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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 120 KB, 500x281, Imas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2320323 No.2320323 [Reply] [Original]

All right!

The main problem as I see it is overcome -- english translation now does not fuck up original japanese text.

Scripts are also uploaded to tlwiki, by the way -- http://www.tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Idolmaster_SP#Files

So, now we are ready for translators.

Perfect Sun has roughly 64k lines of text, but they're all pretty simple (~20 characters each).

>> No.2320328
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1237859346781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2320330

Sweet. My moon runes knowledge is shit for having studied for a year but I'd be glad to edit and such.

>> No.2320337

cool story bro

>> No.2320341

I like it too.

>> No.2320372

I think we need at least interface+few scripts translated, after that we can release it for download and hope that some people will get interested.

>> No.2320378


>> No.2320385

Good job AoRF, I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.2320396

I can only offer editing as a service since my moonrune knowledge is not highly developed yet.

>> No.2320399

Looks like I might consider getting a PSP.

>> No.2320400


You know what the problem is ?

It is not exactly easy for leechers to pirate it on PC. Emulators aren't quite working yet, and spending money for a game seems like a waste.

>> No.2320403

Install CFW
Enjoy your ISOs

>> No.2320405

/jp/ point me in the direction of a cheap PSP.

>> No.2320408

I'm already translating from the scripts

>> No.2320410

I got mine from eBay. I'd say try there if you want to get a hackable PSP without getting screwed over by a TA-88v3 motherboard.

>> No.2320415
File: 60 KB, 231x399, idolmaster_sun_psp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I buy them extra songs & clothes from PSN, will they work on my patched ISO version?

>> No.2320419


>> No.2320428


And why do I have to buy a whole new console just to play a game ?

You know, I once had an idea that maybe all these delays on emulators come from some attempt those fucking companies like Sony always do.

>> No.2320446

Gtfo poorfag. PSP costs nothing, and you shouldnt want this game if you dont have one.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2320458

I'll be playing the Xbox version soon, but I'm still surprised to see a translation project of this game. And by /jp/ of all people.

>> No.2320459

>Baaaaw I want everything free I don't wanna pay for stuff

>> No.2320465


>PSP costs nothing

That's what you think. Underage capitalism pig should've known that they're the reason those shitty businessmen can make such a fortune.

>> No.2320467 [DELETED] 


A PSP costs as much as a DSi / DSLite. I'm not the same Anon you're squabbling with, but I second his motion: go fuck yourself and play the victim.

>> No.2320469


A PSP costs as much as a DSi / DSLite. I'm not the same Anon you're squabbling with, but I second his motion: go fuck yourself and stop playing the victim.

>> No.2320476


>Hurp Durp I paid for a console I don't really want just to play a game where I can molest girls because I'm such a social failure.

>> No.2320487

I bought a 360 solely for Idolmaster, myself. Had to work for months since I could only get part-time work, but it was totally worth it.

>> No.2320495


I agree with this. There's no need to rush out at wall mart to buy PSP just so you can play it when there're basically fucktons of games like this out there.

>> No.2320501

LOL NOTHING? Maybe in your 3rd world country like the US, but there it cost fucking 140 - 160+ €? DO YOU READ THAT?
This is ~200 to ~215 fucking $ right know, 50 € more and you get a fucking 360 console

>> No.2320503


Ad hominem jibes? My, my. How low we've sunk.

>> No.2320520

Yeah pretty much this, i bought my DS Lite in the US it was around 120$, here it costs about 190$

>> No.2320525

One thing i dont quite understand is people go of and buy an imported xbox to play idolmaster, when they could buy a cheap xbox with a modchip in the us... It's not like you're gonna play idolmaster online

>> No.2320527

Actually, Disgaea 2 just came out, so....

>> No.2320531

Makes me glad that I didn't have to import, it works fine on my Asian 360.

>> No.2320532

I live in Finland, I bought PSP around the time it was released. That kind of money is _nothing_ if you have a job.

>> No.2320533

How is the US 3rd world when the same product is sold for less? Wouldn't that imply a stronger currency due to needing less of it to equal a large amount of your currency?

