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2312664 No.2312664 [Reply] [Original]

Any updates on this?

>> No.2312677

Make you happy?

>> No.2312695

What is it?

>> No.2312696


>> No.2312698

There's more planned?
I thought it was just that short vid.

>> No.2312706

I was under a rock

what is this? subbed?

>> No.2312766


>> No.2312791

Not bad. The song was quite peaceful.

However, a question lingers in my mind: why purple? I mean, didn't she dyed her hair 10 years ago?

>> No.2312804

I dont know what the website says because I fail at moonrunes.

Any idea on the release?

>> No.2312878

This was better than Maikaze's shit.

>> No.2312896


>> No.2312901

3rd August, Natsucomi, if I'm not mistaken

>> No.2312936

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.2312951

But I thought you didn't like Maikaze's animation because it was too "moe shit". This was even more so!

>> No.2312964

What are you talking about man?

>> No.2312968


This isn't "moe shit", this is "certifiably good moe".

>> No.2312972

Maikaze is moe shit, this is not.

>> No.2312987
File: 44 KB, 720x480, snapshot20081229151716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take maikaze's bloomer shots any day.

>> No.2312996

This video disgusted me due to the lack of Moriya Shrine dancing.

>> No.2313010


Somebody didn't watch to the end.

>> No.2313025

Damn, I take that back. It was moe shit beyond belief.

>> No.2313072
File: 831 KB, 512x288, a50c875df8f0e69f517737082cfa6b0a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2313096

Wait, people bitch at Maikaze and praise this?

Possible explanations:
- Trolling.
- Misguided nonconformism.
- Utter and complete lack of taste whatsoever.

>> No.2313098

>Everyone should like what I like.

>> No.2313104

Seems like it's

> Misguided nonconformism.

in your case.

>> No.2313118

Seems like you're a case of

Accept that there are people on this world with different tastes than yours.

>> No.2313138

Sure, as long as their 'taste' is genuine, not a product of the need to be special/unique/visible.

>> No.2313142

You can't dictate how a person should feel about a certain thing. We all have a free will for a reason.

>> No.2313148

People are irrational.

>> No.2313154

I don't 'dictate', I just comment on it. Ever heard of this thing called "freedom of speech"?

And I will comment, especially when what the person "feels" is illogical, inconsistent or insincere.

>> No.2313162

As I said before, learn to accept that others have different taste.

>> No.2313182

Well, that was disappointing. I expected a longer final product. The opening animation and song are nice.

>> No.2313185

Learn to accept your taste is going to be judged.

>> No.2313195

The person judging it is no more correct than the person being judged.

>> No.2313196

Deal with the fact that your opinion won't change anything.

>> No.2313200

I still don't understand what people have against the Maikaze anime. It's your typical Touhou plot:

Reimu's taking it easy at the shrine.
Something goes down.
Reimu gets annoyed.
Reimu beats up almost everyone she meets until the problem is resolved.
Reimu goes back to taking it easy at her shrine.

I imagine the next one will have her beating up more suspects (innocent bystanders), then the problem being resolved and Reimu taking it easy at the shrine again.

>> No.2313235

Confirmed ending for Musou Kakyo:
Reimu and co with the final boss drinking tea in her shrine

>> No.2313236

There was a lot of room for creativity.

>> No.2313242

It depends on the validity of their opinions. And no, don't give me "taste is subjective", it doesn't apply here. Taste is one thing, explanation and argumentation is the other. One person judges works of... let's call it art for the sake of argument... other person judges his judgement. The moment their taste and opinion turns into sentences and phrases, it can be evaluated.

Yes, yes it will. By stating it I averted the course of this thread, for example. That's not much, but a change nonetheless.

>> No.2313254

Anonymous, bringing change to /jp/.

>> No.2313268

The original argument still remains the same and your opinion about people 'trolling' or that they lack taste just because they didn't like Maikaze's work confirms that you're somewhat ignorant.

>> No.2313281

Only the original argument wasn't about "people not liking Maikaze's work". It was about "people 'not liking' Maikaze's work and then praising Kinema Kan". You conveniently disregarded the latter part, so that it would seem I'm attacking your 'taste', rather than the lack of internal logic in it.

>> No.2313324

It's nice that you're putting words in my mouth, seems like you're a master at it. So how that differs from accepting that people can have different taste again?

