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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2345887 No.2345887 [Reply] [Original]

Righty ho.

I do quite believe that these interspersed conflicts within the Touhou posters of /jp/ is simply bollocks. From an old chap who simply chooses to focus on the games, I feel no sense of elitism towards those that would rather focus on ZUN's other material and fan doujinshi, given that they do acknowledge and respect the games. While I feel that powerlevel discussions are frightfully idiotic when it gets out of hand, when reasonable people are simply passing ideas to each other, I find the topics rather refreshing, even though I myself do not choose to delve that deep into the Touhouverse. However, when I do make my rare venture into an opinion of a character, I do try to make sure that I take a voice that shows that I'm open to more interpretations, so as to prevent conflict between others that would believe that I'm presenting my idea as a pure fact. Likewise, while the spirit of H-doujinshi bearing familiar characters is somewhat unappealing to me, I hold my tongue and simply ignore them, which is a skill, I feel, should be pursued more in /jp/. Despite my opinion, I make to attempt to derail such a topic, as that would only serve to anger and disservice the other viewers of /jp/. What I simply do is make my own topic that truly appeals to me.

That is all I have to say on the matter.

Pip pip, cheerio.

>> No.2345890
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>> No.2345895

I... disagree!

>> No.2345898
File: 74 KB, 640x480, 20030203-cheerios-wp-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheerios are the shit

>> No.2345901

Pip pip, cheerio?!?!
WHat kind of faggotry is this.

>> No.2345902

Word, son.

>> No.2345907

At least there is discussion going on in power level threads.
Unlike image dumps or Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti.

>> No.2345912

tl;dr: Touhou is overrated.

>> No.2345913
File: 52 KB, 704x400, 1221935699956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your view is void you harlot. The common sense of animosity between the various factions on /jp/ is what constitutes the uniqueness that we so enjoy on this board. If we pacify ourselves and relinquish our ill begotten hate, we would have destroyed /jp/.

>> No.2345916

I agree completely with your position. However, it is not easy to hold it so, specially in the face of secondary fans that willingly neglect the source material, making their assumptions hold together with nothing but good will and wishes, forming together a complex web that we can't really understand how it formed. Case in hand, Alice's depiction is some secondary works, which is far too divergent from the source material, even when her background in plentiful and well described.

Perhaps it is better to held an open mind. As the fictional universe we explore together is always shifting and changing, we must be able to adapt to new information, but most importantly, to be able to take it in stride and enjoy ourselves. Amusement remains the biggest draw, so if the character's portrayal fits well enough to be entertained, then so be it.

>> No.2345917


/jp/ is about taking it easy. Animosity amongst the factions is a childish thing more suited for /v/ or /b/.

Out upon you, impostor.

>> No.2345924

Quite, I do quite see where your opinion comes from. However, we must not cast away the idea that it is impossible to have conflicting ideas, while still being civil! You can not be a gentleman that way!

>> No.2345928

Is it just me, or is anyone else reading this thread in their heads with a British accent?

>> No.2345929
File: 1.03 MB, 2592x1944, Picture 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened miles... you used to be cool

get the sand out of your vagina

also, American bird cooking vegetarian beans

>> No.2345933

>Case in hand, Alice's depiction is some secondary works, which is far too divergent from the source material, even when her background in plentiful and well described.
To be fair, the A-A-ARISU is simply an exaggeration of an official depiction, namely, the one in Bohemian Archive. Her personality seems to vary a bit depending on which source material you hold onto the most as well. I myself don't enjoy the "A-a-a-alice" depiction at all, but I don't quite care about how others see Alice, so it's not much of a problem.

>> No.2345937

I fornicated thou art mother.

>> No.2345934

I agree, but as someone who is primary interested in the games and the game mechanics, I find it alienating that every major touhou related board has about 20 or more threads of "which touhou would you fuck" "what do reimu's armpits taste like" "take it easy yukkuri thread" for every thread actually regarding material that interests me or at least concerns the games.

>> No.2345941

>secondary fans
And primary fans are what?
Zun's cock suckers?

