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2334999 No.2334999 [Reply] [Original]

Cannabis has been an integral part of Japanese culture since the beginnings of its history. Cannabis is a sacred herb to the religion of Shinto, and was also used and praised by ancient Zen poets and Buddhist monks.
Cannabis culture was suppressed and banned by US occupying forces after World War II, and today most Japanese don't realize that "marijuana" is the same plant as cannabis, which was once as much a part of Japanese culture as rice.

>> No.2335010

Smoking habits increase your risk of many types of cancer. Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.2335021

Life is a disease; you cure it with death.

>> No.2335039

Then people should choose a more expedient cure.

>> No.2335045
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>> No.2335061

smoking marijuana != smoking cigarettes

>> No.2335086

See: >>2335010
>smoking habits
All of them. Not "smoking cigarettes".

>> No.2335151


>> No.2335170

I will, thank you for respecting my life choice.

>> No.2335178

I actually do, as long as you don't:
- proselytize it to others, claiming that there are no negative impacts on one's health
- smoke it in a public place where I must also endure it
- drive while under the influence

>> No.2335179


As do many, many, many other fun and pleasurable things in life. Maybe you should impose your "correct" beliefs on everyone, even if they deal with things that don't affect anyone else?

>> No.2335191

Fortunately, smokers who smoke pot AND cigarettes have less incidence of cancer than those who only smoke tobacco.

Any info to back this up?

>> No.2335211

I want to rape the shit out of Sheryl.

>> No.2335212



It's super difficult to Google simple things.


>> No.2335218

>As do many, many, many other fun and pleasurable things in life.
I would probably agree with that statement in isolation, but give me some examples.
The sun doesn't count, since /jp/ dwellers are the only people who will be successful at avoiding it.
Cellphone use by adults, we still aren't sure about.
I can't say I've heard a verdict on processed foods.

Also, see: >>2335178
IF people's habits are not affecting anyone else, I don't care.

Why is that fortunate? It still results in a net increase.

>> No.2335222


>> No.2335233


It's funny because you don't have to smoke it.

>> No.2335249

if you live long enough, you're gonna get cancer or die of it. the good news, cannabis can make living with cancer less painful and reduce the pain, nausea, and drastic effects of cancer treatment. you know the bad news, it's illegal

>> No.2335251

>which was once as much a part of Japanese culture as rice.
This is a pretty big exaggeration.

>> No.2335258

Think of that post as informing the English-speaking majority then.

>> No.2335260


So you assume that things that don't have extensive studies to prove just how bad they are for you are automatically good?

Sun is bad.
Processed sugar is bad.
Mass-produced honey is bad.
Preservatives are bad.

I'll go ahead and shorten the list significantly by assuming that all too many chemicals we find in our food (and water!) are ILLEGAL in the civilized world.

Opium-based drugs used for medical purposes are horrendous, and there are many cases of terminal patients buying street marijuana to replace their zombifying morphine doses.

Driving (especially in the US) is bad. Instead of locking people up for having a joint with friends, we should be educating drivers and keeping our ridiculous auto death statistic from making us look even worse. See also: you can get your license taken away for flipping off a driver in Germany. They seem to have the right idea.

Americans are generally very ignorant, leading to tons and tons of stupid arguments - like those on marijuana. But I digress... we were talking about other things that are bad for you, right?

Milk, tap/bottled water, exposure to radon from living in a basement, x-rays.....

>> No.2335264

cannabis is otherwise known as Hemp aka the material used to make the clothes they wore, the paper they wrote one, and the religious tools they placed on their altars, among others

you don't have to smoke it, it has other uses as well

>> No.2335266


Exactly. Eating marijuana can get you just as blazed... it just takes a bit more, which would be a much more realistic solution if it were legal.

>> No.2335270

I'm sorry you can't abide my laziness. The burden of proof, and the effort of looking it up, shouldn't
have been on me to start with, I believe.

>> No.2335274


Not so much laziness as ignorance, which is generally worse.

