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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 67 KB, 468x413, 35858__468x_enemies-of-the-people-wearing-kimono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2346714 No.2346714 [Reply] [Original]

A pair of ladies, apparently a mother and her daughter, thought they would take a commemorative photo under the blooming sakura at a Chinese park whilst tastefully attired in kimono, but were soon thronged by a jeering crowd who ordered them out.

The unhappy crowd formed about the would-be hanami-goers, who were both Chinese, patriotically shouted “Get out, Japanese!” and “Stop taking photographs wearing those!”

Cowed, the pair quickly moved off, changed to some less outrageous costume, and left the place.

A reporter caught up with them, and asked why they would do such an unpatriotic thing; “We just wanted to take a photo in the clothes, because they’re quite beautiful, that was all” replied the humbled pair.

A young lady who witnessed the ruckus remarked “Japanese clothing certainly is beautiful, but it’s Japanese isn’t it, so people who see it are naturally going to be offended. Those two were a bit strange, weren’t they?”

Taking one’s pet daughter for a walk, beating one’s errant wife in the street, or skinning and eating people’s cats may pass without confrontation in China, but clearly an act as foul as wearing Japanese clothing cannot be tolerated.


>> No.2346719



>> No.2346759

lol chinks

>> No.2346760

Stop advertising your site already.

>> No.2346769

China is jealous since they don't have a culture as rich as Japan.

>> No.2346777


>> No.2346855

Let's not forget the Rape of Nanking. They have a great reason to hate the Japanese.

I will agree that what they did wasn't very nice.

Maybe you should do some research, try starting by reading The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

>> No.2346861

So the mother and daughter were chinese?

>> No.2346870

No, they don't. The only people that have a reason to hate them for that are the people who were actually raped.
Nationalism is a plague.

>> No.2346879

Get out of /jp/, chink.

>> No.2346889

>try starting by reading The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
No thanks, I already played Dynasty Warriors (Japan's superior retelling of RotTK).

>> No.2346909

Likewise, the only people who would actually hate the Nazis are concentration camp survivors.

>> No.2346912
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>> No.2346913

I know I wouldn't have stopped Hitler.

>> No.2346914

Sankaku Complex is the most shameful site on the internet.

>> No.2346915

Oh chinks, will you ever get along?

>> No.2346917

Not the same. It's more like people hating modern Germans for what the nazis did. It's stupid.

>> No.2346919

>China is jealous since they don't have a culture as rich as Japan.

China is terrible, but what did Japanese culture ever produce that wasn't derived or stolen from someone else?

>> No.2346932

>No thanks, I already played Dynasty Warriors (Japan's superior retelling of RotTK).

I bet you're one of those people who thinks that the movie Troy was superior to the Illiad and that Gonzo remakes are better than the originals on which they're based.

>> No.2346947

Considering that Japan pretty much isolated itself from the rest of the world up until the 20th century, a lot.

>> No.2346948

The Germans would have to be holocaust deniers.

>> No.2346955

Except that people (not just the Chinese, but everyone who isn't a delusional weeaboo) disdains Japan for their overt racism, xenophobia and misplaced sense of superiority. While every nation has this problem, Japan is particularly bad about it. The atrocities and whatnot are only the icing on the cake.

>> No.2346957


Hey...Romeo and Juliet ala Gonzo brought tears in my eye...I don't think Sir Ian Mckellen could ever reproduce such passion.

>> No.2346959

You seem to have the general public confused with 2ch trolls. Most Japanese admit to what happened in China during the war.

>> No.2346961


You must never have been to China. They are just as bad if not worse.

>> No.2346971

Have you ever talked to a Japanese person? The majority are anything but nationalist. Somewhat xenophobic, most likely from being a homogenous nation, sure, but not overly proud of their country.

Chinese, on the other hand, love themselves and constantly defend the current atrocities of their own government. Did you see the international rallies against the western media over the Tibet thing? That is China. Nationalist fuckholes, all of them.

