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2365242 No.2365242 [Reply] [Original]

How come moon porn is always "Yes! Yes! Impregnate me with your penis juice" and all that?

Do elevens really like their pregnancy fetish?

>> No.2365250

Because it's hot?

>> No.2365248

Magic fertility spell to produce healthy baby.

>> No.2365255

I personally prefer the OH YES FUCK MY DIRTY CUNT in american porn

>> No.2365256

I guess they like creampies, and in drawn iterations I guess it's more interesting to draw semen spraying everywhere than just a condom reservoir hanging down after the dude withdraws.

>> No.2365257

because they want the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.2365260

I don't know about you, but the moment a woman starts talking about her dirty cunt, I get completely turned off.

>> No.2365262
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>Because it's hot?

I find it hot too but for alot of VN main characters who have casual sex (Shiki i'm looking at you), I would've imagined the idea would be horrorifying to them, what with responsibilities and having to settle down

>> No.2365274

Well, it's like the most max and glorious goal during the act for males.
Rape and that stuff are like fetish.

>> No.2365277

Because passing on your genetic material is the greatest biological accomplishment in your life.

>> No.2365285

I dunno about shiki, but seeing an imouta like the op pregnant is good enough for me.

>> No.2365288

I'm going to bed.

>> No.2365291

Combination of imouto and shota.

>> No.2365297

Because the writter is virgin and therefore has no fuckin idea what he is writting about during that scene.

>> No.2365299


I'd begin looking for a good flight of stairs if I saw my imouto looking like the OP.

>> No.2365307

to kick her up or push her down?

>> No.2365308


To work it like a stairmaster and lose some weight?

>> No.2365312

>"Yes! Yes! Impregnate me with your penis juice"

This is why I cannot fap to mainstram porn.

>> No.2365313

It's partially rewrites, partially >>2365297

What I wonder is why semen is always spraying everywhere and landing on the face, even in internal cumshots.

>> No.2365314

Same, but it'd be for the feauhawked dipshit father before I stomped on his throat.

>> No.2365329


"money shots" have been a staple of pornography as long as pornography has been a business.

If you want an indepth answer I can find a lot of very long papers written by feminists on the issue.

>> No.2365377

didnt you know?

conception is the higest form of love.

>> No.2365813


Please, no.

>> No.2365825

Seeing your son grow up to be a greater asshole than you are is not.

>> No.2365833


>> No.2365835

Yes this.

I'd really love to hear some "Yes! Yes! Impregnate me with your penis juice" in 3d porn. It has a chance of being hot, but i'd say 70% i'd laugh my ass off.

>> No.2365838


That sort of stuff in American porn is what fueled my yellow fever and later 2D complex later on. It turned me off white sluts completely.

>> No.2365855

Child pornography does not have th
is problem :)

>> No.2365857

Fuck yeah cross-section.
Shit is the best. Especially when they say things like that.

>> No.2365862

I would lol incredibly loudly if I heard "OH YES FUCK MY DIRTY CUNT" in child porn.

>> No.2365867

Yes i have to agree to this, japanese 2d porn really does have a better overall feel with the voices and the atmosphere then the slut that feels nothing and obviously acts (badly)as seen in western porn.

>> No.2365878

If you're watching child porn, you must be removed forcefully from this world. If you mean lolicon, get your terms right.

>> No.2365881 [DELETED] 

I actually have some CP where the girl asks to be raped and says she loves cock

>> No.2365896

good show almost had me

>> No.2365898

It is implied that your sperm is so powerful it can even make a girl out of her fertile period pregnant.


>> No.2365899

>get your terms right


Get out of /jp/, kid.

>> No.2365906

Funny, i never saw any video 3d CP, only pictures that people post on 4chan.

>> No.2365974

Western porn is full of 30-something bimbos faking it hard on the camera. They wear excessive makeup, insist on wearing high-heel shoes even when naked. It's really either flappy grandma tits, no tits or silicone tits, and in most videos where the actors' tits are the selling asset the tits weren't even involved in the play.

Asian porn in the other hand is full of U-G-L-Y women making rapefaces and stupid annoying noises and JESUS CHRIST SHE'S GOT AN AMAZON JUNGLE IN HER PUBES AND HER ARMPITS WHAT THE FUCK! Does the concept of grooming yourself to please the other sex is so alien to all Asian scum, or do they think grooming only applies to their god-damned fingernails? Jap porn is really the same format - one balding old dude or fat bozo gropes the woman's breasts roughly from the behind for several minutes (to expose the breasts as much as possible to the camera obviously, talk about faked sex), and the women suck on the dude's tiny penis while making noises like they're slurping on instant cup noodles. Then the guy penetrates the women while they scream like they had their intestines ripped off with a crowbar.

Porn is supposed to be something exciting to watch but really now its just a shamefest seeing which ho gets the most low.

>> No.2365976

Read a bit more carefully.

>> No.2365978


Guy's in jail now.

>> No.2365982

Yeah, shit is so cash

>> No.2365990

That's hardly a surprise. It's 3D porn and it sucks.

>> No.2365993

You know what the really sad part about all this is... you're 100% right.

>> No.2366003
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>> No.2366011

I love the McDonald photo in the back.

>> No.2366014

Why the long face?

Other than, you know, the imminent rape.

>> No.2366020


She's like "Yes! Yes! Impregnate me with your penis juice"?

>> No.2366027

I think that's a pillow

>> No.2366036
File: 18 KB, 90x90, 1231340011208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2366053

What's more strange (at least in ero-mangas) is that after the girl receives man-milk on the face/chest, the semen magically disappear within a couple of frames, usually when the man is starting to penetrate her.

>> No.2366070

Didnt you know, it gets absorbed by the skin making the skinn smooth and silky, 2d skin has 50% more openings then real skin.

>> No.2366088

That's also how "lactation" happens. It's actually recently absorbed semen coming out when breasts are squeezed.

>> No.2366097

Hey, even the most storyless thing needs continuity issues.

>> No.2366120

I don't like the western attitude towards sex in general. Like, have you ever seen how people act in those extenze commercials? That thing where they wiggle their eyebrows, that belly retard laugh whenever someone says something "sexy"? Saying shit like "That special part" of the man's anatomy? They're all acting like they come from a Tim and Eric skit...

That's the worst thing about the west, I think.

>> No.2366123

I'm not sure about elevens but I came buckets the last time I read that line in a doujin.

>> No.2366138

Moar from this artist!

>> No.2366158


OMG its the banker
