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File: 375 KB, 998x561, 2562215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2294110 No.2294110 [Reply] [Original]

Fancy Rika thread!

>> No.2294113
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>> No.2294117
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>> No.2294122
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>> No.2294120
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>> No.2294136
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Rika resting against some stones

>> No.2294133
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>> No.2294138
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>> No.2294141
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>> No.2294142
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>> No.2294146
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>> No.2294147
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>> No.2294150
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>> No.2294152
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>> No.2294159
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>> No.2294162
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>> No.2294160
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>> No.2294164
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>> No.2294168

Is it bad that the first thing I thought when I saw the OP image was "It's Star Sapphire"?

>> No.2294169
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>> No.2294175
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>> No.2294180
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>> No.2294183
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>> No.2294186
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>> No.2294190
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>> No.2294191
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>> No.2294196
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>> No.2294198
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>> No.2294199
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>> No.2294202
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Auuuuuuut of images.

lame joke I know.

>> No.2294215
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Il take it from here anon

>> No.2294219
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>> No.2294231
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>> No.2294238
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Not really, that is kinda uncharacteristically happy for Bern.... Fancy Rika.

>> No.2294247
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>> No.2294288
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>> No.2294310
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>> No.2294312
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>> No.2294315
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>> No.2294318 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 106x106, hanyuu shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not Fancy Rika!

>> No.2294319
File: 3 KB, 106x106, hanyuu shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not Fancy Rika!

>> No.2294338

Why is there no fancy Rena in this game?

>> No.2294339

I know. I meant to post the one below it.

sage for no more contribution.

>> No.2294357
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>no more contribution

>> No.2294361

Rika + Hanyuu - horns = Bern?

>> No.2294366

Because Rena doesn't have a supernatural connection.

>> No.2294550

Because Rika > Rena

>> No.2294566

Beatrice is Rena, we just haven't been told it yet.

>> No.2294575
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Rika + (Rika x amount of reincarnations) = [Frederica] Bernkastel.

Bernkastel, however, we know fuckall about.

>> No.2294584
File: 7 KB, 231x251, slowpoke pissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play part 4

>> No.2294589

So Frederica Bernkastel < Bernkastel?

>> No.2294594

Bernkastel is the accumulation of memories from all the Rikas that have died over the past century that have become self-aware, as she says at the start of Minagoroshi-hen. Presumably Bernkastel was created when the amount of Rika's memories that Hanyuu deposited in the dimension with the fragments reached a critical mass. The scenario for a death of Rika's mind described by Bernkastel is probably what would happen if that accumulation of memories became too great to be housed in a human being.

What presumably happens when "Rika" arrives in a new world is that a copy of Bernkastel's memories replaces the existing Rika's memories (Rika can't recall anything from before she was playing her friends in Minagoroshi-hen or from before she was hit with a ball in Saikoroshi-hen). We can't be sure that she retains all of Bernkastel's memories, since in Saikoroshi-hen Hanyuu explains to Rika that the worlds appear as fragments in the realm of the gods and how they traveled between worlds by joining these fragments, which Bernkastel must have already known since she can manipulate them (but Hanyuu could be reiterating something Rika knew). Also, Bernkastel is aware of what happened in Minagoroshi-hen at the start of Matsuribayashi-hen, but the Rika in the world of Matsuribayashi-hen lacks that information (but that may be simply be an anomaly due to Hanyuu's powers failing).

>> No.2294596
File: 378 KB, 1075x1518, Love and hate-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is Bern's dress a little TOO perfect for direct crotch access?

>> No.2294597

However, the fact that Rika is aware that a version of herself exists in a higher dimension, that she says she isn't Rika when she's speaking to Rena in Tsumihoboroshi-hen (Bernkastel feels that way to an extent) and that she gives herself the name Bernkastel when inhabiting Rika's body in Saikoroshi-hen to distinguish herself from the original Rika indicates that the Rikas of the various worlds possess at least some of Bernkastel's memories. Conversely, in Minagoroshi-hen Bernkastel says that she only has the memories that Rika obtained from the various worlds, that she was born in the human world and refers to herself as Rika at one point. Based on that, as well as all the things she says in the tea parties in Umineko which make it clear she was born from the events in Higurashi, we can assume that Bernkastel views herself as an being that's a continuation of Rika rather than a completely separate entity, which supports a close connection between them.

When Rika dies, Hanyuu sends the memories from that world to join the accumulation of memories in that higher dimension and thus become part of Bernkastel. This would explain why Bernkastel retains the name that "Rika" came up with in Saikoroshi-hen and why the Rika in the world at the end of Saikoroshi-hen says that the version of her in the higher dimension no longer matters, since her memories won't be joining it when she dies.