>> No.2346975

I've worked in both places and while I hated both, I can confidently say Japan was worse in that respect. If you've had a different experience, then I suppose you were more lucky than I.

>> No.2346996

I haven't been to China, but Korea in particular is pretty bad. The two nations aren't even comparable.

>> No.2346997


In my experience, Hong Kong was the best Asian country(I don't consider them as China. Their culture is too distinct to be lumped in with China when talking about culture) about the xenophobia and nationalism shit. Granted they've been ruled by the Brits for a good 100 or so years so I guess that kills the xenophobia. Their nationalism is nonexistant since they don't trust the PRC for keeping Hong Kong wealthy and they don't particularly love the British for ruling them. Although they love the laws and shit the English laid down.

>> No.2347008

On what grounds do you make the claim that the Japanese are "homogenous"?

>> No.2347010

Which Korea?

>> No.2347016
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lol asian nationalism


>> No.2347026
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South Korea, obviously.

>Granted they've been ruled by the Brits for a good 100 or so years so I guess that kills the xenophobia.
>British rule
>kills xenophobia

lol what

>> No.2347036

>Considering that Japan pretty much isolated itself from the rest of the world up until the 20th century, a lot.

You know this is a myth, right?

>> No.2347041

Look up the definition of homogeneous.

>> No.2347044


Hong Kong is pretty friendly towards white people. One of the friendliest actually.

>> No.2347057

Didn't a lot of people in Hong Kong not want to go back to China?

>> No.2347062

>Look up the definition of homogeneous.

I know what the word means. I'm asking for proof that this isn't simply an assumption.

>> No.2347086

To me, when the population of Japan is 99.4% Japanese, that seems relatively like a homogeneous society.

>> No.2347089


Yeah. Alot of them moved overseas to the US or Canada instead of being ruled by the PRC. Shows you how much the Chinese love China right?

>> No.2347097

Part of the reason why Vancouver is 60% Asian.

>> No.2347107

I know, I go into a Tim Horton's and it's as yellow as far as I can see.

>> No.2347132

You're no Vancouverite if you still call it Tim Horton's.
To us, it is Timmy Ho's.

>> No.2347137

No, I just usually never go there unless I want an Ice Cap.

>> No.2347161

I don't go there at all if it can be avoided, but one still has to refer to it by name on occasion.

>> No.2347169

this made me rage.
i feel sorry for them; what did they do, just wear clothing?
fuck, i don't understand why people do this kind of shit.

China = irl /b/

>> No.2347172

>To me, when the population of Japan is 99.4% Japanese, that seems relatively like a homogeneous society.

Alright. Even assuming you aren't pulling that figure from nowhere, is America a "homogenous" society? Most of the people who live here are Americans after all.

>> No.2347175

Ok technically I'm not a Vancouverite. Just from Surrey,

>> No.2347182

>is America a "homogenous" society? Most of the people who live here are Americans after all.

Jesus christ. Nobody could possibly be this stupid.

>> No.2347184

Are most people living in American ethnic Americans? It's completely different. When I say 99.4% Japanese, I'm saying ethnic Japanese not just people who have citizenship.

>> No.2347185

Most Chinese weren't actually affected by the Japanese during the war. They hate them because it's trendy.

>> No.2347192

>Just from Surrey
There are about a million things I could say right now, but I'm sure you've heard them all.

>> No.2347194

>this made me rage. i feel sorry for them; what did they do, just wear clothing? fuck, i don't understand why people do this kind of shit.

If you wore a shirt that says "rap sucks" in Harlem and people greeted you with hostility (and/or gunfire), would you say that it was unexpected and undeserved?

It's the same situation in China.
For a Chinese person, inculcated since childhood to have a hostility to the Japanese, their response is understandable. Stupid (to someone looking in from the outside), but understandable in context.

>> No.2347197

Thread just proves how much hypocrisy /jp/ is tainted with. I'm sure you faggots would love to humiliate and hound weeaboos who show their love for Japan in public as well.

