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File: 134 KB, 800x1700, fuhai_komachi_booth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2313530 No.2313530 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel? Oh boy.

>> No.2313534


>> No.2313550


Seconded. I'm feeling pretty hot and bothered by that.

>> No.2313554


>> No.2313557

Made me check up on Walfas. Also,
>In other news, Fuhai Komachi 5 was yesterday, and here’s a picture of the booth! Apparently ZUN was at the event and passed by the booth, and Talka got to give him a Yuyuko and Kaguya+Twuck keychain, which is quite awesome. Quite.

>> No.2313560
File: 290 KB, 1216x912, 1235439604291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this

>> No.2313594

The closest anybody has been to be part of comiket.

Nay sayers , say what you like, but Walfas is far beyond your reach now.

>> No.2313597

Walfas is always selling his stuff at Japanese conventions.


Feels good man. I heard that Japanese ZUN has a fondness for gaijin and foreign doujin circles (all 2-3 of them).

>> No.2313609
File: 213 KB, 500x1800, 1212482648291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2313616


>> No.2313639

Zun doesn't hate gaijin.

>> No.2313670

>Apparently ZUN was at the event and passed by the booth, and Talka got to give him a Yuyuko and Kaguya+Twuck keychain, which is quite awesome.

I wonder what ZUN thought about the keychain.

>> No.2313680

Everything is just peaches for him if you pleasure him orally and with beer. At the same time.

>> No.2313689

ZUN likes beer
gaijins make beer
ZUN likes gaijin

>> No.2313690

Wouldn't you think ZUN have a group of fans following him everywhere? I could imagine that while he is walking around.

>> No.2313696

He has never stricken me as the kind of guy who wants to be treated like a rockstar just because he makes games, but I might be wrong.

>> No.2313698

>Alice Margatroid

English name but don't understand english?
Am I missing something here?

>> No.2313700
File: 198 KB, 500x1800, 529645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grief!

>> No.2313723
File: 75 KB, 800x450, english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2313728

Walfas is ok. Just the fanbase is pure shit.

>> No.2313733

>I guess Walfas is alright. It's just that the fanbase is shit.

>> No.2313743

Where can I find them translated?

>> No.2313752
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 1213498315504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2313758

Is this the only con they've been to? Do they go to others?

>> No.2313760

518 名前: 名無しさん@恐縮です 投稿日: 2009/03/26(木) 18:37:22 ID:6vXtI5rtO



>> No.2313773

Feeling indifferent. Though I think that Walfas scum is kind of out of place.

>> No.2313800

Walfas has his own unique art-style which fits quite well with the gag material he creates. I think it makes sense that he's successful.

>> No.2313840

Are you just copypasting a random post?

>> No.2313866

Newfag here. Who the fuck is Walfas and why the fuck should I care?

>> No.2313887

go away!

>> No.2313890

But I think this is such a great site. All you guys are such nice people and I wish to befriend each and every one of you desu~ ^_^

>> No.2313899

Which is why his cat Chen floats above our couch.

>> No.2313909

How am I supposed to feel?

>> No.2313935
File: 252 KB, 1024x768, wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're < ?

>> No.2314005

That'd be me.

>> No.2314008

It's really fucking pathetic how the entire western touhou scene can muster about 1.1 doujin artists worth the shit out of their ass.

>> No.2314016


most people would whine that it's pathetic to even have one.

If these guys are going to next comiket I'd visit their booth.

>> No.2316064

me too but I'd bite their hands till they're to mangled to draw and security carries me away

>> No.2316075
File: 181 KB, 534x635, walfas scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2316102

Yep, that's pretty much it. It's just meant to be cute and it succeeds.

>> No.2316114

This pretty much, I like his art it's cute.

>> No.2316126

Well, let's see you try any better.
Seriously, we have the skills and the time, why can't a group of anonymous get together and shame Walfas into obscurity?

>> No.2316134


>> No.2316137

Happy that the western Touhou fandom is accomplishing something, for a change.

>> No.2316143

>>anonymous get together

Project will either take years to produce, will completely suck, turn into a massive circlejerk of cliches, be completely disbanded after the first couple weeks, or will fade into obscurity as everyone gets bored and does something else. Can also be multiple of the above.

>> No.2316153

I feel like: "500 yen for walfas stickers? fuck! you think I crap money or something?"
On the other side, it makes me wonder how much does japan like western touhou doujin groups.

