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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2355478 No.2355478 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst /jp/ related thing you've ever done?

Back when I was just starting high school, I called my brother a 'baka' and had to explain to him that it was Japanese for stupid.

>> No.2355482

I forgot to sage this thread

>> No.2355485
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>> No.2355487

>I called my brother a 'baka' and had to explain to him that it was Japanese for stupid
Jesus fucking Christ.

Sorry to disappoint you but I've never been that much of a weeaboo fucktard before.

>> No.2355488

I'm trying to figure out what you are doing, but I don't think I will.

I said ze at the end of a sentence once.

>> No.2355491

Had a clean loli pic on my laptop at university, the loli said something about lolicons, etc, standard porn talk.
Friend saw it and was curious what that is, thankfully it was in Japanese so I just made something up as to what she was saying.

>> No.2355493


>> No.2355502

I post on /jp/. Although that may not seem like much, it's still a huge waste of time that I could easily use doing something else. Damn my lazy, apathetic self...

>> No.2355493,1 [INTERNAL] 

What a baka.

>> No.2355506


>> No.2355509

Go back to /a/ and take your troll rating with you.

>> No.2355514

burned Moyashimon for my friend, now he thinks I'm gay. (I am. closet.)

>> No.2355520 [DELETED] 

Wasted my opportunities to be anything in life until I'd reached a point where I've become unemployable, whilst I've become socially retarded and incapable of interacting with other human beings. Now I am incapable of finding social interaction beyond imageboards that get trolled more often than they have decent content, and fear leaving my home, all the while knowing and fearing that I will not have the money to sustain this forever and realizing the only other path is something even more frightening.

That is the worst /jp/ related thing that I have done.

>> No.2355531



>> No.2355534


>> No.2355535

Sounds like my life except I went to community college once and stopped going to classes after 2/3 of the semester. Even when I did go I never did any work that required me to go in front of the class and also when we had to do things in groups (I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this shit after I graduated high school) I hardly said more than 3 words to the people I was with.

>> No.2355532 [DELETED] 

nope. This is /jp/. enjoy your homosexuality. alone.

>> No.2355541
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>> No.2355547

sugoi sugoi!

>> No.2355548

i used the term "baka" in a social situation.

i spent 3 hours in the shower crying until i was reduced to dry heaves

>> No.2355549
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>> No.2355555

Why did you do that?

>> No.2355553 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't mind being called a baka you, BOOF.

>> No.2355562

Fuck you crowslut.

>> No.2355566
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>> No.2355577

what just happened

>> No.2355581

My headphones were loud and everyone on the subway might had heard my disgusting j-pop I used to listen to.

>> No.2355582

Bad grammar. What I meant to say was that I would like to be called a baka by BOOF.

>> No.2355628

"So you like graphic novels right? They have a new section dedicated to it at Waterstone's! What are they called, mahgnguh? I'll show you!"


>> No.2355632

I can't recall anything at the moment, but I'm sure there were plenty of things that I can be ashamed of.
My friend used to say 'yare, yare' everytime which was driving me insane.

>> No.2355636


>> No.2355642

That reminds me of when Turok first came out and they had it set up to play at Target. My mother came back from getting whatever she was buying and she get's behind me and says 'It's time to go home Turok". The three of four people around us started giggling and laughing. It wasn't even funny why were they laughing? I've never been able to forget about that ;_;

>> No.2355643

Playing a Touhou game on my laptop in the meeting room at work while waiting for a meeting to start.

>> No.2355649

pfft. i carry my laptop all over the place and play touhou just to waste time.

beat stage 6 is SA waiting for my order at chilis

>> No.2355654

And your girlfriend didn't say anything about that?

>> No.2355655



>> No.2355663


She was the waitress, and she has a restraining order.

>> No.2355670

I told my Mom she was a baka gaijin.

>> No.2355685


>> No.2355689

Oh, me too.

Lucky I live in a Scandinavian country though.

>> No.2355694

Wow there are some stupid weeaboo faggots in here, jesus.

The shit some of you people say is literally retarded, like I believe you might actually have mental retardation.

>> No.2355700
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>> No.2355701
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Like ten years ago I used to cut sweat drops and air puffs out of paper and hold them up to my head when someone said something stupid.