>> No.2320539

You're going to get flamed

>> No.2320554 [DELETED] 


By the way, I bought my PSP two years ago because I couldn't resist denying myself to try out Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins and I must say it was one of the best impulse buy I've ever made.
And no, I have no desire of playing iM@S SP. I was just drilling in your thick brain that if a one-time purchase of a $150 device is a mere trifle.

>> No.2320558


By the way, I bought my PSP two years ago because I couldn't keep denying myself to try out Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins forever and I must say it was one of the best impulse buy I've ever made.
And no, I have no desire of playing iM@S SP. I was just drilling in your thick brain that if a one-time purchase of a $150 device is a mere trifle.

>> No.2320563

I have 2 PSPs

>> No.2320568
File: 162 KB, 441x532, 1235398079478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah?

>> No.2320580

What are the chances of finding a non-used hackable PSP?

>> No.2320587

Get the Daxter PSP-2000 bundle. It's 100% hackable.

>> No.2320591

But he's right.
Most of us are single (hurr), so if you don't gamble or have contracted debts towards mobsters, it's nothing.
Even if you're a NEET, you probably have enough money somewhere to keep taking it easy. Or you'll have bigger problems soon (like with the fucking rent).

Now, buying a 360, that's another problem. But a PSP? If you're that poor, you'd better get a job fast, even a shitty one.

>> No.2320601

Listen to this man, I spent my life savings (at the time, saved since I was three or something) to get my PS2, and after 8 years I'm still getting a lot of mileage out of it. I also did odd jobs to be able to get a PSP and DS Lite. Hopefully soon after I graduate I can finally get myself a PS3 for Disgaea 3, money is much tighter in college than back in high school.

tl;dr, decent consoles with games you like are a nice investment and will pay for themselves

>> No.2320603

I'd be fine with just all the 3 games... but importing costs too much to be worth the trouble.

>> No.2320631


Gamestop sells used fat PSPs. I guess that would work for modding?

I need to play some Castlevania remake and Wild Arms.

>> No.2320633

If you mod your consoles, flashcart your DS, and hack your PSP; They'll pay for themselves within 5~7 games. The only console I buy games now are for the PS3.

>> No.2320642

On the subject of the actual project, I'd recommend asking for some help from the people on that Project iM@S forum.

>> No.2320644

You should prioritize
1)QTE events & Menus
2)Unspoken text
3)Spoken text

To make the game more accessible in terms of descending weabooness.

>> No.2320658

Modding consoles really is the best decision ever. I've gotten so much playtime out of my PS2, PSP, and DS that way.

Seconding this.

>> No.2320659

I'm still hoping they find a way to hack that before I get the cash to buy one.

Yeah, PSP-1000 models are the best if you want to mod it. I got one of the first ones produced, it even came with firmware 1.00, completely awesome for modding. Any PSP-1000 model is fine though.

>> No.2320667

It's not that hard to mod a PSP-2000 either as long as you do your research. Especially now that pandora batteries are practically mass produced by Datel.

>> No.2320668

But if we translate idolm@ster, then everyone will be able to play it, and we won't be able to feel elitist over it. It'll be one thing if just us /jp/ers are able to play, but pretty soon it'll be all over youtube and animesuki, with 13 year olds posting about how "kawaii" Azusa is, writing shitty self-insert fanfiction, and bringing idolm@ster one step closer to the public view.

>> No.2320672

Just like Touhou, right?

>> No.2320684

32Mb RAM

>> No.2320685

Exactly. But I never liked Touhou that much in the first place, whereas idolmaster is dear to me.

>> No.2320695

Screw them, I play what I like.

Yeah, but the fat PSP is the best.

>> No.2320702

Any PSP model before 2008 should be moddable and easy to put CFM at, fat or slim.

>> No.2320707

This. I play what I like, regardless of who else likes it or plays it.

>> No.2320716

PSP CFW + Custom Faceplate/backplate (themed as im@s) + im@s wallpaper = my lovely machine.

>> No.2320729

I wouldn't stop playing it, and it wouldn't affect my enjoyment of the game. But fan communities would go to shit. You just know some of the retards who found it on Fakku would come here, and start posting crap.