>> No.2347199

The interference of the Japanese allowed the CCP to take over the country. I'd say that affected the lives of more than a few people.

>> No.2347204

>I'm sure you faggots would love to humiliate and hound weeaboos who show their love for Japan in public as well.
Nah, man, I haven't got the balls. And if they were 2-D, I wouldn't make fun of them at all.

>> No.2347208

By what criterion are you defining ethnicity?

>> No.2347217

Not the guy you're replying to, but racial ancestry I'd imagine.

>> No.2347218

Are you joking or what?

>> No.2347219

The Chinese actually had the balls to put their hate to action. Anonymous only make rage threads while their country is infested with con-fags and gaia-faggotry.

>> No.2347220

Honestly, this is a good point. Many people on this board are quite vocal in saying that they (paradoxically) hate Japan but like the products of its culture, yet these same people also seem to hate everything else too. So by that rationale, if they hate Japan somewhat less than certain other things (like sluts or Coreans), then does that mean those people like Japan in their own twisted way?

>> No.2347227


posting on 4chan

>> No.2347231

Nah, I love Japan period.

>> No.2347233

>Are you joking or what?

I'm not joking. Now, would you define what you meant by ethnicity?

>> No.2347246

Racial ancestry?

>> No.2347249

The reason said people say they hate Japan is because they are fearful of being lumped in with the same crowd of bottom feeders that follow Naruto on onemanga. It's paranoia that others see them in that way, so the way they distance themselves from the perception that they are seen in that way is by claiming that Japan is shit and they only like Touhou.

Remember: The more vitriolic the hatred (comments about how great the atomic bombings were and so on), the more fearful they are.

There is only one thing that can be said for parasites.

They are not real men. Concealing your power level is one thing, constructing an elaborate persona to counterract an irrational fear (or even a rational fear) is fucking retarded beyond belief.

>> No.2347253

I don't hate Japan. I am neutral about Japan as a country. I guess it would be nice to visit there for a bit just to see the sights, but I find that I say that about a lot of countries.

>> No.2347264

/sankakucomplex/ - Racism/General

>> No.2347265

I find myself in contention with some of the things you say, but you've summed up my own feelings quite concisely.

When you say racial ancestry, do you mean that being Japanese entails having certain physical qualities or the ability to proclaim your bloodline to be free of immigrants? Or am I misunderstanding you?

>> No.2347273

I mean that the vast majority of current people dwelling in Japan have lived there for hundreds of years and share the same language, history, etc. The same can not be said about Americans.

>> No.2347282

>I mean that the vast majority of current people dwelling in Japan have lived there for hundreds of years and share the same language, history, etc.

This is an assumption; and an incorrect one at that. From where did you learn this?

>> No.2347290

Oh really? So you're going to tell me that 99% of the people living in Japan do not speak Japanese, and that the vast majority of them haven't lived in Japan for several hundred years? I'd like to know how this is wrong.

>> No.2347296

You're a goddamn moron for getting trolled so easily.

>> No.2347307

I'm not upset, so I don't really think I've been trolled.

>> No.2347322

Well, the first problem I see is that you seem to overlook that the idea of "Japan" and Japanese identity is relatively new; even younger than the U.S., actually. If you had approached an average farm laborer or commoner in the last years of the Tokugawa Bakufu and asked him what it meant to be Nihonjin, he would have no idea what you were talking about. This wouldn't be because he was stupid, but rather because the idea of the "nation" didn't yet exist; the average person would define himself by his the Shogunate's demarcations (Satsuma, Choshu, etc). In other words, my point is that though there were people living in the region we now identify as Japan for centuries, the idea of Japan as a nation (much like Germany and Italy) is relatively new. If you've been led to believe otherwise, it's because nationalism inevitably tries to establish an ancient tradition everywhere it goes.

>> No.2347334

Whatever. Japan condones pedophilia.

>> No.2347340

I don't see how this contradicts what I said. When I said people have been living in Japan for centuries, I obviously don't mean the unified nation of Japan, I'm not an idiot.

