214

That's fine, I have no intention of living past 40 anyways. For the record I smoke 2-3 hand rolled cigars a day. Nothing like a fine Nicaraguan in the morning.

>> No.2381221

I haven't stopped moving for the last 4 years because if I do my heart will stop and I'll die.

>> No.2381312
File: 66 KB, 531x500, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crunches, pushups and weight-lifting every 2 days. It takes minimal effort and time, yet gives rather good results. Even though no one would ever see them since I don't go out.
I guess I'm just doing it out of ego.

>my heart will stop
>and I'll die.

>> No.2381747


>> No.2381751


I can cut walls down with my bokken.

>> No.2381753

I walk everywhere I go(because i live on a University campus) Every few days i attempt to go to the gym and lift something and run for a bit, and every night I do situps. I've lost 30ish lbs so far.

>> No.2381755

I walk, but not for exercise. If I don't take walks, I end up pacing around the room, so I need to get it out of my system.

>> No.2381831
File: 479 KB, 800x800, xexex1007428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been exercising 3-4 times per week for years. Lots of cardio and the typical /fit/ weightlifting stuff. Also, my workout MP3 playlist is 100% video game music.

Rude sage for pig disgusting 3D OP pic.

>> No.2381955

I work up quite a sweat from daily fapping, which is enough for me.

>> No.2382001

What a coincidence! I just started walking today.
I just got back from my evening walk. Of course I was walking this morning too. I walked about 6-8 miles altogether.
Of course this means I'm going to have blisters tomorrow or the next day, since I'm an out of shape bastard who stays inside all day.

>> No.2382008

I bike.

>> No.2382009

I used to work out and lift weights back when I was a normalfag.

Since I've been a hikkikomori, I've gained 30 lbs and am generally unhealthy.
Can't wait till I get back in the game and, preferably, leave this god-awful lifestyle.

>> No.2382999

i target a different muscle everyday

source on op pic plz

>> No.2383001

I spend $80 a month playing ddr.

>> No.2383004

I walk from the bus stop to class, that's enough exercise for me.

>> No.2383049

I do a Tabata interval workout every 2 days and have a fairly active job moving around/lifting shit. Going to join a gym soon and get back into lifting.

>> No.2383056

I walk to classes, shopping, laundry, etc. It adds up, I probably walk over an hour each day.

I used to do light exercise everyday but I stopped a year ago. I eat healthy so I'm still in decent shape, just a little skinny and not too muscular.

>> No.2383068

I don't walk.

I float.

>> No.2383074

dammit Robotnik

>> No.2383106

I live in the basement of my house, and as such, need to run up and down the stairs to get food/drink or take a piss. Somehow that little bit of exercise each day has kept me somewhat thin through college.

>> No.2383118

Which songs in particular do you like the most on your MP3 when you're working out?

>> No.2383119
File: 22 KB, 268x233, baron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.2383136

Fuck working out. I wanna GAIN some weight. 5'8" and 110 lbs cannot be healthy.

>> No.2383138

Is Dr. Robotnik smarter than Yukari?

>> No.2383160
File: 258 KB, 1500x1000, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2383167

what if /jp/ was exposed to some moe in the form of an exercise program VN?

will /jp/ get up to the "Eye of the Tiger" in the morning?

>> No.2383172

If it was you singing it, I would.

>> No.2383536


Same, except I play PIU because there are no DDR machines here that ruined to shit.

PIU is probably better healthwise, if only because it's the closest to real dancing anyone will ever get out of a game.

>> No.2383548


how many space stations has yukari built?

>> No.2383553

I start doing it daily, then suddenly I find some excuse to stop, and then I start doing it daily again, and so on.

>> No.2383559

I'd work out if there was someone in my life.

>> No.2383564

I'm a fan of dirt jumps. I'm not talking about motorbikes either.

>> No.2383601

Been going to gym for the past 2 years, got a pretty lean body as a result. That's about as normalfag as I get though..

>> No.2383643

I started to jog instead of walking when I'm going places.

Trying to keep my legs soft so I won't lose the split. :3

>> No.2383670

Gym 3 times a week. Not in bad shape. Not a skinny or fat fag, my BMI is 23.

>> No.2383929

I am a cyclist. I ride ~10-40km when I ride. I ride a custom MTB and not bad doing 40km (~30% hills varying from +10 - +35 grade) in 2hrs topgear.

I have a car but I ride by choice not nesssasity as people often think. I ride two bikes and normally ride faster then most other peoplpe when on my custom MTB which I swapped 26 x 2.3" for 1.75" allowing my 85PSI and ~32kph on the flats. Yah I know I can go faster if I had a road bike but I prefer something that can go anywhere offroad if I needed to AWOL.

A roadbike is fast ubt you're mostly limited to road/paved and hard pack if you wanted to go offroad.

>> No.2383930

BTW OP of this post here. I want more and sauce of the girl in the OP's pic~!!!! Nice. Or just more splits girls in general please :D

>> No.2383939

I walk 15-20 mins a day when I have classes, eat icecream a few times a week, and mostly sit on my ass all day when not walking to/from class. 135lb, 5'9". Youth FTW

>> No.2383945

I only leave the house once a week to visit my brother. I don't think it's enough excercise though.

>> No.2384189 [DELETED] 

I walk 15-20 mins a day when I have classes, eat icecream a few times a week, and mostly sit on my ass all day when not walking to/from class. 135lb, 5'9". Youth FTW

>> No.2384200

I was rather active during high school, and did well in PE. But after I graduated and we moved to a new town, I got a job doing tech support for HP. This involved me sitting on a chair for 10 hours a day, and eating at the cafeteria. Needless to say, after a year of that, I'm not really in shape any more.

>> No.2385706


Look it up on www.btjunkie.org

Fine tuned workout refined to be as effective as possible not wasting any extra moves.

Tailored for 90days with results.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Juvw0r4dJ2M Don't worry gals you won't get she hulked.

You may want to incorperate some running into the program as I'm not sure if the program has running in it. Never know when you gotta be running being chased my something or that pokemon card. :D

>> No.2385715

I do Aikido

>> No.2385790

I bought a bike last week and I've started riding that every day and exploring the new area. Pretty fun.

>> No.2387422


I walk to work and walk home every day. It saves gas and mileage on my car. Also, my employer gives me a stipend of $300 per pay period for not driving.

>> No.2387431

I like to take long walks on the beach. Other than that, I don't really work out, but it's okay since my metabolism is high and I don't really eat much either.

>> No.2387438

I take public transit to college so there is inherit amounts of walking involved with the walking to bus stops and train stations.

>> No.2388777
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 1235543535461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you know how to lock the bike propery else you'll end up losing it. It is recommended a two lock system of different key/lock types to defeat theives. The rule of thumb is a 10% rule. 10% of the bike cost goes to the lock. If it's a bike you like and you would prefer to ride more or depend on your bike more for day to day travel then go up to ~50% of the bikes cost in locks.

As you may know the Kryptonite NewYork Faggatabouoooiiit (or NYFU, which I think of a NY fuckyou when I've clocked some punk kids trying to jump the bike before with the Ulock. Sure causing a serious headache) is rating as one of the top best locks on the market. It's also a whooping ~5lb lock I think. It also commands a high/higher price but it's the defeat time you're buying. It takes longer to defeat then cheaper locks which buys you more time to to detect the thief messing with your bike or for the thief to give up knowing the effort needed work the lock off.


I use a good Ulock and cable lock combo to keep my custom MTB locked up.

>> No.2389730

I do bench presses and all that shit. I'm not a shut in like you faggots, though I don't really do it for looks admittedly.
