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2329551 No.2329551 [Reply] [Original]

Do you use walk-throughs when you play VNs, or do you just make the choices you want and see where you end up?
If you are the latter, how often do you wind up with bad ends because of it?

I ask because I can't imagine playing through anything without having at least a rough guide in front of me, it seems somehow pointless otherwise.

>> No.2329553

I use walkthroughs when I find that I am hopelessly lost.

>> No.2329555

First playthrough to a non-badend is on my own, only use walkthroughs after that (or if I'm really fucking stuck as hell, which is rare most VNs aren't difficult but a few are a fucking bitch like that)

>> No.2329556

i use, causei like to take route which i want, since start

>> No.2329558

>make the choices you want and see where you end up
The choices are what make it fun. It has the "I wonder what this does" appeal and it doesn't really take much effort since you can always save before you make a choice.

Playing straight through with a walkthrough is kind of pointless though. Just go read a light novel or something.

>> No.2329559

Bad ends are an awesome part of a lot of games. Completely avoiding them is stupid, you'll just be missing out on potentially interesting scenes and endings.

>> No.2329562

I've only used walkthroughs for Clannad and ONE. I rarely get bad ends without a guide. The right choices are usually pretty obvious unless you get hit with a curveball like the footjob of fate in YMK.

>> No.2329566

What about for massive games like Clannad?

>> No.2329567

I'm pretty sure that a majority of the people who've played Clannad without a guide got Fuuko on this first try.

>> No.2329573

I started using walkthroughs after getting Tsugumi's bad end, fuck that was depressing.

>> No.2329579

I finish a VN once without one and then start using a walkthrough to get the remaining endings.

>> No.2329580

First playthrough on my own, walkthroughs after that.

>> No.2329581

The first few playthroughs I didn't use a guide. The first time I tried to go for Kotomi but got Nagisa's route instead.

I think I only started using a walkthrough when I kept getting Kappei's bad end. There was no way I could have guessed that you need to talk to the electrician guy.

>> No.2329582

Only game I've used a walkthrough for is Kagetsu Tohya. I find using them usually dilutes my experience, but that game was a bit of an exception.

>> No.2329584

Doesn't matter for Clannad, really. There's only one bad end and its an end you want to see. Clannad is a game that forces a 100% complete.

>> No.2329587

Then I guess it's just my natural affinity towards Fuuko then.

>> No.2329589

I wish I had used a walkthrough for Kagetsu Tohya. I ended up missing the last Ren h-scene, although I got everything else.

>> No.2329606

I make the choices I want, and only use a walkthrough if I get stuck or if I want to get all the endings. I always try to get at least one good ending myself, though.

>> No.2329620

I never use walkthroughs if i can help it.
I think it defeats the purpose of the VN and it's not as entertaining when you already have a fixed course. The real answer are also mostly obvious, so it shouldn't be that hard to do it without a walkthrough.
I did use one in Tsugumi's route after getting the bad end 2 times though.

>> No.2329626

First playthrough to non-bad end is walkthrough free. If I get really stuck along the way, then I use it. After that, I just use a guide to power through to get the other endings.

I got Kyou on the first try (wanted her)

>> No.2329635

I try to avoid walkthroughs, they cut the flow of the reading and ruin your immersion into the story.
For my first playthrough of Clannad, I thought I'd meet as much of the girls as possible before making my choice. So I followed Nagisa for a bit, then Tomoyo, then Kotomi, at wich point I decided I'd start with Tomoyo so I rejected Kotomi...
and I found myself on the BEST ROUTE.
That was an awesome surprise.

>> No.2329638

I still remember how I got You's bad end first in Ever17. I thought everything would be cool and I would be rescued then nope, You is cold even underwater. Although not as bad as other bad ends, it left an impact as I wasn't really expecting it at all. And I really liked You.

>> No.2329656

Does it matter whose end you get first in Clannad?

>> No.2329671

For some of the routes it does.
IIRC, you have to finish Misae's route before Tomoyo's to see Misae's good end.
And play Fuuko before Nagisa, or replay some part of Nagisa's route after Fuuko's if you didn't.

>> No.2329681

The first route doesn't matter, but according to the 300 hour guide the last three routes you complete should be Fuuko, Koumura, and Nagisa (in that order) although I'm not sure if it makes a difference. I played Nagisa's first, but then I also replayed it following the guide before starting After Story, since I hadn't used it the first time.

>> No.2329708

I use walkthroughs when I want to get to the route I want.

>> No.2329715

I dont use walkthroughs and I mainly go in thinking "what's the correct decision" rather than "what would I do"

Because I would've died multiple times in games like F/SN and Tsukihime if I did what I thought was right. Though, in a game like Phantom doing what I thought was right turned out to be the correct choice anyway.

>> No.2329827

I generally pick whatever I want to pick on the first play-through, and after that I pick what I think would be best to pick. If I get stuck, I use a walkthrough.

