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23169122 No.23169122 [Reply] [Original]

I've found myself with a pouch of matcha so I thought I'd drink it, but I have no tea set, no clue how to make it or what amount of tea to water to use.

Anyone with experience care to help?

>> No.23170738

In the future you should ask questions like these on the tea general on /ck/, you're much more likely to get responses there. As for the matcha, I have no experience preparing it without the classic utensils. I think the chawan could be easily improvised with any other bowl with similar measurements. The chasen (tea whisk) is the real problem. I can only tell you how I did it with the tools. Basically the matcha should be kept in a cool and dry place. Once you open it and it's no longer airtight, you might want to store it in the fridge and consume it within a short time period, depending on the quality. When preparing it, put a small amount in the bowl (the ratio depends on which type of matcha you want to make, and I usually eyeball it, but for a beginner try 2g to 70ml), then pour water around 80 degrees Celsius on top, and whisk it while making a Z or W shape with the whisk. It's important to not scrape the whisk on the bottom of the bowl so just slightly above. Once it looks more or less like in OP pic it's done. As for a replacement for the whisk, you'll have to find something on your own. Otherwise, if you're just curious about the taste and if it isn't extremely expensive matcha, you could try cooking some recipe on the internet like matcha cake. A word of advice, as an avid tea drinker I do not think matcha is really worth it for regular consumption. The high price and the short time period in which it is good aside, I've come to find that replicating the taste of matcha you get at ceremonies in teahouses is impossible for me. Speaking of, you could check if there's such an establishment near you, some big western cities have a teahouse belonging to one of the matcha schools and sometimes they have days where you can watch and have some tea.

>> No.23170924

bretty gud post, anon
How does it taste, by the way?

>> No.23171504

Well see your post is why I posted here. I actually browse /ck/ fairly often but most of the time it's just shitposting. I may give the tea thread a try.

I tried whisking with a regular whisk but without the proper shape and the same amount of whisks as the chasen it's not easy to do. I also tried just shaking it in a jar to incorporate air, following advice I found online, and that seems to work out okay. I'm still not sure I got the ratio right though. I saw somewhere to use 2g for 70ml as you say but that seemed like too much to me. I'll have to experiment some more. I've had proper matcha in Japan before but I've long forgotten what it tastes like. This matcha is just something I was left with, it wasn't open but I doubt it's still fresh anymore so it might not even make a decent cup. Normally I just drink traditional black or green tea like early grey, sencha, genmaicha, etc.

>> No.23171526 [DELETED] 

the fuck is wrong with these shitheads up in charge of moderating and following the rules??
spam fuckshits
stop shitposting retared cunt mods

>> No.23173100

I'd describe macha as essentially a powerful green tea taste, but it can vary by the particular strain and cultivation. I haven't tried many myself, but the few I've tried vary from mildly sweet to particularly bitter. I prefer the bitter variety myself.

This is why you have macha in ice cream and other desserts - it essentially serves as a tea concentrate.

>> No.23173777

Boil some water, throw matcha in, drink?
Why bother with sophisticated methods.

>> No.23175114

At the very least, aesthetic is a quality unto its own for many people, though I don't give much creed to it.

Does anyone have any experience comparing the various grades of macha? I can't say I've really noticed much difference, though I like a bitter aftertaste.

>> No.23175240

I'm not discerning enough yet. It does the job (theanine & caffeine) and that's about it.

>> No.23176520

Does the anime make much of a difference?
I've taken caffeine and l-tryptophan myself, and I admittedly get jittery from that

>> No.23176529

L-theanine takes away all the jitteryness of caffeine.
That is, you'll be calm rather than nervous. But still very awake.
I find this combination to be the key which makes tea so much better than coffee.

>> No.23177200

Prepare your bed if you're one of these guys that gets extremely sleepy from matcha.

>> No.23179888

pop an l-theanine pill after a cup of coffee. big brain moment

>> No.23179896

Done that. L-theanine pills are nice.
Although I do prefer to either just drink tea, or use caffeine pill + L-theanine pill.
Somehow, I like coffee and tea better standalone. Fuck sugar and milk. Black coffee FTW.

>> No.23183931
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