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File: 65 KB, 550x550, Kyo-Dir-En-Grey-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2368816 No.2368816 [Reply] [Original]

Malice Mizer
Moi Dix Moi
Dir En Grey
Abingdon Boy School
Schwarz Stein
The Gazette

Any that I am missing? I dont really want to list Girugamesh because I only like a couple of their songs.

>> No.2368821

JAM project too

>> No.2368822

There is no good Japanese music.

This is a troll thread.

>> No.2368824

dir en grey more like DURR I'M GAY

>> No.2368831

Yoko Kanno, ZUN

>> No.2368838

>>Good J-music

Pic not related.
and it seems like you fucked up that post pretty bad. I don't see Boris there.

>> No.2368846

I've never listened to them so I can't say, I just made a list of the stuff I know and have listened to.

>> No.2368854

Dir En Grey has quite a few decent songs and their stage presence is admirable. Kyo gets his ass handed to him on a nightly basis...by himself. He's crazy as hell.

>> No.2368858

Maximum The Hormone

>> No.2368866

Come back when you know some Japanese music that isn't VK or TM Revolution.

>> No.2368868


If you want good artistic Japanese music, you might want to expand beyond visual stuff. For some reason, it's more popular among foreigners (weeaboos) than in Japan, and is pretty much like Japanese nu-metal.

>> No.2368869

All of those suck ass, OP.

>> No.2368870


What a clever and well thought out post you have made Anonymous, so low brow and comical. Gee I wish I were as funny as you.

>> No.2368878


>> No.2368880

Is it wrong to like VK and also be expansive to new ideas? I like VK but it's not all I am open to.
Thanks, I will give them a listen later.

>> No.2368887

It's wrong to like VK at all.

>> No.2368889
File: 108 KB, 656x600, 15c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sage for gay shit

>> No.2368893

It's nice to have opinions.

>> No.2368903
File: 32 KB, 500x336, Merzbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music is overrated.

>> No.2368906

Tell me about it, but it's essential.

>> No.2368912


It's like a Japanese Van Halen, fucking cuuurazay

>> No.2368919

Abingdon Boys School

>> No.2368922

Why would you want to listen to a Japanese version of a shitty band?

>> No.2368923

The only good band you've listed is ABS OP.

Here have some real fucking music.

Asian Kung-fu Geenration
Vola and The Oriental Machine
Number Girl
Zazen Boys

>> No.2368926

Sure smells like entry-level gaiafag weeaboos in here.

>> No.2368927

The Spunks

>> No.2368931

Sex Machineguns
X Japan

>> No.2368937


You just listed a bunch of Weezer cover bands.
and a fairly decent hip-hop producer.
I guess there's not much in Japan for music.

>> No.2368938

If you like power metal
listen to Galneryus.

>> No.2368940

They arent literally Van Halen, they are an 80s glam rock band...if you like glam rock then you like X-Japan

It's just a hair band, I wasn't saying Van Halen was good.

>> No.2368948

So post in a thread that appeals to you, unless you're a troll of some type.

>> No.2368962

Gratitude to all who are contributing and helping me expand my music library. I sincerely appreciate it.

>> No.2368965


>Asian Kung-Fu Generation
>Weezer cover


>> No.2368969


You have no idea what Number Girl and the resulting break away bands are, don't you?

>> No.2368971

People are negative, just ignore it. What is his deal with Weezer anyway? Weezer isn't completely terrible.

>> No.2368975

Ogre You Asshole

>> No.2368977


AKG has gotten formulaic since their first release, and yes, they derive most of their influence from Weezer, and NG.

>> No.2368979

I've never listened to them, I'll give it a shot...thanks for that but you don't have to call me an asshole for not having an expansive J-rock library like the rest of you.

>> No.2368983

Listen to real japanese music like Melt Banana

>> No.2368984


True. Although the difference in style is noticable.


Ogre you asshole is awesome

>> No.2368985

"Ogre you asshole" is the name of the band.

>> No.2368992

Downloading some Onmyouza and Galneryus right now, thanks to whoever mentioned them.

>> No.2368994

Oh lol my bad, I thought you were calling me an asshole because I haven't heard of them.

>> No.2369005
File: 13 KB, 120x120, blue_train_single_m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer indie. So i say some C999 and monobright.

Hound Dog, Curio, and Yellow monkey if you want some older new waveish stuff.

