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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 92 KB, 1219x650, AMERICA!..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2335758 No.2335758 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I'm a Germanfag but I was just wondering:

What do the Japanese think about Americans?

I see a lot of people talking about how the Japs love Americans and American culture, but that just dosn't seem right considering history.

>> No.2335762

baka gaijin etc

>> No.2335761

japan hates everyone

>> No.2335763

What do germans think of jews

>> No.2335765

What do Americans think of Japanese.

>> No.2335767
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>> No.2335771


fuckin SAVED

>> No.2335775

Americans are truly free

>> No.2335777

They are infatuated with America because we're the only friend they have that likes them back.

>> No.2335781

Japanese kiss the toilets an Americans sat on. Do you actually watch anime?

> that just doesn't seem right considering history

All Japs know that they suffered a totally unprovoked invasion by the Americans in WWII but they are very forgiving.

>> No.2335788
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>> No.2335790
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>> No.2335794

Mika ;_______________________;

>> No.2335798

What, is she dead?

>> No.2335807

Instead of raping and pillaging Japan after they surrendered, we extended a hand and only raped them, but no pillaging. We didn't sack their Emperor and made Tojo take the blame and left a lasting impression as generous victors.

Following WW2, the Japanese rebuild Japan in the American model the same way they had done so with the Germans many years early, so you will also notice that the Japanese also kiss the ground the Germans walk on.

There are many stories to read about how Japanese people were very scared when they first encountered Americans during the occupation, but were quickly won over by GAIJIN CHARISMA! I think they might have felt the same way about any western country, but America happen to be the occupier of Japan. Except the Russians, they totally would have regretted having them around.

>> No.2335809
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>> No.2335814

Trying getting an apartment in Japan, and you'll understand how much they hate us...

>> No.2335818

ITT delusional amerifags.

>> No.2335825

> you will also notice that the Japanese also kiss the ground the Germans walk on

Long running, groundless myth. Germans = villains/Nazi in anime which is again an American cultural import of course.

>> No.2335828
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>> No.2335829

There's a reason for that. From what I heard some gaijins just up and leave without paying rent and a lot of stuff.
There even is a name for those types, but I'd understand why they do that for some apartments and even stores.

>> No.2335831

Um, no. That has nothing to do with being American, as it's the same for any non-jap.

>> No.2335833
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The Japanese have a xenophobic hatred of everything foreign, but at the same time envy and admire us so much. America represents the duality of what they both long for so much and what they absolutely hate, the relationship between our two countries is very complex.

>> No.2335834

People will like you as long you don't act like a faggot. You know, wearing some anime shirt and having those anime messenger bags. Mother fuckers.

>> No.2335837


>> No.2335855


pretty much

>> No.2335863
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>> No.2335864


>> No.2335897


> country full of proud superpatriots who stick to tradition

Only in America somebody could think of this as admirable.

>> No.2335909
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>> No.2335911


>> No.2335918



>> No.2335927

Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. What the hell.

also, source

>> No.2335947

Only in Europe do people actually believe that.

>> No.2335995

Everyone hates amerikkka.

>> No.2336001

Well, my mom does have huge tits, and I do drink diet pepsi almost everyday...

>> No.2336006

>diet pepsi
I just hope you don't actually think you can lose weight by drinking diet pepsi.

>> No.2336025
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>> No.2336023

Naw, I drink it because it's the only soda that doesn't burn my tongue (as much)

>> No.2336941


Honest response? I can't speak for all of them, but I can say that out of the Japanese people I know personally, none of them harbor any kind of resentment, hatred, or misconception about Americans. One Japanese friend of mine might as well be American. He lives in a western-style place in Tokyo, speaks perfect English, has spent time in every state in America, and visits Seattle every chance he gets.

>> No.2336970

Finland: Bwaahhhh

>> No.2336980

they take everybody money and they never give it back

>> No.2336981

newfriends detected

>> No.2336989

finland is pretty awesome.
welfares and legal loli for the win!

>> No.2337040

lol i like this discussion

>> No.2337046


>> No.2337090

Que the pic of this woman with an american Flag pole up a bound and gag Japanese woman ass...


>> No.2337124



>> No.2337146


/rs/ Viva Freedom

>> No.2337326
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>> No.2337403

I'm from Texas and I live in Japan.
In my experiences...

Yes I feel that Japanese people are a very xenophobic bunch. To all non-Japanese (hell, to even other Japanese sometimes).

