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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 500x501, Spec Ops - Around The World - East Asia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2357990 No.2357990 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/!!

Which one you will choose?

>> No.2357998

Do you really have to ask?
Korea, of course.

>> No.2358002

To break up protests: China
To fight a war: Korea
To be my personal maid: Japan

>> No.2358082



>> No.2358115

Japan. They look the weakest compared to the others, therefore they must be the strongest. To draw a comparison: if a rabbit was hanging out with a pride of lions, what would you think? That would be one badass rabbit. And if there's anything Monty Python has enlightened me upon, it's that appearances are often decieving. That rabbit can easily overpower not only one lion, but all the other lions combined, otherwise they would have tried to take on the weakest one as group.

>> No.2358133


protip: japan lost the war remember?

Mao (china) won teh war even when the usa supported the other side...oh AND beat the japs back

korea... half lost half won but they preformed just as well as American forces so give em credit

personally Chinese female soldiers scare me. they get put through 10 times more shit than any other soldier and guess what they survive it.

personally i would like to be serviced by the Japanese only because they are the cutest ^_^

>> No.2358144

Or you know, they might just be completely useless.

>> No.2358145

Japan. They raped china a few times. Korea stands no chance.

Also why does that say "Korea?" Is that just north korea? does south korea not have an army, or is that south korea?

>> No.2358155

Ranking of Asian Women:

Top tier: Japanese - have contempt for everyone because they're the best and they know it. They also have the whitest skin.

Second tier: Taiwanese - they're the descendants of the Chinese elite and bourgeoisie. As such, their women are generally better-looking and more refined.

Third tier: Korean - integration of plastic surgery into mainstream culture has greatly improved their looks, but there isn't much substance to fake beauty.

Fourth (mid) tier: Singaporean - similar to the Taiwanese, though there are also dark-skinned niggers from South-East Asian swimming around in their gene pool.

Fifth tier: Chinese - mostly the descendants of peasants who make up the majority of the 1.3 billion population. That's a lot of butt-ugly people. Poor nutrition and questionable hygiene in recent centuries have resulted in a beating from the ugly stick and many malformations during child development. Mexicans of East Asia.

Sixth tier: Indonesians and most minority groups (Laos, Hmongs, Tibetans, etc.) - mostly devoid of looks and refinement. Peasants, all of them. Generally tend to have darker skin.

Bottom tier: Filipinos - the niggers of East Asia. And with the nigger culture to boot (rap, ghetto-slang, etc). Was also raped repeatly by spics in its history. A pure combination of failure.

Lower-than-bottom tier: Indians - self-explanatory.

>> No.2358166



Look at the motherfucking bad ass Chinese going batshit while combat training. I'd take her into our wing without a second thought.

>> No.2358169


..oh wait
>Invisible Sky Magician

>> No.2358170

Don't you have a news board to troll elswhere?

>> No.2358175


thats pretty funny, but no.

Average Japanese girl is not that hot. but i agree they have the best hygiene and very refined food.

only thing i would change is china, srsly there are about .8 billion girls in the country and many of the them are nothing special but .8 billion? by shear numbers they have more beautiful girls than the UK, or the States and I have seen quite a few smoking hot Chinese girls.

summary: china is tier two if you teach your girl proper hygiene.

>> No.2358177

What about the viets?

>> No.2358182


see Sixth tier

>> No.2358197

None. I don't approve of women in the military. I also dislike 3D women, as they are icky and gross.

>> No.2358302
File: 669 KB, 739x705, northkorea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North Corea is best Corea.

>> No.2358321

None of those.

Someone posted a pic a while back of a female Vietnamese soldier who easily tops OP's three

>> No.2358334

Any North Corean female soldier could rape all the other posted female soldiers. I suppose the Chinese would offer moderate resistance, the South Coreans very little resistance and the Japanese basically enjoying the experience.

>> No.2358340

It was a stalemate dumbass.
Read wiki or something, just stop posting lies.

>> No.2358346

Also considering the US to Chinese ratio it's a wonder that the Chinese military isn't run by baboons.

>> No.2358370

lives are a cheap expense for any third world army

>> No.2358377

why do all asians have black hair

>> No.2358381

they devolved as humans

>> No.2358382


Okay, I laughed.

>> No.2358612
File: 257 KB, 1110x1094, 1208798688869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol chink whore

>> No.2358619

Army disgusts me.