The first Clannad route I got was Nagisa bad end (come on, you ARE an inexcusable father, seriously), and after that that storage room girl's good end...what was her name again, Miyazawa or something?
First route I needed a walkthrough with was Kyou route after getting bad end over 4 times.
[spoilers]FUCK YOU RYOU[/spoiler]

>> No.2329833

I always use walkthroughs/flowcharts when available. I just want to read the story and couldn't really care less about the whole CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE aspect.

>> No.2329836

I always try to play a vn without a guide, but I am always nice to everyone so I always get bad end, then I lose my patience and I find a guide.

>> No.2329840

are there any interesting bad ends in Clannad except for the one where you get depressed and go to sleep?

>> No.2329848

You mean you don't know about "Be my Sunohara forever"?
Because that's Anon's True End.

>> No.2329859

After every bad end, you get depressed and go to sleep.
What happens before that can vary per bad end; for example, you get rejected by Misae, Nagisa's performance fails and Kyou gets angry at you for rejecting Ryou.

>> No.2329861

Wtf are you talking about? We're discussing bad ends here.

>> No.2329868

strangely that's one of the few I didn't use a walk-through with

>> No.2329874

>The first Clannad route I got was Nagisa bad end (come on, you ARE an inexcusable father, seriously)
Same here, although I suspected that I would probably get a bad end for telling him that.

>> No.2329906

I'm forced to use walkthroughs, else the game crashes or I run into mystical untranslated runes.

Alpha stage, beta stage...

>> No.2329934

Nonsense, I was able to play various beta translations perfectly fine without any walkthrough (although I must admit I wouldn't have found R11's first bad end if the script insertion tool hadn't gotten an error at that point).

>> No.2329956

Main focus of VN's are the choices. Playing it with walkthroughs defeats the whole purpose, just read a book.

Are the people who use walkthroughs the same people who'd look up cheats for a game they just got?

>> No.2329989

Generally I try to act the same as I would act in the real life, and although I almost always end up with bad ends, it feels more interesting for me than thinking about "what I should do to get that hot girl's route" The only one exception was Tsukihime when I tried to see all Shiki's deaths that existed, enjoying it the same way as I did in Space Quest.

>> No.2329999

I would read a book if it had pictures, voices, music, and Japanese character archetypes. As it stands, VNs are much preferable. I will play through them without a walkthrough if they only have a few choices, but something like Tsukihime or Crescendo? Fuck that shit, I want my story without having to work for it.

>> No.2330026

You're kind of forced to use walkthroughs for some VNs.

>> No.2330046

I've only played one VN this far, just about to start playing it again to get different scenes. But I think I'm going to use a walkthrough after the second time I've played through it.

>> No.2330061

1. Get one ending by my own choices.
2. See what other endings I can get on my own (if the endings are character based, you should easily be able to get one ending for each character without a walkthrough).
3. Use walkthrough to get the rest when I can't figure it out on my own, or it becomes a huge bother.

I believe this is the most ideal way to play a VN, but I might be wrong.

>> No.2330065

I usually play the first and maybe second time without a guide - usually I'd be nice/non-committal to everyone in one and as much of an ass I can to everyone in the other. There are a few exceptions if it's interesting enough for me to get caught up in the flow though, and I try to go for a certain route.

Specific character routes I usually use a guide for, as far too many choices in VNs are non-sequitor and I don't want give myself a headache with trial and error.

>> No.2330068

1. play with my own choices
2. read walkthroughs afterwards.

>> No.2330075

It really depends on the VN in question. Obviously I wouldn't use a walk through for something like Saya no Uta but with a game with as many bad ends as F/SN it's very useful.

For Kagetsu Tohya it is an absolute must.

>> No.2330091

>>2330075 For Kagetsu Tohya it is an absolute must.
Only if you want the final Len h-scene. The actual game is piss-easy.

>> No.2330102

I remember one point where you had to make two completely unrelated choices on the same day to get a new scene, which is basically playing the SAME THING over and over and over until you finally get the right combination (and there are a lot of combinations) of choices. I tried to not use a walkthrough at first, and about ragequit.

>> No.2330104

Anyone notice that Graphic Novel, Visual Novel, and Picture Book refer to different things, but essentially have the same-meaning words?
Let's make a new medium and call it an Image Narrative.

>> No.2330117

It's really short, so at worst you can just skip the text and it doesn't last long before finding the good choices.

But I guess walkthroughs are useful for people that suck.

>> No.2330126

I just make the choices. Except ONE, I'm going to do that with a walkthrough because I got the same bad end too many times. I tend to average only one or two bad ends per good one at worst, usually less.

>> No.2330142

Top-level VN tourneyfag here.

>> No.2330176

Hey, I use walkthroughs too sometimes. Nobody give a fuck if you suck at videogames or not.

It's just than most VN aren't hard, especially if you've already played western adventure games or interactive fictions before.

>> No.2330198

I loved Phantom especially the endings like the one where Zwei charges in on the HQ going berserk just because I thought it would be interesting to see what happened but then I forgot the password.....

>> No.2330199

Image Narrative sounds really slick

>> No.2330231

A game like FSN with 29302174 bad ends gets a walkthrough so I know when and where to save -> see bad end -> reload.

It's especially important because of the fact that you can make a badend choice and not realize it until after you're presented with other choices, which means if you save for every choice you'd have to start over from the beginning.