>> No.2335283

>>milk is bad for you

excuse me?

>> No.2335289

Weed doesn't help pain, it greatly amplifies it my experience. I recently smoked Super Silver Haze in Amsterdam (very sativa, with just enough indica to mellow out the racy-ness no body stone effect just 4 hours of warmth and sound and thought!), . Not used to joints, it sorched the fuck out of my throat, and for a good 30 minutes of my high, it was fucking torture -- it's like I could feel each cell combusting in waves down my wind pipe and into the back of my mouth. And just yesterday I puffed on some Jacks Herer (good sativa/indica mix, not racy, not too stony, but a good mixture). I accidently burnt the tip of my thumb from a lighter lighting a bong hit. Fuck it was killing me for an hour. I thik weed brings out pain, and others I've spoke to agree with this from personal experience. Don't know where these pain-killing myth comes from.

>> No.2335292

marijuana is better than sake/alcohol for economic usage and medical treatment, and the only reason sake isn't illegal is because prohibition had been scrapped years before

>> No.2335295

Any time you can say "It could be worse" when it realistically could be is fortunate enough for me.

>> No.2335304


>> No.2335319

>Sun is bad.
too much sun is bad
too little sun is bad

get your fucking vitamin d, don't shun the sun

>> No.2335321

>So you assume that things that don't have extensive studies to prove just how bad they are for you are automatically good?
No, but I assume that I might as well not be alarmist about something I will probably consume in some form no matter how hard I try to avoid it.

You can do what you can to avoid processed sugar, processed honey, most of the blacklisted preservatives, milk, etc, but you can only minimize your risk. You cannot eliminate exposure to them unless you want to live in a bubble.

Like I said, if you had made the statement I quoted in isolation, I would have agreed with you. My point is really just that one should be aware of the risk of things one has a choice about. You can choose to eliminate smoking habits from your life, but it is much more difficult to eliminate something like water.

I have no problem with medical use.

I also don't care if people, informed of the risks, choose to smoke it somewhere far, far away from me.

I am not American.

>> No.2335324

Soy milk tastes like shit and only faggots drink it with their starbucks.

>> No.2335325

1. you're doing it wrong
2. it's not that it doesn't work, it just doesn't work for YOU

>> No.2335333

Look, here's the truth from an occassional marijuana smoker: It doesn't have a directly harmful effect on health, but like alcahol and tabbaco, I believe society has no real use for it. It feels good, but prolonged use definately leads to lowered mental faculties -- long-time stoners are just slower mentally. Anyone who's been around the scene long enoughs knows what I'm talking about. In my case, the whole day after smoking up I'm just shot and out of it.

>> No.2335339

people who think soy milk is the only alternative are retards

>> No.2335342


That's very interesting. This is the first time I've heard of this happening - though, similarly, I have a friend who has only ever had bad "trips" from smoking.

When I smoke, the pain of inhaling smoke and burning my throat actually dies down as I get higher. It's as if the THC makes me sort of "observe" the pain, but not actually acknowledge it.


We live in a wonderful era where anything and everything causes cancer. You either take in all that information and go insane, or you chill the hell out, smoke a joint, and enjoy life once you realize we're all mortal.

I drink tea (causes cancer) with sugar (causes cancer), I eat meat (causes cancer and all kinds of other crap) with milk (causes cancer, spoiled milk really fucks you up). I smoke weed (causes cancer and makes you kill your mother; if you're black, it makes you look at white women), smoke tobacco (causes cancer, makes you smell like an ash tray), and pound shots (causes cancer, brain damage, etc.) with friends (they probably cause cancer, too.) I have sex (increases risk of heart attacks) while kissing my girl (spreads diseases and whatever the hell else... also sends you to Hell, IIRC). I post on 4chan (causes eye damage, arthritis, and spinal problems from hunching over).


