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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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234390 No.234390 [Reply] [Original]

Melty Blood thread, etc.


>> No.234394

Rapin' ma axe now ze~

>> No.234401

That better be in the manga, or we'll have to kill someone.

>> No.234457

It is

>> No.234461

Yellow Miyako

>> No.234473

Still hosting.

>> No.234810

Had to go to washroom, host again if you want to play some more...

>> No.234889

anyone else hosting?

>> No.235100

someone host

>> No.235240

I give up, good games.

>> No.235262

Yeah good games. Miyako is weird because she rolls when she jumps, and her jC flows perfectly into the roll's animation, so it's hard to tell when to shield.

>> No.235764


>> No.235859


>> No.235969


>> No.235995

Let's try this

Opt 7
Port 7500

>> No.235996

I torrented the game over the weekend since all the downloads were corrupted

What else do I need for online play

>> No.236008


>> No.236020
File: 57 KB, 1280x1024, 1205785451878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i reserve the right to quit if im too tired

>> No.236163

GGs, but I have to eat. I'm up for more later.

>> No.236429


>> No.236440
hosting now

>> No.236459

Sorry, input wrong delay

>> No.236488


>> No.236504

No good?

>> No.236507

It looks like we can't play toegether, HUEG delay.

>> No.236591

wtf is melty blood

>> No.236610

fucking google it

>> No.236618


>> No.236633

lurk moar

>> No.236688

My first time against a Mech-Hisui... Good games... got any tips for me?

>> No.236696


Connect your air combo's more once you start the sweep.

I don't play Mech-Hisui btw :P

>> No.236708

Well I feel more ashamed now... I tried but I'm not too good with BnBs as you saw...

>> No.236715

Anyone else Hosting?
For reference I'm Central U.S.

>> No.236750
File: 38 KB, 396x297, OWNZONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rehosting again because that guy was laggy

>> No.236763

Usually don't get lag when I play you, dunno why I did

>> No.236797

casual - west coast prefered

>> No.236837

meh owned me hard

>> No.236844

Hosting, US East Coast,

>> No.236865

wait, what's op's pic from? and what is supposed to be on mar 27th?

>> No.236886


>> No.236967

GG's Sion.
That Sion Tatari Vs Shiki was fierce but I wasn't refined enough.

>> No.236969

ggs guy

>> No.237001


>> No.237043

sorry gtg, gg as always

>> No.237076

What are you guys using?

I'm using a keyboard, but I seem to get my ass handed to me by mostly pad/controller users.

>> No.237089


>> No.237101


>> No.237108

Using a keyboard.
Reactions are bad at times, but I'm getting the hang of keeping up and surprising our MB Tripfriends.

>> No.237138

Damn, what kind of keyboard are you using?

I'm on a laptop so that maybe a problem with the reaction times.

>> No.237150

What kind of laptop is it.
I've noted that some can handle MB whiles others can't.

>> No.237177
File: 13 KB, 510x510, Classic-Keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic Shitty keyboard

>> No.237178

Standard compaq.

>> No.237218

Dell Inspiron.
Does your character sometimes stop when pressing more than 3 keys?

>> No.237285

Not any of the people above, but... I can't do the downwards diagonal A or C, I just end up doing nothing. Oddly enough, I can do it with B, though. This prevents me from doing several characters' air launchers (like Aoko, who used to be my favorite).

>> No.237368

Yeah, it sucks.

>> No.237406

I see.
In your case you'd have to depend on Down C into B or something similar as a launcher.

But yeah, even my friends laptop, which is a dell, can't support multiple keys.

Might wanna go gamepad or stick

>> No.237414

Oh, and I'm on a laptop, but I haven't had the stopping problem when pressing three or more keys, besides the issue above.

>> No.237617

good games, lag much better that time.

>> No.237634


>> No.237872
hosting on us east, casual.

>> No.237913


>> No.238162

rehosting and reserving the right to drop if the delay is over 5 =/ can't stand not being able to even BnB in lag.

>> No.238250

Nice pic. Hope you post some more good ones whenever you make a new MB thread.