>> No.2347355

Alright, let me ask you then; how long does one's family need to dwell in a region before he is considered a member of an ethnicity? (Obviously, they'd pick up the language and learn the history)

>> No.2347358
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lol chink

>> No.2347359

Looks like we've got a one worlder on our hands.

Let him live next to somalians and ghanians as an experiment to see whether he likes it.

>> No.2347365

Also, if they had no sense of being Japanese, but simply lived in the same region, are they really Japanese or are they only labeled as such by later people attempting to be rewrite history to suit a particular agenda?

>> No.2347367
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lol chink whore

>> No.2347370

Rather than just learn the history, I would say he has to share the history at least to some extent. I mean, if there are some black people living in britain I wouldn't consider them as british as an actual family who has lived on the british Isles for hundreds of years.

>> No.2347379

It's chink own fault that your nation didn't follow along with Westernization in the 1700-1800's thanks to your bullshit Confucian way of life. Same with Corea, which was just China's bitch back then.
If you chinks and gooks did something about equaling Western powers by using their knowledge to better yourselves, as the Japanese did during the Meiji Era, you wouldn't have been walked all over by the rest of the world. Blame yourself for what happened to your people due to your ancestors idiocy.

>> No.2347383

Are you trying to imply the term 'nihonjin' was neologistic in nature and only came about as a result of the nation state?

Because that simply isnt true.

>> No.2347385

Alright. Allow me to postulate a scenario then. Suppose we have a British couple whose ancestors have lived in the isles for centuries. They emigrate to America and have a child. Is the child an American or a Brit?

>> No.2347388

The term existed in the Tokugawa period, but if you've done any research on it, you'd know that it was only used among intellectuals in extremely limited circles. It only gained any sort of importance after the Meiji restoration.

>> No.2347400

Ethnically British, American citizen I'd say. I also don't see what any of this has to do with Japan being a homogeneous society or not, which it clearly is just by looking at it.

>> No.2347421

This seems more a matter of semantics than anything else. There clearly was a Japanese national identity as far back as the 7th century in terms of cultural and religious and linguistic homogeneity to a degree.

What you are discussing is nomenclature, which is organic.

>> No.2347427

anyway, you fags have kept me around for long enough.

shopping time.

>> No.2347431
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>> No.2347436

>Blame yourself for what happened to your people due to your ancestors idiocy.
Holy shit you are a fucking moron.

>> No.2347444

>Ethnically British, American citizen I'd say.
If the child has (mostly) American customs, American speech patterns and has never visited Britain, how is he "ethnically British"? Does something about his ancestry induce him to be more British than someone with a thorough understanding of British culture?

>I also don't see what any of this has to do with Japan being a homogeneous society or not, which it clearly is just by looking at it.

So is Japan a "homogenous" society because the majority of the people living there share a language and claim to be Japanese? Because taking even a cursory look at Japan reveals that the typical definition of homogenous (IE; same), obviously doesn't work in this case.

>> No.2347451
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>> No.2347466

>which it clearly is just by looking at it.

So just because everyone looks the same (to you), speaks the same language and claims to be the same thing it's a homogenous society?

>> No.2347477

民主化 民運 北京之春 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 法輪功 人権国際
文化大革命 抵制日貨 遊進 抗日 台湾独立 天安門人権 六四事件
chinese soldiers shooting tibetan pilgrims at mount everest

>> No.2347486

thats what we get for being the first nation with gunpowder to be conquered by a nomad tribe (manchus), both of their first emperors died by a cannonball to the face, yet the traitors handed the kingdom to them, it wasn't confucian, it was the manchus being technologically imcompetent, being nomads and all, unable to adapt to changing technology until it's too late, had guns being mass produced 300 years prior, the mongols wouldn't of being able to go on their rampage either

that ain't even the full problem, at the end of world war 2 Japan was expected to pay for the war damages, this money was not a load, but a lump sum, but the faggot as communists were more concerned about taking over, so Mao basically said Japan doesn't have to pay for war damages

then great leap lol


the problem with China, it was, and always will be Winner takes all, whoever becomes the emperor gets everything, so as soon as a dynasty is weakened another will take over, because it means having everything, its a crazy you against me mentality

I mean shit, overseas chinese dont even trust mainland chinese, taiwanese dont trust mainlanders either

>> No.2347514


well, generalisation at its best. not every chinese acts like this. ultranationalist youth again...

but again, why would chinese girls wear kimono and celebrate hanami anyway? There are enough chinese traditional festivals in spring with sakura-blossoms and shit.

