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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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23192007 No.23192007 [Reply] [Original]

Last chapters


>> No.23192976
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>> No.23193682

Recent events made me wonder: is there rape in the futurepast? Do they weinstein somebody, years after the fact?

>> No.23194165

>is there rape in the futurepast?
Well that was a big plot point in Vol3.

>> No.23194943
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>> No.23195860

Well, he does give them a lot of fucks

I know it's 3 days late

>> No.23198050
File: 229 KB, 423x720, MR SHIROJIRO SHEKELBERG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would find a way.

>> No.23199861
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>> No.23202943
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>> No.23203863

QE is not working anymore. Stonks are in freefall.
Save us, Mr. Shirojiro.

>> No.23205136
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>> No.23206476


>> No.23206492

Are glorious.

>> No.23206739

This WHR is a bit higher than 0.7, and then she is a robot.

>> No.23206748


>> No.23207647


>> No.23210482

Nate wants that Toori dick so much it is shameful.

>> No.23211237

>pseudo-tsundere doesn't know how to express she wasn't the D
Just be glad Kawakami didn't take it all the way and have expressing how much her ass itched for penetration.

>> No.23211685

>anal penetration
Ha, grandpa stuff.
She totally wants repeated deepthroat and choking while being called a bitch and slapped until bright red.

>> No.23213686

I thought she was quite forward with her affections.

>> No.23214996 [DELETED] 


>> No.23217246

kami kami

>> No.23217455

>he doesn't know
Oh boy you have no idea what happened in the last volumes of horizon.

>> No.23217514 [DELETED] 

>look at me ma
>i'm the autistest autist of them all

>> No.23218898

Aww sweetie you're the same retard that got BTFO in the last thread pulling shit out of your ass without even reading the LN.

Please keep going, this is amusing to say the least secondary.

>> No.23219491

I thought internet olympics meme got old ages ago but boy do you fit it kek.

>> No.23219978

Mods please get rid of the shitposter secondary, thank you.

>> No.23223348
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>> No.23226738
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>> No.23228818


>> No.23231590
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>> No.23236090
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>> No.23238924


>> No.23240232
File: 1.87 MB, 2560x1552, 1582365895683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have a link to the tweet with this picture? All I know is it's by Shikei, but can't find it.

>> No.23240275

Ha, found it:

>> No.23243369

It looks kinda weird.

>> No.23244009
File: 783 KB, 2400x2400, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best girl!

>> No.23246457
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>> No.23247587

Would Masazumi do drone killings?

>> No.23248186
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>> No.23250446
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>> No.23251061

>shirojiro's wavy hair is gone
>neshinbara is reading the other page

>> No.23251330
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>> No.23251456

you missed the big one, Naomasa chewing on an alan wrench instead of smoking a that long cigarette thing.

>> No.23251507

>smoking a that long cigarette thing.
Kiseru. Read enough about that weeb in Heavy Object and you'll remember what it is.

>> No.23251565

is that ln vs anime?

>> No.23253051

I thought everyone knew about that, though.

>> No.23253127


>> No.23256464


>> No.23258096

so, how did a dog's hair made its way into Adele's specimen cup?

>> No.23261457

when did that happen?

>> No.23261667

A lot more than dog hair made into Adele.

>> No.23262037

Never, just a shitposter who has a fetish for that.

>> No.23264105

To be fair, it was good bait. I was like: Damn those dogs literally never leave her.

>> No.23265595

Around that time where Katagiri is forcing Musashi to do School Activity stuff including a school trip since they're an Academy, not a Warship so Masazumi had to find excuses to not go on a School Trip forcing Musashi to move away from Mouri Conflict. They went along with Musashi promoting equality, so everyone will retake their stool exam because Adele needs to retake hers because they found something inhuman in it. Adele panics and explains that she's eating normal food like everyone eats and a dog hair found its way on her poop.

>> No.23269871

Toori is not smiling.

>> No.23273952
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>> No.23278065 [DELETED] 


>> No.23279567

Not very lively tonight.

>> No.23280454
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>> No.23281176

Not a single chapter because js06 is going crazy with kamachi, so yeah.

>> No.23285108
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>> No.23286086
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>> No.23286940


>> No.23287278


>> No.23287463
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>> No.23287471

Something about another short story? Someone who can read moonrunes, help!

>> No.23289664
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We can always use more cute Yoshy.