>> No.2355702

me and my friend were watching whale wars and i laughed when the leader activist told the japanese to commit seppuku. my friend asked me what that meant and i told him. he asked how i knew that and i said "...i dunno." i always thought that was one of the more well known japanese terms that even non-weaboos would know about.

>> No.2355709

Once wore kimono and hakama for a two years straight as everyday clothing. Just felt like it.

Although it doesn't exactly count as the "worst" since I don't regret it. It was comfy. Just stopped after I took up welding as a pastime.

>> No.2355711
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>> No.2355714

Most people know it as "hara kiri."

Same kanji, different reading.

>> No.2355715

Playing EFZ on public

>> No.2355746

I once called my big brother onii-san. i felt like an idiot

Now i call him aniki. now i feel much better

>> No.2355750

mortal kombat

>> No.2355758

Every post is this post.

>> No.2355759



Even the Japanese don't wear hakama every day. Only for weddings/funerals/tea ceremony/formal events.

Or if they practice Kendo, Iaido, Aikido, or Kyudo.

>> No.2355764

Hilariously odd.

>> No.2355767

You just did that around your friends and not people you didn't know too well, right?

>> No.2355771
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>> No.2355772

That's pretty hardcore. Don't you need a second person to tie the belt thing?

>> No.2355782

Well, yeah, obviously.

>> No.2355783
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>> No.2355784

whats so lucky in that? and what country?

>> No.2355786

When I was in charge of sound effects for the drama class's school performance a couple years ago I used an assload of tracks from the FLCL soundtrack.

>> No.2355792

Did they have Japanese lyrics?

>> No.2355796

Nothing really. If I ever bring a girl home to my apartment, that will be the worst weeaboo moment.

>> No.2355798

Became interested in it.

>> No.2355799

>kimono and hakama
>welding as a pastime

>> No.2355800

Wait, have you never watched FLCL?
Watch it, now. And contemplate the awesomeness that is The Pillows.

>> No.2355801


First month or so was tricky, then practice paid off.


I rather assumed nobody in Japan actually wore this stuff anymore.
Truth is, it wasn't just a whim. Was involved in an oriental themed design project at the time, and felt like trying out the clothes to see if they would be practical to wear. And it sort of snowballed from there.

>> No.2355804

I watched it years ago, before you even heard of it kid. All I remember is that it was shit that somehow became popular, not unlike your bleach and naruto.

>> No.2355806

What the fuck do you weld as an enjoyable pastime?

>> No.2355807


Only on the fancier women's kimono with the giant obi.

Men's kimonos are WAY simpler.

>> No.2355809 [DELETED] 

WARNING: Does not compute. GTFO

>> No.2355812


Well, I got the idea of building a (firing) conceptual weapon. Courtly clothing doesn't work too well in a workshop environment, and I don't like swapping between styles. So went back to jeans and turtleneck full time.
I still got the parts lying around, but tired when I couldn't figure out what to load the damn thing with.

>> No.2355814

You.... fuck .... out...

>> No.2355816


As a practicing Kendoka, who has spent 7+ hours in a day at tournaments wearing a hakama, I can honestly say that when it comes time to use the restroom, they are not very practical at all.

>> No.2355817
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>> No.2355823

Turtlenecks? You must look and act like Tom Peters...

>> No.2355820 [DELETED] 

Calling FLCL bad should be a bannable offense.

>> No.2355824

>>2355804 Hey I hate popular anime amicoolyet?

>> No.2355827

You're not helping yourself at all by saying that.

>> No.2355829


>> No.2355836
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Nothing dangerous!

>> No.2355840

I know I'm responding to a troll, but tell me; what is it you see in FLCL that deserves such high regard? I remember a lot of 'so random' moments, but nothing of the plot. A good story gives you something to think about afterwards, but FLCL just couldn't do that for me.

>> No.2355841

I went to Japan on a high school student exchange thing and ended up sleeping with 3 16-17 year old Japanese school girls.

Oh, was that a bad thing?

>> No.2355844

/jp/ doesnt sleep with woman, that's not on topic

>> No.2355850


Was planning to load with sharpened train rails. But enough about that.

