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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2363241 No.2363241 [Reply] [Original]

So I hear Yukari stopped by the Iowa Supreme Court this morning. I hope she comes back to California, soon.

>> No.2363283

>California ... best

>> No.2363278

California is just the best state in America. She'll be around.

>> No.2363290

The best state in America wouldn't have granted Proposition 8, and wouldn't have nanny state laws. Also I think it was Alice who stopped by, since she is like Ellen Degeneres.

>> No.2363314

The populace didn't pass prop 8. It was rigged by the government, again. That's the way with the rest of America.

Geographically, though, CA is the best. Hottest place, tallest mountain, most productive farming land in the united states. Not even mentioning Silicon Valley.

>> No.2363322

>Hottest place
That's not a good thing.

>> No.2363326

>It was rigged by the government, again
I guess De Nile isn't just in Egypt.

>> No.2363341


Some of the top national parks. Disneyland. Napa Valley was here, France is a loser.

>> No.2363344
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Mormon money, propaganda and flat-out lies about what Prop 8 would do are what made it pass. Californians would have rejected it if not for the Mormon Church's political machine. It might take a few years, but we'll chase their asses back to Utah next time around and get it done right.

>> No.2363356

I get the impression you don't talk to people outside whatever bottom tier UC or Cal State you go to very often, do you?

>> No.2363363

Holy fuck. How could I forget Disneyland? Oh man, now I feel bad about myself. Forgetting Disneyland is like a capital offense.

>> No.2363364

>lies about what proposition 8 would do
It defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Thats the way it was promoted. Where is the lie here?

>> No.2363370

You forgot Disneyland? I'd execute you myself if I knew where you lived.

>> No.2363383

You might not have seen the commercials. To call them misleading is an understatement -they're blatant lies just to cause confusion about the bill. Not everyone reads the actual bill.

>> No.2363389

As a Califag, I'm surprised how conservative this state is despite the stereotypes about us.

>> No.2363395
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Fascinating thread.

>> No.2363413

>California is just the best state in America.
United States =/= America.

>> No.2363424


That's because our state has alot of wealthy people. Trends show that the more money you have, the more conservative you will be since liberal ideals means taxing the rich and giving shit to the poor.

>> No.2363425
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The lies were in two areas:

1. Their informational leaflets/commercials either implied (or in the case of some leaflets, explicitly said) that if Prop 8 didn't pass, churches would be forced to perform gay marriages. An outright lie.

2. The Yes on Prop 8 campaign downplayed the Utah Mormon domination of their get-out-the-vote effort and donation base. Many California Mormon stake leaders had their wards bishops TELL their congregation how to vote on the proposition, and told them to help with the GOTV. An obscenely illegal use of the Mormon church's tax exempt status. Their tax exempt status should be stripped from them, as the orders DID come from Mormon leadership (one of their '12 Apostles') in Utah. If more people knew how much of Yes on Prop 8's money and manpower came from Mormons (and in particular, orders from Utah), it would have been an issue.

>> No.2363428

You got me there.

The best state in America excluding Canada.

>> No.2363450

United States of America = America.
United States of Mexico = Mexico.
Canada = Canada.
You = 2/10.

>> No.2363456

I'm rather annoyed about how many times religion was used in arguments. How long should I take to expect an American Inquisition?

>> No.2363467


Basically, they said, "If you don't vote for Prop 8, the schools will start telling your kids marriage can be between 2 people of the same sex like they do in TAXACHOOSHITS."

>> No.2363480

Already happened. Besides, religions here don't want to destroy their enemies, they want to control the populace. Pretty much what everyone's after.

I'm not sure what they plan to do once they control the populace, but that's what they're trying to do.

>> No.2363497
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It's because they know there isn't a valid argument against gay marriage without bringing religion into the equation.

California's proposition system is bullshit, at any rate. A 51% majority shouldn't be able to overturn a court ruling, the courts exist to prevent the majority from legislating prejudice on the minority. A 66.7% vote should be required to overturn a court decision.

>> No.2363502

Thats not a lie though. That actually happens.

>> No.2363514

basically, the Prop 8 supporters (read: out of state interests like the Mormon Church etc) said

Which suckers all the idiots in this state (rather, country) in to immediately falling into lock-step with the bill. Especially the Mexicans.

>> No.2363516

Only one place in the world is referred to specifically as "America".
Regions are referred to with another term, like Latin America, or North America.
All together, its referred to in plural as "The Americas"
In summary, HERP A DERP

>> No.2363515

And there's nothing wrong with that. The commercials, however, try to give the impression that instead of just telling kids that people of the same sex can get married, that schools are going to 'make their kids gay', like gayness is something you can catch by learning that it exists.

