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2341928 No.2341928 [Reply] [Original]

Rin True GET. Now, should I go back through and get the Good End right now, or save it as an antidepressant after the infamously sad Heaven's Feel /jp/?

>> No.2341938

UBW Good End is shit.

>> No.2341939

>the infamously sad Heaven's Feel

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.2341943

Just play HF. UBW Good is nothing to write home about.

>> No.2341944

You get to sex Sakura in HF, which instantly makes it the best route. That's not depressing.

>> No.2341946

Sakura is a dirty little slut.

>> No.2341948

How dare you.

>> No.2341951

Sakura is love, good cooking, and undeniably attractive moe.

>> No.2341952

Correction, Sakura is a sexy little slut.

>> No.2341954

how does being raped make one a slut?

>> No.2341956

Bringing the knife down.

You need to get all the endings to get the special Taiga/Ilya scene anyway (though I haven't played it in awhile, so it may just be all BAD ends) so I'd suggest just getting it before going to HF.

>> No.2341958


>> No.2341962

It doesn't, but it IS an important factor in being and Erotical Black Hole. The other factor is LOL PLOT!

>> No.2341969


>> No.2341985

>undeniably attractive

I'm denying it.

>> No.2341999

It's not Sakura that everyone hates, it's her route (well, Kotomine and Ilya's route that happens to involves SEX with her). Heaven's Feel drops bridges on Assassin and Lancer after they were utterly awesome in UBW, and it's mentioned that we don't get an Ilya route because HF took to long. Plus the Saber stabbing.

>> No.2342001

Shirou fucked you're Rin.

>> No.2342015

Don't forget Berserker, the mindless hero that made us feel sad with ONE scene, together with the dying blind loli on his foot.

>> No.2342021

Nasu himself stated F/SN would be ten times more awesome if Berserker wasn't under permanent Mad Enhancement.

>> No.2342026

Lest we forget: NORMAL END.

>> No.2342031

Yeah, his brief moment of clarity in Fate made that pretty clear.

>> No.2342048

I don't recall.

What happened?

>> No.2342062

He was revealed to pretty much be like Fate Zero Rider.

The Toblerone and the Worth Opponent, if you will.

>> No.2342074

Well, not quite Toblerone, but most certainly Worthy Opponent.

>> No.2342098
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Are we forgetting someone ?

>> No.2342108

No, I don't think anyone was displeased to see Gil eaten by a shadow. After all, he IS a dick.

>> No.2342130

No, I pretty much just dislike Sakura.

>> No.2342136

>Shirou jackhammered you're Rin.

Also, if Shirou is the jackhammer, doesn't that make Rin the sidewalk or something?

>> No.2342141

Well she DOES do a lot of mass murder in her route and make our idealistic to the point of insanity main character abandon everything that drove him for the first two routes, so there's fair reason for that.

>> No.2342145

Well, MOST characters outside Shirou,Saber,Rin have up to TWO routes to shine or do their thing, not more.

After Fate and UBW, Gil got sidelined in HF.

>> No.2342159

Yeah, and everyone was pissed that Lancer and Assassin only really get one, while these two new dicks (Zouken and True Assassin) fuck up everything for the rest of the cast, who aside of Kotomine, Gil, and Shinji we've grown quite fond of these last two routes. At least we get Rider.

>> No.2342167

I don't even care about all that. I just don't like her. Her personal qualities.

>> No.2342171

What's wrong with her? Erotical Black Holeness?

>> No.2342190

She exists to cook for us in the first two routes, and then suddenly LOL PLOT, LOL ANGST, and LOL I'M FUCKING SHIT UP FOR THE REST OF THE CAST. And we're supposed to CARE about the first two, while we're supposed to ignore the last one.

>> No.2342198

Fuck you people and your irrational hatred for Sakura. Only on /jp/ could a victim of incestual rape be considered a slut. She cooks and cleans for you, worries about you, and truly loves you.

Saber spends most of her time stuffing her face and acting like ditz, letting you know she's going to abandon your ass so she can wallow in misery and go back in time to die.

Rin has some redeeming features in teaching you magic, but she has the annoying ability to make herself sound like a complete cunt anytime she opens her mouth. I'm sure if the game was any longer she'd constantly harp to Shirou about how much better Archer was. Bitch.