>> No.23293736
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>> No.23294250

7-B/C epub when?

>> No.23297251
File: 468 KB, 1200x1760, OnC_v10_0481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23297673

He would know what to do with Corona-chan.

>> No.23297739
File: 1.28 MB, 2460x1760, OnC_v11_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only...

>> No.23299481


>> No.23302716


>> No.23306082
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>> No.23306084

It's pretty odd seeing Toori as a normal citizen. Whereas Mito and the rest are like their later selves, just weaker, Toori's rather diminished without the political role and his battery powers.

>> No.23306089
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The ninja doesn't get to complain. He went from just another side character to hero of his own story arc and won a waifu before most anyone else.

>> No.23308412

Godless Planet 2-A soon

>> No.23310775

We all agree Naruze is Kawakami's self insert, right?

>> No.23312091

Seems about as likely as anything. Although the interpretation that Kawakami is actually a cynical ultralesbian doujin artist is a little...

>> No.23314226

Woth inflation fetish to boot.

>> No.23314659

Wait, did she have an inflation fetish? I remember her being really into making the guys gay, but nothing too big. Or were you thinking of the mpreg stuff?

>> No.23315690

I was thinking Kawakami hips mainly.

>> No.23319269
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>> No.23320584
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>> No.23321355

I see that we're getting infested by /b/tards.

>> No.23331922
File: 415 KB, 1000x1000, 7812388_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more OnC in this thread.

>> No.23333077

Was anybody even left without a partner inbetween main characters in the end?

>> No.23333116
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All paired up.

>> No.23333158
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>> No.23333320
File: 567 KB, 745x1001, 24410792_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawakami and Satoyasu awakened me to the miracle that is skintight bodysuits.

>> No.23333334
File: 368 KB, 499x700, 005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The automatons and evacuated students had opened all the doors, placed boards across any height differences or holes, and otherwise created a nearly straight path.
>Her arrival was slightly later than planned due to the rear-end collision with the Tachibana Couple, but…
>“Get going, Vice Chancellor!”
>“You can ignore the ninja who’s probably around there somewhere! But save Mary-sama!”
>“Ponytails are the best!!”
>Futayo answered everyone’s cheers with speed. She did not let Soaring Wings shatter as she followed the straight line path.
>And she made a cut from straight ahead.


I lost my shit when I read that part where she's trying to find out her position on her king's battle formation whilst in bed.

>> No.23333463

Which volume is this from?

>> No.23333520
File: 400 KB, 1440x2048, EQ7k7HsUcAAs-MG.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never mind, found it

>> No.23334890

80's bodies make something to rise in me.

>> No.23337097

You're not a clown, you're the entire circus. Here >>23262037 you already showed that you don't even read the source material you try to defend from some invisible menace only you seem to know about.
Every time someone posts something you don't like you start screeching about "muh shitposters" and "muh secondaries", just a single reply away from beaking out into another tirade about how literally who is trying to murder js06 in his sleep.
Just stop it. It's not healthy. Neither for you nor for the thread at large.

>> No.23339345
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>> No.23340507

Wait. That's Satoyasu? I thought that was Kawakami.

>> No.23348729

Well, he probably doesn't have that much of a say in the matter I would assume.
But then again, his releases from the last Comikets are also kinda wack as far as anatomy goes. Partially at least.

>> No.23349022

Kawakami killed Satoyasu, hid the corpse and took over the illustrations under his name.

>> No.23362658
File: 1.86 MB, 1808x2612, Horizon6-C149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone finished vol 6C, this illustration confuse me, what is it?

>> No.23363756

Illustration source?

A goddamn Chiaki. Unbelievable.

>> No.23367227
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>> No.23367235
File: 646 KB, 2048x1464, Hexennacht_v01_006-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever its other merits, Hexennacht had some exciting art.

>> No.23369475

Kagami demonstrates peak Satoyasu here.

>> No.23374868

>Autotranslate grabbed Shirojiro's name and translated:

>> No.23374869 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.21 MB, 853x1200, 1586304377519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see you're still alive as well

>> No.23383907

>wiki says Naruze can switch into any class/style
>only the white mage, black mage, and fighter outfits are on the internet

Am I going to have to learn how to play this meme game for a png of my waifu?