I've never experienced dissent over the war. Its pretty much like ancient history now.

Japanese people seem very prone to believing stereotypes and garbage from TV. Countless times I've been asked about if I have guns and horses.

>> No.2337541

They like having gaijin friends but they have a deep-seated resentment that will never allow a gaijin to truly mix in with them as part of the group.

>> No.2337582

haven't seen that one in ages


>> No.2337592

You've never been in the USA outside the state and asked if you ride a horse to school?

I have, COUNTLESS times. It's kind of annoying, until you mention the "ol' shootout in the saloon to give Bandit Pete the noose"

They'll usually catch on at that point, but it would be interesting to see if Japanese people don't.

>> No.2337600
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>> No.2337614

Us here Southern Americans hate them thar Japerneez yes sir.

>> No.2337620

Another Texas fag here.

You can push the cowboy stuff far, double so if you've got the "getup." I even got it past one person that since Texas can separate at any time, we also have the right to bypass federal law and execute without trial. Shit was funny.

>> No.2337622
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>> No.2337657

I'm from Wyoming so I have to deal with that shit too. I'm sure most Americans are just as likely to buy into stereotypes as any Japanese.

>> No.2337659

Americans are the worst

>> No.2337676
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>> No.2337679

And egyptian guys. They're all emo faggots, listening to sad music and writing depressing poetry. And get offended. Oh wait, emoguys from any other country are like that too.

>> No.2337687
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>Hey /jp/, I'm a Germanfag

>> No.2337693
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>> No.2337695

"Oh, you're from Utah? Are you mormon? Are your parents polygamists?"

I get that shit all the time and I'm an atheist. While it's true over half of my family are cultist LDS christfags, it annoys me that the semi-sane ones are sometimes associated with the polyfag fundies down south (and anyone from UT for that matter).

>> No.2337699


I'm from Georgia. I get asked all the time if I married my sister.

I say no.. she was all ready taken and then I punch 'em in the face!

>> No.2337703
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This is the typical american woman.

>> No.2337706


I wish. All the women here are fugly!

>> No.2337719
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Other germanfag here.
I think a lot hate america and a lot loev america.
But I think japs like germany a little more.
In Japan are nazis super cool and japanese people like it to wear nazi-uniforms.

>> No.2337728


Americans love Nazis too. We have many Nazi lovers here in Arkansas...

>> No.2337729

>In Japan are nazis super cool and japanese people like it to wear nazi-uniforms.
I don't think the whole country feels that way, bro.

>> No.2337731

Everyone hates amerifags.

>> No.2337739
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Nazi manga daio

>> No.2337746

amerikkka is the worst country in the world

>> No.2337750
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>> No.2337753

No, the worst countries are near Turkey, Afghanistan, other "stans" and Iran.

>> No.2337755

America is the new Soviet Russia. But with capitalism! :^\YES!/

>> No.2337756

Ok, thats right.
But germans can not wear nazi-uniforms.
The german law = big pussy!
And germany is full of moralfags or in german "Gutmenschen"! I hate it!!!

>> No.2337762

amerikkka made these countries bad because they invaded them with illegal war, and is worse

>> No.2337767

Seems like the younger generations love America while the older more xenophobic generation hates everyone.
Make friends with people your age that aren't from the back woods and things should go fine I guess.

>> No.2337770
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>> No.2337774
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>In Japan are nazis super cool and japanese people like it to wear nazi-uniforms.

For some reason I can't quite put my finger on, I don't think they're in it for the ideology.

>> No.2337781

I rate countries "awesomeness" based on their music.. and so far Finland wins. Germany was close though with a close second!

>> No.2337785

metal sucks shit through a straw

>> No.2337782
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>> No.2337788



But.. I love metal...

>> No.2337792

Uh huh. I always love gutter trash political cartoons, especially because they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.2337800

I've always wanted to put on cat-ears and have a sign close by encouraging someone to take me home.

>> No.2337803
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>> No.2337813

The war in Iraq isn't illegal

>> No.2337817
File: 8 KB, 171x161, my name is mika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! My name is Mika! Japanese were very nice to me!

>> No.2337829

That's so cute.

>> No.2337837

Neither was the Patriot Act, because it stated that the country may be at war with people currently taking residence in the US. Technically legal, the BEST kind of legal.

>> No.2337841

japanese love brand names

>> No.2337846

America is Russia today.