>> No.2345942

I am thoroughly amused. Good show!

>> No.2345943

Yes, this means a lot coming from a tripfag who does nothing but troll and act like they're important/intelligent.

>> No.2345953

>I find it alienating that every major touhou related board has about 20 or more threads of "which touhou would you fuck" "what do reimu's armpits taste like" "take it easy yukkuri thread" for every thread actually regarding material that interests me or at least concerns the games.
That's not entirely the fault of those people you hate. You should take action and try to make the topic yourself, and do all you can to keep it from being hijacked by things you dislike. If it means you have to reply to yourself for the whole topic to even spark the sort of discussion you're looking for, it will simply mean that the end result will feel much more satisfying, especially if you gather like-minded people.

>> No.2345979

You're just an asexual wannabe hipster.

>> No.2345988

>If it means you have to reply to yourself for the whole topic to even spark the sort of discussion you're looking for, it will simply mean that the end result will feel much more satisfying, especially if you gather like-minded people.
If you have to reply to yourself at all to start a thread on the actual game, while retarded fanon shit gets 200+ replies, then yes, it is /jp/'s fault for being shitty.

>> No.2345993

Agreed. I for one, find that the "Let's Danmaku" threads are a good thread for those focused on the games, awarding good scoring tactics and spreading the idea of the game series as a fun activity, and not just a daunting task.
Which, takes me to this point. Have you noticed the marked increase of posters interested in the games? It's not odd to find a thread discussing strategies and different gameplay elements. Granted, most of the time it is focused on helping those newcomers to the games proper, but it's a promising sight.

Further more, I really enjoy composing my posts this way. Makes me feel above the breakneck pace of the lesser boards, where a post over a couple lines is ignored and rendered useless in the time it took to write.

>> No.2345998


Especially since I can be held accountable for my foibles, unlike some anonymous characters who hide behind others and pass off blame when they fuck up., i.e. IT WASN'T ME, IT WAS HIM!

>> No.2346001

It's actually easier to spark discussion on the games instead of having a reasonable fanon discussion.

>> No.2346010

We just look down on secondaryfags and kawaii desu ne faggots.

Touhou will always be
#1 Games
#2 Music
#3 Doujin Products
#4 Rest of the shit

>> No.2346009

That's exactly the wrong attitude to take. This is a gathering of like-minded people. If you have others interested in your hobbies, they will post in your threads. Complaining that you're in the minority never helps.
Be grateful for what you have and work with it. Convince more people to play the game. Do anything, just don't whine.

>> No.2346016

I can't stand the term "secondaryfag". It's so undefined, I see it thrown at any mention of anything fanon.

>> No.2346018

Fanon is for self-important Westerners who think their opinion matters to the likes of ZUN. Actually, any Westerner who thinks the creator owes them anything is a dumbass, like that Russet Noon lamer.

>> No.2346023


>> No.2346024 [DELETED] 

Further more, I really enjoy composing my posts this way. Makes me feel above the breakneck pace of the lesser boards, where a post over a couple lines is ignored and rendered useless in the time it took to write.
I've said it time and again, that's the primary reason I visit /tg/. People there actually take time out to make meaningful posts. And they're not all of the "Cool story, bro"-variety either.

>> No.2346026

I agree on this one, albeit the 'Let's play some danmaku' threads often exclude various scoring tactics by doing just single stage practice runs. But they're still fun, and we get to play some non touhou games as well.
I still think the number of threads about the games has declined compared to some months ago.

>> No.2346030


>> No.2346032


>> No.2346033

>Further more, I really enjoy composing my posts this way. Makes me feel above the breakneck pace of the lesser boards, where a post over a couple lines is ignored and rendered useless in the time it took to write.
I've said it time and again, that's the primary reason I visit /tg/. People there actually take time out to make meaningful posts. And they're not all of the "Cool story, bro"-variety either.

>> No.2346039

>Fanon is for self-important Westerners who think their opinion matters to the likes of ZUN.
What. I just want to talk about Touhou ideas in a more subdued light instead of the rapid-fire memes and jokes that typically occur.