>> No.2355857


>> No.2355858

Anonymous must have never experienced youthful love :'(
It's the difference between understanding and not understanding FLCL.

>> No.2355859

Well, there's the theme of society pressuring children to grow up but not giving them any real idea of what it means to grow up, leaving them to sort it out themselves. That's something. I'll leave it up to the anon who you're meaning to troll to give an actual response that takes thought.

>> No.2355862

You could just look at it as a harem anime where the guy doesn't end up with any girl. /jp/ likes harems, right?

>> No.2355863
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Sorry, I'll try and fail at life more next time I'm in Japan.

>> No.2355869
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I'll take pictures (watch your aim)

I don't think I've done anything too /jp/ related around people at all, actually. We played smash brothers 64 one time and I gave people katakana names for some reason.

>> No.2355872

once I said itadakimasu before eating
I was alone
Still, I found myself stupid.

>> No.2355873

If that ogre can get cute...ish girls to take pictures with him, maybe we all can!

Wait, no, that girl's 3D. Why would we want to?

>> No.2355880

oh woah
I'm sure I already saw this guy somewhere

>> No.2355888

Is this the guy that posted a picture of himself in a Japanese uniform?

>> No.2355892
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>> No.2355894

I dyed my hair pink and wore an neon green jacket.

Goed like that in school and everywhere.

>> No.2355909

How did that work out for you?

>> No.2355917

I was listening to IOSYS on my cellphone once in some computer class. Dropped the phone, headphones got disconnected, and DAWN TO DAWN TO DAWN TO DAWN TO was blasted at full volume for the entire class to hear. Even the teacher was in a shocked state. Weirdest part is how I just kinda shrugged it off.

>> No.2355923

Pretty good. Lost my virginity to some guy in the back of his van.

>> No.2355929


>> No.2355930

Reminds me of when I was watching hentai outside my parents room one night and didn't realize I had forgotten to plug in my headset. No one mentioned anything about it the next day.

Good times.

>> No.2355934

You're not me, are you?

>> No.2355972

People looked at me strangely, my grandfather didnt regocnize me as part of family anymore. But I never cared about any of that. It went on for a year and a half.

>> No.2355979



>> No.2355984

was it worth it

>> No.2355988

I remember you telling that story the night it happened. Good to hear that nothing came of it lol.

>> No.2356042

Oh well, It was fun for the time. And I dont feel like too much of a jerk afterwards. Past is past.

>> No.2356088

So I was listening to tsurupettan on the train. Had to turn the volume all the way up because it was fucking noisy. The train stopped, most of the people left and it became dead quiet. Unfortunately, I realized that a little late.

>> No.2356090

I was with a girl singing "Sobakasu" (Rurouni Kenshin's opening) in the middle of the street. More than singin, it was yelling or howling it, I don't know.

I cosplayed in a weeaboo event (had borrowed a costume). I took mangas to high-school (some 8 years ago). I also sweared in Japanese (baka yarou, kutabare, etc.).

At least I have sex occasionally now.

>> No.2356101
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Now why did you do that

>> No.2356104

I overused parentheses.

>> No.2356136

You tell me. I guess I was being too much of a fanboy for a deceased Jap.

I was also planning to buy that mockingbird replica.

>> No.2356139

I once said I liked anime. Seriously. I said it. Out loud. To people.

>> No.2356155

im pretty sure 90% of people here where RAGING weeaboos before they found this site.

scared them out of it and taught them to hate what they once were.

>> No.2356158

More like this site made me a weaboo

>> No.2356168


Yea.. I was a weaboo in 1999 and I still am now!

Though my obsession for Finland is growing stronger than my weaboo side now..

>> No.2356171

Not me.

I never told anyone I watched anime, and I even denied it once when someone asked me if I did. I despised weeaboos before I knew what they were, I couldn't stand anime chatrooms because of all the emoticons and the fact that everyone of them acts like a 12 year old.

>> No.2356175


This is actually sorta true.

>> No.2356176
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Yeah it might have been because I wore that to school everyday lol.

>> No.2356181

I dont hate Hide or anything like that, but the fandom just passed away and now I really dont care. I do listen to his shit though if it comes up from random cycle.

