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23265162 No.23265162 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Touhou Music CD, and why is it Dr. Latency's Freak Report?

>> No.23265186
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You mean Dolls in Psuedo Paradise?

>> No.23265192

it's a loose mp3 that's a chiptune cover of mima's theme

>> No.23265222
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The forgotten album one

>> No.23265236

That's a weird way to spell Magical Astronomy.

>> No.23265818
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Did you mean to type Ghostly Field Club?

>> No.23266031
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Im multilingual, and this translates to Retrospective 53 minutes.

>> No.23267929

is that a ZUN cd or a fan work?

>> No.23268010

Its not by Zun but its style is quite similar. I recommend giving it a listen.

>> No.23268078

Why is Renko such a DORK? Look at her hat! I bet she thinks it's cool because it's tilted.

>> No.23268734

it's fanwork but so good you can mistake it for ZUN's work

>> No.23269324

Tough call. They're all 8/10 to 10/10 in my book, as they all contain excellent tracks while also having skippable ones. The consistency is impressive in that regard. However, since I regularly play through all the CDs in my truck, I definitely have my favorites for complete listens.
This will probably change, but for now here's my worst to best, with my favorite original song from each (title in metadata):

>燕石博物誌 ~ Dr. Latency's Freak Report
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/kh9aij.ogg
The only album where I have found the original tracks to be of less interest than the rearrangements.

>夢違科学世紀 ~ Changeability of Strange Dream
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/vxwju8.ogg
The only album which has a track I feel compelled to skip: "幻想機械 ~ Phantom Factory". I also find the rearrangements on this album to be inferior to the originals, with the noted exception of "幽玄の槭樹 ~ Eternal Dream" . The other originals are pleasant to listen to, if too similar to the style found in Ghostly Field Club to stand out to me.

>旧約酒場 ~ Dateless Bar "Old Adam"
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/rq9p3v.ogg
Definitely the largest departure from ZUN's previous albums, but not an entirely unwelcome on. While it sounds like the B side of Dr. Latency's Freak Report, the intensity and variety of the originals makes this album stand out more, and the rearrangements are quite good. Unfortunately, it doesn't lend itself to a cohesive album

>鳥船遺跡 ~ Trojan Green Asteroid
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/00c8ol.ogg
Similar to Dr. Latency's Freak Report, I note this album to be stronger for its rearrangements than its original pieces.

>蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/dyh00d.ogg
This is an album where I feel the originals well overpower the rearrangements. This makes it an unbalanced work, but not one not worth listening to.

>未知の花 魅知の旅
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/v6y8cb.ogg
The only one which I had to pirate, for lack of availability. While of few pieces, they are either brilliant rearrangements or original works, which leaves me to place this as the middle piece.

>伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-traditionalism of Japan
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/90htkg.ogg
A diverse smattering of original compositions complemented by many improved rearrangements.

>卯酉東海道 ~ Retrospective 53 minutes
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/izashb.ogg
The most fluid and thematically cohesive of ZUN's works, both the original pieces and rearrangements work to complement the temporal, effervescent theme of these album.

>蓬莱人形 ~ Dolls in Pseudo Paradise
Favorite: https://files.catbox.moe/21l1js.ogg
ZUN's MIDI masterpiece, where the culmination of his SC-88Pro sound is crystallized in these tracks. While some are rougher than others, this produces his rawest, most experimental sound for years to come.

>大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy
Favorite: It's a four-way split.
A culmination of great rearrangements along with a plethora of immemorial original tracks. Every piece on this album is a passionate composition that deserves equal attention to one another.

>> No.23269340

Also, let me admit this is a very superficial review. Please reply if you have hairs to split.

>> No.23271120

I haven't listened to DiPP, but I just want to give some of my thoughts
My absolute top, that, no other songs can even come close has to be 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures, because this song struck me in a very sudden way, for no reason, tears were pouring out of my eyes. The only song that I'm scared to listen to the 2nd time. For I know that, the feeling of the 1st time is no longer there.

>蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club
Dying in the Dendera's Field in the Night and Girl's Sealing Club, both made a very strong first impression of Secret Sealing Club on me as I moved from game CDs to ZUN's CDs. Rearrangements are fine on this one, if not a bit ghostly, which fits the mood.