So in conclusion, a copy of Bernkastel's memories and personality replace Rika's mind and then the experiences of that copy merge with Bernkastel when the Rika of that world dies. Bernkastel neither created Rika nor is she really a separate entity (since 'Rika' is simply Bernkastel's mind in a human body) until they diverge at the end of Saikoroshi-hen.

>> No.2294602



>> No.2294615


>> No.2294626


(BERNKASTEL) - Located in Realm of the Gods
(RIKA) - Located in Hinamizawa
Every time (RIKA) is reborn, (BERNKASTEL) takes over remotely. Every time (RIKA) dies, (BERNKASTEL) assimilates her memories.
At the climax of Higurashi, (RIKA) doesn't die, and therefore splits off from (BERNKASTEL) forevermore.
(BERNKASTEL) goes on to become a witch and have tea parties and play quantum chess.

>> No.2294627

The simple answer is fancy rika = all the dead rikas put together.

>> No.2294631

Hanyuu back then when she was not useless vs Fancy Rika

>> No.2294639
File: 7 KB, 232x251, slowpoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it now, thanks

>> No.2294655


Lambdadelta postulates that "witches" are the stepping stone between Human and God, so Hanyuu should be stronger (or rather Bern's power wouldn't work on the mindfuckery of a deity).

>> No.2294675
File: 87 KB, 503x480, ber_akuwaraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2294694

But all Hanyuu did was to get herself killed.

Yet witches have to go trough so much shit...

>> No.2294721
File: 474 KB, 543x964, 1bf7571cdfe80886c5dcd56f3d1ba6fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her death defeated the demon.
Worship did the deal.

Look how powerful she was and then image how fuckawesome Jesus is!

>> No.2294729
File: 71 KB, 640x480, frederica_bernkastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2294741

Was it ever explained where the queen carrier came from?

>> No.2294783


It came from Takano's mind, as that theory was false.

>> No.2294805

Then there was the virus with no cure at all?
Once you grind yourself a level up you cant go back? Not even Rika can save your ass?

>> No.2294822
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It's a parasite that's LODGED IN YOUR BRAIN.
Removing it would almost certainly kill you. Killing it without killing the localized area of the brain would be nearly impossible.
Logically, that shit would be incurable.

They learned to suppress it with drugs, and that's what they did.

>> No.2294865

nasty shit!

>> No.2294886 [DELETED] 

The most terrifying part of Hinamizawa syndrome is, well, it exists. Kind of.

>In stage 1, immature cysts appear within 1-4 weeks during which the oncosphere lodges to the brain and finally expands into a cyst. It is mainly asymptomatic, although flu-like illness, rare seizures, rare increased intracranial pressure from massive infestation has been recorded. In stage 2, the cysticerci become mature and viable about 2 months after egg ingestion. The cyst possesses a protoscolex with the cyst bladder and causes no or minimal surrounding inflammation or edema. The cysticerci also down-regulate host cellular immunity. Stage 2 cysts are also asymptomatic, and can persist for more than 10 years.

>Stage 3 is typified by colloid or degenerating cysts with thick cystic fluid, thickened capsule, and appear two to 10+ years after the cyst becomes mature. The cyst no longer prevents a host immune response and its antigens leak from the bladder wall. The intense inflammation is provoked around the degenerating cyst. Most patients bearing stage 3 develop clinical signs and symptoms such as seizures, occasional focal neurological signs, headaches, nausea, vomiting, lethargy from increased intracranial pressure and altered mental status.

Stage 3 neurocysticercosis drives you insane. Some guy who got it tried to surf on top of his car and then jumped down to his death. And like the Hinamizawa syndrome, it's usually treated by drugs.


>> No.2294891

The most terrifying part of Hinamizawa syndrome is, well, it exists. Kind of.

>In stage 1, immature cysts appear within 1-4 weeks during which the oncosphere lodges to the brain and finally expands into a cyst. It is mainly asymptomatic, although flu-like illness, rare seizures, rare increased intracranial pressure from massive infestation has been recorded. In stage 2, the cysticerci become mature and viable about 2 months after egg ingestion. The cyst possesses a protoscolex with the cyst bladder and causes no or minimal surrounding inflammation or edema. The cysticerci also down-regulate host cellular immunity. Stage 2 cysts are also asymptomatic, and can persist for more than 10 years.

>Stage 3 is typified by colloid or degenerating cysts with thick cystic fluid, thickened capsule, and appear two to 10+ years after the cyst becomes mature. The cyst no longer prevents a host immune response and its antigens leak from the bladder wall. The intense inflammation is provoked around the degenerating cyst. Most patients bearing stage 3 develop clinical signs and symptoms such as seizures, occasional focal neurological signs, headaches, nausea, vomiting, lethargy from increased intracranial pressure and altered mental status.