>> No.2356186

Obsession for... Finland? Theres nothing here dude.

>> No.2356187

I had learned to suppress my powerlevel before I came here. But I don't even want to talk about some of the stuff I did ten years ago.

In more recent history, I had forgotten to set my cellphone to manner mode and it went off while I was talking to a Japanese girl who was in one of my classes. My ringtone at the time was the magipoka ED (long story; it wasn't because I liked it).

>> No.2356190

When asked for my hobbies at a job interview, I mentioned "fansubbing anime".

>> No.2356199

that's what I said to introduce myself in my new job, and 2 of my coworkers said the same
now we're good friends.

>> No.2356202

Was it related to the job at all?

>> No.2356205


You have plenty there that we don't have here in the Southern United States.. like snow.. awesome music.. hot babes..

>> No.2356209


>> No.2356211

i bet he shot your kneecap

>> No.2356213

Moms can be real assholes sometimes.
Not the loving ones with want to have sex with like in those doujins.

>> No.2356215
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>>117 posts and 16 image replies omitted

>> No.2356224

This. wtf dude?

>> No.2356225


>> No.2356228

seriously, what's abnormal to say that you like manga and animes?
I don't understand you sometimes, /jp/.

>> No.2356230

I am a weaboo and have no problems admitting it..

>> No.2356234
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If you are a fansubber you can do anything you want and no weeaboo could hate you for it.

I wore this shirt in the picture to Blockbuster because all of my other shirts were dirty.

>> No.2356235

Your name is Turok?

>> No.2356241

schrodinger's facepalm

>> No.2356254

I took Japanese class.

>> No.2356263

allways feared those weeaboos at school. They reminded me that i could always end up like that.
Its easier to say im bisexual than to say that im into anime. (Lets not talk about VS, Touho, etc)

>> No.2356288

This is me.

>> No.2356301

>hot babes

>> No.2356321


You'd want snow two if you lived in a land where Summer lasts 9 months! Bloody hot!

>> No.2356330


Finfag here. You probably wouldn't enjoy the snow here. The snow tends to get mixed with some charcoal-y substance (i.e exhaust gases from cars), which leaves it a nice color of gray. Then imagine thousands and thousands of dogs shitting and pissing all over that gray snow. It's like a huge pool of vomit. God I fucking hate snow and finnish music. The hell with Finland, only good thing is that you can practically live a whole life without working a day thanks to our welfare state!

>> No.2356341

only good thing is that you can practically live a whole life without working a day thanks to our welfare state!
Another thing you have over my homeland..
I have to disagree mostly on the music.. most heavenly sounds I've ever heard come from there!

>> No.2356368

You are the strangest person I can think of.

>> No.2356432


Oh and wile I am at it..
Kotiteollisuus<-- been listening to that all day.. How the devil to you pronounce that name?

>> No.2356451

Been a raging weeaboo for about 10 years now, but I always surpassed my power level. I have to admit that I attended Anime Cons. Twice. It was full of cancer.

Is it just in my country, or Cons are full of fail everywhere?

>> No.2356485


Don't know.. I've been to a few cons.. The ones in America are cool..

>> No.2356582


I'm not sure how to tell you to pronounce it, but if you know how to spell japanese then it's practically the same (that's why it's probably a lot easier for us finfags to learn japanese, methinks).

>> No.2356591

I've always suppressed my power level so I haven't really done anything. I went to a con once, regretted it because it was the worst experience ever. I find myself saying things like 'yoshi' a lot while playing games by myself, I think I've watched too many video game play throughs on nicovideo.

>> No.2356596


I don't think you know japanese.

>> No.2356604

AE? Aka-kon?

>> No.2356645


No, I don't. I'm too lazy to learn, but I know how to speak finnish and I must admit that I have watched a tiny bit of some of that, what-was-it's-name; animay. So the pronouncication was easily recognizable.

>> No.2356651

It was Anime Evolution.

>> No.2356662


>> No.2356708

Did a film review on "5cm Per Second" in my Media class. Some girl asked me if it was aimed at kids. I raged a lil.
Got an A* though.

>> No.2356725

I did a short thesis on the anime subculture (mostly the American based one). The teacher read it and pronounced manga "main-ga". I was more pissed that he didn't what Snick was. Got an A, too.
He did know about lolicons already, which shocked the hell out of me.