>> No.2363521

Thats not funny. My brother died after catching The Gay.

>> No.2363524
File: 273 KB, 815x577, 1208924596866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a lie because it really isn't a requirement. That incident with the lesbian marriage in San Fransisco was just an isolated one.

>> No.2363546

He should have known better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UWYtFCJm8Y

Also for a chuckle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdH1ZEbnIms

>> No.2363566

I don't care about gay marriage one way or another.
On the other hand, I hate San Fransisco. Anthing that pisses them off is fine by me.
Thus, I voted for Prop 8. Oh, the delicious tears.

>> No.2363586

Enjoy your Spanish Inquisition. IN AMERICA.

>> No.2363602

So you voted to deny the right to marry to tens of thousands of people, most of whom don't even live in San Francisco, because 'lol it'll piss off SF rofl xD!'?

I don't believe you actually 'don't care about gay marriage one way or another'. Enjoy your Christian fundamentalism and bigotry.


>> No.2363611

If you really wanted to start a riot in San Fran, do something to keep hobos off the streets after 8:00 PM.

>> No.2363615


>> No.2363625


>> No.2363629

I will enjoy being a bigot.

better than bein a fagot.

>> No.2363644

Doesn't affect me because I'm not gay, and your vote didn't mean shit since it passed by 3%, not by a razor's edge.

No sir, you enjoy YOUR delicious tears as a bitter old man 40 years from now when the thought of gay marriage NOT being legal is ridiculous to most, and you have to lie about how you voted way back then in California.

>> No.2363657

Don't give a shit, bro. This is funnier.

>> No.2363659

Wait, how many people on /jp/ are actually homo- or bisexual? I'd figure from all of the implied loving on little girls that there aren't a great number of them, but the internet surprises me often.

>> No.2363677

Sure is 'Mormons are horrible' in here.

I'm personally enjoying the irony of arguments promoting equality that alternate with religious prejudice.

ALL RELIGIONS MUST BE TREATED EQUALLY unless they disagree with me then fuck'em. How dare they have opinions.

>> No.2363678

Not even close to gay and I voted no on Prop 8 just to piss off the religious right.

>> No.2363679

The normal percentage for a population is usually between 2 and 5 percent (Yes I know some studies say its higher or lower, but thats a good average), but I'd say on 4chan its more like 80-90 percent.

>> No.2363680

I'm sure almost all of the men here are straight. Anyone who enjoys yuri while holding views like >>2363566
is a tremendous hypocrite, though.

I think most of the gay hate expressed in this thread comes from people who are bitter. We definitely have an excess of bitter people on /jp/. Sometimes, bitter people will do anything to try to make sure that other people are as unhappy as possible.

>> No.2363684

I don't care what religion people practice, just keep the religious topics out of political affairs.

>> No.2363686

Pissing off religious people isn't funny anymore. Its a lot more fun to upset the really far left people, because they get so butthurt they can't sit down for a week.

>> No.2363689

The Mormon Church can explicitly organize and support political propositions, candidates, and initiatives the moment they give up their tax exempt status. Are you aware of the rules they're supposed to be bound by in exchange for paying ZERO TAXES?

>> No.2363693

I never said anything about it being funny.

>> No.2363697

btw i don't like yuri

lesbians turn me the fuck off

I voted YES to prop 8 because I HATE FAGS.

>> No.2363700

Canada fucking sucks
>United States=America

fixed for you dumbshit. No one says America when referring to Canada.

>> No.2363701

Probably would be easier if I was gay, I hate chicks.

>> No.2363702

Then we aren't even thinking on the same wavelength and will never be able to come to an agreement.

>> No.2363706

I think I'm the only gay person in /jp/.

>> No.2363707
File: 27 KB, 200x228, ransmirk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lesbians turn me the fuck off


I have some troubling news for you, friend...

>> No.2363709

Sure is trolls trolling trolls in here. Take it back to your Global Studies classes faggots.

>> No.2363711

I only enjoy hetero relationships where both partners only engage in sex after marriage and only in the missionary position.

>> No.2363716

Dude, even I like to experiment a bit, but thats just sick.

>> No.2363717

I was going to agree with you, but you are really a sick bastard after all, arren't you?

>> No.2363720

Ideally I'd like to see both homosexual and heterosexual couples defined as civil unions as far as legal matters go, and the term marriage specifically applied by whatever the fuck a church wants to call it and effectively legally neutered. Take the religion out of the whole deal, basically.