>> No.2320738

>Yeah, but the fat PSP is the best.
That as a joke right?

>> No.2320745

Well, I've had mine for a long time now, and it's serving me well. It's my friends who have slim/bright PSPs that are always complaining about theirs.

>> No.2320746

I believe he/she/it meant for hacking purposes.

>> No.2320751

Well, from a homebrew standpoint it's the most compatible and fail proof to mod, but it's fails compared to the Slim when it comes to hardware and specs.

>> No.2320755

Got that good ol' fat 1.5 a few years back, works great, not a scratch. The "analog stick" sucks, I'll give you that.

>> No.2320766

By that I mean the Slim has more RAM (SNES benifits from this. There are also some homebrew that require it such as the multi-tasking feature in IRShell, and savestates)
The screen is brighter (5th brightness level) the d-pad is A LOT better, and they improved on the face buttons.
Not to mention it has a better battery life with a fat battery.

>> No.2320779

...I found it on Fakku... True, I was already here by the time I found it there, but honestly. Do you really think a translation will make things noticeably worse? Shitposters will come in, be tormented all to hell, and leave. Reasonable posters will be met with respect, and stay. Trolls will just keep being trolls.

>> No.2320783


Seriously. I was 15 when I installed my first mod chip (for PSX), and the first game I ever bootlegged was Silent Hill 1. I will never forget that wonderful moment of satisfaction.

Every console should be modded! Except for the Dreamcast; it was so badass that it didn't need to be modded at all.

>> No.2320790

Remotejoylite = <3

Be sure to test it out guys.

>> No.2320806

Also screenshot, in-game music, cxmb and popsloader plugins

>> No.2320823

Well, very few people actually care that much about doujin porn to look up the series it is based upon, though there are a few exceptions, I got into idolmaster through a Team Tanabe production for instance.

You say shitposters will be flamed to hell then leave, but if they come in faster than a certain critical rate, they get enough replies from other shitposters coming in at the same time that they'll stay for long enough to bring in more shitposters, and before you know it the native population is fleeing before them or being moved into small reserves. And a translation might just exceed this rate.
I mean, 2 years ago I never thought that iichans /b/ would ever go the same way as 4chans, but eventually the shitposters got a foothold, and slowly took over.

>> No.2320833

I was first introduced to Idolmaster from PS3. I was all like "Hmm nice looking characters, whats this? Duh, just some downloadable content for PSP game... Wut, dlc for PSP?!" Then went in to nicovideo and found out what the game was about.

>> No.2320855

Good news guys, I managed to get an Im@s fan who knows moonspeak interested. He said he'll take a look at the wiki and do some translating if he has time.

>> No.2320927

Hence Wandering Star > Perfect Sun >= Missing Moon

>> No.2320937

ahhahahaha, no.

>> No.2320964

Perfect Sun > Wandering Star > Missing Moon

>> No.2320975

It's called Perfect Sun for a reason, anon

>> No.2320979

you don't produce ami and mami seperately so they don't count as 4, it's still 3.
stop reposting nonsense from kotaku thanks.

>> No.2320982

Just out of interest, what metric are you using to rank these? My ranking is Wandering Star > Perfect Sun > Missing Moon, where I'm scoring each one according to the single best idol in each game, and rank them in order of these, and I feel that Yukiho is love. Though Yayoi and Haruka come damn close.

>> No.2321061

Just downloaded Disgaea 2, awesome

>> No.2321096

I've heard mention of downloadable content on the PSP. How does this work? I'll be turning my PSP on for the first time in about half a year on Monday to play (should have been today, but suddenly customs charges and extortionate handling fees in a depot a long way away from home so I had to handle them online...). Could anyone explain how this works?

>> No.2321114

Wandering Star > Missing Moon > Perfect Sun

Iori, Chihaya, Yayoi then secondary Ami/Mami, Miki

yeah I dislike Perfect Sun

>> No.2321124

wandering shit

>> No.2321144

Perfect Sun has my #1 (Yayoi), Wandering Star has my #2 (Yukiho) and Missing Moon has my #3 (Azusa). That simple, really.

>> No.2321153

I don't give a shit as long as at least one of them is translated. Use a dice or something.