>> No.2313343 [DELETED] 

It would seem to me you're out of things to say.

>> No.2313346

It would seem to me you're out of arguments.

>> No.2313349

Stop arguing.
Watch some superior touhou animu here.

>> No.2313363

What part of the phrase 'lack of internal logic' you didn't understand? Yes, I have the right to point out that what someone says is not consistent with other things they say. I'm afraid you have to deal with it.

>> No.2313373

What does that have to do with the thing we were discussing? You're getting offtopic. Your lack of the ability to accept that others may like that nicovideo more than Maikaze's work is truly terryfying.

>> No.2313390

Well, I like how you refuse to discuss the details of the arguments againist Maikaze/for Kinema Kan, knowing full well the complete lack of sense and logic in them would become apparent, and keep repeating 'HALP I'M PERSECUTED FOR MY TASTE' instead.

By the way, I already explained to you it's not about taste, it's about what you say about it. You may lack reading comprehension.

>> No.2313408

Shit is too happy, where is my GRIMDARK=DEEP touhou?

>> No.2313414

Cirno gets eaten (possibly Mystia, too). That's pretty GRIMDARK if you ask me.

>> No.2313423

What sort of details do you need? You're the one that needs to go back to the original topic at hand and read it again because you're obviously lost in your own reasoning. It's funny how you can't see the obvious, that the whole thing IS indeed a matter of taste. One can find a certain thing enjoyable while other will not, and your 'genuine' taste will be different from the other person. I don't know how to explain it to you any clearer than that.

>> No.2313435

I don't need any details from you, they're all in this thread and in past Maikaze threads. You'd understand what I'm talking about if you bothered to understand the context first.

I guess you don't even know what we're talking about and just decided to troll someone. Well, good job breaking the thread about something you seemingly want to defend.

>> No.2313450

intro: Here's the characters and their general relationships with each other!

movie: Here's the characters and their general relationships with each other! Now with completely unimpressive screensaver animation instead.

end: Here's the characters and their general relationships with each other! With dancing.

I kinda liked it though.

>> No.2313451

Heh, typical. Just ignore everything and move on. To be honest, I've sensed that vibe after a couple of replies from you. You went way offtopic in some parts of the conversation just to get an upper hand it seems. It would be nice of you to learn to acknowledge what other people have to say and not disregard everything, even if you're mistaken. Turning down everything and thinking highly of yourself won't get you anywhere.

>> No.2313471

>You went way offtopic in some parts of the conversation just to get an upper hand it seems.

That's funny, because the conversation starts with my post, so we're talking about what I wanted to say, so it's not up to you to decide what's off-topic here and what isn't. The proper phrasing here would be: "It was pointed out to me there are some angles to all this I didn't consider at first, I lost the argument because of that". But I guess it would be too much to expect of you to say that.

>> No.2313474

So like what, even though you went offtopic in the conversation I'm not allowed to point that out? That goes well with the whole previous subject of the taste logic you had going on there.

>> No.2313483

I didn't go off-topic.

I told you why I didn't go off-topic. You didn't address my argument, in fact you simply ignored it, yet you keep insisting I went off-topic. Seems like you, indeed, lack reading comprehension. Or are just a simple troll who fixates himself on one thing he has to say and ignores every outside information that shows him he was close-minded on the subject.

>> No.2313492

As much as you ignore my arguments, I don't feel the need to address yours, it's as simple as that.

>> No.2313501

So why did you bother to start this conversation at all, troll?

>> No.2313507

To explain to you a few things, but I see that it's pointless.

>> No.2313508


>> No.2313513

Note that you had no intentions of understanding anyone, or getting things explained to you. And it showed all the way.

>> No.2313518

Wow, I could say the exact same thing to you. Seems like you can't comprehend what I want to tell you no matter how hard I try.

>> No.2313521


Awesome! I love vore!

>> No.2313528


OP's vid - slice of life animu. exactly what /jp/ wanted

>> No.2313533

Why, yes, I can comprehend very well. It just has nothing to do with me and things I said. It's, how they call it, a strawman.

I tried to explain to you what you say has no bearing on the subject for some time, but you obviously don't want to hear it. Because that would imply you lost the internet argument. What a tragedy would that be, eh?

