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2328246 No.2328246 [Reply] [Original]

hello /jp/,

my friend and and i started to learn japanese few months ago. well let's get to the point.

the thing is, he is much better than me in every way even though i study more than him (roommates), so i know he doesn't EVEN try, all he does is watching animu and playing VN.

so i got all butthurt and asked him how he learns faster than me. he told me, "lol i'm korean".

what the shit, i know asians generally learn japanese faster, but this is ridiculous, last time i remember he already fucking knew how to correctly use the grammar just by glancing once.

is he secretly studying behind my back? or does knowing korean helps tremendously? i'm french if that helps anything.

>> No.2328260

Korean and Japanese grammar are almost the same.

>> No.2328267

being asian helps tremendously.

>> No.2328274

>the thing is, he is much better than me in every way even though i study more than him (roommates), so i know he doesn't EVEN try, all he does is watching animu and playing VN.
What? That's the fucking problem. Stop "studying" and start reading some real goddamn Japanese.

>> No.2328290

Coreans invented to Japanese, so of course they're going to learn it easier.

>> No.2328292

if he is korean then its a lot easier for him

>> No.2328297

Asian grammar works monstrously different than Western grammar.

Simply knowing one Asian language like Korean or Chinese will give you a headstart in learning the others. Especially with Chinese, since Kanji and Chinese characters are essentially the same.

>> No.2328301
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>i'm french

>> No.2328308

You could also simply be a dumbass OP.

>> No.2328310

>invented Japanese

>> No.2328315
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>>What? That's the fucking problem. Stop "studying" and start reading some real goddamn Japanese.

yes, its cause hes corean. stop racing against him and just focus on yourself otherwise youll rush too fast and not get it all (if thats what you are doing)

>> No.2328318

I can see the shitstorm coming.

>> No.2328325

This should help

>> No.2328331

It's because he's street smart.

>> No.2328346

okay, fair enough.

then how come he already has that perfect native accent? it''ll be as if i'm able to speak german without a problem.

>> No.2328359

Japanese really isn't that hard to pronounce. Not sure what the problem is. They don't really use any crazy sounds.

>> No.2328363

dude why

>> No.2328371

His accent probably doesn't sound perfect to a native speaker. That said, Japanese and Korean sound similar enough that making the transition isn't that difficult.

It is true however, that Westerners generally suck at pronouncing it. For one reason or another.

Some Chinese people have really weird accents too.

>> No.2328373

りゅ would like a word with you.

>> No.2328377

What you can't pronounce that?

>> No.2328394

okay okay, i now know that my friend has a huge headstart than me.

any way i can beat him?

>> No.2328402

There are a lot of people who think they can pronounce Japanese syllables who can't (best example: つ). So stating that you can pronounce something on the internet is pretty useless.

>> No.2328405

Read less textbooks, watch more anime.

>> No.2328419

Well. There isn't much I can do to prove my pronunciation ability. But I'm just saying, if you were to practice for even an hour, I'm sure anyone could pronounce Japanese sounds correctly.

>> No.2328450

That is, if they knew they were pronouncing it correctly in the first place.
Which is not too easy to come by in some circumstances.

>> No.2328454

Hell no. Is it "rue" or more along the lines of "re-yu"?

>> No.2328458

Nah, I've coached people before. It doesn't happen that easily.

>> No.2328460

Fuck off.

>> No.2328464

It's りゅ. This isn't English, there aren't a bunch of exeptions. りゅ, Ryu.

>> No.2328467

They're both SOV languages and even some words and expressions are very similar. Obviously he has an easier time than you do.

>> No.2328475
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>> No.2328477

OP just sucks and thinks he tries harder when he doesn't.

>> No.2328478

But it's practically pronounced exactly how it looks on paper-- ryu. you can't get much more textbook than that.

>> No.2328494

So, "rue"?

>> No.2328504

>i know he doesn't EVEN try
>all he does is watching animu and playing VN.

answered your own question there, buddy

>> No.2328500

This is a horrible response.
If this were true, then people would pronounce Ryu's name correctly.

>> No.2328510

Listen to a Japanese person say it. Copy. How hard is that?

>> No.2328511

No, "ryu"

>> No.2328516

Say it with an L sound instead. Japs can't tell the difference anyway.

>> No.2328518

It sounds like they're saying "Lou" as in Lou Reed.
Is that right?

