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235778 No.235778 [Reply] [Original]

...Do you play them with a USB-connected controller or Arcade stick, or do you just use a keyboard?

>> No.235797

I use a keyboard.

>> No.235802

Keyboards are hardcore.

>> No.235804


>> No.235809


>> No.235813

Don't only children use arcade sticks? fufufu

>> No.235823

I always use a gamepad. Playing on a keyboard just sucks so much.

Also, the Logitech Wingman was the best gamepad ever made, period. It was a Saturn-style pad, except it had dual analogs. It was truly the zenith of pad design. But now every pad on the market is a mindless PS2 clone. And while I concede that the PS2 controller is one of the best ever made, because it has a 4-button design instead of the Saturn's 6-button, it is sub-optimal for old school arcade-style fighters.

>> No.235824

Circle arcs are fuckin' horrible to do with a keybord

>> No.235834

Keyboard sux, and the lack of competitive scene in Canada gives me no reason to get a stick. So I use a pad.

>> No.235846

I have keyboard illness. My hands would feel awkward when holding a controller now. I expect the movement keys to be on the right, action buttons on the left, and I don't ever do anything with my thumbs.

>> No.235876

>Circle arcs are fuckin' horrible to do with a keybord


>> No.235985

That better than an actual PS2 controller?

>> No.236010

I play GGXX and melty, and I use a stick. It is so, so worth it.
akihabarashop is back up if you want to build your own, and play-asia has some really good premade ones. make sure you get sanwa/seimitsu parts!

>> No.236023

Keyboard for life

I can pull off damn near anything except consistent spinning pile-driver motions on keyboard, which is fine with me since I don't use grappler characters anyways...

>> No.236031

Do you guys use direct USB ones or do you use something like Joybox first to bridge the controller to PC?

>> No.236046
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PoDD is good on a controller. I use the keyboard for all other Touhou games though.

>> No.236056


( ゚ 3゚)

>> No.236064

Oh yes, the Wingman was vastly superior to a PS2 controller simply because of its 6-button setup. This is the natural setup of many old arcade fighters like Street Fighter 2. Also, a 6-button design makes playing Genesis and Saturn games on emulators feel so much more natural.

The absolutely ideal controller would be a PS2 controller that is slightly elongated to allow for 6-button setup. Leave everything else the same, but add 2 extra buttons. Also, instead of giving the buttons useless names like Square and Triangle, call them A, B, C, X, Y, and Z like a normal human being.

>> No.236065


>> No.236217

I use a pa--- controller. Yeah. A controller.

Proper sticks are expensive, and I do quite well with the cheap controller I'm using right now.

>> No.236242

My pal got me a hookup that uses Xbawx, PS2, and GCN controllers, but I mainly play with keyboard.

I really want a joypad though.

>> No.236246

Anyone own an HRAP? Just wondering how they are, thinking of buying a pre-made stick.

>> No.236262

if your looking for a fightan stick to use for melty blood get the Hori Xbox360 Fighting Stick

bought one a month ago, solid, easy usb plug and play, and the stick has this great CLACK to it.

>> No.236288

Is it like a USB stick that comes with a 360 converter or do I need to get a 360 to USB converter separately?

>> No.236307
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No the connector on the xbawx is a usb
also plug and play with windows, no converter needed.

>> No.236309

I just use a direct USB connection.

Browsing play-asia was depressing. All of their Saturn-style controllers are long since out of stock and and out of production.

But seriously, game pad evolution seems to have completely halted since the advent of the PS2 6 years ago. Sure, its PS3 cousin has motion-sensors, but if I wanted that I'd be using a Wiimote. Civilization seems to have decided that 4 primary buttons, plus 4 shoulder buttons for ancillary tasks like camera movement, is all we need. And to that I say phooey. Give me more buttons, you bastards!

What I really want though, is a controller that is a combination of Virtual On's dual flight stick setup with Steel Battalion's console. Then let me use that controller for a game with Zone of the Enders' combat, Armored Core's customizabilty, and set in the Super Robot Wars universe so I can have my Mazinger/Gurren-Lagann/Aestivalis hybrid exchanging beam spam with Gundams. The strongest game played on the strongest controller, that would be strongest orgasm.

>> No.236324

Xbox 360 usb controller for me.

>> No.236336

Does it matter what PS2 to USB adapter I use? As in, are any of them really shitty?

>> No.236342

no differences