>> No.238373

GG Nanaya, my hands are arching now

>> No.238386

We played for exactly an hour, right to the second. GGs, it's still weird fighting Miyako.

>> No.238412

I thought I'd do a lot better since the people I usually play always choose Nanaya or Shiki, but I keep missing some of the BnBs and forgetting your combos..

>> No.238448

2a spam MOAR

>> No.238940


>> No.238957

still waiting...

>> No.239881

Nothing like some matches to boil your blood at night.

>> No.239942

Come on,lets make this a crazy party.

>> No.239949

Link to download this game?

>> No.239971

Uhh,okay to whoever that played me no offense as harsh as this might sound but,learn the game a little better before you start playing against human opponents.

As to how you can improve,I dont know,learn some basic combo's,fight the AI a bit, choose a character that you feel relaxed with. Just get to a relaxed feel for the game. You can improve, just dont try to rush it.

Good game,lets play again when you get better.

I'll take one more(Even though this is only the second fight) since it's getting pretty late.

>> No.240010


Though if you didn't notice, I'm pretty noob at this game >__>. Thanks for them though, I had a blast. I'm also new to this concept of sticks...

>> No.240015

I'm so used to playing in delay 8 or 9 (lol New Zealand) that I can't do anything in practice mode that I can in netplay.

>> No.240017


Nice offense. Just need to learn some combo's and you're set to go.

>> No.240104



Dang charge up moves.

>> No.240105

Good games to whomever I played,10 matches is enough. I'd be in some seriously bad situations tommorow if I went further than that. Let's play each other again next time when im not so strapped for time.

Good night

>> No.240383

Beginner here, any europeans wanna play? :P

>> No.240451

Nice games. You are pretty darn good with Nanaya.

>> No.240512


Yeah, it was fun :p
I know some basic moves with nanaya but mostly I just improvise..
My keyboard suddenly didn't want to respond ingame so I had to quit..

But I'm still hosting if anyone wants to play :)

>> No.240645
Decent casual

>> No.242840

Bump and rehosting,

>> No.242898

Pro here

>> No.242930

Apparently not as pro you think you are.

>> No.242949

Eastern US
casual fag who can only really play Ciel and Arcueid

>> No.242953

casual - west coast prefered

>> No.243026

Lol router ip.

>> No.243032

Still hosting

>> No.243043

Sorry, had to fix my pad. Rehosting.

>> No.243059


>> No.243075

timeout ;_;

>> No.243094


You closed it again,bah oh well.

Anyone want to play me?

>> No.243232

5[c] oki only works in netplay, you're way too fond of it. Also, don't get too cocky towards anon.

>> No.243298


>> No.243314

Pad bugged out again, gonna take a break GGs

>> No.243325

East Coast

>> No.243518


So what your saying is to cut down on 5[c]? That wouldnt be a problem but I have no idea where to go from there on wake up's(Or guarding pretty much,putting throw's aside since i'm sure i'd just get hit before im close enough for that.) 5[c] really seems like the best option for me since if I dont charge it,it can be whiffed out of.

The charge is just a mind game thing, I actually do fully intend for you to dodge that and,or use it against me or rather just become wary of it. It's a hell of a risky move that no one expect's,thats sort of why I charge it. But I personally prefer the uncharged version since its easier to manipulate.

TL;DR,I'd change what I do if I knew a more definate(Or rather in my case,a safer way) way of dealing damage. If anyone has suggestions im more than willing to try them since I fail to be strategic whatsoever in the middle of battle.

I have no idea what oki is by the way.

>> No.243519

looking for host

>> No.243569

casual - west coast prefered

>> No.243650

On 0 delay, it's easy to shield/sidestep 5[c] and punish. oki = okizeme, AKA what you do when the opponent is knocked down. You might want to try to IAD (Instant Air-Dash, a 6956 or 4754 motion) a jC or jB. Then again, I don't know shit about Shiki.

>> No.243796 hosting

>> No.243806

GGs Miyako player you are getting better

>> No.243813


>> No.243824


>> No.243949
Come on, have a taste of my 0 day Warc.

>> No.244044


>> No.244231

Thanks for the games, anon, I think it was good training.

