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2352996 No.2352996 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone made a full Gensokyo RPG yet? I mean of the pencil-and-paper sort.

>> No.2353001
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ITT, /tg/ + /jp/

I could see a Fate TGC work.

>> No.2353005


>> No.2353012


It's like you can really be the little girl!

>> No.2353016

You can be the little girl in odin sphere, go play that.

>> No.2353019

You could probably make it yourself, just base it off some other system, like D&Ds. Just only allow your custom classes and races.

>> No.2353021
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>> No.2353023

Well, there has to be at least one. Otherwise, all of this would go to waste: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=1035639

>> No.2353025

You mean TCG?

>> No.2353035

I want something that actually takes things in Gensokyo into account. If it takes place after the spell card rules have been established, there should be a set methodology for spell card creation and utilization.

>> No.2353043



>> No.2353052


There is a section for Spell Cards in >>2353023, but I personally think it lacks some of the aspects that I feel should be emphasized more in the system, such as
>That there are no things superior to beauty and thought.
>Each spell shall be given a beautiful and meaningful name.

>> No.2353074

that's rather pretentious.

what if i want to name something plain, like "spellcard: bunch of lights"

i can't.

fuck that.

>> No.2353080

Yeah, I think I'd like it more if it placed more emphasis on the actual world of Gensokyo presented through PMiSS and such instead of how it's exactly represented in the games.

>> No.2353082

I don't think a Gensokyo RPG would work very well if it allows for original characters, since that would seem rather out of place.

Touhou isn't about ORIGINALITY!
Having players come in with there sweaty neckbeards making MALE characters would ruin the setting.

>> No.2353100

I don't know shit about RPGs, but couldn't you just base a certain stat off of a dice roll that shows just how much "beauty and thought" the character would try to put in their spellcards? It wouldn't be too different from the Meido RPG in that you're supposed to pretty much improv to the rolls.

>> No.2353108

I dunno, it'd be pretty cool to have standard stock D&D adventurers get thrust into Gensokyo.

They'd wander around disrupting the hell out of the natural order thinking they're bein big shot heroes, and have a nasty run in with Yuka.

How it turns out is really up to how you create rules for Gensokyo.

I think a system like Exalted would be pretty cool.

>> No.2353123

Exalted? You mean the system where the players are GODS, or atleast half-gods?

>> No.2353128

It would make more sense for the youkai to cause disruptions and the humans go out to solve them.

>> No.2353148


Actually most Exalts can punch the fuck out of almost all the gods. Only LOLWHAT tier deities (i.e. the ones doing the Exaltations) are exempt, and a circle of high Essence Exalts can fight them (with the GM being a nice person and not "Mr. unstatted waves his hand and you explode").

I've had a team of Abyssals lead a full-on assault of Heaven, fuck yeah.

>> No.2353165

I actually made this very same thread here, many months ago. It was generally agreed that player characters would have to be on the level of humans from the human village, and they would only combat the lesser youkai, like fairies and beast-youkai. The actual cast would appear as NPCs, with godly stats.

>> No.2353210
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even Tewi?

>> No.2353222

Your picture interests me greatly.

>> No.2353234
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The chance of meeting them would be on the low side, right?

>> No.2353238

Tewi doesn't seem like one to enter direct combat. She's more of a trickster.
As for stats, I guess she has enormous LUCK.

>> No.2353258
File: 156 KB, 500x500, 7a88b83795cc8b4d500211fef91aa809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about her hammer?

>> No.2353260

Well going with the Human-Village-as-Starting Point idea, you'll probably meet Keine and Akyu. And make trips to the Shrine/s. Reimu and Marisa would serve as Deus-ex-machina.
You could seek out Aya for info, Nitori for equipment, Mokou for training.
Lots of possibilities, really.

>> No.2353269

I'm going to have to ask for a source.

>I dunno, it'd be pretty cool to have standard stock D&D adventurers get thrust into Gensokyo.
I'd prefer >>2353019. D&D is open enough for people to make their own races and classes. Like Onis could have +2 Strength -2 Intelligence. I wouldn't base it off 4th edition though if you wanted to do something like that.

>> No.2353276

Bonus to attack rolls vs. mochi and Reisen.

>> No.2353279

Eventually you'd be able to fight the NPCs on an even footing, right?

>> No.2353292

Sure why not?

I figure if you cornered one of them and it was a standard party of four, you might be able to give em a run for there money.

>> No.2353296

I'd rather build a homebrew from the ground up than shoehorn it into D20.

>> No.2353298

Well I suppose you could defeat Cirno eventually.

>> No.2353317

I love campaigns where everyone plays some useless weakling and gets beaten up in every encounter until the GM PC comes to the rescue. Good call.

>> No.2353324

I'm sorry, but where can I find more meido rpg logs to fap to?

>> No.2353676

You mean /tg/.

/tg/ IS /tg/ + /jp/

>> No.2353717

What abot guys that are not sweaty neckbeards and want to play as Youki?