>> No.2316184

Not with that attitude.
I believe in anonymous, we're creative, capable folk. We can do it if we put our hearts into it and encourage those who do.
How can you expect anyone to carry a project to completion when the whole board is going "why bother?"

>> No.2316194

maybe it could be seen as a rare item, depending on how many walfas produce.

>> No.2316235


>ZUN said, “Oh, I think I’ve seen this before.” So, I think he recognized it.
>He didn’t exactly come visit us or anything. I happened to be in the same block as Akaneya, and I ZUN was chatting away there.
>I thought of handing the file folders as well, but, he already had a lot of stuff given to him, so I chose the two keychains, which were pretty small.

>> No.2316282
File: 42 KB, 563x497, chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what would you want to see from the Western Touhou scene? Doujins? I draw a lot of touhou but I've never really made the effort to put anything together. Maybe I could start a circle with some of the few other decent Touhou artists I know.

how about picking up that touhou+arthur crossover that was popular for a day

p.s. not a big fan of walfas due to the way he draws; chen cat is cute though

>> No.2316302

>>So what would you want to see from the Western Touhou scene?


>> No.2316316

In before thread filled with jealous Walfas haters. Walfas is the only good thing about western Touhou community.

>> No.2316318

Gonna try to join the Aki thing?

>> No.2316319

see I want to do that but I feel like I should have non-porn to offer first because porn just doesn't seem to sell well at U.S. conventions for some reason

>> No.2316327

What's that?

>> No.2316328

But Walfas sucks, even smirks are better drawn, and not even the plot of those retarded stories get saved.

>> No.2316339

In before AoC

>> No.2316343

Get out
I like Walfas a bit, but it's certainly NOT the best thing in the western fanbase.

>> No.2316347

What is the best thing in the western fanbase? Cow touhous?

>> No.2316354

I bet op is the jealous Iori E

>> No.2316357

There's nothing more except Walfas.

>> No.2316365




>> No.2316381

Ohh that. That would be an interesting thing to get on but I'm not particularly a fan of the Aki sisters and more importantly I'm not sure I could meet the deadline. School and work is what's kept me from having any completed Touhou fanwork to show.

>> No.2316410

Understandable. But you know, you can still do one-shot things. A single page or a illustration for anonymous to enjoy. Any original content is well received when its done with desire.

>> No.2316450

woofycakes would be a respectable representative or just a simple, decent artist to show that not all westerners are shit at stuff like this

>> No.2316479


Maullar's art is actually decent now. I wouldn't mind if he went back to doing doujins. And Perversions of an Eastern Wonderland was pretty good.

And I liked Chaotic Unknown's Touhou pr0n, though come to think of it I'm not sure whether he's still doing stuff, or whether he's a western artist or not; I don't think he's an Amerifag or Eurofag.

>> No.2316500


mm has and always will be a gigantic retard.

>> No.2316506

I definitely plan on doing some illustrations, hopefully this week. I could take a lesson from Walfas, while his stuff isn't artistically impressive, he puts a lot of personality into it. The opposite could be said of me! When I do draw funny stuff people tend to really like it, but it's usually parody/crossover humor (like that doodle of Cirno writing the lost frog letter). When it comes to actually making jokes and stories etc., I really have no idea what to do. I guess I'm worried about people thinking it's terribly unfunny, but maybe I should take a second lesson from Walfas and just do it anyways.

Also, now that I actually encountered a considerable number of Touhou fans at a convention, I feel like if I spend time on some prints there will actually be people to buy them! I went to Otakon last year and maybe one or two people recognized my stuff as Touhou. This year's Katsucon on the other hand was a lot different -- half of my commissions were Touhou characters. I haven't seen any other artists showing anything Touhou, so I'll try to produce the best stuff since I seem to be the only option around here. Touhou's actually a great choice since I can totally dodge that 20% or less fanart rule some conventions are pushing.

>> No.2316530

Godspeed then anonymous, and best of lucks in your endeavors.
Comedy is a hard thing to write, don't think too much about it and it should be fine. Over analyzing it kills the humor.

>> No.2316532

Him and a lot of others, too. One guy I know is putting together a danmaku doujinshi he plans to sell at Summer Comiket, I think. I might get a drawing in there if I have time... o_8 is great but I think he's too busy to do anything on the side. Not sure if he's a Touhou fan either though I know he enjoys yukkuris

I'd like to do some Idolm@ster and Yume Nikki stuff too, but they're both kind of in the area Touhou was last year -- I know it's catching on but I've seen no evidence that anyone would buy it.

>> No.2316533


Yeah, but he draws Touhou bondage.