>> No.2347533

>There are enough chinese traditional festivals in spring with sakura-blossoms and shit.

lol no. chinks love plum in their history. Modern chinks are influenced by Japanese.

>> No.2347559
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yeah, plum is the traditional flower, but there is also the chinese cherry blossom, which is different from the japanese sakura.

>> No.2347583

Well, it is all backwards bullcrap in every asian country, as we know.

But China, it is genuinely something completely else. Always nice to see that they still have that cultural revolution mob lynching mentality in them. Still, perhaps not the wisest thing to wear kimono like that.

>> No.2347609

Here in South East Asia weeaboo young chinks dress up in yukata for Bon festival.

>> No.2347617


>>Always nice to see that they still have that cultural revolution mob lynching mentality in them.

yeah thats the problem. the old Mao knew of it and cleverly used this witch-hunt mentality for his own political gains.
But otherwise, this is probably the cause why a democracy in China would be epic fail - imagine an election turns into a gigantic clusterfuck of people lynching each other over some words party A said about party B. It would be worse than in Taiwan.

>> No.2347621

Summary for you:

Chinese are hypocrites, if you go there you'll find that they actually react more strongly to a foreign presence than the Japanese. And they believe just as much in their own racial superiority as the Japanese are known for. They're both fools. Its just the Japanese actually learn rather quickly from their mistakes. So when they fuck up once they don't do it again. The Chinese have to fuck up dozens of times for it to finally get hammered in that they shouldn't do something.

>> No.2347630


>>It would be worse than in Taiwan.

i c wut u did thar.

>> No.2347658

Yes, but was it not the Mao´s cultural revolution itself that started such violent craze mentality. Of course such thing served as an outlet for god knows what repressed commie insanity.
Still, China and democracy do not go together, that is of certainty. This country does have pretty much 3000+ years of history with crazy emperors and totalitarian oppression. I doubt that they can even comprehend what democracy stands for.

>> No.2347661

Are you talking about Bon Odori?
It is a fucking cancer. Also no thanks to Animax, there are ton of anime con nowaday that are spreading the cancer.

>> No.2347684

lets just nuke china, too many of those fuckers anyway

>> No.2347685

You feel lucky? Wear like that and celebrate like a motherfucker bon festival in Seoul.

>> No.2347695

wait what??? i think i have found where i want to live

>> No.2347709

As a chink, I would like to see a western style democracy instated.

The problem is, you all know what a Chinese civil war is like. When shit hits the fan and a civil war is needed, us chinese all go batshit insane over it. World War two was about 62 million dead, Taiping Rebellion alone was 25 million dead with something like 10 million troops from the two side combined.

So given choice between democracy now and say 50 million dead and 50 years worth of economic regression, or do nothing, I would say do nothing. CCP isn't doing a bad enough job to warrent another civil war on that kind of scale.

>> No.2348174

She isn't a whore, she is just stuck in her pants. All the guys are trying to help her out but the pants are too fucking tight.

>> No.2348181
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>> No.2348188

She was beaten and gangraped, what does this have to do with being a whore?

>> No.2348193

japanese raped nanking and saddam has weapons of mass destruction

>> No.2348196
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>> No.2348275


>> No.2348303


>> No.2348308
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China and Japan can rejoin the civilized world when they stop eating with sticks like barbarians.

>> No.2348312
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>> No.2348517


i see wut ya did there

>> No.2348786