>> No.2335351

Don't knock opiates, for all their addictive properties, when used properly they have minimal impact on health and their painkilling power is second to none. Without opiate drugs, much of modern medicine would be impossible and many people would live in constant pain.

As for Japan, Shinto, and cannabis, there is something way fishy about it being a sacred plant and yet nobody getting high off of it. I think they did for religious purposes but it's been supressed in the historic record.

>> No.2335365

/jp/ - Cannabis/General

>> No.2335369

tea reduces the cancer caused by x but increases the cancer caused by y, while x descreases x cancer, but affects cahnce of y cancer, etc. etc. etc.

unless you're a god, you're going to get cancer in one form or another. choose the things that you enjoy that gives you the max length of enjoy that you seek

i'd say, 70-80 years of life is plenty.

>> No.2335381

I realize it has other uses. It is still an exaggeration to say that its place in Japanese culture equaled that of rice.

While they did make paper from hemp, other materials were more common.

I think one of the issues regarding the manufacture of clothing is that they often use 麻, which can be translated as 'hemp', but can also be an abbreviation of 亜麻 (linen). I'm pretty sure cotton and linen were more common than hemp.

It was certainly not used in all religious ceremony.

>> No.2335394

420 somke weed every day

>> No.2335416

there are no absolutes with cannabis/hemp as there are no absolutes with rice; however, it was as integral to japanese culture as sake, more given the economic uses

>> No.2335421

>I'm pretty sure cotton and linen were more common than hemp.
I was wrong about this, hemp actually was more common up until the warring states period.

Don't feel it changes my opinion though.

>> No.2335434

It doesn't have to. Just knowing you're wrong once opens to door to knowing that you're probably wrong about other things. Never forget, you were wrong.

>> No.2335438

I know how the OP TRIED to link this thread to japan, but the thread on the whole has more to do with American law than japan.

>> No.2335449

Because Japan is so different from the US when it comes to marijuana drug enforcement

Oh wait, Japan is worse

>> No.2335468

That might make more sense if someone else had pointed out the bit I got wrong. I looked it up because I was unsure. Being wrong about something I was unsure of in the first place (I didn't even state it as an absolute) isn't going to send me into a spiral of self-doubt, try again.

What about the presence of rice in folktales? Do you really think that hemp would equal rice there?

>> No.2335485

It doesn't matter if the US and Japan have the same drug rules, people in this thread are arguing about American drug law, not Japan drug law because no one here actually lives in japan

I actually agree with legalization, but this thread does not belong in /jp/.

>> No.2335499

It's ignorance that I asked for backup information? I could've left it at nothing, and not looking it up would've been ignorance.

It's only ignorance in the sense that I didn't know beforehand.

>> No.2335503

Watch Higurashi or any Shrine Maiden ceremonial. Those papers at the end of the "stick", that's hemp. It's used to cleanse the people of evils. Ever see those notes on Shrines, caves, and places of illness? That's hemp paper used to capture, hold, or create barriers for evil spirits and illnesses.

So what about the presence of rice in folktales? But perhaps you should ask yourself instead, what about the presence of hemp in folktales?

>> No.2335520

It does matter because those Japanese laws were implemented by THE USA during the occupation; so to discuss the silliness and absurdity that is the Japanese failure to uphold their historical inheritance, one must also understand where this crap came from and why these rules are still there

>> No.2335535

The OP was obviously just a thinly-veiled attempt to talk about weed in general. And it was successful.

>> No.2335566

I realize it was used, I just don't think it holds the same place of reverence in all levels of society.

Onigiri is present (and important) in momotaro and kintaro, other legends sport unending bowls of rice, moon rabbits pound mochi, people offer bowls of rice to dead family members. At times, the ability to eat rice represented a social division. Rice is everywhere! It isn't just used, it's noticed and valued and named.

Well, the thread does contain a pretty Japan-related argument.

>> No.2335622

So people argue about the root of the problem, which has nothing to do with japan, and tie that to Japan?

Sounds like a roundabout way to try to claim this thread has any relevance to /jp/