>> No.2328520

trying to pronounce ryu with romanji is difficult for westerners. it'll be more easier if it was ll-yu instead.

or 류. kekekeke

>> No.2328522

I hope you aren't saying it like an English R.

>> No.2328552

>more easier

>> No.2328556

I don't know if you realize this, but most western languages (e.g. English) don't have that flapping r/l consonant that Japanese does.

>> No.2328563

Korean is the most similar language to Japanese after Ryukyuan.

>> No.2328569

It's pretty much impossible to type out how something is supposed to sound, especially when it requires making sounds that we don't have.

If you don't think it's difficult, then you might be doing it wrong. It is generally quite difficult for a native English-speaker to emulate Japanese syllables correctly, and it is also quite common for them not to be able to hear what they are doing wrong.

Yes. This.

>> No.2328575

prove it.

>> No.2328582

Here. りゅ. It took me five seconds in google.


>> No.2328586

>If you don't think it's difficult, then you might be doing it wrong. It is generally quite difficult for a native English-speaker to emulate Japanese syllables correctly, and it is also quite common for them not to be able to hear what they are doing wrong.
I'm not, I've heard the Japanese say "ryu" enough times to know how to emulate it. Sure it may be hard for a beginner, but beginners shouldn't be trying to speak in the first place. It's more important to learn how to listen/read and understand.

>> No.2328598

why would a korean want to learn japanese? that's like downgrading.

>> No.2328591

Or you could simply type the pronunciation using the IPA, which would show how to pronounce it.

>> No.2328606

Oh, so it is "ll-yu".

>> No.2328627

it's kind of complicated actually, korea hates japan but loves it same time.

>> No.2328644

You were addressing someone who obviously does not have much experience with spoken Japanese. I don't think that "how hard is that?" is particularly appropriate.

I haven't actually found that the ability to read IPA has helped people pronounce things correctly. If you've never heard the syllable, you still aren't going to be able to make the noise, regardless of whether you can read IPA or not.

>> No.2328665


In before HURR DURR WIKIPEDIA NOT A SOURCE. Use the references at the bottom of the page if you want sources. You're not going to read the original papers anyway, stop pretending like you actually care.

>> No.2328669

If you don't know the sound then you wouldn't be able to read the IPA in the first place.

>> No.2328686

Some of you guys have assbackwards ways of learning methods, but at least they worked for you.

>> No.2328689

I would count the ability to recognize what something is supposed to be as 'reading'. They have some idea of where it occurs in different languages, but cannot necessarily duplicate it.

>> No.2328694

i was just trolling bro, i believe you.

>> No.2328709

But really? Any native English speaker should be able to duplicate the vast majority of the sounds used in Japanese. The only ones they'd have to practice, for a bit, would be the らりるれろ. And even then, that isn't that hard.

>> No.2328742

I have just noticed that most native English speakers really struggle with ら行 and つ. It seems to take them a long time to learn them, generally. They tend to come out as 'ra' or 'la' or 'da', and tsu often slips back into 'su' or 'tsoo'.

Other than that? Approximate, yes. I would be reluctant to say duplicate, since it seems to take even longer for people to sound remotely natural than it does for them to learn to approximate ら行&つ.

>> No.2328758

How can anyone have a hard time saying つ? Its just the same ts sound you'd get saying 'rats' or something, just with an う after.

>> No.2328787

Don't ask me, I've just noticed that I encounter difficulties when trying to coach people about it. It's not that they can't pronounce it in isolation, when they're speaking it reverts.

>> No.2328823


Isn't that I-yu?

>> No.2328902

Studying is for stupid people.
Smart people "learns".

>> No.2328906

the secret is Kimchi. tastes horrid, turns you into zen master. To overcome your inferior European genes, you must use every tool at your disposal and make every necessary sacrifice. caffeine, exercise, adderall ( asians secrete this in their asian appendixes ).
white power.

>> No.2328907

how do you learns, Bangkok?

>> No.2330677

that doesn't make any sense

>> No.2330696

That's because no human is equal.

He's naturally more intelligent than you.

Just accept it as it is instead of crying about it.

>> No.2330706

He's no human and he's a grey. They got brain online software to make them better and software to make humans worse.

This is how it works: They constantly try to make you jealous. You're a human and not ment to be jealous all the time. They wanna destroy your positive feelings, so you wouldn't develope yourself.

>> No.2330762

more miku pics please