>> No.2356731

Well, nothing that I can think of.

Except fall in love with my beautiful Fate-chan.

Of course, that's not a bad thing, it's actually one of the best things ever to happen to me. It's a really stupid and retarded thing to do in the eyes of society, though. Which is probably why I keep it to you guys.

>> No.2356754

I wrote a paper on lolicon and got an A.

>> No.2356764

Did it have pictures?

>> No.2356773


I should do that some time.


I fucking hate Britain.

>> No.2356790

Even to just write about it?

>> No.2356810


My strong Southern accent makes it near impossible for me to say Japanese words..

Guess Finnish is out of my range too! Damnit.. all the cool languages are to good for me! ;_;..

>> No.2356819

I tried to invade china under the guise of a policing action

>> No.2356825

No. It didn't really cross my mind at the time.

Although that reminds me how one journal article I found while researching for that paper was filled with pictures of naked kids, so I guess anything is ok for the sake of scholarship.

>> No.2356834

Illegal in Canadia too. Sucks.

>> No.2356863

Wore a shirt with Konata (Lucky Star) doing "Good Job".

Also wore "Gao Gao Stegosaurus" from time to time.

>> No.2356889
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I wore the winter uniform shirt that came with the LE DVD to the market.
It felt liberating.

>> No.2356910

I remember some fag wore an SOS-dan armband from Haruhi to my English class.

>> No.2359088

I once wore an SOS-dan armband from Haruhi to my English class.

>> No.2359755

Know each other?

>> No.2359763

i was a desk in english class, some fag sat in me with a SOS-dan armband

>> No.2359773

I was an English teacher, my class was full of fags.

>> No.2359786

Maybe, there was some fat kid with a naruto-headband glaring at me. He seemed jealous.

>> No.2359868


>> No.2359896


But atleast you can say "Long live the confederacy" like a real dixie would. But finnish isn't actually cool. Kotiteollisuus's literal translation would be "home industry" (koti = home, industry = teollisuus).

>> No.2359924

I took japanese class in high school.


I still feel terrible about it.

>> No.2359940

I tried to force my mom to add -kun after my name.

>> No.2359956

Drew horrible anime drawings on my art portfolio while I was in high school. Godamn, i thought they were GOOD, too.

I wince even now, when I reflect on it.

>> No.2359966

I once played IN on a busy train heading into Birmingham city centre with the volume blastingly loud, oh god the sound quality was so terrible, and ive never gotten so many dirty looks off so many people, it was glorious

>> No.2359974 [DELETED] 


>> No.2359996 [DELETED] 


>> No.2359999

I made my sister wear a silly hat and had sex with her afterwards.

Then my mother walked in and I never saw her again.

>> No.2360011
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hm, maybe there was some subconscious goal I was going for when I made my sister dress up like this once...

>> No.2360014

I once had miko miko nurse(the fast part) as my ringtone, and the damn thing always went off in buses and other crowded places.

>> No.2360067

I once called my older cousin nee-chan. She responded with "Don't throw your fetishes on me". But that was when I was in high school. Now I only really weeaboo out with other weeaboo friends. Nothing like talking about VNs or doujins or shit like that. More like talk about Super Robot Wars or maybe some Touhou music.

>> No.2360111

I wear Gao Gao Stegosaurus as well.

>> No.2360117


I would wear it if I had one

>> No.2360129

Is that... a Chie outfit?

>> No.2360139

Because you're a slut.

>> No.2360157

yup. Bought it from HobbySearch awhile ago. Way too expensive though, and I sister complained that it was too large for her (though I don't see how. it's a Japanese Medium).

Also, I'm getting a P4 male student uniform set up for ComiCon tomorrow. I just have to trim the collar a bit and I'll be set. Shame I don't look like any of the characters from P4 though.

>> No.2360159


But I'm a guy... and a virgin... and horribly disfigured...

>> No.2360202

I Sung the voltes five ending theme in a karaoke bar.

>> No.2360221

Me and my friends once worn our kigurumis (the animal pajamas, not the anime ones) to school for three days! Different kigus for each day. We thought it was cool back then.