While these two clowns are only fucking you for mana, Sakura is doing it for love. She also doesn't bitch about jackhammering. Plus she's moe as hell in an archery uniform.


Sakura > Rin > Saber

>> No.2342208

Would you like some cheese with your pasta?

>> No.2342212

Seen this before, bro.

>> No.2342215

Suffer not the witch to live. Smite the purple-haired child.

>> No.2342219

Can't say I care about Sakura, but it strikes me as odd that you'll defend Akiha, who has an even WORSE personality.

>> No.2342229
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>>>saying anything bad about Akiha

>> No.2342232
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Sakura is a naughty girl and it makes me hard

>> No.2342242
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No, she doesn't. Akiha's personality is perfect for the role she plays, which is adorable younger sister who has adult responsibilities, but still wants her nii-san.

>> No.2342252

>>>still wants her nii-san
And that's about where I draw the line. Now granted, they oh who the fuck am I kidding, we all know they aren't related but the fact that she calls him that WHILE THEY'RE FUCKING makes it hard to ignore.

>> No.2342253

Akiha doesn't eat neighbors

>> No.2342259

She doesn't like Ciel, she gets docked some points for that.

>> No.2342261
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I only like pure women.

Pic unrelated, total slut.

>> No.2342264

...If that's your issue with a character, then I know I don't have to ever take you seriously.

>> No.2342265

She doesn't like any of the other four. Even Hisui and Kohaku are on her list, albeit far lower than Arc or Ciel.

>> No.2342270
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>but the fact that she calls him that WHILE THEY'RE FUCKING makes it hard to ignore

Why would you want to ignore it?

>> No.2342271

and yet she saves Kohaku's life?

>> No.2342274

moaning "brother" during sex is so fucking hot

>> No.2342280

Well I suppose any fighting she does with Kohaku is confined to when she's on SHIKI. SHIKI: the potent drug that turns your tsunderes into yanderes.

>> No.2342282

Like/dislike are natural feelings.
Besides, her brother she hadn't seen for 10 years almost completely ignores her in all other routes but hers, she will have issues with the ones responsible.

>> No.2342290

I'm going to go ahead and paraphrase Genshiken on this one. "Imouto is for people WITHOUT actual imoutos." Or weirdos, but I'm on the internet, so that one is not a legitimate complaint.

>> No.2342292

>She doesn't like Ciel, she gets added some points for that.

She jumps in the path of SHIKI to save Kohaku, even though she knows Kohaku is behind it all.

She doesn't treat Hisui very nicely, but she has made sure they have enough money to retire for life should they choose to leave.

Akiha also approves of Kohaku and Shiki when all is said and done.

She's a lot better than Sakura. At least Akiha has a good reason for what she does.

>> No.2342297
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Not really yandere, since she didn't really have these feelings before hand and is more due to EXTERNAL influences.
She simply goes wild.
I guess it's because it has a romantic focus that we label its as such though.

>> No.2342320

UBW True End is the Good End.

>> No.2342325
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But what about Rin's harem? She NEEDS her harem.

>> No.2342335

She sort of does have those emotions before hand. She just ignores them. Having a lot of demonic blood in you makes you think about crazy shit, like "if he's not mine, then I should just eat him."

>> No.2342337

UBW Good End is the True end, in a similar fashion.

>> No.2342340

...OH. Well that's just awesome.

>> No.2342346
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Or: I should totally fucking murder my sister and best friends. It'll be fun!

>> No.2342367

And HA is the True End of the whole franchise? (barring of course, a remake with Taiga/Ilya/Caster routes)

>> No.2342382

Whats the problem? You talk like its weird to not have a sister.

>> No.2342384

Well, the conclusion it offers is that REGARDLESS OF WHAT HAPPENED in F/SN, Bazzet lives and Avenger goes to the void and rests, while Caren is the new church girl , so sure.

>> No.2342388
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He lost you it seems.

>> No.2342395

And everyone lives.
>>>no they don't, it was just an illusionary time loop created by-

>> No.2342420 [DELETED] 

Or maybe they did. It's like Kagetsu, we aren't quite sure WHAT happened. Although I suppose in the former case it would HAVE to be either Arc or Ciel Good End.