>> No.2330237

This. And usually you don't need to use the third option for most of them. Choosing what you'd do gives you more immersion and trying to get all the endings gives you a little entertaining challenge.
Using walkthroughs from the start is like playing a linear rpg or reading a book. One of the few joys of vn's is you being the main character, why waste that privilege?

>> No.2330244

I tend to try and go through a game by focusing on one girl at a time and not using a walkthough, though if I get a couple bad ends before a good end I'll give up and just use a guide. There are only a few games where I've used a walkthough the whole time, like ONE and Brass Restoration because it wasn't worth it. And you only need a flowchart for Kagetsu Tohya, it's more entertaining than using an actual guide.

>> No.2330258

>It's especially important because of the fact that you can make a badend choice and not realize it until after you're presented with other choices, which means if you save for every choice you'd have to start over from the beginning.

Dude that's visual novels 101. Your saves should be all the option choices and one save in the middle of the play when you stop playing.

>> No.2330289

More like OCD 101.

>> No.2330425

You guys realize there is skip read function for almost all of the VNs?
Just save at choices and use skip function if you hit a dead end. Playing with walkthrough will just spoil the game for you. For certain game like FSN, I admit I use the flow chart for getting all the tiger stamps. But either than that, the choices is pretty easy for you to get into UBW and HF.

>> No.2330451

What? You're still saving at every choice, you're just not overwriting the same one over and over.

>> No.2330461

I never get a good end if I play without a walkthrough. NEVER.

>> No.2330488

You probably suck at making decisions, hence your presence on /jp/.

>> No.2330499

These games should have a tabs. Like a web browser.

>> No.2330501

You aren't supposed to be happy at the end of the day.
Just like real life.

>> No.2330510

Well thank you, I feel much better now.

>> No.2331841


I used to do it that way, but then I started to encounter stuff like Snow Drop and feel like I wouldn't get anywhere without following guides.

It really depends on if you have a reasonable chance on your own or not.

>> No.2331868

yes, I raged so much and wanted to know if there is a good end.

>> No.2331885

lol Snow Drop. First eroge I played which had fucktarded system of guessing which room in the house has one of the girls masturbating in.

>> No.2331889

It's already been answered, but I try to put myself in a situation where I ask "What would I do?" the first time round. Like, not half-assed shit. I actually try and imagine myself, and what the consequences would be. I also think I have OCD (Or I'm just a picky bastard), so I use a walkthrough after to get every single ending. It's a bitch when you've got something else that needs doing, and you're there trying to get 100% completion on fucking VN's

>> No.2331904


Yo, I thought that was just obvious...

>> No.2333486

Friends don't let friends use walkthroughs.

>> No.2333517

I just make the choices and see where I end up.
I always get all the girls to like me and end up with none of them.

>> No.2333575

One thing that PISSES ME OFF about VNs is the lack of romantic drama -- the girls getting jelous and acting againt one another. One a girl's route starts, it tends to develop solely around that girl, with the other characters either disapearing entirely or acting as minor supporting roles. And those VNs that DO allow for romantic drama are always amongst the best.

>> No.2333592

I remember this one game with that stuff, it was an ass since you still had to keep the other girls in your good graces so they avoid talking shit about you.

>> No.2333603

I make the choices I want, haven't gotten a bad end yet.

>> No.2333681

There is always romantic drama in VNs. You're just defining romantic drama as girls fighting over the protagonist, which is probably the worst romantic conflict in existence (hence why harem anime/manga is so shitty). One of the reasons I like VNs is because of the lack of that bullshit, since it's so prevalent in other otaku media.

>> No.2333695

>I always get all the girls to like me
Delusional much?

>> No.2333741
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I'm not sure what things make me choose to use a guide or not, but say in the case of say Ever 17, I did all the routes on my own up until Coco's which I didn't want to mess up and end up not getting on or something. In Clannad though, I played through a couple times on my own and then got a guide for the rest due to length mostly. Sometimes like in the case of YMK i did nekoko's route on my own and used a guide for the other two as i had no interest in them and just felt like 'completing' the game.

So it just depends. I always play at least once through without a guide though.

>> No.2333790

You are missing my point.

>> No.2333803

Bullshit, there's no real drama in these games. They are 90% moe slideshows for fap material. The girls never try to scheme against or attack one another, or scam their way into your graces. There's no dramatic tension AT ALL in these games. Harem games are the WORST at this offense because all the girls need to be in this half-asleep, half-blind state to hang around each other for so long without realizing they are competing, and if they do realize it, it takes the form of kitten play.

And if a VN reflected IRL in terms of girls, there wouldn't even be a walkthrough needed; it's not about what you need to DO, but rather what you need to BE. If you're a tall, well-built, generally attractive guy, you don't need to do anything, just being that is enough to make them persue a relationship. If you're an over/under-weight unattractive anon, you will get nothing. Only in a VN can you get a girl attracted to you just by being nice to her.

>> No.2333823
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0/10 as the first line mentions fap material when theres plenty of VN's without a single h-cg. If you're going to try and troll on my /jp/ at least put a little more effort into it.
