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File: 173 KB, 500x500, yume2kki1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2340554 No.2340554 [Reply] [Original]

Yume2kki 0.64

Exploran tiem.

Will post translated changelog as soon as the download is done.

>> No.2340567

Does it still play at 320x240?
My monitors can't handle that resolution.

>> No.2340563

Your efforts are appreciated, Anonymous.

>> No.2340603

- "dash" function is added, the shift key toggles it
- changed major system
- version check and save-data check is added
- added museum
- added "picture folder" on your ingame PC
- added underwater map
- added twin chainsaw event
- added 2 new events that has something to do with a coloured map
- added "War anime", "Water gun" and "Flame" effects (I think they're effects?)

aaand a bunch of bugfixes, nothing major.

>> No.2340607

>>2340603 version check and save-data check is added
So save files from previous versions no longer work?

>> No.2340609

+繋ぎ部屋 Museum追加 ※まだどこにもリンクしていません。
 ネタ元 うpロダの画像、仮面の絵描きさん(行動が3パターンあります。
>>20部屋 海底MAP追加 場所はパイプの世界の先です。 ※まだ何も無い。
>>20部屋 双子 チェーンソ後の処理を変更。殺すとしばらく復活しません。
>>20部屋 カラーマップ まるい緑のやつにカンテライベント追加。
>>20部屋 カラーマップ 仏様白毫イベントの色合い調整。
+戦闘アニメ 水泡、炎追加 ※自由に使用、カスタムしてください。
+system_kyouyu_gazou01.png 画像追加、修正
+PC画面 ブルーバックをピクチャーフォルダに追加。セーブチェックで使

>> No.2340611

>- "dash" function is added, the shift key toggles it

>> No.2340612

They still work, haven't discovered what the checks do yet

>> No.2340613

Press F4 and F5

>> No.2340621

Can someone post the changelog for .63?

>> No.2340624

That didn't work when I tried it on the original.
The only solution I have is to bump down my resolution if I want to play it without having a tiny window.
Oh well, thanks anyway.

>> No.2340625

There are some BGM changes too, so watch out for that.

>> No.2340626

Holy shit, there's like 5 extra MB

>> No.2340633

So how do I update my old version?

>> No.2340639

replace old files with new ones

>> No.2340643

I missed 0.63, what did it add?

>> No.2340649

removed minigame (for now)

>> No.2340650

What? That shit was awesome

>> No.2340665

カラーマップ is the Techno Vishnu map.
I assume they're referring to the girls in the theater/organ rooms as the twins.

>> No.2340686
File: 15 KB, 644x484, 441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2340691

is that some bwains sticking out of her head?

>> No.2340716

anyone find anything?

>> No.2340719

I'm not going to fucking run around the same shit thirty times a week.

I'm just gonna wait for the 1.0 release.

>> No.2340732

it's gonna be about a year or so before it's finished you know

>> No.2340749

The mysterious white room past the pipe organ. Go there.

>> No.2340787

I found something new.

Go to the eyeball people room. Go up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right. Talk to the male, then the female eyeball person.

This opens the way to a new area with some creatures that are probably part of another puzzle.

>> No.2340790

Whenever I try to use an effect the game crashes. Anybody else got this problem?

>> No.2340881

You need to install everything and extract the game using 7-zip or something that's not Winrar in Applocale mode.
I didn't save the instructions, though.

>> No.2340910
File: 13 KB, 640x480, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing colors everywhere and a mini BSOD scared the fuck out of me.
So yeah, save files from 0.062 are not compatible.

>> No.2340922
File: 65 KB, 640x480, rpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems you also need RPG_RT.exe 1.51 to play this version.
But didn't I get it from http://2nd.geocities.jp/tkooldraque/sample/001.html , where it's already the 1.51 version?

>> No.2340958
File: 41 KB, 640x480, rpg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, weird. I went to http://www34.atwiki.jp/yumenikki_g/pages/24.html , it sent me to Google, I found ttp://mirv.s16.xrea.com/rpg2k/data/RPG_RT2000_151.zip everywhere and looks like the game still says it's 1.50.