>> No.2342423

Or maybe they did. It's like Kagetsu, we aren't quite sure WHAT happened. Although I suppose in the latter case it would HAVE to be either Arc or Ciel Good End.

>> No.2342433

Akiha isn't most imouto, though. She's refined, and wears the pants in the family.

>> No.2342505

That doesn't really change things.

>> No.2342521
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I disagree.

>> No.2342530

Oh it's cute, I'll give you that, it just isn't sexy.

>> No.2342541

I would post erotic, but everything that I have that is erotic between the two is, how should I say, malum prohibitum.

>> No.2342556
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Nobody loves you as much as your adopted family, because your parents are dead~.

>> No.2342622


then post with spoilers. Geez...

>> No.2342676

What I'm saying is that imouto just isn't fucking sexy to me. It can be cute as hell, but once it gets sexually explicit I lose patience. Akiha herself is sexy though.

>> No.2342682

Fair enough.

>> No.2342721

>while Caren is the new church girl , so sure.
Didn't Kotomine got replaced by a jolly old man?

>> No.2342726

I feel pity for you, as there is something clearly wrong with you.

>> No.2342750

According to UBW at least. HA changes this to a snarky church lady with a whip.

>> No.2342846

Well, he was old and DIED.
Thus, Caren comes to replace him.When she comes, 6 months have passed.

>> No.2342858

Freeing Gil and Lancer from the tyranny of garlic!

>> No.2342914

HF Normal End is HF True End.

>> No.2342972

Personally, my main issue with Heavens Feel isn't the characters. Though Sakura was never really my favourite character in it by a long shot, but I wouldn't say I greatly disliked her.

My main beef was with the terrible inconsistent pacing HF has. Things start (once you get onto the arc) off at a rollicking pace, with servants getting dispatched left right and centre, then Saber dies and the plotline slows to a fucking pretentious crawl. The next 8 - 10 hours it takes before we get to where we're rescuing Iyla from the castle could have been cut to about half and nothing of value would be lost.
After that point though shit get's stupidly epic. Ridiculously epic.

I don't mind the character direction that Shirou takes in HF, as the thought 'Come to think of it, wanting to be a superhero is a bit retarded isn't it?' is probably the smartest idea he has in the entire game.
All of Kotomine's characterization is brilliant, and I wouldn't want it cut for anything, from his fight with Assassin to him Cock-Blocking Shiro at the end before the Good End, Kotomine is truly awesome in Heavens Feel.

Honestly the only thing that rankles for me is the piss poor pacing, and all of the Jobbing the servants do to make Avenger seem dangerous. Everything else is golden, from 9 Lives Works, to Rin's fight with the Gem Sword, even Zelretch and his three lines in the good end is amazing.

I just have to keep coming back to poor pacing though, it really let's the whole story down.

>> No.2342979

>>>to make Avenger seem dangerous
Which they instantly destroy in HA, by making him worthless as anything but Bazette's extra life system.

>> No.2342985

durr hurr not saem person durr

>> No.2342993

It's Angra Manyu (or whatever) except it's just some random peasant dude and not a Persian dark god at all in both cases. So yes it IS the same person.

>> No.2342996

He is useless as a Servant, he is a menace when fulfilling the human wish of 'All evils in the world'.

>> No.2342997
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>> No.2343001

I'm aware. I just had to ruin that actually serious review somehow, and I choked.

>> No.2343006 [DELETED] 

>Which they instantly destroy in HA, by making him worthless as anything but Bazette's extra life system.

Which was how he was in the 3rd grail war, he supposed to be the sum of all evils super baddass, but he lost early on, much to that war's Einzberns dissapointment.

The problems started when he entered the grail system, he basic nature was to be 'all of the worlds evils' and he managed to corrupt the grail because of this.

It's this corruptive essence, powered by the grail that's so dangerous, and if F/HA is anything to go by, Kotomine was right to say 'hey guy's let's wait for this thing to get born before we decide if he's evil or not okay?"