>> No.2321161

Idolmaster SP is the first game to use this feature I think. The game comes with its own firmware that supposedly makes DLC on PSP possible. You go in PSN store through PS3, buy the DLC (song, clothes, email, crap), activate in and then transfer it to PSP.

>> No.2321167

I don't have a PS3. Crap. Is there any way around this?

>> No.2321186

Im not sure but you can access PSN store by PC.

>> No.2321190

You can access the store in-game and through the store on the PSP.

>> No.2321197
File: 79 KB, 480x272, 17-03-2009 15-44-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to the Playstation Store (last tab in the PSP menu), make a japanese account, and buy/download shit on it. If you don't have a japanese credit card and registered address, you'll have to buy Playstation Store cards (works in a similar way to MS points cards: you get a code, enter it in the PS Store, and poof your account is credited). PS3 and PSP store cards are the same, and you can get them easily through eBay.
You can either use the PS Store through the PSP firmware, or you can use the in-game PS Store which only downloads and displays iM@S catalogs.

>> No.2321222

Do I really need some special firmware from the UMD disc to get those DLC to work?

>> No.2321225

Awesome. Remembering the gift card section in WHSmiths last time I looked, and briefly checking on Amazon.co.uk, those cards don't seem to be available in my country. Does the PC based store have the same restriction? Since I don't possess a Japanese credit card, much though I'd like one. Otherwise it looks like I'd have to import the cards from America to get my loli buruma fix.

>> No.2321232

Sony says yes, but everything works fine if you use a 5.00+ CFW and an ISO with the patched EBOOT.

>> No.2321248

Will the firmware update be done automatically if I have the actual UMD, or will I have to look up obscure technical terms like the Japanese for firmware when I try and do it?

>> No.2321249

All PS stores have the same restrictions about credit cards, yeah.
Oh, and when you use a japanese account, you'll have to use japanese PS Store point cards, not US or other ones. Hence eBay.
Well, eBay works fine. Some sellers even send you the code by email instead of sending the card to you. Just make sure you don't get screwed.

>> No.2321252 [DELETED] 

and by PSN store cards we mean Japanese PSN store cards

>> No.2321257

You'll have a huge "SONY PSP UPDATE SOFTWARE VERSION 5.05" under the UMD game icon in the menu. Should be pretty straightforward.

>> No.2321263
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>> No.2321266

Are you sure about that? I've bought stuff to my PS3 from USA and JP PSN. Im euro.

>> No.2321271
File: 361 KB, 1280x720, imas27403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2321276

I don't have a paypal account. I suppose I must go and make one, then. Have you any advice for finding good sellers and not being scammed, I've never bothered with ebay before.

>> No.2321283

With a EU credit card? Well, it sure didn't work me me or anyone I know.

>> No.2321295
File: 95 KB, 650x650, tihaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2321298

Just check their feedback

>> No.2321303
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>> No.2321314
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>> No.2321318
File: 259 KB, 850x850, 1235326638732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2321321

Erm, what?

No, wait let me guess. Someone told her eating a microphone would make her breasts grow?

>> No.2321322
File: 275 KB, 1280x720, imas41071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2321323

PSP isnt that cheap on ebay...

>> No.2321326


>> No.2321328

Oh, that's simple then.
I think I finally have some sort of idea what they mean by high tension now, I've heard it before in Japanese but never really known what it meant.

>> No.2321333

There are two lower tier idols in the background. Simple enough to spot.

>> No.2321335
File: 222 KB, 1280x960, imas40983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2321340

World doesn't have enough Chihaya porn.

>> No.2321341

How did you customise the front/back plate? DIY, or are there services for this?

>> No.2321348
File: 142 KB, 720x840, 1235951109279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a face sticker is the fastest way to 'skin' your PSP. Just buy spare front/back plates and sticker them up.

>> No.2321352

Original of that wallpaper please?

>> No.2321368
File: 42 KB, 800x600, Default_800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2321369
File: 115 KB, 480x272, 28-03-2009 00-47-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One step closer to the 2D world. When you receive virtual mail from non-existant entities.

