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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2357093 No.2357093 [Reply] [Original]

Earth is overpopulated, this includes Japan too.

We're already depleting our water resources, oil reserves, and deforestation is massive.

Declining population levels is no bad thing in this era, so why are the Japanese so desperate to make more babies?

>> No.2357103

A declining population is bad for the country. Schools close down, not enough young people to replace the previous generation, bad for economy etc. Rather than a declining population they want to at least maintain a stable population. The countries overpopulating the Earth are places like India and China.

>> No.2357116

>Declining population levels is no bad thing in this era, so why are the Japanese so desperate to make more babies?
Are you crazy? Have you ever heard of people getting old and retiring?

>> No.2357121

Sup sax

>> No.2357127

Come on dude, Japan has one of the biggest population densities on Earth.

The land mass is the 62nd largest on Earth, while their population is the 10th largest.

>> No.2357131

Have you heard of GUEST WORKERS!?

>> No.2357136

They need more men for the space fleets they're assembling

>> No.2357140

This doesn't matter. As a country, they still don't want to have depopulation.

>> No.2357151

>the Japanese so desperate to make more babies

Wait? You mean Japanese youth are more prefer 2D girls than real-life 3D girls?? That will reduce more sex-tiem...

>> No.2357152

America should be the one declining. American values are imperialist, sexist, misogynistic and based on centuries of lies, which are rooted on capitalist notions. Truly, the world needs more places like Japan and less imperialist scum nations like America.

>> No.2357153

They're one of the biggest reasons why we're running out of natural resources, so they should want that depopulation.

Instead of focusing on how to save the retirees by trying stabilize/grow their population, they should consider saving retirees AND having a stable decline in population.

Mother Earth would've loved that.

>> No.2357154

Easier said than done.

>> No.2357165


In a real sense, there's nothing *wrong* with any of that. Things are only as "bad for the economy" as you let them be. Schools closing? Well, less people should look to becoming teachers or administrators, but there's no use maintaining schools that aren't needed and no one says education needs to be a growth industry.

With regards to business, not every worker *needs* to be replaced. Over the last century entire fields of work have ceased to exist simply because they weren't needed anymore and those that continue to exist generally need less workers to function, yet they often function better than when they had more people in them (see the decline in numbers of farmers in the US compared to crop yields for a prime example).

Japan's only real problem will be dealing with the large aged population for a few more decades (which is an opportunity if you want to get into healthcare!). Once they're out of the way, things will find an equilibrium. They suffered an unsustainable population spike in the last half century, that's all.

>> No.2357167

No. Japan is not the only country that drains resources. Places like America do it quite well too. Why not have all countries who use more resources than they should have a declining population? It would never happen.

>> No.2357172

Or you could simply convince people that they don't need to consume a tons of things to life a decent life.

>> No.2357180

If you always have a declining population you're going to always have more old people that need to be supported than young people to support them. Japan's economy would shrink, while places like USA and China's economy grow in comparison. No country wants this.

>> No.2357185


SHOCKU! You mean I don't need a McMansion, 3 SUVs, and all-you-can-eat buffets for a fulfilling life?!

>> No.2357187

It's not your right to tell others what to do, even if they give your cat a blowjob.

>> No.2357189


>> No.2357194

I want that!

>> No.2357199

You aren't a country. Or at least, I don't think you are.

>> No.2357206

But I'm sure many countries share my views.

>> No.2357220

Are you kidding me? Less young supple Nipponians is BAD!

Less mangakas drawing delicious doujins, less animu or figures being made. Declining research into making pocket-sized toilets.


>> No.2357225

There will always be enough of those. And if they need a market they can always just ship their stuff out.

>> No.2357228

While decining population is good for nature, it'll devastate japan's economy when they run out of working-age population.

I'm actually kind of counting on this so they'll be willing to hire more foreign workers at a higher pay rate, though

>> No.2357243

Hope you enjoy your overpopulated countries/ depleted water resources/ deforestation, my country is way afar from all that, we have the second biggest water reserve on earth, that's at least enough for my generation to not to die of water shortage, inb4 screw this thread

>> No.2357249

I hope you enjoy your Malthus, fag.

>> No.2357254

are you norwegian?

>> No.2357256

My country has the biggest. Enjoy your shitty 2nd place.

>> No.2357265

water resources pr. capita matter, not total water respurces.

>> No.2357299

Enjoy having your water resources depleted first by the world powers

>> No.2357314

I'll reach enlightenment and ascend to 2D before that.