>> No.2316538

I was under the impression Chaotic Unknown was asian?

>> No.2316545


>> No.2316548

Do any of these artists show up at Artist Alleys or the like at other conventions?
I'd like to buy their doujin shit, but I heard some cons are banning it due to copy rights, which I feel is bullshit

>> No.2316549


Huh. Guy has a deviantart page. He's an Amerifag.

>> No.2316554

>(like that doodle of Cirno writing the lost frog letter)
That one is fucking awesome, though.

>> No.2316559

That doesn't really mean much.

>> No.2316560

Touhou should be one of the few things safe from any copyright issues, since ZUN gave free-use for the characers/music/everything under "doujin" use. The only problem might be actually providing evidence of that, since his site is Japanese only.

>> No.2316576


I phrased that poorly. He has a da account and his location is listed as "United States."

I'm tired.

>> No.2316587
File: 150 KB, 599x600, cirnohopkins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you mean...THIS?! (which still usually makes me at least crack a smile)

>> No.2316589

Why don't you go to bed? I'm sure you'll feel better after you get some rest.

>> No.2316608
File: 498 KB, 707x620, cirnononowadodaiclr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I drew that in like 10 minutes and yet it's much more popular than anything I've spent hours on! That's because I always spend hours on boring pin-up type drawings though. I must learn the pixiv way of turning a remilia suplex into a charming work of art.

>> No.2316619

That is frightening, and I have no idea what is going on, but you are awesome.

>> No.2316626


He also used to draw dizzy bondage many eons ago, should we post these again?

>> No.2316637

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.2316638

What in the world

>> No.2316641
File: 233 KB, 520x520, 738960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like when people color in those power auras.

>> No.2316644


There's a couple Nipponese artists with DeviantArt pages.

>> No.2316649
File: 240 KB, 755x1000, Tenshi_bondage_by_MaullarMaullar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm ok he's gotten a bit more cleaner.

he is still a gigantic retard though and I am sick of seeing him in every place I go.

>> No.2316652

That always happens.....

>> No.2316655

I do, cocksmoker

>> No.2316663

I know how you feel. The only thing I've ever drawn that became remotely popular was something that I slapped together mostly as a joke.

Everything else has been completely ignored ;_;.

>> No.2316665

That just means you're hyped

>> No.2316667

That's why I never drew something serious again.

>> No.2316678

Anyway, it seems there more decent artist in /jp/ than I had expected.

>> No.2316683
File: 233 KB, 870x615, 1139991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2316685

Somehow that makes me feel sad. Maybe people just didn't pick up on the fact that you were creating original content?

>> No.2316694

You know, sometimes it get confused with non-western content. And if we announce ourselves, we'll be called attention whores, tough situation.

>> No.2316707

I guess it's flattering that its indiscernible, but it is a bit sad. I, for one, would like to appreciate people who contribute good art to /jp/.

>> No.2316723

the art will speak for itself

>> No.2316757

>confused with non-western content

Isn't that the highest form of praise a drawfag can get?

>> No.2316791

Yes, but if people think it's just something you got off pixiv, no one will make a big deal out of it. But if it's something obviously /jp/-made, people will make a huge deal out of it, even if it's of mediocre quality.

It's a double edged sword.

>> No.2316800

So, it's sort of like Batman where you go through so much shit to be the good, yet, have to live your days crime fighting as a villain for the greater good of Gotham.

>> No.2316871

cool I'm Batman

>> No.2317032


hey guys, we should get our asses up the bed and get to work on that amputee girl porn we been talking about. that dating sim seems good too, the one where you play as a girl and try to get Dan Kim, ZUN, Nasu, out of their apartments and date them.

>> No.2318159

why would anyone want to do that?

>> No.2318171


It is just an idea, given Anon is a creative savant.

I agree with the idea generally we should start making our own VN a real thing rather than talk about it like fantasies.

>> No.2318782

<A few days later, We decided to forget about it and keep on dreaming of doing it because united we are crumble, divided we are neutral>

>> No.2319034


What about Anon's nice day?

>> No.2319047

AoC thinks he's Satou. Don't expect to see it finished anytime soon.

>> No.2319064

If I had the resources and skill, I'd want to make a retelling of the games through music, a la Sound Horizon.

>> No.2319071

Oh, come on. It's been a year and all I've done was silly short thing anyway. Singlehandedly stalled the script development and with it the whole game and now I wonder if the rest of the team really wants to work with me when I show no interest on it at all.
So it goes. Passover week is coming and I should be done with the doujin script by then, maybe I can get some work done on it.