>> No.2321371
File: 89 KB, 385x1200, 1221818848636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, kay. So all I have to do is get a sticker you can put through a printer, then cut to size? Neat.

>> No.2321374

Well played.

>> No.2321381
File: 83 KB, 571x674, 798627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say, rollin' around,
sittin' on dubs
cat like eye, was high on shrubs,
Coolin' in my Escalade,
Man I'm paid, I got it made,
Take me to your special place,
Close your eyes show me your face,

I'm gonna piss on it.

>> No.2321384

How do you use your shoulder buttons there?

>> No.2321388
File: 428 KB, 766x1275, 8e285bf4ae8ab17dd5d0387d53f75aa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, just be sure to get good sticker paper for it, preferably glossy.

>> No.2321393

...by pressing on them?

>> No.2321394

Her friends laughed at her for never having been on a date? I'm 20, and I've never been on a date. Though when I was very young, I did have a girl I knew back then declare her intent to marry me when she grew up.

>> No.2321399

With the balls in the way?

>> No.2321404

...the shoulder buttons are on the other side.

>> No.2321414

Ah. Good point.

>> No.2321416
File: 91 KB, 650x917, 3456567567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gotta hate,
Lovers wanna love,
I don't even want,
None of the above,
I want to piss on you.
Yes I do, I'll piss on you,
I pee on you.

I said yo body, yo body,
Is a portapotty,
And I pee out kit
And I pee on you,
Drip, drip, drip,
Pee on you,
Piss on you, piss on you

>> No.2321421
File: 125 KB, 480x272, yayoi_om0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Office mode. Because you can.

>> No.2321424
File: 48 KB, 514x275, imaskeyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are still more awesome ways to skin things, too.

>> No.2321427

Mediocre shoop is mediocre.

>> No.2321436

Now thats what i'd call HARDCORE.

>> No.2321437
File: 99 KB, 960x720, 647854786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't feel quite the same,
Once you get a whiff of my Hershey stains,
I wanna piss on you, too,
I want to pee in yo food,
Only thing that make my life complete,
Is when I turn yo face into a toliet seat,
I want to pee on you,
Yes I do, pee on you,
I'll piss on you

Haters gotta hate,
Lovers wanna love,
I don't even want,
None of the above,
I want to piss on you.
Yes I do, I'll piss on you,
I pee on you.

>> No.2321446

What's with all the crappy photoshopping?

>> No.2321456

I'd go Home, if you catch my drift.

>> No.2321462

are there more of these for the GOOD idols

>> No.2321464

Reported for shouting.

>> No.2321467

I could go for a little Enter or Numpad (-) myself.

>> No.2321470
File: 15 KB, 1965x816, 180b5e22e4cd28026c5d69c3a3de6aac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you pull that one off?

>> No.2321473

Reported for not liking Yukiho or Yayoi.

>> No.2321483

i dont like them enough to print out a sticker and put it on my 360

>> No.2321497

Guess i'll just continue like this ;_;

>> No.2321498

Ok then. I saw a Chihaya one once somewhere, but never saved it and I have no idea where, but other than the others posted so far in this thread, that's all I've seen.

>> No.2321523

Huh, now I want that game too.

>> No.2321547
File: 72 KB, 480x360, DSCN3731-75511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idolmaster or Little Busters? Tough decision.

>> No.2321552


>> No.2321605

Is it really alright to tap the touch screen like that?

>> No.2321609

Is this for PSP-2000?

I need one for PSP-1000

>> No.2321613

Actually it is, just not to hard. The Touch Screen is easily replaceable and only costs about 20$

>> No.2321686

I have no idea. Measure it out.

>> No.2321694

Just make your own, it's simple enough.

>> No.2321758

Let's try this again...
Does anyone have that wallpaper with Chihaya in it please?

>> No.2321770

I do, but you can't have it.

>> No.2321811

Anon is so cruel, I like it!

>> No.2321873
File: 35 KB, 499x375, 1219437458314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww... Pwetty-please?

>> No.2321966
File: 52 KB, 601x602, 1220102384401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fine. I'll just go make my own Chihaya wallpaper. And it'll have blackjack, and hookers... in fact, you can forget the wallpaper!