>> No.23383976
File: 374 KB, 1000x1399, 1358688323059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like attacking waifus in Kawakami threads, but...
>Waifuing the bottom lesbian that always threatens to put people into situations that make them out as masochists.
Really makes me wonder about you more than Naruze.

Though, I have to wonder what it says about me to like the idea of having a boat for a waifu.

>> No.23390762

Love that Patchouli.

>> No.23402904
File: 468 KB, 690x976, 1562423340036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shrine maidens are all lewd creatures.

>> No.23410472

Kill yourself, horsefucker

>> No.23422260
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>> No.23425575

So did Js06 forgot that Kawakami exist once again or ?

>> No.23427225
File: 360 KB, 1200x1515, EVK58BWVAAYkGtC.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23429586

Who is the gigachad of kawakamiverse?
Does Sayama qualify?

>> No.23431676
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>> No.23439073

Is Masazumi sweating from her butt?

>> No.23439646

7 volumes in and I have no idea how Horizon female uniforms work.

Is it like
>inner panties
>outer panties (that connect to the hard points)

>> No.23440238


If you look at the encyclopedia, that does seem to be how it works.

>> No.23451467
File: 280 KB, 1280x1841, 039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read moonrunes well enough to know what the text is saying?

>> No.23451971

I know a little moonrunes, but sloppy moonrunes is way out of my league.

>> No.23452447

I see some titty side-eye.

>> No.23468253

Too bad that Js06 forgot that Kawakami exist.

>> No.23468272

What are you on about? He has been doing his weekly updates like usual.

>> No.23472820

>updating Horizon when he's been only translating Kamachi's LNs and manga
Good one.

>> No.23483959

Okay, I laughed. Thanks anon.

>> No.23484934

If you pull from Sad Panda, I >>23461543 will seed it to you no problem. I didn't know Nyaa still worked.

>> No.23490348


>> No.23502375

Mega Link for old stuff please

>> No.23504822

Actually I misremembered, the first one was Obstacle Overture. OO-Formation aka O2F was the second one.

>> No.23508149
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>> No.23508169
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>> No.23509213
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Hurray for Almost-Tadakatsu Day!

>> No.23509288
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>> No.23509678


>> No.23512114
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>> No.23513060

Space elves.

>> No.23514551

which one is that

>> No.23514707
File: 82 KB, 728x517, anime-horizon-in-the-middle-of-nowhere-horizon-ariadust-hd-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23519353

It was before h.265 became standard for release groups. Zurako is the right choice regardless.

>> No.23528981

God I want to eat her thighs.

>> No.23550173
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>> No.23575626
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The futurepast pope's true weapon isn't a hammer, it's fists.

>> No.23575664

Most of the artistic decisions KyoAni made in the last decade were baffling as hell. You'd think that working in a medium that didn't have the constraints of physical cameras would give animators more freedom, but instead they started with fake lens flares and then went even further down the fake-camera rabbit hole. I really don't know what they were thinking.

>> No.23576495 [DELETED] 

I wish we had such a chad Pope instead of literal faggot Satan worshipper he have.

>> No.23579168 [DELETED] 

You could say that about anyone living. Shut the fuck up or go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.23602027
File: 477 KB, 1200x1760, OnC_v13_0181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no one can compare with Sayama.

>> No.23615697 [DELETED] 

kami kami

>> No.23626607

She's truly peerless.

>> No.23630569

OnC is amazing. Go read it and come back here to discuss.

>> No.23631736
File: 557 KB, 800x1747, Blazpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife really is cute!

I played my fair share of Darkstalkers and I assume Futayo's getting punished similar to one of Bishamon's move set

>> No.23656462

A hero of our age. But what exactly is on the wall behind him?

>> No.23656604

Pretty sure its a poster from the first season of the Anime.

>> No.23668698

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.23673524
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>> No.23673551
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>> No.23676656

Rosetta = Attesor.

I feel so stupid right now, holy shit

>> No.23689254
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>> No.23695556

Does Kawakami have an amputee fetish? Also, I have to ask who became Nobuyuki's wife. I'm still at 6-A btw.

>> No.23698488

Robot arms are strong and cool.

>> No.23715932
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>> No.23716617
File: 313 KB, 740x1036, 63407380_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone reading the new Kamachi book?

>> No.23718055

Sad that Js06 is too busy with Kamachi.

>> No.23718062

Fuck off retard, go back to >>>/a/

>> No.23720018

Screw you, lol.


>> No.23720673

It's here!