>> No.2369009
File: 115 KB, 640x640, 37876422_89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-Electro is where it's at nowadays.

Saori@destiny (meh)
Aira Mitsuki

>> No.2369048
File: 56 KB, 432x288, DNW-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listen to real japanese music like Melt Banana

The fact that you even refer to them as music makes me want to punch you in the throat.

>> No.2369055

20+ replies and no GIRUGAMESH picture?
For shame.

>> No.2369065
File: 183 KB, 558x397, polysics_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Polysics FUCK YEAH!

>> No.2369078
File: 29 KB, 420x315, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polysics ... electro

>> No.2369082


>> No.2369083

But then, that other guy is just as bad.

>> No.2369096

Melt Banana
The Gerogerigegege

Go listen to them you piece of shit faggot niggerdick.

>> No.2369112

Good Taste
Bad Taste

Also listen to intestine baalism OP

>> No.2369116


what's wrong?

>> No.2369138


>> No.2369164

Electro is a specific subgenre of electronic music. Polysics is new wave (which is a genre that has roots in electronic music and rock, etc.)
That's it.

>> No.2369198

You're missing Blam Honey and Schwarz Stein, Schwarz Stein is good trance that rivals Euro electronica.

>> No.2369303


>> No.2369320

also what the fuck Gazette and Moi Dix Mois? Go scour out your ears.

>> No.2369327

Hey I like them, liking some VK should not be this big of a deal.

>> No.2369364

It is.

>> No.2369374


>> No.2369397


Try talking about Slipknot on /mu/. It's kinda like that.

>> No.2369454

Why? it's just music, not everybody hates VK or Slipknot, some people like things you dont and things you do.

>> No.2369460

It's not

>> No.2369531

jesus christ OP how old are you? you act like you've never visited 4chan b4

>> No.2369586

try listening to
Blood Stain Child
Edge of Spirit

>> No.2369593




>> No.2369668


You haven't been here for very long, have you?

If 4Channel says it's shit, it's shit. Stop acting like your individual opinion matters here. None of ours matter, either.

>> No.2369701

Gackt and Shiina Ringo

Shiina Ringo and Gackt

I'd accidently the both of them

>> No.2369721

well said

>> No.2369776

In b4, OP becomes a tripfag.
Also, try Sound Horizon but stop when you reach Roman, it all goes to shit from there.

>> No.2369789

Gackt = Fail

>> No.2369801

Flower Travellin' Band

It's like listening to Black Sabbath, but with more Japan in it. Particularly Satori.

>> No.2369904

You contradict yourself by saying that "if 4channel says it's shit it's shit" as though the typical 4chan opinion overshadows the entire world. Then you go on to say your opinion doesnt matter even though it's of the 4chan says everything sucks belief. What are you talking about?

>> No.2369920

I'm 21 years old to answer honestly and I am just trying to be a nice person despite the negativity spouted here. I like don't hate VK bands.

>> No.2369927

>"I don't hate VK bands"

fixed myself.

>> No.2370171

you act like a 14 year old faggot, anybody who likes VK needs to die, men need to be men not faggots. I hope N. Korea nukes japan to rid the world of all the Bishounen faggots.

>> No.2370195

You can tell nobody here has japanese friends. Or else they would have said Ellegarden or Mucc. Those are the two better jpn rock bands out there.

>> No.2370208


>> No.2370224

Ellegarden is the Sum41 of Japan.
Anyone with any serious interest in music don't bother listening to them for that reason.
Mucc is visual shit that doesn't know if it should suddenly turn punk just to appeal to a wider audience. I haven't checked lately, but assuming from your comment, I'm sure they're now a hit with all the cool preppy Japanese kids that barely speak enough English to look fashionable to foreigners.

>> No.2370293

Kishidan are great, this video is evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtessYAKqjI

Also Inugami Circus Dan are good too.

Seconding boris and polysics also.

>> No.2370316

Ali Project (I know all of their anime music sounds the same but they do some great albums. Also the OST for .hack//roots is amazing.)
Asian Kung-Fu Generation (pretty solid jrock group)
Ayumi Hamasaki
Do As Infinity
L'Arc~en~ciel (another solid jrock group)
M-Flo (tons of great songs and albums)
Perfume (great songs and even greater choreography. Gotta love dream fighter)
Teriyaki boyz (verbal is pretty cool and they have done a few cool songs. About as far as I have gone into jrap so I can't say for sure)
Utada Hikaru (definite good choice. I just wish she would stop trying to make it in america. Her English lyrics just don't feel right)
UVERWorld (meh, a few good songs here and there
YellowGeneration (My first jpop band. I just wish they were still together ;_;
YUI (lots of great songs)

>> No.2370327

JAM Project.