>> No.2340966


I'm getting this too...

>> No.2340971

This isn't new, was in the old versions as well.

>> No.2341021 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 640x480, howamibreathingunderwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2341760

That was fast.

>> No.2342257

0.65 out
Dunno what's new

>> No.2342302

That was fast.

>> No.2342409
File: 6 KB, 640x480, games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ver 0.065 09/03/31 Y0M
#だれか BGM たのむ

Compatible with 0.064's saves.
The new mini-game is kinda cool.

>> No.2342414
File: 16 KB, 640x480, bgm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, what does this say?

>> No.2342526

BGM perform normally?
.dont know

>> No.2342716

Well I never heard anyone talking about it before.

>> No.2342718 [DELETED] 

i am a heron. i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

>> No.2343121

Also bump for 0.065.

>> No.2343181

Does anyone have a download for 0.63?

>> No.2343188

Why would you not get the latest version?

>> No.2343200

If he's anything like me, he's trying to collect every version.

>> No.2343253
File: 164 KB, 640x863, 1807778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.2343342

Has anyone found anything? I found the underwater area and figured out the puzzle room area, but that's all so far.

Also, did you know that you can burn up the flower in the fairy room?

>> No.2343348

You can set fire to a surprising number of things.

>> No.2344117

Does anyone else's down key seem to be broken after the 0.65 patch? When I start the game up, its stuck going down and theres no way to go up.

>> No.2344155

For me it seems to work fine. Maybe try starting the game up without pressing any buttons (except the load screen of course) and see what happens?

>> No.2344241

Has anyone found the museum or the "twin chainsaw" event

>> No.2344293
File: 3 KB, 640x480, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things I noticed:
- Looks like you go to this room whenever that ghost gets you now. Goddamn, that music is creepy. If you go left, you'll get stuck on a loop, unless you go through the door when the ghost appears - in this case, you'll wake up instantly.
- Underwater room is awesome.
- That purple monsters thing where they'll ambush you doesn't always happen (maybe that's what the creator said in a past version's changelog).

Still nothing. However, I believe the twin chainsaw event is related to the girl in the theater world, who sends you to the organ girl. But I can't kill them, they're just so cute ;_;

>> No.2344336 [DELETED] 

The ghost thing has been very old
And yes there's a 1/26 chance for the purple men

I'll save before i kill the girls then

>> No.2344363 [DELETED] 

i killed both of them but now what do i do

>> No.2344506

Where is the theater world anyways?

I really can never find anything you guys talk about... maybe I'm not exploring enough but I can't find any points of interest..

>> No.2344530

White stone -> walk around until you find a chocolate bar -> walk around until you find a similar chocolate bar
Explore, explore and explore.

>> No.2344531

Chocolate world. There are two doors made of white chocolate. One leads to the park/forest world, while the other leads to a theater.

>> No.2344666

I've been doing that, but its like the down key is stuck.
But when trying other games its fine.

>> No.2344687

But it works fine with earlier versions? Hopefully, next patch will work fine for you.

>> No.2345253

Aging thread for more information

>> No.2345523

A mistake in the translation:

The museum world is finished, but not inserted in to the game yet.

>> No.2345564

Ah, that explains it. Thanks.
By the way, can anyone translate 0.065's changelog? It's here. >>2342409

>> No.2345621

Minigame B added

Modified some force-awaking events go to directly to the balcony (in real life) when you wake up.

Adding some.. 10 people killing thing?
Can't translate +10人目割り当て追加

>> No.2345817 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 650x509, tele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried using the telephone when the vampire girl is reading?

(Where did she go?)

>> No.2346418

That's the long way to get there. The short way is to go to Hindu World, then walk west until you reach an electrical spark thing, then go north until you see a door.

>> No.2346426

I don't know, but she never comes back...

>> No.2346445

I wouldn't know because I killed her.

>> No.2346453

She never comes back. ;_;

>> No.2346493

I can't unzip .65 or .64!

What do I do?

>> No.2347793