But I'm not a NEET. I wish I was though, would have plenty of time to write then...

>> No.2319187

I actually wanted to eventually try making a yukkuri casual MMO. I found someone willing to help program it, there's just the barrier of free time. It wouldn't be like a normal MMO where you're fighting to level up. Something like raising a family of yukkuris with different strengths I guess. I was going to make some 3D models of some yukkuris, but I realized 2D would probably work a lot better. I dunno though, the idea's dead for a while. Maybe just a casual "game" that let's you run around Gensokyo with your friends as any character would be cool.

>> No.2319220

Isometric is a good compromise for what you want to do.
How would it work anyway? Like a sort of breeding simulator, trading with other players?
Or flying around to shoot a myriad of bullets

>> No.2319252
File: 124 KB, 600x846, touhou_aya_by_mayWz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many Western touhou artists far, far better than walfas

>> No.2319261

pic unrelated?

>> No.2319268

picture not related

>> No.2319284


that's a horrible pic

>> No.2319290

I think you had a nice team gathered up that are able to understand some lack of dedication. Beating yourself up over it will just make it worse, though.

>> No.2319297

huh, I'm actually encouraged by your words.
Thanks, really should stop wallowing in the sense of defeat and do something instead.

>> No.2319315

sup mayWz

>> No.2319328

If you are asking about the yukkuri game I was thinking something like a harvest moon mmo with breeding and stuff yeah. Out in the field you would be the slime-level monsters getting bullied by everyone rather than the one doing the killing. That brings up the question of how you "level up" though? Even if it's not leveling in a traditional sense -- how does the game become more challenging? I actually think it could be a really entertaining game, the problem is how to put it all together.

The other idea I was just thinking of something like a tricked out Giko Bar in 3D Gensokyo. I'm a rookie at 3D though. Maybe I can start modeling some Touhou characters once I figure out why my shoulder rigs are failing so bad...

>> No.2319347

>>That brings up the question of how you "level up" though?

After you survive for a certain period, you enter a "mature" phase where you can breed with other Yukkuris and then play as the offspring, gaining bonuses depending on which one you breed with. It also makes it a goal to find different Yukkuris that live in different locales for different effects, and finding ones that won't slaughter you.

>> No.2319348 [DELETED] 


>> No.2319358

Reminds me of Cubivore.

>> No.2319400

Reminds me of flOw.
Has potential, but the key question is how to make the gameplay fun and not just a chore to go through like most MMO.
Maybe a more social approach? Yukkuris on their own are able to survive, but hordes and small packs are not unknown. As the social group grows, the challenges are different, including the scope of the game, besides adding a community aspect to the game.

>> No.2319416
File: 105 KB, 600x800, 1346747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could be pretty solid. I wanted you to be able to change the type of yukkuri you are at will, but I wasn't sure how that would play out. I guess you could just pick a few to have in your party and just pick a leader while the others follow. One thing I'd really like to put in it is being able to choose where you live. Like, find the side of a hill anywhere in Gensokyo and just dig a den into it, and you could change the location of your den periodically. That way it wouldn't be too tedious if it turns out you need the special ability of a yukkuri you left behind.

Having a world as big as Gensokyo means having reasons to explore all of it, though. Making a MMO that isn't simply getting strong to defeat a monster is tricky! I guess there could be an evil force preventing easy times. Or maybe it's your duty to make other take it easy.

>> No.2319419

Yeah the general idea I had was that you create your own pack. It was originally for the purpose of gaining different abilities, but maybe there could be more aspects to it.

>> No.2319420

>dig in a hill
dem dorfs? Solid, I like that idea.

>> No.2319446

>>I guess there could be an evil force preventing easy times

Larger predators, carnivorous plants (falling into a pitcher plant), natural events (hail storm), humans/youkai that want to make your life living hell, and even other yukkuri could all be challenges. I'm sure anything could be potentially fatal to a yukkuri when presented in the right way.

As far as the "ultimate goal", my guess would be making a yukkuri utopia (a yutopia, if you will) where everyone can freely and safely take it easy. But this would only solve the goal if you choose to play the social aspect, as you'd have to recruit a wide variety of other yukkuri with different strengths and weaknesses and organize them. Being a wandering yukkuri, I think instead you should be seeking a special perfect and safe haven through exploration where you'll be able to take it easy in peace.

>> No.2319467
File: 180 KB, 753x800, reimu_hakurei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one too