>> No.2370340

I love blue train.
Great song.

>> No.2370353

I'm a big fan of Bump of Chicken.

>> No.2370373


I just hope they play for NMf thif year


>> No.2370406

JAM Project

>> No.2370437


>> No.2370442

Ikuzo Yoshi is pretty good from the three songs I've heard.


>> No.2370453

Because this thread is for professional music, not doujin.

>> No.2370469


>> No.2370474

Because this thread isn't for good music.

>> No.2370559

I said that being a closet vk fan myself.

>> No.2370754
File: 30 KB, 320x224, ghal5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people even attempt at trolling anymore? moving on.

>> No.2370786

An Cafe
Alice Nine

>> No.2370794


>> No.2370797
File: 234 KB, 640x480, 1238490152343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2370800

Why be closet about it? Who cares what Anon thinks of the music you listen to? It's not like anybody here knows your identity or what you ever look like, and regardless it's just music.

OMG I'm over 18 years old, a straight male and I like Saiyuki, an anime supposedly marketed for girls despite the adult language, fighting, and death.

>> No.2370822

This has been done before, can you try something that hasn't?

>> No.2370829

What you're doing has been done before as well, you don't see me complaining.

>> No.2370834
File: 93 KB, 451x339, OhYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2370840

the only good 'j-music' is their gangsta rap


>> No.2370844

>adult language, fighting, and death.

Which implies it to be marketed to males instead?
Why are you so simple, Anonymous?

>> No.2370863

Ogre You Asshole
Number Girl
Zazen Boys
World's End Girlfriend

>> No.2370873

No but those things don't typically appeal to women, I like Saiyuki because it's a good show and the dub is top notch. If you like a show you like a show, it doesn't really matter the gender it's marketed towards unless you're too closeted about things like typical Southfags.

>> No.2370878
File: 138 KB, 800x595, 1234123421351945_file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning musume

>> No.2370884


>> No.2371019
File: 31 KB, 405x479, Goofy pale from disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Malice Mizer
Fuck my life, this is the cheesiest, vilest garbage I've ever listened to and I frequently listen to /mu/'s recommendations. What the fuck is wrong with you people? This is even worse than faggoty shit like Rhapsody or Sonata Fagtica.

>> No.2371023

oh god i'm 80% sure op is a troll

>> No.2371050

Beast of Blood is a good song, fuck you.

>> No.2371055


Don't bother questioning the taste of people who listen to music simply because it's JAPANEEZU.

>> No.2371091

That's not why I listen to it, I listen to it because I like the music. The bands look awesome in my opinion as well, but I suppose in the West it is considered gay for a man to have fashion sense. It's all about drinking beer, getting fat, cutting your hair short, and being closeted for fear of losing the "manly" status.

>> No.2371097


>> No.2371099


Never listen to Mourning Musume or any of that garbage, I'm sure it'll kill you.

>> No.2371171

Pff that shit is harmless compared compared to that Mizer shit, fairly unintrusive and generic for it doesn't try to miserably ape the music I love. All this so-called 'neoclassical' power metal faggotry is horrible, and this is by far the worst I've heard so far.

>> No.2371320

would you rather end up as a pedophile or a JRAAAAAWK GIRUGAMESH?

>> No.2371469

Ignoring the videos which I'm sure aren't everyones cup of tea (I don't particularly like them though beast of blood has some nice shots in it), the songs themselves are great.

>> No.2371496


sir speaks the truth

btw. goldmine for good jap-muzik

>> No.2371504

Malice Mizer has been around since the early 90s, it pioneered J-rock as we know it today. How could it be a generic cliche if it started the so called generic cliches?

>> No.2371562


>> No.2371760

I didn't call Malice Mizer generic, though it's more or less an gayer version of horrible Italian power metal. You're a faggot with no semblance of taste if you think them even tolerable, I bet you think Dragonforce is virtuoso music as well.

No, they're not. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.2371766

you can't possibly be serious

>> No.2371859


Go back to /mu/ where you belong, troll.

>> No.2371873

99% of the music listed in this thread fucking fails