>> No.244300


>> No.244354


Nah,I trust that you have a better understanding than I do of this game. I'll give your stratagy a shot in my next game and try to lessen the time's I use 5C.

Anyone still up for a game?

>> No.244565


>> No.244653


>> No.244751


>> No.244752

Are you still hosting? My connection died.

>> No.244756

To the person I was facing,was that on purpose or did your internet suddenly die or something?

Good games if it's the first choice,otherwise im still hosting.

>> No.244794


That's me by the way,now attempting to trip this thing up. Failure is imminent.

>> No.245090


>> No.245105

OMG. I got raped.
0-27. GGs, Nanaya.

Oh a question.
um...durimng the last matches, I noticed that your B,B turned purple after a feint shield there.
What was that?

>> No.245173

Are you guys using MBR or MBAC?

>> No.245191


>> No.245195

Always AC.

>> No.245247

It's the Bunker Shield. Input is 214D. If you input during a blockstun or before getting hit, it clashes and counter hits the opponent. It's weak, but it gets out of some string's blockstuns so you can counter, and can be canceled into other moves.

>> No.245257

Sounds funky.

>> No.245262

If you want I could show you, but I really can't Bunker Cancel well, only Bunker Shield

>> No.245281


Bunker Cancel is useless in this version of Act Cadenza; they've gradually been weakening it since original arcade version. It was a bug originally, so it's understandable.

Unless you play as Kouma, of course. Then it's still brutally awesome. "So you want to hit me more than once, eh? KOUMA DUUUUUNK!"

>> No.245303

Argentina, third world casuals unite! Hosting.

>> No.245357

Lol yeah, that 214c off a cancel is brutal.

>> No.245374

Gah, it keeps closing itself. Why could that be?

>> No.245393
us east, casual, reserving right to drop if delay is 5 or higher

>> No.245397

Actually I am A kouma User.
And since I see the AI use it so much and it turns out awesome, I wanted to find out how.

@_@ my fingers are dead from playing Nanaya.

>> No.245412

Bump for any third world meltyfag that wants to play

>> No.245450


>> No.245453

no one hostan?

>> No.245471


>> No.245492



>> No.245550

I'm normal now.


>> No.245559


>> No.245658
USWest anyone

>> No.245663


>> No.245763

youre a top tier tourneyfag lol ggs

>> No.245808


>> No.245833

sorry had to go. ggs...im going to guess thats psy.

they need to remove nero's 5c

>> No.245840


Good Games. Those were some really fun matches even though your Ciel beat my Warakia to a pulp pretty easily. Thanks for the games.

>> No.245844


>> No.245848

ya i was trying to have a little fun with my alts was gg's all around.

p.s. i never hesitate to use ciel against nero... ever.

>> No.245886


Ah, yeah. That Ciel of yours is pretty damn awesome. I thought I had you for a few moments when I was playing Nero but obviously I didn't.

I should probably use my alternates a bit more, I normally just go Warakia though I also use Akiha and Nero... but my Akiha needs a lot more work.

>> No.245914


i played in a tournament once

>> No.245945

>> No.246003


>> No.246007, awesome matches :D. here

>> No.246018

Also, is it me or MBAC's netplay thingy is miles ahead of MBR's?

>> No.246035

Times New Roman forever

>> No.246037

ggs vakiha guy, i dont why it was lagging so bad

>> No.246147


Believe I played you before. Shame for the lag though. Corner game makes me want to kill kittens.

>> No.246150

ggs, don't know why it started lagging after the first few rounds.

>> No.246185

how are you guys playing this? that ggpo bullshit?

>> No.246254

GGs. That lag on the last match made me want to pull out my hair, though.

>> No.246258

Sorry for quiting during the last match.
So goddamn laggy, I didn't feel that last one counted.


>> No.246622

GG. It was nice to meet someone who can use nanaya on par with me, I usually get owned by other nanayas. You're really good with kohaku

>> No.246676

Agreed, his Kohaku made it quite hard to play (and I seriously suck big balls at defending high attacks)

>> No.247599

Anyone here? hosting.