>> No.2313548



>> No.2313562

Not really, in fact, as I said countless times before, you were the one leading this conversation onto different subjects while the main subject we were discussing was fading and I already directed that example about losing an internet argument to you in my previous post, only putted it in different words.

>> No.2313568

I kept the conversation focused on what my original post was about. Sorry it didn't go well with your intended subject of the conversation, ie. trolling.

>> No.2313577

You're not listening to anything a person has to say to you and you're either disregarding everything or going on about something entirely different, how's that for your trolling?

>> No.2313583

So who eated Cirno!? A frog?

>> No.2313589

I replied to each and every of your arguments. I'm sorry the replies aren't what you wanted to hear (ie. pointed out you're wrong).

Well, it's not that you had many. Especially now you're just repeating one sentence over and over. Do you really believe it will give it more substance you if you do that?

>> No.2313596
File: 52 KB, 281x283, 1237934882508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are BOTH trolling now STFU!

>> No.2313604

Get out.

>> No.2313605

Since you went way offtopic for quite some time, like this conversation we're having right now, which I pointed out several times before there's not much to discuss anymore. Nicely done derailing everything just to prove something that you're not even right about, eh?

>> No.2313607


>> No.2313615


Sounds like you're both having fun. But take this discussion of wits elsewhere.

>> No.2313625

>you went way offtopic

Claim disproved at >>2313471 and >>2313533. Yet you still repeat it without even trying to demonstrate any valid proof. Good job proving me right.

>> No.2313638

And yet again you quote a post that goes on about me not having any rights to say anything in the conversation. Please refer to >>2313474 and >>2313562 cause I believe I already replied to those statements.
I wonder who's repeating himself now?

>> No.2313649

Only there's nothing there beside "HURR DURR YOU GO OFF-TOPIC BECAUSE I SAY SO".

The only thing I didn't address from those two posts is the claim that you "have the right to say it". I did not address it because you do, of course, and the fact that it's obviously false doesn't that right away from you. You're just making yourself look bad by doing it.

>> No.2313669

You're just contradicting yourself now and the thing you say don't stay true to the quoted posts.
Do I need to remind you yet again that what we're discussing now have no resemblance to the thing we were talking about at the beginning because of your constant change of the subject?

>> No.2313688

Let me recapitulate the discussion so far:

- I made the deriding post about people who claim to like Kinema Kan while disliking Musou Kakyou
- You attacked me with your strawman about taste.
- I explained to you that I did not berate them for their taste, but for what they are saying.
- You refused to defend them for what they are saying, and started to outright troll instead.
- I followed suit.

>> No.2313707

No, I said from the start that it's a matter of taste if somehow likes it better than Maikaze while refering to the arguments such as trolling and utter and complete lack of taste that you gave in your first post. You completely missed the point.

>> No.2313734

Only when someone provides illogical and contradictory reasons for liking one thing and not liking abother, it's not a matter of taste anymore, it's a matter of validity of what he said. I have no way to know if they're simply trolling or just being irrational, what I can do is point the problem out. Which is exactly what I did.

Do I really have to explain the same thing several times?

>> No.2313772

Do you want to discuss what you see as illogical reasons? Cause every person can give you tons of reasons about a given thing that you may not agree with, but still it's still their opinion regardless how crazy and irrational it may sound to you. I guess it's a matter of taste.

>> No.2313812

Look this video:

>> No.2313833

i would understandably expect to discuss them after I made a few posts about it, going so far as to outright state it. But that was way before, when I wasn't tired from explaining one and the same thing over and over to you.

And you don't seem to understand what logic is. Logic, as opposed to taste, is objective. One can say "I like X, I dislike Y", and that's an infallible statement. But once he says "I like X because Z1, I dislike Y because Z2", it's possible to discuss them on the grounds of logic. To go for the simplest example possible - "I like this chair because it's blue, I dislike this other chair because it's blue" - which is illogical no matter how you look at it. This statement's validity cannot be defended with "it's my taste" alone, anyone can and probably should point out that the person who said it is either irrational or insincere.

>> No.2313838

Holy shit guys, lets just say you are all right.

>> No.2313847

I enjoy how ignorant and fanboy your post is made out to be!
Good voice actors don't make up for a lack of good story, good gags, good development, good art, and pacing.
Maikaze was in all intents and purposes a fan project based on love.
Love doesn't make something good, but it will go far to make other people side with it.