>> No.2343003
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>> No.2343014 [DELETED] 

>>>Kotomine was right
...It's not something you WANT to say, but yeah, actually.

>> No.2343020
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Elegant yandere Akiha is very hot

>> No.2343023

>Which they instantly destroy in HA, by making him worthless as anything but Bazette's extra life system.

Which was how he was in the 3rd grail war, he's supposed to be the sum of all evil's super baddass, but he lost early on, much to the Einzbern's dissapointment.

The problems started when he entered the grail system, as his basic nature was to be 'all of the worlds evils' and he managed to corrupt the grail because of this.

It's this corruptive essence, powered by the grail that's so dangerous.
But if F/HA is anything to go by, Kotomine was right to say 'hey guy's let's wait for this thing to get born before we decide if he's evil or not okay?"

edited for retarded errors.

>> No.2343029


>>>Kotomine was right
...It's not something you WANT to say, but yeah, actually

>> No.2343044


No, he's not.
One is Angra who was killed by his fellow villagers for being evil incarnate.

And one is Angra, who IS the Incarnation of mankinds sins and all evil.

Significant difference.

>> No.2343062


So, the one in F/HA is the real Angra,

And the one in HF is the villagers perceptions of Angra made manifest?

>> No.2343126

The holy grail is a vessel designed to use it's near infinite source of magic to grant wishes.

Avenger(Angra the person) connected it to the villagers wish that there be a central source of all humanities sins.

Or something like that.

>> No.2343144

Why not summon Ahura Mazda?

>> No.2343148

Cause unlike poor Angra, no human was forced to that role, I guess.

>> No.2343314


>> No.2343393



Basically Angru Maniya's non evil opposite.

>> No.2343395


Okay, you lost me here

>> No.2343853


Lets say you have two people.

They look exactly the same, and have the same name.

But one is a guy who spent the later years of his life suffering endless torture and persecution because his village randomly chose him as the incarnate of evil.

And the other guy IS the actual embodiment of evil, given form and power by a fount of infinite magic ironically named the Holy Grail.

>> No.2343911

Which brings us to discussing
what stats Jesus would have,
also Caster or Lancer depending on whether he gets the spear of destiny

>> No.2343915

can;t Jesus be a Berserker?

>> No.2343927
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The Spear of Destiny belonged to Longinus, not Jesus.

He'd be a below-average Lancer with a FUCKAWESOME Noble Phantasm.

Spear that can pierce the son of God, bitch.

Anyway Jesus isn't a Heroic Spirit, he's a Divine Mystery.

>> No.2343953

if Nasus taught me anything its that you can be both
...yeah he really hasn't has he?

>> No.2344070

Here's the meticulous rules of my universe, codified and calculated. Now here's all the exceptions, aka the cast.

>> No.2344074

Lion of God, bitch.

>> No.2344079

Nah, not really.

>> No.2344094

Lancer Jesus' Noble Phantasm would be stabbing himself in the side with his lance to die for your sins, which would be a one-hit KO for any servant he was fighting. So as to not be COMPLETELY overpowered, it would weaken Jesus for some time, depending on the strength of the servant. For example, Caster would leave him immobile for a day, but Berserker would be immobile for one to two weeks. I dunno

>> No.2344122

dont be gay
He calls out "Crucifixion" and the spear stabs the opponent five times in an instant.

>> No.2344130

Berserker Jesus would have the following as a Noble Phantasm:

Wherever he goes, the sky darkens and thunderstorms start. Then fireballs start coming out of the clouds instead of rain. Also, he knows kungfu, and reality within 5 feet of him randomly warps around.

>> No.2344145

Is it possible that the entire city of Atlantis would qualify as a Servant? I don't think there's an specific people mentioned, it's just a legendary city. I imagine it as a genderless Caster or Rider, until it uses it's noble phantasm, upon which the whole city is transformed and the people of Atlantis (weapons and all) manifest in the form of LEGION.

>> No.2344159

...And now I want to see that fight Fate Zero Rider. It would be the most win thing ever, except maybe Shirou vs Gilgamesh in UBW.

>> No.2344164

Off topic: I love this game's music.

New Dawn 1&2
Sword of Promised Victory
Today's Meal
And of course: EMIYA.