Stage 3 neurocysticercosis drives you insane. Some guy who got it tried to surf on top of his car and then jumped down to his death. And like the Hinamizawa syndrome, it's usually treated by drugs.


Wonder if Ryukishi knew of the disease.

>> No.2294911

name of this?

>> No.2294934

Neurocysticercosis, if it ends in your brain. Tapeworms aren't meant to be in your brain, so if they end up there, they go "fuck that shit" and form cysts until they're in a suitable environment. Which is never, since they're lodged in your brain. Then you slowly go insane due to tapeworm poop.

It's also really common, and you have a chance to turn attractive girls you like into yanderes by spiking their drinks with tapeworm eggs. He who controls parasites controls his harem.

>> No.2294942

>Stage 3 neurocysticercosis drives you insane.

>> No.2294943

Is there any easy way to get tapeworm eggs?
it would be fun to make people go insane from worm shit.

>> No.2294946

oh wow!

>> No.2294955

>10+ years for symptoms

There are easier and quicker ways surely

>> No.2294962

Humans and pigs alike shit them out on a regular basis. Cysticercosis usually happens when pigs are let near fruit trees and some fruit gets contaminated. From there it should be relatively simple to get rid of all the fecal matter out and leave delicious tapeworms.

>> No.2294969

But how do you make sure that it gets into someones brain?

>> No.2294973

Since it's 2 to 10+ years, perhaps it's for people who like the thrill of not knowing when they go home from work one day to find that their wife has killed every women he knew due to jealousy and is masturbating with blood in the middle of the gore show.

>> No.2294978

/jp/ = VNs, Touhou and biologic warfare

>> No.2294979

But this way you can spread it AND escape before anything happens.

>> No.2294984


Well moot DID say this board lacked direction...

We can give it one!

>> No.2294996
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Also more fancy Rika

>> No.2294999

we are about to create a disease that kills everything but basement people

>> No.2295005

Luck, mostly, but everybody has a shitload of parasites so she won't notice if they end up in their intended target (intestines) and they don't cause noticeable results if they end up in muscles unless in ridiculous numbers. Truly a most useful parasite.

>> No.2295015

Technically Rika is all the dead Rikas put together as well.

>> No.2295018

Un-Uncooked pork, you say? Oh my. I've eaten my fair share of that ...

>> No.2295054

I always assumed that the pathogen was a retrovirus or possibly an intracellular microbe, as it couldn't be detected by electron microscope in tissue samples from patients that were less than L5. Then again Hinamizawa Syndrome doesn't make much sense biologically, so it's better not to think too deeply about it.

>> No.2295055

Oh, I see.

>> No.2295056

This thread sure took a strange turn.

>> No.2295106

Ah, I see. I have neither read nor watched Higurashi, as I'm somewhat of a traitor to /jp/ and only get rudimentary knowledge from Wikipedia summaries. Though, for small agents of disease look no further than prions, already known to be capable of greatly affecting human mentality (kuru, fatal familial insomnia, mad cow disease) and isolated completely only in early 1980s (a fun coincidence, here. )

>> No.2295193

Nah, this is normal.

>> No.2295255

No, prions are a really bad candidate.
1. They can't be familiar, since outsiders can get it. K1 would have had to have eaten someone's brain who had the disease.
2. They are very gradual diseases that take many years to manifest. The whole 'triggered by stress' thing would be impossible with a prion disease.
3. All patients would have to develop the disease eventually as they can't stay dormant.
4. Patient's brains are full of protein aggregates that are easily visible under microscopy.

>> No.2295496

Prions can be transmissed in other ways, given that it's theorized elks and deer poop their version of mad cow disease. Perhaps the prion in question is airborne. Definitely not inherited though, your point is valid on that.

High periods of dormancy and very fast onset is actually a characteristic of prions. Kuru has an incubation period of about 10 years, even more for vCJD. Prions were also mostly hypothetical until the 1980s and are simply denaturation-resistant proteins that can pass on their secondary structures, so it's not unlikely that there exists a variant that does not aggregate and stays relatively indistinguishable from the regular folding while altering the activity.

>> No.2295511

Demons and aliens did it

>> No.2295913

Still, the fact that the onset of the syndrome is triggered by stress doesn't really fit with a prion, since these diseases effectively start when the nervous system can no longer cope with the accumulated deposits of misfolded protein. Considering that the protein aggregates are what cause the problem in the first place, a prion disease that doesn't form them seems somewhat unlikely.

And the fact that a prion protein would have to change the conformation of another protein would probably make it difficult to transmit via the air, since I don't see how neuronal proteins would get into an aerosol and from there reach the neurons of another person.

I think that a retrovirus or some other latent virus would make more sense as a cause of the disease, since stress can trigger the activation of latent viruses.