But I guess you must be one of those guys going off love and can easily ignore everything else just because it's touhou.
ZUN never made himself out as an artist, but everything he does well he does exceptionally well. Maikaze does everything... subpar.

>> No.2313855

You still seem to disregard everything I say to you. You go for some irrational examples while i give you a person who just states that he doesn't like a given thing because of one factor, or few of them it doesn't really make a difference, that you might disagree with. It's still a matter of your own perception and how you define everything. There's nothing more to add to that description really. I hope that it's clear to you.

>> No.2313858

>"I like this chair because it's blue, I dislike this other chair because it's blue"

Not the guy you are replying to but it is not illogical.
Chair has other features beside color. What if the blue color doesn't match the feature of the other chair.

For example, fanservice animu is generally bad. But it doesn't mean I hate all fanservice animu.

>> No.2313865 [DELETED] 


"Because" implies inclusiveness. The example given was not "I like this chair; incidentally, it is blue. I dislike this other chair; incidentally, it is not blue.".

>> No.2313863

>i give you a person who just states that he doesn't like a given thing

Which is precisely why I told you repeatedly that you don't understand the context here. I pointed out you should learn it before jumping into discussion as early as >>2313435. You refused to.

>> No.2313868


"Because" implies inclusiveness. The example given was not "I like this chair; incidentally, it is blue. I dislike this other chair; incidentally, it is blue.".

>> No.2313870

You're mixing two different things here. It's not illogical to like one thing of a specific color and not like another. It's illogical to bring up the color as the reason for it.

>> No.2313875

You were the one that didn't understand the context of the conversation. The main evidence of this is that you were talking about everything else while I was stating that it's all a matter of taste the whole time.

>> No.2313879


Yeah, he was, uh... arguing that it wasn't a matter of taste.

You a troll, mate?

>> No.2313882
File: 146 KB, 600x808, facepalmmmmmmmmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2313884

No no no there is wrong and right.

Otherwise there wouldn't be artwork at all. Just because someone enjoys seeing shit doesn't mean it's worth more than shit. Maikaze is shit because they don't know what the hell they are doing. This is fine because it's synced with actions and music. Quirky but keeps more or less true to the characters.

There is nothing to compare, the question isn't of taste, it's of art.

>> No.2313886


is not me, but I seriously don't have anything more to add.

>> No.2313889


What, is the artistic value of something scored out of ten by the Art God and written in marker pen on the back? Or is it, perhaps, just a specific group of people's tastes?

>> No.2313892

No idea what this argument is about.
I love 東方活動写真館 フル版 修正版.
I hate Maikaze anime.

東方活動写真館 フル版 修正版 - moe shit done right.
Maikaze - moe shit done wrong even with famous VA.

You guys just have to accept everyone got different taste.

>> No.2313895

Not really, the point is that he was talking about something entirely different throughout the whole conversation while I tried to explain to him that it's all a matter of taste.

>> No.2313904

>>2313895 something entirely different

Care to specify what, exactly? All I see is a fairly convincing explanation of how opinions can be logically flawed.

>> No.2313908


And to be valid or relevant, tastes need logically consistant backing arguments, or you're not discussing or arguing, just blogging.

>> No.2313910

Yes, I was apparently talking about something entirely different than you. Too bad we were discussing my statements, so it was my posts that were relevant here.

This is what I wanted. Had this reply shown up four hours ago, we would have a nice interesting discussion (or a nice entertaining troll) about what we consider wrong and right.

Maybe it will happen, but I'm too tired to participate. Sigh.

>> No.2313916

Do you want a rundown of every possible topic we went through? The main argument is about liking Kinema Kan more than Maikaze and how it spawned this pointless discussion.

>> No.2313918

OP animation is not better than any other Touhou flash.

Watch this vastly superior video.

>> No.2313925
File: 269 KB, 812x556, 1234990300811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this thread sure is full of retards who aren't half as clever as they think they are.

>> No.2313937

The whole argument spawned from your statement, but that doesn't really mean anything since the discussion didn't end on anything in particular.

>> No.2314121

so much better then maikaze

>> No.2314211

shut the fuck up

>> No.2314648

Ai guiz wat are yu taking abou?

>> No.2314654

>full of retards who aren't half as clever as they think they are
>Image macro
You're correct.

>> No.2314712

Damn, I just wanted to know if there were any updates on the damn thing....