>> No.2346041

That's why /tg/ is the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.2346046

That's like, your opinion, man.
Seriously though, the worst board? What.

>> No.2346054

Not really, most gameplay threads turn into an STGfag circlejerk. They're like goddamn tourneyfags.

>> No.2346056

I say, that was a bloody good post lad.

Ignoring what thou dislikes instead of promoting hate with harmful atitudes and hostile replies or derailing the threads with intentionally weak and aggressive opinions is a positive attitude that I wish would be more common.

That said, I believe that thou are and feel so strongly like an English citizen that thou feces are, opposed to look or smell like, the very honored and respected queen.

>> No.2346055

Definition of secondaryfags
-Don't play the games
-Think that Iosys is god
-Think that doujin fanon is the truth
-huge overlap with nicofags

Anymore to add?

>> No.2346061

What. Are you blind?

>> No.2346072

>Don't play the games
To what extent?
>Think that Iosys is god
I enjoyed IOSYS's older stuff.
>Think that doujin fanon is the truth
>huge overlap with nicofags

>> No.2346073

Secondary fags can't use nico.

>> No.2346084

how so?

>> No.2346087

Well I could care less about the games, I haven't even played a single one, I only enjoy the music.

>> No.2346091

/jp/ will never be able to agree what a good thread is.
To some Danmkau threads are good, while others think it shit.
Some people like the idol threads, others want them banned.
I could go on, but I think you get my point.
If we just stay to our own threads (/jp/ related that is) then /jp/ just may become a better place.

>> No.2346094

It just ends up with bitching about which game is better and makes them more hardcore, etc. It's faggotry.

>> No.2346105


Ok we change it to youtubefags.
But you are wrong if you think japan doesn't have secondaryfags.

>> No.2346101

couldn't care less you mean.

>> No.2346099

Definition of primaryfags
-Sucks zun's cock.
-Think that touhou is the best shmup
-Talk about plot rather than gameplay.

Anymore to add?

>> No.2346106

Primary implies being the first. Thus, primaryfriends are superior according to definition.

>> No.2346116

I don't think so.

>> No.2346107

Go back to /v/, pitiful scum.

>> No.2346111

Definition of previous poster
-Massive case of butthurt
-Weak trollan
-Is a secondaryfag

Anymore to add?

>> No.2346112 [DELETED] 

Oh boy. Here we go.

>> No.2346119

No, you go back to /v/ faggot.

>> No.2346125

And why not? Doesn't sankaku allow people to view videos without an account?

>> No.2346126

You don't think at all. *zing!*

>> No.2346129

>-Talk about plot rather than gameplay.

Also, most of the good Touhou players know that there are better shooters.

>> No.2346132


>> No.2346146

>"primary" fags

>> No.2346147

I do believe that once you use the term "tourneyfag", you lose all right to say that. But I'm sure you already knew that.

>> No.2346148

Cry more.

>> No.2346150

What's with all this bullshit classification, really.
Some of us enjoy playing the games, others enjoy reading the doujins. As long as we don't shit up each others' threads, what's the fucking problem?
If you find some jackass saying the games suck balls, feel free to insult him. There's no reason to get hostile just because someone isn't interested in shmups.

>> No.2346154

Well, this thread has taken a rather sinister turn.
So it goes. The core message from the original poster remains, to show tolerance to those areas we are not interested about, we foment a good environment for proper discussion, improvement of the board, and our own sustained enjoyment.

>> No.2346156

I've never posted on /v/, bro. They didn't invent the term either, so like I suggested earlier maybe you should be the one hauling your ass back there.

>> No.2346159

Aww, butthurt secondaryfag's trying to act touh. How cute.

>> No.2346162

You really like referencing Slaughterhouse Five, don't you? Second time this week I've seen that phrase used.

>> No.2346166

Delicious tears.

>> No.2346170

its possible to care less in my situation

saying "I couldn't care less" actually means that I don't care about the games at all, which isn't true, I'll get around to play it, or never, don't know, depending on if I find the time to place an order or just pirate it

>> No.2346177

It's a colloquialism.