>> No.2363729

No way, Religon is great.

If we lose Religion, how will we fight off the vast demon hordes?

Science? HA!

>> No.2363733

ITT: The reason why the Founding Fathers of America were afraid to give the common people their rights.

>> No.2363738

I'm fine with that.

But I still hate fags.

>> No.2363737
File: 113 KB, 500x706, PleaseBeQuiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>lesbians turn me the fuck off

>> No.2363740

I have no issue with religion. I just wish the government didn't have a hand in it. As per the constitution.

>> No.2363744

Haven't you played any RPGs? The twist at the end is always that the dominant religion of the game world is actually (responsible for / a front organization for) the demons in the first place.

Only a badass scientist who doesn't play by the rules can save us.

>> No.2363751

I'm attracted to both sexes in 2D and unattracted to either sex in 3D.

>> No.2363752

no fuck that guy

i will shoot him to death and let the religion win because demons are awesome

>> No.2363757

I voted against Prop 8 because, frankly, gays creep me the fuck out.

>> No.2363767


has been shitted on so many times in the past 2 centuries that it is no longer relevant

>> No.2363769

I don't think you're comfortable with your sexuality.

>> No.2363770

>>I voted against Prop 8

>> No.2363772
File: 52 KB, 346x450, 1238615572971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for another guy is okay in my book. Whatever makes people happy, y'know. A bit more happiness in the world is really nice, no matter how it comes to be!

>> No.2363775

...I don't think you even read about it...

>> No.2363773
File: 670 KB, 1500x855, ohgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I voted against Prop 8 because, frankly, gays creep me the fuck out.

I wish there were more people like you.

>> No.2363774

/jp/ will the site where 2Dsexuals begin their grueling fight for equality against a 3D-biased world....

>> No.2363787

Bro-love is the best.

>> No.2363788

But 2D fetishism is more acceptable. Case in point, CP gets you arrested. Loli gets you nowhere.

>> No.2363802

Can you imagine the reaction of people like him realizing they voted FOR gay marriage?

>> No.2363807

>loli gets you nowhere
You don't live in Canada, do you?

>> No.2363814

In Canada, 2D loli leads to 3D bromance...in prison.

>> No.2363820

This is why the proposition system is fucked up.

>> No.2363834

Well, maybe if our California legislators weren't such god damned pansies about dealing with controversial issues they wouldn't make everyone vote on everything. Thats not the way its supposed to work.

>> No.2363844

The idea of a simple majority being able to change the fucking state constitution is insane.

>> No.2363846

Because some people are too stupid to read?

>> No.2363860

Yeah, isn't California' constitution like twice as long as most constitutions because they have to vote on a constitutional amendment for every goddamn issue?

>> No.2363865

Exactly. It's why a democracy doesn't work on a large scale and it's why the US is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. California is trying too hard to be an actual democracy, and the failure is palpable.

>> No.2363874

Pretty much. What's the point of having 'constitutional law' if a 50%+1 vote can change it? Doesn't that make it exactly the same as normal, non-constitutional law?

In every system that makes sense, at least a 60% (actually usually a full 2/3, 66.667% majority) vote is required to change constitutional law.

>> No.2363875

Yukari is Berkeley-tan. When she's not smoking some weed with Marisa, abusing Tenshi in the hottest ways imaginable or having Ran do programming to keep Gensokyo going, she's annoying that conservative bitch Reimu and exposing her to the finer things in life. Truly, Yukari is the best.

>> No.2363908

shitty thread, with shitty trolls, on a shitty board. also unrelated to your faggotry.

>> No.2363923

US is a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. A direct Democracy doesn't work in a large scale just as much as a direct Republic would.

>> No.2363940

If the people don't want to follow the constitution, why make them?

If the majority of the populous decides something, then things should be done to make the decision reality.

>> No.2363952

Because the populous is fucking retarded.

>> No.2363960

The constitution is supposed to defend the people's rights, especially those of the minority. If you decide everything democratically it opens up the possibility for a tyranny of the majority (as gays in California are now enjoying).

>> No.2363962

Consitutional Law exists as a check against the whims of slim majorities.

Can you imagine what would happen to the U.S. Consitution if only half+1 of elected representatives/states had to approve it for it to become law?

If the courts do something way out of bounds, the general public should have no problem getting 66.67%+ of the vote to slap them down.

>> No.2364073

Well, we certainly have pro-Prop 8 people on /jp/.
Any pro-lifers?