>夢違科学世紀 ~ Changeability of Strange Dream
Again, two smashing songs at the start. 華胥の夢 ~ Dream of Arcadia is just beautiful, if not has a hint of regret in its tone.

>卯酉東海道 ~ Retrospective 53 minutes
I like it. ヒロシゲ36号 ~ Neo Super Express acts well as opening song. Can't stop humming to it. 最も澄みわたる空と海 as ending of the album is quite hard to describe in words, in a good way.

>大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy
The starter is a bit weaker than the previous ones. 向こう側の月 ~ Megalopolis of Moon caught my ears with its first crisp piano notes, the general tone portrayed spess well.

>未知の花 魅知の旅
The song 未知の花 魅知の旅 itself I think was the start of a different style for later albums. Smooth, modern.

>鳥船遺跡 ~ Trojan Green Asteroid Torifune and 伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-Traditionalism of Japan
Two beautiful albums that compliments each other well. 衛星トリフネ ~ Satellite TORIFUNE marks a strong start again with powerful guitar riffs and drums with tranquil echoes. 天鳥船神社 ~Ame-no-torifune Shrine is another nice song, especially the later half, which is filled with a smooth, but empowering synth. 宇宙に浮かぶ幻想郷 with its slower tempo is perfect for an ending song, the way the instruments are weaved into each other here, but does not create a dissonance is just awesome.
The reason I grouped these 2 albums together is that they are played continuously in my playlist, but, as I did not expect, 宇宙に浮かぶ幻想郷 leads into 伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-Traditionalism of Japan without any ear grating difference. 緑のサナトリウム ~ Sanatorium in Mountain sounds weird at first, but after sometimes, it really shines. 牛に引かれて善光寺参り ~ Goslings lead the geese to water really takes me to another realm with its mystic bells, chimes and birds singing, but let's not forget the amazing trumpet. 日本中の不思議を集めて ~ Gathering the Mysterious from All Around Japan is an excellent song. Just that. These 2 albums are my favourites amongst official games' and ZUN's CDs.

I haven't had any considerable time with the 2 last albums. So I can't really comment on them.
I hope I can draw Maribel's and Renko's songs soon. I want to try and translate how I feel when I listen to their songs onto canvases.

>> No.23274031

You better me kidding me. Those last CDs were released in 2016. ZUN will surely deliver this year, right?
Oh man that sounds really nice.

>> No.23274607

The time between Magical Astronomy and Trojan Green Asteroid was over six years, so huge gaps are normal.

I'd imagine he releases them once he accumulates enough songs that wouldn't be used in a game.

>> No.23275447 [SPOILER] 
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Apparently this is a small nip meme now.

>> No.23276340

>華胥の夢 ~ Dream of Arcadia is just beautiful, if not has a hint of regret in its tone.
I agree absolutely, so much that I almost chose it over 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures as my favorite for that album.

>> No.23278403 [DELETED] 


>> No.23278669 [SPOILER] 
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I prefer the raptor7 version

>> No.23280840 [DELETED] 


>> No.23284679

>I haven't listened to DiPP
oh man you're missing out, the first track - Legend of Hourai might be one of the best songs ZUN has ever composed

>> No.23285161

Magical astronomy

>> No.23286133 [DELETED] 


>> No.23286336

Where do you buy this stuff anyway?

>> No.23287427 [DELETED] 


>> No.23287454
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I like Dateless Bar Old Adam

>> No.23288195
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The first album I got was Akyuu's Untouched Score vol 2 (Mystic Square OST) from Ebay. It was like $40, so I wouldn't recommend that.

For the two latest albums, I got them from Toranoana/Melonbooks (can't remember which) via a proxy service. Averaging out the shipping cost with the other stuff I ship out simultaneously, the cost for both was about $20, or $10 each.

For everything else, I went to Japan in 2016 and bought all of the other PC-98 and ZUN CDs at a shop called サーパラショップ, which IIRC was the last purist 2hu shop in Akihabara. It closed in early 2019, but honestly I'm surprised it lasted even that long, since they really only had a small set of merchandise that could mostly be found elsewhere (like Akiba-Hobby, which was still doing good in 2019).

So I'd basically do it in this order:
>Used lightly
Yahoo Auctions
Ebay (West)

All of the above have some form of online store, so once the corona situation is under control it would probably be best to hunt through these sites and use a buying/proxy service.

>> No.23293676 [DELETED] 