>> No.2346182

Contextually, it's implied that you don't care about the games at all.

>> No.2346183

Is it really that fun to act like a dumbass on an anonymous image board, completely missing the point of every single post, whether intentionally or out of stupidity?

>> No.2346195

Your point was that I used the term tourneyfag thus I go to /v/ and should go there. If that's not it, enlighten me. You're an idiot either way.

>> No.2346196

You're right, I do mention that quite often.
Things and people don't go as you would like them to go, so instead of fretting over it, you can accept it as it comes. It's more peaceful this way.

>> No.2346204

In some ways, a depressing philosophy. The diametric opposite of Take It Easy, though it amounts to the same thing.

>> No.2346223

You implied that:
1) People who play competitively are fags. (So, basically every good Japanese arcade player)
2) People who discuss shooters in a shooter thread are also fags.

Looking at the evidence presented, you've been found to be a gigantic faggot. And when a gigantic faggot tries to discuss video games, they are told to go back to /v/ where, you guessed it, gigantic faggots discuss video games.

>> No.2346243

/v/ sometimes has better touhou threads than /jp/.

>> No.2346251

Also, not samefag.

>> No.2346269

I only mind secondaryfags when people are trying to discuss the games and they make stupid troll remarks like "Touhou is only good for the fanworks" or "the games aren't worth playing" or "no one here actually plays the games." Other than that I don't care if someone plays the games or not, although I will never be able to comprehend liking only the derivative material of a series and not the original works. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

>> No.2346274

1) If they're shitting up threads, then yes, they are faggots.
2) See 1.

You sir, are a quite the faggot yourself. Talk about missing the point.

>> No.2346277

It's not so depressing when you realize you still can control yourself. I can choose to ignore a thread that would have me banging at the keys.
I can choose to find a pleasant thread to discuss instead.
I can choose to take a break, eat something, get some sunlight.
But most of all, I can change my perception of the board. Instead of turning any discussion into a competition, I can learn instead from other points of view.

That's how I take it easy, internet zen. It's pretty enjoyable, really.

>> No.2346282

You're a better man than I.

>> No.2346299

I don't believe it. I'm sure there are enough trolling faggots there who are probably the same ones who troll/create the wrpg vs jrpg threads.

>> No.2346317

Here is the problem.
Stop using that word.
You aren't superior to nothing.
Some people like touhou and just that,but, faggots like you are the cancer killing it.

>> No.2346327

I agree that perception is important. If you take it easy and simply laugh at the trolls and idiots /jp/ is a much more enjoyable board.

>> No.2346330

butthurt secondary fag

>> No.2346339

I can't do it. I always feel defeated when my topics amount to nothing, while topics I'm not interested in racks up posts in the hundreds.

>> No.2346368

I actually realized shortly after making that post that I should have said "secondary fans" but after reading secondaryfag so many times in this thread it just happened to be the word at the front of my mind and the one I typed. It wasn't meant to be offensive (the term *fag usually isn't these days) so you need to just chill out. I never even implied that I was superior to anyone.

>> No.2346438

ok so, I gonna talk about a person that I met on /v/.

I was talking about Reimu and Marisa being the strongest characters in Gensokyo because the player is always the strongest blah blah blah...

And so that person came and started talking shit about Yukari, Kanako not being omnipotent... shit that "primary" fags like to hear.

So a person replied:You can write a book about Touhou.

And other:Do you visit /jp/?
Then the person that was talking with me replied:
No, I don't like /jp/.

>> No.2346497

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.2346511


>> No.2346514

I am a quintaryfag

>> No.2346524

Quaddary fan was here, Quintary fans suck.

>> No.2346525

It just doesn't make sense. He's explaining it poorly, and doesn't explain how that topic is better than ones in /jp/.

>> No.2346552

Fuck, he write a fucking page, I can't remember shit now.
Also, I said sometimes /v/ is better than /jp/

>> No.2346585

for touhou.
